Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Parish Council

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Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Parish Council


To all Members of the Parish Council you are summons to attend the following meeting of the Parish Council It will be held in the Village Hall, Maiden Bradley on Tuesday 15th May 2007 at 8.30pm


1. Public Question time.

Prior to the commencement of the meeting, there will be, if required, a short period of time for public questions or information. Sarah Walker will speak to the Parish Council regarding the Youth Club

2. Welcome and Introductions.

3. Declarations of Interest

To receive any disclosure(s) of interest by a Councillor or an Officer in matters tobe considered at this meeting, in accordance with provisions of sections 94 or 117 of the Local Government Act 1972 or the National Code of Local Government Conduct. Members are also reminded of the need to observe paragraphs 14 & 15 of the code.

14. A member must, within 28 days of becoming aware of any changes to the Interests specified in the register of members Interests, provide written notification to the Monitoring officer.

15. A member must within 28 days of receiving any gift or hospitality over the value of £25.00, whilst in their official capacity under the code, provide written notification to the monitoring officer of the existence and nature of that gift or hospitality.

4. Apologies for Absence.

5. Minutes of the Parish Meeting 10th April 2007.

Council is asked to note the minutes of the Parish Meeting held 10th April 2007.

6. Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on the 10th April 2007

Council is asked to consider and, if agreed, adopt the Minutes of the Meeting on 10th April 2007. 7. Clerks Report

Smoking in the Workplace

The Clerk would like to inform Council that she has implemented the new smoke free law in her place of work and has a sign displayed. The Clerk has also implemented the signage for the Bus stop advertising it as a smoke free zone. The Parish Council is now compliant ready for the 1st July 2007 Law.

Parish Steward Weed Spraying

The Clerk has advertised in the village shop if any Parishioners having an apery could contact her as the Parish Stewards will be starting the weed spraying next month. The request of the Parish Council that the whole length of Church Street needed spraying has been passed onto the Parish Steward and added to the list of work required in the Parish.

Parish and Town Council Planning Seminar 26 th January 2007

Council is asked to note that the Clerk has received the reply below from Stephen Thorne Head of Development Services Salisbury District Council.

I am sorry that you consider that the content of the seminar was disappointing and that we overly concentrated on the e-government aspect of my service provision and how parish council's should engage, rather than extending the slot on conservation. I notice that in your e-mail of the 15th January you requested that planning in conservation areas was covered and this resulted in the item we covered, which was targeted as to why we designate conservation areas and therefore what we need to protect.

Central Government has set high targets of local government in terms of electronic engagement and collectively as a council we are trying to comply with those demands, as in due course we will be inspected and assessed as to where we are in the process.

Parish Councils are an important local source of information and that is why I want to continue the positive relationships we have, by ensuring you are all aware as to the future shape of how engagement with the planning process will evolve. This will be electronic and over time I foresee there will be less and less paper copies of plans and particulars being sent to parish and town councils and a greater reliance upon the planning web site, e-mails and the like. This is the way central government want us to proceed and as a district council we have very little choice in the direction of travel.

That said, I have noted your concerns and as we put these seminars on for your benefit, I will try and achieve a better balance between the more traditional topics of planning law, policy and the e-governance dimension.

06/203 Internal Auditor

The Clerk has now passed the accounts onto the Internal Auditor. 06/228 – 06/172 Grants Presentation

The Clerk wishes to inform Council that she has not received any replies as yet from any of the Clubs/ Societies regarding a second Grants visit from Gale Gould and her colleague.

Parish Plan Validation

The Clerk wishes to inform Council that the meeting with Anne Scadden took place on the 30th April 2007 and the outlook of the meeting was favourable.

06/229 Higgins Organic

Mr Paul Brown has been in contact with the Clerk regarding moving the signage for Higgins Organic and this work will take place as soon as possible.

06/235 Inland Revenue Courses

Council is asked to note that the Clerk has calculated the mileage fuel costs she has encored for all courses and meetings she has attended as follows:

Inland Revenue Courses bath 30.4 miles x 3 = 91.20 Dinton Rural Housing Association Seminar 36.3 miles x 1 = 36.3 Salisbury District Council Parish & Town Council Meetings 45.08 x 3 = 135.24 Mendip District Council meeting 38.42 miles x 1 = 38.42

The Total mileage claimable would have been 301.16 miles @ 44.2p per mile = £133.04 as per NJC Allowances from the Society of Local Council Clerks

Unitary Bid

Council is asked to note that the Clerk has put together all the information regarding the Bid which will be distributed around the Councillors.

Council is also asked to resolve whether it wishes to send a representative to the Wiltshire Association of Local Councils “One Council for Wiltshire” Seminar which is an informative seminar which seeks to address the issues surrounding the bid for One Council for Wiltshire that may be faced by Parish Councils and to discover the national perspective and how the concept fits in with the Local Government white paper. It takes place on Thursday 24th May 2007 6.30pm (for a 7pm start) – 9.00pm at The Corn Exchange, Market Place, Devizes. This is a free admission seminar but places must be booked. Council is asked to resolve if or who it wishes to send as a Parish representative. The Wiltshire Association has also asked if the Parish Council could complete the questionnaire below. They would be grateful if the response reflected the Parish Council as a whole.

Wiltshire Association of Local Councils - One Council for Wiltshire Consultation - April 2007

One Council for Wiltshire?

As parish and town councils will be aware, Wiltshire County Council's bid for Unitary Status is now at the consultation stage.

The consultation runs until 22 June 2007 and details can be found at http://www, 509022. The website details a list of statutory consultees which includes the county association of local councils.

Before responding in any way, Wiltshire Association of Local Councils wishes to collate the views of its member councils and we would be grateful if you would complete and return the questionnaire overleaf.

We would be grateful if the responses to the questions reflect the views of the council as a whole. It is open to anyone to respond to this consultation document, commenting either on the proposal affecting their area, or more generally and individuals or individual councils may respond as they wish to [email protected]

Information on the County Council's bid for unitary status, including the proposal, can be accessed at paper.htm

Responses from District Councils in Wiltshire can be viewed at their individual websites,;; and

Please complete the attached questionnaire and return by post to:

Katie Fielding County Secretary Wiltshire Association of Local Councils Wyndhams St. Joseph's Place Devizes Wiltshire SN101DD

By email: [email protected],uk or by fax: 01380 728476 By

Wednesday 30* May 2007 Please note that any comments communicated verbally cannot be collated with written responses to formulate an overall response. For this purpose we can accept written responses only. Wiltshire Association of Local Councils - One Council for Wiltshire Consultation - April 2007

"One Council for Wiltshire"? Questionnaire for Town and

Parish Councils

1. What might be the benefits to the parish or town council if the arrangements set out in the proposal to create "One Council for Wiltshire" were implemented?

2. What might be the drawbacks to the parish or town council if the arrangements set out in the proposal to create "One Council for Wiltshire" were implemented?

3. What kinds of support, training or assistance would the parish or town council wish to have available if the arrangements to create "One Council for Wiltshire" were implemented?

4. Overall does the parish/town council support the proposal to create "One Council for Wiltshire"? D Yes D No Still considering the council's position

Council Name: RoSPA

The Clerk wishes to inform Council that she has received notification that RoSPA will be inspecting the play area in the month of June.

8. Skip Grants

Council is asked to resolve whether it wishes to take advantage of the Western Area Committees offer to finance the shortfall for a second refuse compactor visit this year and if so resolve the possible months that Council would like the visits to take place in.

9. Planning

Council is asked to note that the following applications:

S/2007/115 Greystones High Street Maiden Bradley

Full Application Amendments to New dwelling (Plot1) approved under planning application S/2005/2253

Salisbury District Council have granted permission for the development

82/83 The Square Maiden Bradley

S/2007/246 Full Application Retrospective- Erection of Timber Shed to Rear Garden

Salisbury District Council have granted permission for the development

10. K. M. Dike Nurseries ltd

Council is asked to comment on a letter dated 4th April 2007 from K. M. Dike Nurseries informing Council that the Parish Councils Annual Contract with them will incur a 5% increase as of the 1st April 2007. 11. Mere District and Link Scheme

Council is asked to note the invite below from Mere & District link scheme. Council is also asked to resolve if it wishes to be represented and if so who would like to attend as the Parish Representative.

On behalf of the Mere and District Link scheme I have been asked to contact all the parish councils in our pick up area to invite their members to our A.G.M. The A.G.M. will be held on Wednesday May 23rd at 7.30pm at The Grove Building opposite the Parish Church in Mere.

At the present moment I am the Vice Chairman. At the A.G.M. I hope to be elected Chairman of the Link scheme. Our aim is to keep this service going in our whole area. Donations from persons using us amounts to 65% of our total costs. As well as fund raising our selves we are looking for help if possible from local councils. I am available to answer questions at any time.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your co-operation and help to us in the past. Tony Taylor Link Scheme Parish Representative.

12. Salisbury Police/Community Consultative Group (PCCG)

Council is asked if it wishes to send a representative to the Salisbury Police/Community Group meeting held on Tuesday 22nd May 2007 7.30pm at City Hall Salisbury, if so Council is also asked to resolve who would like to attend as the Parish representative. There is an opportunity to ask any questions on Policing issues and to discuss any issues the Parish may be concerned about.

13. New Councillor Training Day

Council is asked to resolve whether it wishes to send representatives to the Wiltshire Association of Local Councils training day for new councillors on Saturday 2nd June 2007 9.30am – 3.30pm at Calne Town Hall. The cost is £35.00 + VAT (£41.13) for 1 delegate and £30.00 + Vat (35.25) each for 2 + delegates. The day will seek to provide a foundation for new and existing Councillors to tackle the role of representing their Parish Council. 14. Community First Membership

Council is asked to resolve its continued involvement with Community first and agree the annual payment of £34.00 per year. The work of Community First is best led by those who understand and recognise the needs of local people - the communities themselves and those who work directly with them. The active involvement of groups and individuals across Wiltshire and Swindon in the governance of Community First is a vital ingredient in our continued success. In this way we have been able to develop services that best meet the needs and aspirations of local communities which this year has seen the introduction of Wheels to Work, providing transport to enable young people to access work opportunities and continued support to village shops retaining vital services in rural communities. Community first have produced the low cost training days the Clerk has attended, supplies a vital line of information on the new legislation and gives access to help for the community.

15. Bradley House Fireworks

Council is asked to comment on the correspondence the Clerk has received concerning the firework display at Bradley House on the 21st April 2007.

The specific complaints focus mainly on domestic pets being spooked, with other concerns about young children being woken and disturbance to wildlife. There have been suggestions that range from banning or limiting the number of firework displays Bradley House is allowed, to ensuring that people within range know in advance that it is coming, and can take precautions.

16. Annual Insurance Renewal

Council is asked to approve the Insurance quotation from Allianz Cornhill for the Council for 2007 – 2008 of £630.85

17. Salisbury District Council Play Strategy Consultation

Council is asked if it wishes to comment on Salisbury District Councils Play Strategy

Salisbury District Council in partnership with the other Wiltshire councils has been developing a Play Strategy for South Wiltshire.

The catalyst for this Strategy has been the availability of ring-fenced funding for provision of play opportunities for District Councils through the Big Lottery Fund. Whilst this was the starting point for the Strategy we are seeing play as a truly crosscutting theme. Commitments have been made to continue to embed play and to further raise the profile of play throughout the District and with other key stakeholder organisations in their geographical areas.

The collaborative partnership working involved in this process has produced strong links, which will further raise the profile of play within Salisbury District Council individual councils.

We have drawn on evidence, from local consultation, undertaken within the district to inform this strategy and action plan.

This is the first ever Play strategy for Salisbury District Council and we would like to hear your views at this stage before moving to the final stages of producing the document and agreeing the action plan.

The document can be found on Salisbury District Council's website:

It is still in its draft state, which means that it has not yet been sent to a graphic designer and formatted. You may also find that information that is important to you is missing so this is your opportunity to help shape still further this strategy. All the comments will be taken into consideration and where appropriate changes will be made to the strategy.

Comments can be directed to the Principal Community Development Officer: askyring(5) or 01722 434568. They will be holding a specific consultation event on the 8th June @ 5 Rivers Leisure Centre, The Butts, Hulse Road, Salisbury SP1 3NR @ 9.30 - 1pm for key stakeholders to discuss the draft Play Strategy. If any Councillors would like to attend please inform the Clerk.

18. Email Disclaimer

Council is asked to resolve the use of an email disclaimer by the Clerk for all the electronic information the Clerk produces and passes on.

Why Councils need them There is no legal requirement to have an E-mail disclaimer attached to a council’s electronic mail. The legal effect of E-mail disclaimers can be limited but the reason why most councils have them is clear. E-mail disclaimers are added for legal reasons. What councils seek to protect or disclaim liability for is usually set out in the E-mail disclaimer with varying degrees of success. They are looking to deal with transmission of viruses, notify recipient of confidentiality, prevent entry into binding contracts, exclude liability for employee actions including defamatory statements.

Liability Like most employers, a council could be responsible for the contents of E-mails and actions of its employees. Councils could be held liable for defamatory or offensive content in E-mail, which has resulted in six figure payments. In effect, the E-mail disclaimer is intended to deal with various potential liability issues relevant to a council as well as providing notification of confidentiality.

E-mail disclaimer content • Liability as required including virus or software corruption. • The E-mail expresses the views of the author and not necessarily the council. • Exclude liability for unauthorised or unlawful statements. • Be clearly marked within the E-mail • Assert confidentiality or privileged information. • Confirm action to be taken if E-mail is misdirected to the recipient. • Clearly show the councils name, address and telephone number. • Exclude any warranty or representation as to the accuracy and completeness of any information. • Expressly exclude the possibility of contract formation by persons or employees. Sample Disclaimer If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender and delete the e- mail and all attachments immediately. This e-mail (including any attachments) may contain confidential and/or privileged information, if you are not the intended recipient any reliance on, use, disclosure, dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail or attachments is strictly prohibited. It has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment may still contain software viruses, which could damage your computer system. We do not accept liability for any damage you sustain as a result of a virus introduced by this E-mail or any attachment and you are advised to use up-to-date virus checking software. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error free. This e-mail is not intended nor should it be taken to create any legal relations, contractual or otherwise. Any views or opinions expressed within this e-mail or attachment are solely those of the sender, and do not necessarily represent those of Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Parish Council unless otherwise specifically stated. If verification is required, please request a hard copy version. We are not bound by or liable for any opinion, contract or offer to contract expressed in any e-mail. Sarah Jeffries maiden Bradley Parish Clerk 01985 213 436

19. Maiden Bradley Village Shop Grant letter

Council is asked to comment on a letter received from the Village Shop Association and resolve a decision.

Re: Maiden Bradley Village Shop.

This letter is to formally apply for funding from the Parish Council as follows:- a. CCTV Monitor - cost quoted £125 the old one has been broken for many months now. It is vital that we have a new one in view of security concerns in the shop. b. Safe outside store for used paper and cardboard. Rats have been attacking the present storage place, and the paper and cardboard has to be stored outside because it is a fire risk. Cost quoted £99.99

Total funding applied for.£225.

Could you let us know if there has been any progress on the matter of placing signs at the approaches to the village to advertise the presence of a village shop and Post Office? 20. A. C. Inwood Invoice

Council is asked to resolve the invoice Mr Alan Inward has presented to the Parish Council for the cutting of the hedge in Feb/March 06 for £250.00. This bill has been raised against the Parish Council as he was prevented from further cutting of the trees for his Firewood.

21. Housing Summary Survey

Council is asked to consider the analysis + report and to decide whether to ask Gill Shell from the WRHA to proceed with contacting the Duke of Somerset, regarding building the rented homes recommended.



The Parish Council when considering the results of the original housing needs survey felt that there may be a need for shared ownership rather than rented homes, and requested a supplementary survey to ascertain affordability.

The supplementary housing needs survey form was distributed during 2006 to the original respondents who identified themselves as being in housing needs and to additional people as their needs became apparent. In addition a leaflet about WRHA and an explanatory leaflet about shared ownership were sent to each respondent. The explanatory leaflet gave enough information for respondents to undertake a simple exercise to calculate what mortgage they were likely to be able to obtain.


The forms are designed to enable an assessment of the respondent’s ability to afford a shared equity property; unfortunately not everyone completed all of the form which does make it difficult to assess affordability with any degree of accuracy.

The most notable feature of this, and indeed other similar surveys, is the respondent’s unrealistic expectations with regard to what mortgage they could obtain given their current income. For the purposes of this exercise those on joint incomes are assessed on a multiplier of 2.75 time’s joint income and those on sole incomes are assessed on a multiplier of 4 times income. Whilst there are mortgage companies who may offer larger multiples they are not likely to offer mortgages on shared equity properties.

For the purposes of this exercise benefit has been included in the total income stated, whether mortgage companies will include benefit in their calculations is debateable.

The survey form asked respondents to state their income within a range therefore the mortgage assessment is given as a range. NB No reduction in the mortgage assessment has been made for loans, credit card debts, or the rental element that would be payable on the unbought equity.


The analysis of the results, which are attached, showed that 11 supplementary forms were completed A to J, those recoded as K to P were the original respondents who did not return the supplementary form.

1 respondent would have been able to afford shared equity; however as they already are a homeowner they would not be eligible.

1 respondent could afford shared equity, subject to them realising their share of the equity in their current property, again at this stage until such time as the property is sold they would not be eligible.

The other 2 respondents who provided sufficient detail to enable an affordability assessment to be undertaken would not be able to raise a large enough mortgage to proceed.

Only 3 respondents out of 16 were not clear about whether they were prepared to rent, 13 respondents were prepared to consider renting.


It is clear from the analyse that shared equity is unaffordable to all but possibly 2 respondents, both of whom would not be eligible in their current situations.

In addition it is clear that whilst many respondents aspired to home ownership realistically, in their current circumstances this was unattainable where as a minimum an £85,000 mortgage would be required in addition to approximately £300 per month rent.

Recommendation I would recommend that the housing needs in Maiden Bradley could be met by providing 4 or 5 homes for rent of the following sizes:

2 x 2 bed roomed 3 person houses (suitable for single people, couples and families with 1 child)

2 x 2 bed roomed 4 person houses (suitable for families with 1 or 2 same sex children)

1 x 3 bed roomed 5 person house (suitable for families with 2 or 3 children)

Please see attachment for Spread Sheet on results

22. Accounts for Payment

Council is asked to approve the payments listed below

S Jeffries May’s Wages £276.98 Community First subscription £ 34.00 PCC Grant Cheque 06/217 £100.00 Church Yard Grant Cheque 06/217 £ 75.00 S Jeffries (Parking) 06/235 £ 5.00 S Jeffries Parking £ 4.40 (Bath PAYE Courses 17.04.07/19.04.07) S Jeffries (Printing Ink, Document folders & paper) £ 26.92 S Jeffries Postage (69 Letters) £ 22.08

Council is asked to note the receipt of the precept payment 24.04.2007 of £3690.00 into account number 07052153.

23. Consultations abutting the County

Town and Country Planning (Local Development) Wiltshire and Swindon Minerals and Waste Core strategies planning/planning-home.htm West Wiltshire Core Strategy Issues paper

24. Correspondence

(Please contact the Clerk if you wish to see the correspondence)

Corsham Festival 2007 Brochure The Hart AONB Spring 07 Transport Times & Telegraph News letter (To be distributed to Councillors) Public Bodies and Biodiversity Conserving Wildlife in Wiltshire Conference invitation Citizens advice Line no 44 Penalties on using Mobile Phones while driving. Wiltshire Police Tisbury & Mere Community Bulletin WALC April Newsletter Bobby Van Trust Refurbiz Registered Charity Number 1107150 asking for the donation of unwanted washing machines, Tumble dryers, electric cookers or dishwashers. Refurbiz collects, repairs and supplies electrical equipment for those in need in Wiltshire

25. Date of the next meeting

The Council is asked to note that the 12th June 2007 is the date of the next meeting.

Council are asked to note that in the exercise of their functions they must take note of the following: Equal opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability); Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights. Any person who may find difficulty in access to the meeting through disability is asked to advise the clerk (01985 213436) at least 24 hours before the meeting so that every effort may be made to provide access.

Sarah Jeffries Parish Clerk Wednesday 9th May 2007

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