1. the Purpose of Extrication Is To

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1. the Purpose of Extrication Is To

1. The purpose of extrication is to: A) take a car apart. , B) quickly remove a patient from a car. C) safely remove a trapped patient. . D) use special power tools to remove parts ofa damaged car.

2. To get quickly to the scene of a medical emergency, you should: A) drive as fast as possible. B) drive on the left side of the road. C) take expressways whenever possible. D) know a variety of routes to reach a destination.

3. Suctioning of the oral cavity in an adult patient should be accomplished within how many seconds? A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20

4. care for a child in early respiratory distress should include: A) using an oral airway. B) inserting a nasal airway. C) giving oxygen and providing prompt transport. D) vigorous suctioning to remove secretions.

5. Which special hazards should you consider in a semitrailer truck accident versus an automobile accident? A) Spilled fuel B) Cargo of the truck C) Need for traffic control D) Downed power lines

6. Any type of noisy respirations can indicate: A) a heart attack. B) primary heart disease. C) an open airway. D) an airway obstruction.

7. An EMT trained in a limited number of advanced skills is called: A) a First Responder. B) an EMT-B (Basic). C). an EMT-I (Intermediate). D2 an EMT-P (Paramedic).

8. When assessing a patient, you should first rely on the: A) patient. B) patient's family. C) patient's physician. D) patient's neighbors.

9. In what area of the lungs does the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occur? A) Trachea B) Alveoli C) Bronchi D) Bronchioles

10. A man who has fallen from the roof of a two-story house has obvious bone injuries to his lower extremities and is bleeding freely from a wound to his left side. He has a blood pressure of 104/54 mm Hg, a thready pulse of 128/min, and shallow respirations of 28/min. After securing his airway and giving oxygen by mask at 10 liters per minute, you should next: A) Control the bleeding from the wound. B) splint the bone injuries. C) record his vital signs again. D) apply and inflate a pneumatic counterpressure device.

11. Your patient has sustained an open wound to the right forearm. No other injuries or problems are noted. You should first: A) take vital signs. B) control bleeding. C) immobilize the part. D) prevent further contamination.

12. Which of the following steps should NOT be taken when treating a patient with deep localized cold injuries? A) Remove jewelry. B) Leave blisters intact. C) Rewarm the area by applying heat. D) Cover the area with dry, sterile dressings. 13. What type of bleeding is difficult to control because of the high pressure? A) Venous B) Arterial C) Capillary D) Lymphatic

14. Where is the radial pulse located? A) Neck B) Knee C) Groin D) Wrist

15. Coughing up bright red blood is known as: A) hemoptysis. B) hematemesis. C) hematuria. D) hematoma.

16. After birth, you notice the infant's face and trunk appear blue. This is called: A) ,pallor cyanosis. B) central cyanosis. C) peripheral cyanosis. D) circumoral cyanosis.

17. While treating a patient with chest pain, you should: A) encourage the patient to chew nitroglycerin tablets. B) expect that the patient will have a severe headache after taking several nitroglycerin tablets. C) recognize that the pain is not related to eating a large meal. D) give low-concentration oxygen via nasal cannula.

18. A gunshot victim has a sucking chest wound. What type of dressing should you apply? A) Occlusive B) Loose, bulky C) Dry, sterile D) Moist, sterile

19. After the placenta is delivered, it should be: A) examined for missing tissue and then thrown away. , B). wrapped tightly with gauze and placed in a Biohazard container. C) wrapped in a towel., kept cool over ice, and transported to the hospital for inspection. D) wrapped in a towel, placed in a plastic bag, and transported to the hospital for inspection.

20. You are called to the scene of an automobile accident with four injured patients. Which of the following patients needs your immediate care? A) Conscious patient who is alert and crying, with a possible broken arm B) Unconscious patient who is not moving but has a pulse, is blue in color, and is not breathing C) Unconscious patient who is breathing and has a pulse, with a possible dislocation of the hip D) Conscious patient who is responsive to loud vocal stimuli, with a large bleeding laceration on the arm

21. A patient who has been stung by a bee has a bee sting kit in his car. The patient has never used the kit and asks for your help. You should first: A) inject 0.3 mg of 1/1,000 epinephrine 1M. B) inject 1.0 mg of 1/1,000 epinephrine SC. C) give him two antihistamine tablets. ' D) place a constricting band below the site of the sting.

22. What is paradoxical movement of the chest wall? A) A questionable movement of the chest wall B) Lack of chest wall movement due to abdominal breathing C) Lack of movement of one entire side of the chest wall, while the other side goes up and down D) Movement ofa portion of the chest wall which is opposite in direction to the rest of the chest

23. An airplane crash that overloads the capabilities and resources of the system is best defined as: ,A) an environmental emergency. B) a multiple-casualty situation (MCS). C) a hazardous materials situation. D) a critical incident stress debriefing.

24. You are evaluating an 18-month-old boy. The mother states that he had been eating a hot dog. He is making grunting sounds, and has the appearance of a child with dyspnea. His color is pink. You should suspect: A) a totally obstructed airway. B) a partially obstructed airway. C) an overly concerned mother. D) an obstruction of the esophagus. ; 25. Bilateral fractures of the femur indicate: A) the bone is broken in two or more pieces. B) both femurs are broken. C) both zones of the femur are broken. D) both the superior and inferior ends of the femur are broken. l

26. A steady flow of dark-colored blood is characteristic of: A) venous bleeding. B) arterial bleeding. C) capillary bleeding. D) lymphatic bleeding.

27. The main purpose of a bandage is to: A) splint fractures. B) prevent infection. C) create an airtight seal. D) hold dressings in place.

28. What should you do first at the scene of an unsafe incident? A) Remove bystanders. B) Call for additional help. C). Provide safety for the patient. D) Take steps to provide for your safety.

29. What is an important sign to look for in a child with a head injury? A) Blood draining from the ears B) Pupils constricted and equal in size C) Level of consciousness D) Level of consciousness and any change in the level of consciousness

30. Your care for a limb presentation delivery involving an arm includes: A) maintaining heat by gently replacing the arm in the vagina. B) covering the arm with a sterile towel and rapidly transporting. C) assisting the baby by gently pulling on the arm to adjust the delivery path. D) elevating the mother's buttocks and relieving pressure on the cord by inserting a sterile gloved hand.

31. The right ventricle of the heart pumps blood: A) low in oxygen to the lungs. . B) low in oxygen to all parts of the body. C) high in oxygen to the lungs. D) high in oxygen to all parts of the body.

32. Your EMS team is performing CPR on a cardiac arrest patient. You connect the AED. CPR is stopped and the AED analyzes the rhythm. It indicates that no shock is needed. You check for a pulse and there is none. What should you do next? A) Stop all resuscitation efforts. B) - Start CPR and transport immediately. C) Do CPR for one minute, stop CPR, and check for a pulse. D) Immediately allow the AED to re-analyze. If no shock is indicated, transport the patient , immediately.

33. What is the procedure to relieve a complete airway obstruction in a 6-year-old child? A) Abdominal thrusts B) Back blows and chest thrusts C) Back blows and abdominal thrusts D) Blind finger sweep, back blows: and abdominal thrusts

34. Care for the mother after delivery includes: A) massaging the uterus. B) applying ice packs to the perineum. C) packing the vagina with dry, sterile dressings. D) applying a pneumatic antishock garment (PASG) as a precautionary measure.

35. There has been a one-car accident and the patient is unconscious. To determine the mechanism of injury, you should: A) inspect the scene. B) talk to bystanders. C) contact a physician. D) talk to the patient's friends.

36. Which of the following methods is used to open the airway in a patient with a possible spinal cord injury? A) Jaw-thrust B) Jaw-thrust/neck-lift C) Jaw-thrust/head-tilt D) Head-tiit/chin-lift

37. Blood is carried away from the heart by the: A) veins. B) arteries. C) systemic capillaries. D) pulmonary capillaries.

38. The largest joint in the body is the: A) hip. B) knee. C) elbow. D) acromioclavicular.

39. You should NOT use an oral airway in: A) infants and children. B) cardiac arrest patients. C) patients with a gag reflex. D) patients with a suspected neck injury.

40. An infant with a blood volume of 800 mL would start showing signs of shock after what amount of blood loss? A) 80 to 100 mL B) 100 to 220 mL C) 220 to 320 mL D) 320 to 420 mL

41. You and your partner have been performing CPR on a 63-year-old cardiac arrest patient for 7 minutes without resuscitating the patient. You may stop performing CPR on this patient when: A) the family says to stop. B) a physician says to stop. C) law enforcement says to stop. D) the pupils begin to constrict.

42. The normal stimulus to breathe is the level of: A) oxygen in the blood. B) oxygen in the brain. C) carbon dioxide in the blood. D) carbon dioxide in the brain.

143. In which of the following locations should you park the ambulance at the scene ofa hazardous materials incident? A) Uphill/upwind B) Uphill/downwind C) Downhill/upwind , D) Downhill/downwind

44. After arriving at a construction site where a worker has been electrocuted, you have determined that the scene is now safe. Which of the following steps should be taken in your immediate care of the patient? A) Begin CPR if indicated. B) Cover any wounds with moist, sterile dressings. C) Apply venous tourniquets above burn wounds on the extremities. D) Remove his gloves and examine his hands for wounds.

45. How much vacuum should a properly functioning suction unit with a gauge generate? A) 100mmHg B) 300 mm Hg C) 500 mm Hg D) 700 mm Hg

46. Due to the different actions and side effects of respiratory medications, you should: A) treat patients with oxygen only. B) allow patients to take prescribed drugs as needed. C) discontinue all medications to prevent overdose. D) consult medical control before giving any medications.

47. You are on an emergency run and you see a stopped school bus with red lights flashing. You should: A) pull to the left. B) sound your siren and pass the bus. C) slow down and pass in a safe manner. D) stop until the red lights on the bus are turned off and the driver signals you to proceed.

48. What type of dressing should be applied to all bums? A) Betadine B) Vaseline C) Dry, sterile D) Moist, sterile

49. What is the number one cause of death in infants and children? A) Trauma B) Poisoning C) Premature births D) Cardiac abnormalities 50. The skin is the major organ for regulating the body's: A) functions. B) Secretions. C) respirations. D) temperature.

51. A rapid trauma assessment is done to: A) quickly identify any deformities. B) quickly identify and treat all life-threatening injuries. C) minimize the time spent on the call so you can get back into service. D) minimize the amount of pain you may induce by a long assessment. 52. Before giving activated charcoal, you should: A) shake the container thoroughly. B) have the patient drink a glass of milk. C) mix it with an equal amount of water. D) make sure the patient is unresponsive.

53. A pneumatic counterpressure device is most commonly used to: A) decrease blood flow during CPR. B) stabilize chronic pulmonary edema secondary to long-standing heart disease. C) control bleeding in adults only. D) maintain a patient's systolic blood pressure at or slightly higher than 100 mm Hg.

54. To select the proper size of nasal airway, you should measure: A) only the diameter of the nostril. B) .from the tip of the nose to the chin. C) . from the tip of the nose to the earlobe. D) from the tip of the nose to the corner of the mouth.

55. The helmet must NOT prevent access to the patient's: A) eyes. B) airway. C) carotid pulse. D) posterior neck.

56. Which of the following is NOT a sign of inadequate breathing in a child? A) Nasal flaring B) See-saw respirations C) Retractions above the clavicles D) Breathing without use of the accessory muscles

57. In the prehospital setting, you can assist giving a patient nitroglycerin because it is: A) not a dangerous drug. B) the drug of choice for dyspnea. C) the drug of choice for the chest pain patient. D) the drug of choice for the cardiac arrest patient.

58. Using the Rule of Nines, you would calculate that an adult with circumferential bums of both legs would have what percentage of bum? A) 9 B) 18 C) 36 D) 54

59. You are assessing a 65-year-old man-who is complaining of chest pain. Which of the following questions is the best way to ask the patient about the radiation of the pain? A) Does the pain go anywhere else? B) Does the pain travel to your jaw? C) Does the pain travel to your left arm? D) Does the pain move towards your shoulders?

60. The lungs are covered by a viscous sac called the: A) peritoneum. B) parietal pleura. C) visceral pleura. D) pulmonary membrane.

61. A person trained with the necessary skills to save a life, using a minimum of equipment, is called: IA) a First Responder. B) /an EMT-B (Basic). C) an EMT-I (Intermediate). D) an EMT -P (paramedic).

62. Spinal injuries can be difficult to detect. Along with the patient's physical signs and symptoms, you must consider the: A) pupil size. B) vital signs. C) initial assessment. D) mechanism of injury.

63. Which part of a bone is responsible for the production of red blood cells? A) Epiphyseal plate B) Malleoli C) Marrow D) Trochanter

64. For a patient complaining of respiratory distress, you should: A) administer oxygen. B) administer an inhaler. C) suspect head trauma. D) transport in a supine position.

65. What percent oxygen does a nonrebreathing face mask system deliver? A) 65 B) 75 C) 85 D) 95

66. The cervical spine should be controlled during a trauma assessment: A) at the same time the airway is being opened. B) at the same time high-flow oxygen is being applied. C) after opening the airway, but before checking a pulse. D) after assessing the level of consciousness, but before opening the airway.

67. You are listening to the breath sounds of a patient complaining of shortness of breath. You hear a 11 wheezing sound over both sides at the midaxillary areas of the chest. These sounds may be caused by: A) a complete airway obstruction by the tongue. B) normal air movement through the patient's nose. C) narrowing of the lower air passages of the lungs. D) enlargement of the lower air passages of the lungs.

68. Which of the following should NOT be used when rewarming a hypothermic patient? A) Blankets B) Hot coffee or tea C) The ambulance compartment heaters D) Heat packs to the groin, axillary, and cervical regions

69. Sirens and emergency warning lights during transport should be: A) provided for added safety. B) required by most state laws. C) avoided unless the patient is in extremely critical condition. D) used to assure the patient that you are doing everything possible.

70. You are assessing a patient complaining of shortness of breath. You note that the trachea is shifted away from the midline. This is considered: A) a birth defect. B) a normal finding in someone who is short of breath. C) a noticeable finding but not anything to worry about. D) a true emergency and the patient needs immediate transport.

71. The usual skin reactions to an allergen include itching and: . A) hives. B) atrophy. C) coldness. D) blueness.

72. You are inspecting a patient's neck. Normal findings should include: A) a midline trachea and jugular vein distention. B) a midline trachea and the presence of a carotid pulse. C) a shifted trachea and the presence of a carotid pulse. D) jugular vein distention and the presence of a carotid pulse.

73. Which of the following positions should a nontrauma patient be placed in to aid in airway management? A) Rolled B) Recovery C) Restoration D) Resuscitation

74. Oxygen is a very important component in the resuscitation of a cardiac arrest patient. Which of the following statements about giving oxygen is FALSE? A) Oxygen therapy should be started as soon as possible. B) Oxygen should be given at very low liter flows to avoid oxygen toxicity. C) High concentrations of oxygen should be given ,to all cardiac arrest patients. D) Do not allow the AED protocol to be delayed until the oxygen therapy is started.

75. How is activated charcoal given? A) Orally B) Inhaled C) Injected D) Sublingual

76. You arrive at the scene of an electrocution and find an unconscious man who has shallow order to protect his airway, you should: A) insert an oropharyngeal airway by placing it upside down in the mouth, and rotating it B) lubricate the tip of an oropharyngeal airway before inserting it. C) insert an oropharyngeal airway until the flange rests inside the teeth. D) hyperextend the neck, insert an oropharyngeal airway, and deliver breaths with positive pressure

77. When communicating with family members, you should avoid: A) giving false hope. B) the words "death" or "dead." C) emotional communication. D) nonverbal communication.

78. How many vertebrae protect the spinal cord? A) 7 B) 12 C) 31 D) 33

79. Your best protection against lawsuits in refusal of care cases is to: A) notify medical control. B) notify law enforcement. C) make a verbal confirmation to the patient. D) write a well-documented prehospital care report.

80. Cardiac arrest in children is commonly caused by: A) a heart attack. B) a congenital defect. C) primary heart disease. D) respiratory problems.

81. Which of the following symptoms would NOT be a sign of cardiac problems? A) Nausea and vomiting B) Retrostemal chest pain C) Tingling in the fingertips D) Sudden onset of sweating

82. There has been a car and semitrailer accident. A 3-year-old child has a 3 II laceration with heavy bleeding on the lower leg. The child is very frightened. What is the best way for you to control the bleeding? A) PASG B) Tourniquet C) Direct pressure D) Pressure point on the femoral artery

84. The AED has delivered defibrillations to a cardiac arrest patient you are treating. After delivering the sixth shock, a carotid pulse was found. What should you do next? A) Transport immediately. B) Take a complete set of vital signs. C) Contact medical control for advice on how to proceed with the patient. D) Assess whether the patient is breathing and provide supplemental oxygen and ventilation if necessary.

85. If the brain is deprived of oxygen, cells in the brain may die within how many minutes?

A) 1 B) 4 to 6 ! C) 6 to 10 D) 10 to 15

86. you find an unresponsive patient without traumatic injuries what position do you place the patient in to maintain spontaneous breathing? A) Supine B) Facedown C) In the recovery position D) In a position of comfort

87. The chest cavity is lined by a viscous membrane called the: A) visceral pleura. B) parietal pleura. C) pulmonary pleura. D) bronchial membrane,

88. What type of external bleeding requires your immediate attention? A) Dark red blood draining from the nose B) Dark red blood slowly bleeding from a laceration C) Bright red oozing blood from a large abrasion D) Bright red uncontrolled blood from an artery

89. The spinal column bones are called: A) ribs. B) discs. C) vertebrae. D) phalanges. 90. A mucous membrane exposure to blood, semen, or vaginal secretions of another person is considered to be what type of exposure? A) No significant risk B) Low risk C) Secondary risk D)High risk

91. You are called to the scene of a possible diving accident at a local pool. You suspect a spinal injury. The patient should be removed from the water with a: A) Sager splint. B) Stokes basket. C) short spine board. D) long spine board.

92. Which of the following skin layers contains sweat and oil glands, hair follicles, blood vessels, and nerve endings? A) Dermis B) epidermis C) Sebaceous layer D) Subcutaneous layer

93. You and your partner have had some very emotionally trying calls over the past several weeks. Which of the following symptoms would NOT indicate chronic stress? A) Anxiety B) Insomnia' C) Nightmares D) Increased appetite

94. A flap of skin tom loose describes what type of injury? A) Abrasion B) Avulsion C) Laceration D) Amputation

95. Adrenalin is the trade name for:

A) atropine. B) adrenalin. C) epinephrine. D) sodium chloride.

96. A 12-year-old patient is complaining of pain to the right wrist. There is some point tenderness. However, there is no deformity and there is full range of motion. Your treatment should include: A) doing nothing at this time. B) applying heat, but no splint. C) splinting the wrist and transporting for evaluation. D) applying ice and releasing the patient to the parents.

97. Which of the following medications would you help a patient take in the prehospital setting? A) IV antibiotic B) Cough syrup C) Prescribed inhaler D) ,Nonprescription antacid

98. Which of the following findings is associated with acute myocardial infarction? A) Tracheal deviation B) Elevated blood pressure C) Calm, collected mental state D) Pain in the lower jaw

99. Which of the following names is NOT considered a type of drug name? A) Trade B) Generic C) Chemical D) Over-the-counter

100. Your first safety concern at the scene of an extrication is to: A) yourself. B) the patient. C) the bystanders. D) public safety officials.

101. Before you can administer nitroglycerin to a patient, you must assess the patient's: A) pulse. B) height. C) weight. D) blood pressure.

102. What does the term crowning mean? A) The perineum has been tom. B) The baby is in a transverse position. C) The baby's head is too large for delivery. D) The baby's head is visible at the cervix.

103. A spontaneous pneumothorax is most likely to occur: A) during forced expiration. B) when the lung is punctured by a broken rib. C) in a patient who has COPD. D) when a foreign object blocks the airway.

104. A common cause of shock in an infant is: A) febrile seizures. B) vomiting and diarrhea. C) cigarette burns on the arms. D) venous bleeding from a 1" laceration of the hand.

105. The bones of the leg between the knee and the ankle are called the: A) tibia and fibula. B) radius and ulna. C) tarsals and metatarsals. D) carpals and metacarpals.

106. Which of the following is NOT a sign or symptom of a sudden upper airway obstruction? A) Cyanosis B) Ability to speak C) Inability to cough D) Grasping the throat

107. A woman who is short of breath tells you she has a history of COPD You would expect to find: A) distended neck veins. B) bradycardia. C) inspiratory stridor. D) jaundiced skin.

108. Which of the following devices is NOT part of a bag-valve-mask system? A) Clear face mask B) Self-inflating bag C) Oxygen reservoir D) 3-way stopcock valve

109. A common complication associated with a near-drowning patient is: A) shock. B) infection control. C) . gastric distention. D). poor temperature regulation.

110. A child who has no recent history of illness suddenly appears cyanotic after playing with a small toy. You should immediately: A) perform the abdominal thrust maneuver. B) give low-concentration oxygen. C) use finger probes to clear the airway. D) transport the child to the emergency department.

111. Bone deformity, with no evidence of a break in the skin, describes what type of fracture? A) Open B) Closed C) Distal D) Penetrating

112. A patient would be considered to have inadequate breathing if the respiratory rate was greater than how many breaths per minute? A) 10 B) 16 C) 20 D) 24

113. To ensure that mouth-to-mouth ventilations are adequate, you must: A) use oxygen. B) pinch the nose. C) insert an oral airway. D) use the Sellick maneuver. 114. In a healthy individual, what gas exchange in arterial blood most rapidly stimulates an increase in the respiratory rate? A) A rise in the level of oxygen B) A fall in the level of oxygen C) A rise in the level of carbon dioxide D) A fall in the level of carbon dioxide

115. Which of the following statements about the use of a nasopharyngeal airway is true? A) It should be used in the left nostril only. B) It should be coated with a water-soluble lubricant prior to insertion. C) It is more likely to induce vomiting than an oropharyngeal airway. D) It should be removed immediately and replaced with an oropharyngeal airway if you encounter an obstruction.

116. You have been called to the house of an elderly man. Your initial assessment reveals that the patient is not breathing and has no pulse. You should: A) inform the family that the man has died. B) quickly load the patient into your ambulance and then begin CPR. C) start chest compressions and recheck to see if a pulse can be found. D) apply the Automated External Defibrillator (AED). If an AED is not available, start CPR.

117. On-going patient assessment is defined as: A) a complete examination. B) a complete examination and history. C) an assessment of the patient's chief complaint. D) periodic reassessment of the patient's condition.

118. What causes febrile seizures? A) A Genetic defect B) Severe lack of oxygen C) Head injury from a fall D) Very high body temperature

119. The dura mater, pia mater, and arachnoid are layers of tissue that enclose the brain and spinal cord. Together, they are. called the: A) meninges. B) spinal cord. C) brain stem. D) motor nerves.

120. You suspect that a 6-year-old girl has broken her leg after falling from a swing at a playground. Shortly after you arrive the child's mother appears and refuses to allow you to continue treatment. You should first: A) try to convince the mother that treatment is needed. B) tell the mother you must transport the child to the hospital. C) use your authority under the implied consent law. D) call dispatch and request police backup.

121. When you assess the pelvis of a patient, you gently push down on each side of the pelvis to determine: A) if the legs move. B) how strong the bones are. C) if both sides of the pelvis are equal. D) tenderness or abnormal movement.

122. Why must you know the location of all ambulance equipment? A) For prompt patient care B) To know how to stock the vehicle C) To inventory supplies and equipment D) To function as a member of the department

123. Which of the following actions does NOT pertain to nitroglycerin? A) It dilates the coronary arteries. B}: It causes the patient to have a headache. C) It causes the myocardium to use more oxygen. D) It prevents the heart rhythm from changing into ventricular fibrillation.

124. You are assessing a trauma patient who has fallen from the top of a 3D-foot ladder. He is conscious, alert, and complaining only of leg and hip pain. Initial cervical spine control has been established and maintained to this point. How should you assess his C-spine for injury? A) Ask him to move his arms and legs and if he can do so, allow him to sit up. B) Ask him to try to move his head against resistance to see if there is pain, then palpate for obvious deformities. C) Palpate his C-spine for point tenderness and if there is none, ask him to move his head to see if there is pain ,," D) Palpate his C-spine for point tenderness, have him move his fingers and toes, and ask him if he feels C any sensations in his extremities.

125. As you assess a patient's history of present illnesses, you should know that the "S" in the mnemonic 0- R-Q-R-S-T stands for: A) signs. B) severity. C) symptoms. D) suddenness.

126. A patient has a burn that appears charred, dry, and leathery. The patient complains of little or no pain at the site. This bum would be classified as:

A) epidermal. B) superficial. C) full-thickness. D) partial-thickness.

127. Hypoperfusion is another name for: A) shock. B) cyanosis. C) hypoxia. D) hypertension.

128. Which of the following methods should you use to artificially ventilate a laryngectomy patient? A) Mouth-to-nose B) Mouth-to-mask C) Mouth-to-stoma D) Mouth-to-mouth

129. Into what two parts is the nervous system divided? A) Sensory and somatic B) Sensory and autonomic C) Peripheral and somatic D) Central and peripheral

130. You do NOT have a duty to act when you: A) are on duty. B) are off duty. C) are working for a volunteer service. D) have a patient who refuses care.

131. A construction worker who was using a shovel to move soil around a new underground telephone cable is electrocuted after what witnesses say was a big flash in the hole. The patient is lyiI;lg motionless. You should first: A) put on rubber boots and enter the hole. B) make certain the power is turned off. C) contact the telephone company to see if the lines are dead. D) loop a rope and attempt to hook it around the patient's ankle and drag him across the hole.

132. What is the size of the oxygen cylinder that is mounted in the ambulance? A) A B) D C) E D) M

133. Which of the following is considered to be the structural framework of the body? A) Nerves B) Muscles C) Skeleton D) Ligaments

134. Capillary/cellular exchange occurs when: A) oxygen-rich air enters the alveoli while inhaling. B) oxygen-poor blood in the capillaries passes through to the alveoli. C) oxygen enters the capillaries as carbon dioxide enters the alveoli. D) cells give up carbon dioxide to the capillaries, and capillaries give up oxygen to the cells.

135. You are assessing the abdomen of a trauma patient. The abdomen is hard, distended, and nontender to palpation. These findings are considered: A) normal; all abdomens are somewhat hard and look distended. B) normal; the abdomen needs to be tender to palpation to mean anything. C) abnormal; the patient needs to be evaluated further and transported. D) abnormal; the abdomen should be tender with these signs. You need to palpate harder. 136. In a wilderness situation or when an extremely long or delayed transport is inevitable, you should treat a deep localized cold injury by: A) re-exposing the part to the cold. B) rubbing the affected part with alcohol. C) immersing the affected part in an ice water bath. D) immersing the affected part in a warm water bath.

137. What cells form a watertight, protective seal for the body? A) Dermis B) Epidermis C) Muscle layer D) Subcutaneous layer

138. Which of the following types of medical control involves communicating with the physician and then providing patient care? A) On-line B) Off-line C) Protocol D) Standing orders

139. All injuries to bones and joints should be splinted: A) with traction splints. B) prior to transportation. C) before other life-threatening problems. D) with a pneumatic antishock garment (PASG).

140. Contact with blood, body fluids, tissues, or airborne droplets by direct or indirect contact best defines: A) disease. B) infection. C) exposure. D) infection transmission.

141. Which of the following can be a late indicator of shock? A) Restlessness B) Decreased thirst C) Decreased blood pressure D) Decreased respiratory rate

142. What system is responsible for providing oxygen to the tissues of the body and removing carbon dioxide waste? A) Nervous B) Digestive C) , Respiratory D) Cardiovascular

143. Labored breathing, difficulty in breathing, or shortness of breath that may lead to hypoxia is known as: A) cyanosis. B) dyspnea. ~ C) tachypnea. D) ecchymosis.

144. When you suction an airway, the minimum body substance isolation (BSI) precautions you should take are: A) handwashing and a mask. B) gloves and eye protection. C) eye protection, gloves, and a HEP A respirator. D) handwashing, gloves, and a mask.

145. When ventilating a patient with a bag-valve-mask device, you should: A) listen for gurgling. B) look for inflation of the cheeks. C) look for rise and fall of the chest. D) look for signs of the patient breathing on his or her own.

146. You have been called to the home of an injured child who has unusual wounds in different stages of healing. You should: A) contact medical control if you do not transport the child and advise the physician of your suspicions. B) transport the child only if both parents give you permission. C) discuss your findings and suspicions with the child's guardian. D) call the dispatcher to see if there have been other responses to the same address within the previous 6 months.

147. A nasal airway is inserted: A) without lubrication. B) only in the right nostril. C) anteriorly and rotated 180°. D) posteriorly with the bevel toward the septum. 148. Your patient is an 8-month-old infant with a complete airway obstruction. What technique should you use to clear the airway? . A) Five back blows and five chest thrusts B) Five back blows and five abdominal thrusts C) Five abdominal thrusts and five chest thrusts D) Blind finger sweep, five back blows, and five abdominal thrusts

149. While examining a patient in active labor, you see the umbilical cord outside the vagina, ahead of the infant's head. What should you do first? A) Hold the mother's legs together and rapidly transport. B) Lift the infant's head with a sterile gloved hand to relieve pressure on the cord until delivery. C) Gently replace as much of the cord as possible and apply a moist dressing over the vagina. D) Apply gentle pressure to the head with a sterile gloved hand to prevent an explosive delivery of the cord.

150. Care of a sexually abused patient should NOT include: A) discouraging the patient from urinating or defecating. B) attempting to have a care provider of the same sex comfort the patient. C). giving the patient a washcloth to clean up before transport to the hospital. D) shielding the patient from onlookers.

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