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Project Application

Togliatti state university

Project «QUEST»

Project application

«Engineering standards descriptors, based on the competent approach»


1. Information about the university-coordinator and other consortium members...... 2 2. Project proposal description...... 3 2.1. Introduction and basic project positions...... 3 2.1.1.Consortium members description...... 5 2.1.2.The basic device of engineering education qualifying structure...... 8 2.2. Project main purposes and goals...... 10 2.3. Project description and project plan...... 11 2.3.1.Main project steps...... 14 2.4. Project results...... 15 2.5. Connection with other projects and programs...... 16 2.6. Network cooperation development and the results dissemination...... 16 2.7. Project results stability maintenance...... 17 3. Project budget...... 17

Togliatti 2007 1. Information about the coordinator-university and other consortium members

The name: Togliatti state university Address: 445667, GSP, Russian Federation, Samara region, Togliatti, st. Belorusskaya, 14. Coordinator’s name: Anna Knyazeva, the deputy director of the project-analytical center Tel.: 8 8482 28-85-03, 8 8482 48-74-70, fax 8 8482 22-95-22 e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] OTHER CONSORTIUM MEMBERS INFORMATION: 1. Name: Togliatti polytechnic college Address: 445035, Russian Federation, Samara region, Togliatti, st. Komsomolskaya, 165 Contact name: Victoria Davidova, manager Tel.: 8 8482 26-15-34, 8 8482 26-14-48 e-mail: [email protected] 2. Name: Togliatti Academy of Management Address: 445057, Russian Federation, Samara region, Togliatti, Primorsky b-r, 25 Contact name: Elena Mitina, President assistant Tel.: 8 8482 73-60-53 e-mail: [email protected] 3. Name: Scientific-technical center, “AVTOVAZ” joint stock company Address: 445633, Russian Federation, Samara region, Togliatti, Yuzhnoye shosse, 36 Contact name: Vladimir M. Karpov, Project Automation Systems Center, manager Tel.: 8 8482 73-90-82 e-mail: [email protected] 4. Name: NGO “School of Civil Education” Address: 443041, Russian Federation, Samara, st. Bratiev Korostylevyh, 79/7 Contact name: Efim Y. Kogan, Chairman of board Tel.: 8 846 270-30-26 e-mail: efkogan @ yandex .ru

2 2. PROJECT PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION 2.1. Introduction and basic project positions The basic object of the present project is the engineering education qualifying structure development. The engineering education qualifying structure development is a set of the structured parameters applied as a basis to the engineering education and professional sphere standards development. It is important to emphasize, that the qualifying structure of engineering education is not a system of standards, but it serves as a platform for correlation of standards which are developed independently in each sphere according to their interests and methods. In case of achievement of a necessary level of various normative bases comparison we face the possibility to purposefully cooperate the isolated efforts on systematic modern engineers' education and also the efforts on effective application of professional competencies in engineering branch within the framework of accepted directions of public and state development. Besides, the potential of this structure can help at the decision of problems in RF entering the all- European educational space and engineering professional qualification convertibility achievement. We should notice, that in EU there’s a special and new for us method of qualification norming process applied, which can be already evaluated as rather effective organizational toolkit intended for HR management at present state of public processes occurring high rate changes. The particular "frame" approach to norming processes of human and professional qualities forming and their use in a social production is realized there. The features of this approach are expressed in the following. Originally the initial structure of "soft" parameters - personal and worker's qualities (which are regarded as the most adequate to modern problems and conditions of productive activity) was generated in an open mode (mode of discussion and opinions exchange between the different participants and expert community in all-European scale). Generated by the all-European efforts the competence-oriented structure executes only rough function. Within the frames, fixed in competence modules, there is the development of normative structure (of "firm" parameters) for concrete directions of social practice which are made out as the standards for education and professional sphere. Thus they do not try to do an effort to generate and to systematize the total comprehensive catalogue of all directions of the modern specialized practice . The reason for such attempts refusal is obvious - at a present public processes dynamics level (both in EU, and in Russian Federation), the similar catalogue will become outdated till the time it will be completely formed. Not a secret, that anyone neither in EU, nor in Russian Federation today can't clearly imagine, what kind of crises and urgent problems we will solve in 10- 20 years, and accordingly, what will be the aim of human resources realization, which personal and professional qualities will be evaluated as preferable and vitally necessary. The standards for the separate specialized branches (like engineering) are formed in an independent mode. The field of the required standards is developed gradually and consistently - in a mode of simple adding to the certain list of each specialized direction, covered with the new standards of professional branch. The completed standards are published in an information network of open access, and each structure, which realizes the educational or industrial activity, is free to decide by itself whether they apply the new standards or not. The following arguments act by endorsement for the positive decision (and the process of standards modernization as a whole). First, the application of the new standards can quite improve the quality of the engineering education, to ensure success of their professional work and competitiveness of productions, in which they are involved, and also to increase the efficiency of engineering activity of Russian Federation as a whole. Second, these are the fruits of sold on all levels (from national up to regional and municipal) politics of support of those structures and productions, which are switched to the new standards. Thus it is necessary to mean, that in EU there are no centralized bodies engaged in new standards development and its implementation in sphere of education and professional sphere. Each state (member of EU) is free to build own politics in this direction at own proceeding from own interests. But general for all and basic focusing factor is the unique parameter - competitiveness of their professionals (as well as production) on the all-European labour market. The basic amount of works on standards formation is executed by organisations of a regional level (provincial, land), and different function of administrative sense and experience of expert committees, and interests of separate professional communities, associations, public associations are connected in their functional structure. Differently, the development and introduction of the new standards is initiated by those who is interested and who can maintain their support in the plan of realization. For example, in Spain the National institute of qualifications, coordinating the job of technical committees of a provincial level, joint efforts of professional qualifications, developing the national catalogue adequate to local realities (instead of EU as a whole) and, in particular, to state of a labor market and concrete provinces production development level, works in such mode. Each provincial body (Agency or the Institute of qualifications) develops the standards independently - for the province, the results of development are fixed in the genera catalogue and other provinces may also use these developments. Working in such mode, Spain plans by the end 2007 to the all basic directions of activity cover by the standards. Proceeding from the described circumstances accompanying to the new standards development (an openness, decentralization, situation orientation etc.), only integrated parameters are exposed to be normed and described, the petty control of the places initiatives is excluded. The system of the standards development is decentralized and is also under the control (and effect) of public forces. Better to say it's not a system, but the network, which units are the initiative bodies, who’s efforts and aims are coordinated by means of the advanced information infrastructure. It is obvious, that all above-stated contradicts historical experience of standardization in Russia in a root, because in our country the standardization process was always realized on-line, "from above", and administrative pressing image. The transition to the all-European system of professional qualifications standardization can be considered as a historical call for Russian Federation. Certainly, at a similar transition 4 accomplishment we will not avoid diverse failures and mistakes, but in result we can get an effective organizational toolkit for the first time in RF, which application will allow both in sphere of education and professional branch dynamically to be changed and operatively to react to inquiries of modernity and nearest future problems. In connection with above said the group of the representatives of Samara region localized in Togliatti engineering area and education acts with the initiative of association in a Consortium of educational and professional establishments, which purpose is the engineering education qualifying structure development, also development, implementation and monitoring of the educational benchmarks in engineering direction based on the competence approach. 2.1.1. Consortium members description What is a structure of a consortium and how is it stipulated?

Fig. 1 «Consortium members cooperation» Each organization including in a consortium, is interested in involvement in operations of the project "Quest" and possesses experience of realization of design operations. 1) Togliatti state university (TSU) TSU is created in 2001 on the basis of Togliatti polytechnic institute (is based in 1951) and Togliatti branch of the Samara state pedagogical university (is based in 1988). The strategic priorities of a development of the Togliatti state university are defined by its Mission: «Becoming of university as city generatrix factor». It is necessary to mark, that the Mission TSU is oriented not so much to specificity of. Thus Togliatti is one of main centers of a domestic machine industry rendering significant effect on Povolzhsky region and Central part of Russia. TSU is one of the largest educational centers on preparation of engineering frames in region.

5 From this point of view, TSU is already a generatrix city factor, however necessity of translation of economy of locale and country as a whole, and the machine industries in particular, on a modern path of development are dictated by necessity of transmission gain of the educational factor, and, therefore, to a TSU role in preparation of the modern engineers, requiring rise of its effect on economy creation, science both culture of city and mechanical engineering branch in frameworks of Samara region and Central part of Russia. One of main strategic directions of TSU in planning and implementation of the educational activity is its orienting point on transmission of ways and methods of engineering activity, production of engineering thinking, designing of new modern technologies of organization of engineering activity for all types of education programs. The orienting point on the release of the engineers concerns all sorts of education programs of university: technical-engineer, humanitarian, scientific, pedagogical. There was a number of project-analytical sessions conducted dedicated to planning of the main areas of university activity, new education program design, creation of the graduates professional competences requirements. The post-graduate students, representatives of firm and organizations have shared not only majority of the employees of university, but also its students, in these measures. Today TSU carries on operation on creation of new engineers education program, the purpose of modern education program is the creation of the modern engineering competences on the basis of implantation of new educational technologies and educational units, implementation of the practice-oriented training, research development and activity development and infrastructural support of the educational process. The groups of the competences will be specified according to levels of engineering preparation (bachelor, master) during implementation of modern education program. Let's mark, that the shown education program represents a final stage of implantations scheduled for 2007-2008 years. The stated education program is oriented to creation of a personnel potential for modern engineering activity of Russian Federation. Within the framework of activity of a consortium TSU fulfils the following problems: 1) organization of operations under the project and coordination of operations of a Consortium; 2) the basic and professional engineering competences development and implementation in the educational process of (bachelor, master); 3) organization of seminar operation inside high school concerning the questions of competence-oriented approach implementation and new education program development; 4) experimental approbation of education program on the basis of designed measurement standards - orienting points of engineering preparation. The TSU workgroup within the framework of the project QUEST is 12 people (representatives of auto Mechanical institute, project-analytical centre, administration, experts).

2) Togliatti academy of management (TAOM) TAOM works since 1991 realizing programs of managers preparation. A priority direction is the preparation of the organizers, designers and analysts of new forms of activity organization. Being “the local 6 educational system”, the Academy realizes modern education program, which includes the complex of research and development and project-analytical operations, and also modern training methods. The program provides implantation of unique educational technologies in the regional educational system. Within the consortium TAOM fulfils the following tasks: - management competence development (bachelor, master); - project-analytical sessions organization and realization with youth, students and experts concerning the device of engineering activity, perspectives and projects of its development, and also bases of engineering education. 3) Togliatti polytechnic college (TPC) The college was created in 1951. A basic direction - engineering. Today college prepares the experts more than on 10 specialties, is supplied with a powerful resource base and excellent(different) command of the teachers in all subjects. The modern equipment, modern educational technologies, rich traditions provide many-sided nature of education and are the warranty of its quality. Within the framework of a consortium activity TPC fulfils a problem of the professional engineering competences development and their implementation in college educational process (eligibility support) college - high school). 4) Noncommercial organization “Civil education School” (Samara) Civil education School is occupied with the educational standards design. The representatives of centre will realize the different projects directed on educational modernization, competence-oriented approach, consultations rendering in the marked questions, also participated in seminars on the National qualifying structure development project. Within the framework of consortium activity the organization fulfils the following tasks: - engineering key competences development; - involvement into seminars of Togliatti state university concerning development of new education program based on competence - approach; - consultations realization on the questions of competence - approach methodology. 5) “AVTOVAZ” joint stock company representatives and satellite companies Within the framework of the project QUEST AVTOVAZ involvement is stipulated by the following: - by necessity of new professional standards of engineering development ; - of a revision of mechanisms of interaction with education, in a part requirements to graduates, education programs and results; - by necessity of a starting pulse creation for a machine industry of Russian Federation in directions of changes and development projects appearance. Within the framework of the project the AVTOVAZ scientific-technical centre representatives will participate in working seminars and “round tables” under the project in a direction engineering sphere device, requirements to the modern engineers, also professional standards in engineering. 7 The involvement of other engineering organizations is also supposed within the framework of the project (6), with this organization TSU carries on an old cooperation in implementation of engineering education programs. As well as representatives of international firms, such as DELCAM (Great Britain) will take part in the communication process of the project, with this firm TSU fulfills the joint agreement on cooperation in a direction of CAD, CAM, CAE – technologies development and implementation in education and industrial processes.

TSU, TAOM and TPC already represent an association today – Togliatti Consortium of educational establishments ( Togliatti Consortium of educational establishments was created in June 27, 2005 (there was a general agreement on Consortium creation signed). Consortium activity is directed on optimum conditions for competent bachelors and masters preparation, appropriate to labor market requirements. The question of the modern extra changeable labor market support for qualified professionals may and should be decided by cooperated efforts of the employers and educational establishments mangers.

Only efforts association and mutual cooperation enables us here and now to improve situation on the educational services market.

Togliatti Consortium of educational establishments’ tasks: - To provide a strength connection between an educational contents and modern labor market requirements. - To unite the resources of educational institutions in aim of optimum conditions creation for modern professionals preparation. - To change the educational quality principles rating in high schools. One of probable ways - to form a rating of educational institutions by professional associations of the employers. 2.1.2. The basic device of engineering education qualifying structure As it said above, the engineering education qualifying structure means the special system, which includes:  to provide the cooperation of educational sphere and the sphere of the social engineering practices,  starting impulse creation for modern labor market of qualified engineering frames forming, which is supposed absent hitherto. This market where we could face the possibility for creation of the engineering trades quotations, qualifications indexation, actualization of engineering education branches;  to hold and to operate with the cooperation mechanisms with the educational sphere representatives, namely: - to provide levels correlating; - to provide education programs correlating; - to provide society-professional accreditation and expertise; - to hold the European and international accreditation of education programs in Russia;

8  to hold and to operate with cooperation mechanisms of with engineering sphere representatives, namely: - to provide the engineering professional profiles description together with the employers, - to provide educational levels and professional positions correlating, - to provide a backlog for employees and functions certification, - to provide and accreditation and expertise, - to provide the professional profile and functions requirements creation.

Fig. 2. The basic device of engineering education qualifying structure

There is the table of levels circumscribed by definite descriptors in the center centre of qualifying structure. The descriptors of engineering education qualifying structure are competence units containing the main professional competences, the mastering levels of these competences, functions requirements, educational requirements, etc. The main cooperation between the subjects of the qualified engineering frames market is going on the language of the competences and is compared through qualifying structure, as well as the international

9 educational standards and qualification international systems should be understood and implanted in the Russian reality through the define qualifying structure. The responsible place for qualifying structure operation is the independent organization (the applied Consortium, formally named as «Engineering education»).

2.2. Project main purposes and goals On the one hand, within the framework of the project and consortium association it is necessary to create the engineering education qualifying structures as a set of the structured parameters, which are applied as the development basis of standards in engineering education and sphere. And this structure is invoked to decide problems of Russian Federation entry into the all-European educational space and engineers’ qualification convertibility achievement. On the other hand, the initiative of this project is stipulated by consortium participants' concern in the engineering sphere development, understanding the same time, that the engineering activity is an activity on new objects, technologies creation. And this is the condition of all spheres development progress. The position of education is the basic here. Only in this space there is the possibility to set those standards, which will be the benchmark for tomorrow education. And that is the second party of the project purpose - to ensure a starting impulse of engineering activity development. Among primary goals which are supposed to be decided in the project process we can figure out the following: 1. To develop the educational standards descriptors in engineering activity based on the competent approach: 1.1. to develop a general structure and basic device of the engineering education qualifying structure appropriate to principles, incorporated in the all-European system of labor qualifications standardization; 1.2. to develop and to describe the basic and professional engineering competencies for the selected qualifying levels; 1.3. to develop and to describe a set of realization mechanisms of new educational standards descriptors in engineering, in particular: 1.3.1. to describe the cooperation mechanisms of the education sphere and engineering sphere, 1.3.2. to describe the cooperation mechanisms within the representatives of the education sphere, in particular: - correlation of levels of the qualifying structure with the European qualification structures, - education programs and separate modules comparison, - to ensure the society-professional accreditation and expertise of the education programs and graduates, 1.3.3. to ensure the international accreditation of new education programs of engineering education;

10 1.3.4. to describe the cooperation mechanisms with the engineering sphere representatives, in particular: - the description of professional profiles together with the employers and experts (directions, functional structure, requirements allocation), - correlation of qualifying levels in education and professional positions, - to provide the impulse for employees and jobs certification, - to provide formation of requests to a professional and functional structure . 2. To define the structure and realization principle of the competence oriented benchmarks development mechanism (within the frames of qualifying structure). 3. To define the basic principles of the qualifying structure functioning in application to present Russian realities of a higher education. 4. To define the institualization forms of the new type standards in engineering direction. 5. To develop the offers on the forms and methods of an effective utilization of the educational standards and variants of operational response on requirements change in higher education and professional sphere. 6. To ensure the reasons folding for formation of qualified personnel labor market, which is absent hitherto. 7. To ensure the experience dissemination inside the consortium members and in the region.

2.3. Project description and project plan The basic stages on educational standards creation: 1) the engineering sphere description, professional profiles description together with the employers and experts in engineering 2) engineering education qualifying structure allocation and description (bachelor, master levels description) and education requirements at these levels 3) description of the basic engineering education requirements (basic engineering benchmarks development), including the basic engineering competences. 4) the description of requirements to the professional engineering education (professional engineering benchmarks development), including engineering professional competencies. a) the description of benchmarks for bachelor in engineering. b) the description of benchmarks for masters in engineering. 5) the description of requirements to the engineering education organization for bachelors and masters, including educational technologies, practice. 6) the description of the cooperation mechanisms with the engineering professional sphere (in a part of understanding, correlation and estimation of the qualifying levels and educational results) 7) the description of mechanisms of qualifying levels and engineering benchmarks correlation with the international qualifying structures (in a part of understanding, comparison and estimation of levels structure, correlation and estimation of the qualifying levels and educational results).

11 The consortium work will be set in parallel in spaces of working meetings, working seminars, round tables, conferences and working groups' plans. The results dissemination is going to be by the next ways: - methodical materials creations on the engineering competence-oriented benchmarks development - development of the cooperation mechanisms of the educational and engineering professional spheres; - materials publications on the TSU web-portal and web-resources of other consortium members, - conferences and round tables organizations on subjects of project basic questions. The project plan (see fig. 3) contains the following work forms: 1) The basic working process (in working groups). The main task is the direct project fulfillment, theme study in group, project documentation preparation and completion. The group structure can vary depending on a kind of jobs. 2) Organizational meetings of the Consortium representatives. The main task is the organization, distribution and coordination of jobs within the framework of project, and also works acceptance and assessment, recommendations issue. The structure of this group - is about 1-2 representatives from each consortium organization member. 3) Series of working seminars under the project. The main purpose is the discussion of the project items, mutual understanding formation about the purposes and problems of the project, problems resolution which was arisen during the project process. The subjects of seminars are focused on the problems of all stages of the project. The group consists of the working group members of the QUEST project, and representatives of the auto mechanical institute team members. 4) Project-analytical sessions. The main purpose is the students and youth education in questions of engineering education. Revealing of basic problem questions and vectors of engineering development. 5) Round tables. The main purpose is the discussion of problems with the employers on interaction with the experts. The structure of participants: representatives of working groups, representatives of educational institutions of a consortium, employers. Regional conference. The main purpose is the results dissemination under the project. The structure of participants: representatives of the consortium members, participants of working groups, experts engaged from interested high schools, organizations, enterprises.

12 Fig. 3. QUEST project plan 2.3.1. Main project steps № Theme Time 2007, March PROJECT WORKING SEMINARS 1. Educational program definition: content, device, frames, principles 2. Modern educational strategies. Educational program in the modern educational structure. International universities Fulfilled practice. 3. The new educational program device. Project results. 2007, April PROJECT WORKING SEMINARS 4. Planning in new educational program development Fulfilled 5. Declaration part of the new educational program 6. Engineering sphere description problems 17.04.07 7. Competence definition May 2007 2007, June MOSCOW SEMINAR 8. The general organizational seminar for the consortium members together with June 2007 British experts 2007, September ORGANISATIONAL MEETING OF THE CONSORTIUM MEETING 9. Project organization and planning 06.09.07 WORKING GROUP MEETING (weekly) 10. Engineering sphere description September 2007 PROJECT WORKING SEMINARS 11. Situation analyses in engineering sphere September 2007 12. Engineering sphere description problems PROJECT-ANALYTICAL SESSION 13. Engineering sphere situation analyses problems September 2007 REGIONAL CONFERENCE 14. Regional conference “The basic requirements to the structure of competences in September 2007 the frames of the internetional structures comparisions” 2007, November WORKING GROUP MEETING (weekly) 15. Qualification structure description 16. Basic competencies description November 2007 17. Professional competencies description PROJECT WORKING SEMINARS 18. Engineering sphere qualification structure description problems 19. Basic engineering competences description problems November 2007 20. Professional engineering competences description problems PROJECT-ANALYTICAL SESSION 21. Engineering sphere qualification structure description problems November 2007 ROUND TABLE WITH EMPLOYERS AND EXPERTS 22. Engineering sphere description requirements November 2007 2008, January ORGANISATIONAL MEETING OF THE CONSORTIUM MEETING 23. The final documentation package concerning the benchmarks descriptions for the January 2008 masters’ level WORKING GROUP MEETING (weekly) 24. Engineering sphere description January 2008 25. Engineering education requirements PROJECT WORKING SEMINARS 26. Engineering sphere description problems January 2008 27. Engineering education requirements problems PROJECT-ANALYTICAL SESSION 28. Engineering sphere situation analyses problems January 2008 ROUND TABLE WITH EMPLOYERS AND EXPERTS 29. Engineering educational requirements (1-st documentation variant of the January 2008 benchmark description) MOSCOW SEMINAR 30. 1-st variant of description February 2007 ORGANISATIONAL MEETING OF THE CONSORTIUM MEETING 31. Organization of the second stage of the competence-oriented benchmarks March 2008 development WORKING GROUP MEETING (weekly) 32. The second stage of the competence-oriented benchmarks development problems March 2008 2008, April PROJECT WORKING SEMINARS 33. Competence-oriented benchmarks description April 2008 PROJECT-ANALYTICAL SESSION 34. Description formalization problems April 2008 2008, May ORGANISATIONAL MEETING OF THE CONSORTIUM MEETING 35. The working results and evaluation May 2008 WORKING GROUP MEETING (weekly) 36. The final documentation presentation May 2008 ROUND TABLE WITH EMPLOYERS AND EXPERTS 37. Round table meeting with experts and employers (final project meeting) May 2008 MOSCOW SEMINAR 38. The final documentation presentation June 2008 The basic resources in realization of the project: - personnel (development) - general structure of the basic working group - 12 people.; - intellectual - in this direction TSU and its partners have the huge field of design, competitive, grants in the field of education (for two last years TSU together with other high schools participated in such federal competitions, as «Development and approbation of the modern patterns of organization of educational process in innovational high school», «National structure of qualifications», «Development of modeling imitating systems on management of educational establishments», - material and technical (for organization and realization of meetings, round tables and seminars) - in detail does not undersign, as does not represent complexity in organization (for the account of TSU). - financial (for payment of jobs of the developers and experts, and also the organizations of measures) - are mentioned below.

2.4. Project results The basic project result containing the parcel of documents: 1) descriptors of the educational standards in engineering activity based on the competent approach: - general structure and basic device of engineering education qualifying structure appropriate to principles, incorporated in the all-European system of labor qualifications standardization; - basic and professional engineering competencies;

15 2) a set of realization mechanisms of the new educational standards descriptors in engineering, in particular:  the cooperation mechanisms with the educational sphere representatives, namely: - levels correlating; - education programs correlating;  the cooperation mechanisms of with engineering sphere representatives, namely: - the engineering professional profiles description together with the employers, - educational levels and professional positions correlating, - mechanisms with the engineering sphere representatives, in particular: - the description of professional profiles together with the employers and experts (directions, functional structure, requirements allocation), - correlation of qualifying levels in education and professional positions, - to provide the impulse for employees and jobs certification, - to provide formation of requests to a professional and functional structure . 3) experimental approbation results of start of education program and mechanisms of its realization on a basis competence benchmarks of engineering. 4) cooperation system with the sphere of engineering activity in a part of understanding and estimation of results of training, education requests formation, certification of graduates, education programs.

2.5. Connection with other projects and programs The realization of the project "Quest" is realized within the framework of the large internal project ТГУ «New education program ». The project is started in 2002. The plan of jobs under the project is designed till 2008 inclusive.

2.6. Network cooperation development and the results dissemination The information on intermediate and final results, and also about bought experience during realization of the project "QUEST" will be distributed regularly on information channels of a different level. The information on a course of preparation to participation in the project "QUEST" places on a TSU site. The information on meetings and seminars on preparation for realization of the project are also fixed here. The protocols of meetings are also regularly placed. The most significant measures scheduled within the framework of the project, will be announced on news blogges of the high school. The results of the project also will be distributed with the help of the publications in periodicals on problems of development of education. The spelling and issuing of the scientific monography is scheduled. The developed techniques of standards creation will be made out as the methodical allowances, issued and are distributed among the organizations - participants of a consortium, and also among all interested educational institutions. The network cooperation development will be realized within the framework of the scheduled meetings (round tables, seminars, conferences). See item 2.4 «Project description and plan». 16 The final variant of descriptors will be distributed both among the members inside a consortium, and in other high schools and interests. 2.7. Project results stability maintenance The results stability of the project realization will be achieved by application of the following measures: - the final descriptors variant will be distributed among the members of a consortium at the first stage. At the following stage - in other high schools and organizations with the appropriate recommendations. - the final descriptors variant will form the basis for the new professional standards for AVTOVAZ. - the experience of engineering competence-oriented benchmarks development will be used at the standards development process in other branches like journalism, art and industrial design etc. 3. Project budget The volume of financing under the project is 5 000 (256 000 rbl.). The volume of co-financing is 341 000 rbl. - from the budget of Togliatti state university. It is supposed, that the university financing will be directed on organization and realization of a regional conference, which is planned on September, 2007. Also we suppose to finance other work types for the TSU financial part, in particular: experts' salaries and participants' business trips. In sum, the whole budget of the project will be 596 000 rbl. № Expenses Costs (per Quantity Sum Financing 1 unit) source people events 1. Business trips 10 000 rbl. 2 3 trips 60 000 rbl. TSU 2. 1 level developers’ salary 6 000 rbl. 8 2 stages 96 000 rbl. British Council 3. 2 level developers’ salary 20 000 rbl. 4 2 stage 160 000 rbl. British Council 4. Experts’ salary 60 000 rbl. 3 1 stage 180 000 rbl. TSU 5. Regional conference 100000 rbl. 1 1 event 100 000 rbl. TSU organization


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