Retina Regeneration Targeting Muller Cells with Natural Products

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Retina Regeneration Targeting Muller Cells with Natural Products

Endogenous Retinal Progenitor Cell Regeneration and Reported Retinitis Pigmentosa Therapeutics Promoting Stem Cell Neurogenesis, or Photoreceptor Differentiation

John J. McMurtrey, M.S. Copyright 2014, revised. 4/21/2016


Retina Progenitor Cell Populations -- A population of very small embryonic-like stem cells (0.06% @ postnatal day 28) is in the ganglion cell layer of adult mice that is quiescent, but can differentiate into ectodermal retinal cells (including photoreceptors), and mesoderm, or endoderm under stimulation by appropriate cell culture protocols. 1

Another reported adult mouse stem cell population consists of relatively rare pigmented cells in the cilliary margin that have a multipotent ability to become photoreceptors, bipolar neurons, and Muller glia cells under appropriate in vitro conditions. 2 Muller cells can have self renewal, and multipotent development along basic retinal cell lines characteristic of stem cells. 3 Muller glia have an ability to regenerate retina in teleost fish that is remarkable, while a lesser degree of retinal repair occurs chicks, but there is limited Muller cell proliferation in response to injury for mammals, 4 and any regeneration is ordinarily meager. 5 However, reports of conditions under which retinal regenerative processes can be promoted are numerous.

Injury by explant culture induces dedifferentiated Muller cells that exhibit some proliferation, which can be increased by >20 fold with the addition of 100 ng/ml Wnt3a. 6

Photoreceptor differentiation can then be induced by subsequent application of retinoic

(0.3 μM), or valproic (1mM) acids. Error: Reference source not found 2

Retinitis Pigmentosa Progenitor Capacity -- Visual field enlargement was reported for 3

(37.5%) of 8 Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) patients administered Nerve Growth Factor

(NGF) eye drops over 10 days. 7 Nerve growth factor signaling with Muller cell trans differentiation has been reported for the transient neurogenesis following sodium iodate injury to the retina that included some photoreceptor regeneration, 8 and for retinas having transplanted rat bone marrow stem cells. 9

Injury can produce dedifferentiation of Muller cells towards progenitor cells, and

Muller stem cell qualities are regulated by Wnt, and Notch signaling that governs the dominant pathway network of the developing retina. Error: Reference source not found

Retinal explants from 12 postnatal day rd-1Pde RP model mice treated with 100 ng/ml

Wnt3a increase cellular proliferation (indicated by BrdU labeling) that on Wnt3a withdrawal, and application of either retinoic, or valproic acids each increased the number of rhodopsin labeled cells (Valproic acid induces the NeuroD transcription factor that participates in photoreceptor differentiation by inhibiting histone deacetylases).

Error: Reference source not found Muller cell dedifferentiation gene expression study in

RP rd10Pde model mice included Notch signaling along with neurotrophic factors. 10 The faster degenerating RP model of the same gene but different amino acid mutation (also engineered with a reporter transgene) is the rd-1Pde Tcf-LacZ mouse, which exhibited increased Wnt signaling mainly localized to retinal Muller cells (glycogen synthetase+) of the retinal inner nuclear layer (though a few microglia cells in the outer nuclear layer had

Wnt signaling) [Differential Wnt ligand activity implicated in degeneration are Wnt5a & b, Wnt10a, and Wnt13]. 11 3

Though Muller cells in 12 day old rd-1Pde RP model mouse retinal explants can proliferate, these explants from 21 day old rd-1Pde mice are reported to lack proliferating cells (by BrdU labelling), Error: Reference source not found even though rd-1Pde Muller cells in vivo are reported to express the nestin neural stem cell antigen, and the rhodopsin rod phototransduction protein for up to 6 months of age. 12 This is long after complete photoreceptor degeneration at two months after birth). Error: Reference source not found

The transcription factor cyclic AMP Response Element Binnding protein 1 (CREB-1) is associated with nestin expression, neural progenitor cell proliferation, and relevant differentiation antigens in hippocampal neurogenesis. 13 However, active phosphorylated

CREB-1 transcription factor in the rd-1Pde RP model mouse is 30% of levels in the wild type mouse, 14 while the rd10Pde mouse (another mutation of the same gene yet having slower degeneration) had decreased phosphorylated CREB that was identified to be in

Muller cells, which had increased toward wild type by postnatal day 34 (when degeneration was nearly complete). 15 Adult mouse Muller cells without the degenerative mutation do not proliferate, or express either progenitor, or differentiation proteins.

Error: Reference source not found Intact retinal tissue may be required for stem cell proliferation, as in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) regenerative proliferation was only observed on undamaged epithelium. Error: Reference source not found

Intravitreal injection of RHOS334ter RP model rats with Notch and Wnt stimulators

(Jag1 and Wnt3a, respectively) produced a significantly better optokinetic (visual head- neck) response that correlated to a 7.3 fold increase in dividing Muller cells identified by being glutamate synthetase+, but were presumptive photoreceptors with demonstrable opsin by immune histochemistry versus RHOS334ter controls. 16 4

Sonic hedgehog is a stem cell signalling pathway that promotes proliferation by relieving cell cycling inhibition on binding the membrane receptor called patched, but mutational inactivation of patched also increases cell division such that mice heterozygous for patched (ptc +/-) have a population of dividing progenitor cells

(Chx10+, nestin+) at the retinal margin that is reminiscent of the ciliary margin zone of lower vertebrates 17 capable of retinal regeneration. RHOP23H RP model mice with patched (ptc +/-) heterozygosis even had a 50% greater cell division at the retinal margin than ptc +/- heterozygotes without retinal degeneration, and produced progenitor cells evidencing the photoreceptor differentiation marker recoverin. a Error: Reference source not found

Mammalian Retinal Regeneration Inhibition Factors -- Transforming Growth Factor β

(TGFβ) maintains quiescence of rat progenitor and Muller cell mitosis, while TGFβ inhibitors restore cell proliferation in vitro, and in vivo. 18 TGFβ inhibits Muller cell proliferation by activation of Protein kinase C, Error: Reference source not found and by expression of P27Kip, a cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor. Error: Reference source not found ZacI is a zinc finger transcription factor that controls ectopic rod photoreceptor, and amacrine cell proliferation by causing cell cycle exit, and TGFβ2 regulated apoptosis involving activated Smad 2/3 signaling (report quantitates mainly amacrine cells). 19

TGF-α, and epidermal growth factor also inhibit rod photoreceptor differentiation, but

20 TGFβ3 does not inhibit rods. TGFβ1, TGFβ2, and TGFβ3 expression are all reported increased in the rd10Pde RP model mouse. Error: Reference source not found

a Recoverin is an antigen positive for rod and cone photoreceptors, as well as cone bipolar cells (Moshiri et al., 2004). 5

RCSMerTK rat retina with transplanted human Muller stem cells had Muller cell migration inhibited by chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans secreted in part by CD68 activated microglia, but Muller stem cell migration, and integration could be increased by transplantation with chondroitinase ABC, and maximized to almost 80% migration by adding 4 immunosuppressants. 21

Circulating Mesenchymal Stem Cells Contribute to Repair/Regeneration -- Peripheral injection of 106 culture expanded bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells into

RCSMerTK RP model rats preserved photoreceptors, and increased optokinetic visual function with evident stem cell migration into the retina versus control rats. 22 Similar stem cell injections benefit other neurological deficit experimental models. Intravenous 3

X 106 bone marrow stromal/mesenchymal cells administered to rats one day after middle cerebral artery occlusion improved neurological recovery with the stem cells having the greatest accumulation in the brain damaged area. 23

Stromal cell-Derived Factor 1 (SDF-1/CXCL12) had observation in the rd10Pde mouse RP model, 24 and is a cytokine of the CXC chemokine family that attracts stem, as well as several types of immune cells. On massive sodium iodate retinal pigment epithelial injury in mice, bone marrow derived Green Fluorescent Protein labeled lin‒ stem/progenitor cells began to appear in the retina when histological damage was evident and retinal SDF-1/CXCL12 chemokine was expressed, but was not detectable in the blood. 25 Cell migration towards SDF-1/CXCL12 is indicated (in mouse embryonic fibroblasts & macrophage studies) to require activation of NF-κB isoforms simultaneously by both the canonical Inhibitor of κB Kinase (IKK) β pathway (which 6 maintains CXCR4 receptor expression), and the more inflammation resolving non- canonical IKKα pathway that is required to maintain polarity, and velocity of migration) towards a SDF-1 gradient. 26 SDF-1/CXCL12 activates IKKα, but the only other known activators of IKKα are CD40L, lymphotoxin β, and B cell activating factor (BAFF).

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Intravenous infusion of mesenchymal stem cells distributes the cells all over the body with a low rate of engraftment, so in humans at least 1 to 2 X 106 MSCs per kilogram patient body weight, or 150 to 300 million cells administered twice per week over two weeks have been used, though optimum dosage is unclear. 27 Such numbers of

MSCs require in vitro culture expansion, but culture conditions alter MSC phenotype, and migratory pattern, which can degrade regenerative capacity. Error: Reference source not found Two natural products that increase CXCR4 are tanshinone IIA, and astragaloside IV, while transient hypoxia preconditioning increases CXCR4, and migratory ability through induction of hypoxia inducible factor 1α. Error: Reference source not found

rBMSC cultures produced NGF, BDNF, GDNF, CTNF, and bFGF. Error:

Reference source not found

Wnt activators protect dissociated primary retinal cultures from H2O2 induced oxidative stress. Error: Reference source not found

Regeneration of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium, and Other Ocular Tissues

[The RPE participates in some lower vertebrate retinal regeneration, and provides essential functions as well as factors for photoreceptors.] Mouse ocular organ culture 7 ablation by the diptheria toxin transgene produced by the promoter for a unique, essential

Retinal Pigment Epitherium (RPE) protein (tyrosinase related protein 1) indicates that the

RPE is required for neural retina development, and maintenance. 28 In culture, a population of human RPE cells can be induced to form self renewing multipotent stem cells that can differentiate along mesenchymal, osteogenic, adipogenic, chrondrogenic, and neurogenic lines. 29 Regeneration in low dose sodium iodate (15 mg/kg) mouse

Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) injury had report of scotopic ERG b-wave improvement at 3 months post-injury with demonstration of pigment epithelia proliferation (double staining of proliferating cell nuclear antigen with RPE65), and observation of cell proliferation only on uninjured RPE tissue. 30 Although no RPE neurotrophin expression was observed, the RPE can express all the receptors for response

(TrkA, TrkB, TrkC, and p75). Error: Reference source not found

Several; three-dimensional (suspension) culture studies report the generation of optic cup-like structures reminiscent of embryology having multiple retinal tissue layers, of which the fastest most enhancing of eye cup-like structures from human ES included 5 or, 10 ng/ml of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, and there was expression of proteins for accessory tissues such as lens, and cornea as well. 31

Progenitor Cell Signaling Pathways in Retinitis Pigmentosa Animal Models

IL-6 Family Cytokines -- Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) delays RHOVPP RP model mouse photoreceptor degeneration by upregulation of Endothelin 2 (Edn2), STAT3,

FGF2, and GFAP, whereof LIF is implicated to induce Edn2 from damaged photoreceptors, which stimulates a subset of Muller cells that have low glutamine synthetase activity. 32 LIF endothelin-2 (Edn-2), and Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF2) 8 are an upregulated pathway in the rd10Pde RP model that also had activation of Glial

Fibrilliary Acidic Protein (GFAP), and JAK-STAT3 signaling with increased p-JAK2, and p-STAT3 (and elevated CCAAT/enhancer binding protein). 33 Oncostatin M protects rods and promotes the regeneration of cone outer segments with phosphorylation of

STAT3 in Muller cells (but not photoreceptors), which indicates Muller cells mediate oncostatin M effects. 34 CNTF, LIF, and oncostatin M are of the IL-6 family of cytokines. Error: Reference source not found

Wnt Signaling -- Postnatal day 35 rd-1Pde retina expressed 3 fold more Dickkopf-3, 35 which is produced by Muller glia.

Dickkopf-3 potentiates Wnt 3a signaling under conditions of staurosporine promoted apoptosis through antagonizing Dickkopf-1-Kremen dependent inhibition of Wnt signalling, where Dickkopf 3 can bind both Kremen 1, or 2 in membrane vesicles that apparently eventually become peri-nuclear. 36 The Wnt signaling antagonists, Secreted

Frizzled-Related Proteins (SFRP) of SFRP1 and SFRP5 are restricted to surviving photoreceptors in human RP, while SFRP1, SFRP2, SFRP3, and SFRP5 are localized to the inner limiting membrane. 37

Intercellular/Paracrine Mechanisms -- Mammalian rod photoreceptors require a critical density of other cells for differentiation. Error: Reference source not found [ . . . ]

[Besides the importance of developmental signaliung pathways, and other critical influence of the extracellular matrix] Culturing retinal progenitor cells on lamin β2/S- laminin increases the number differentiating as rod photoreceptors, but soluble factors have a considerable role in photoreceptor development. Error: Reference source not found 9

Inflammation and Regeneration

Inflammation increases CXCR7, which influences SDF-1/CXCL12 induced chemotaxis because CXCR7 has a 10-fold greater affinity for SDF-1/CXCL12 than

CXCR4, and CXCR7 has anti-apoptotosis effects without being linked to the usual chemokine G-protein mechanism of CXCR4. 38

Reported Retinitis Pigmentosa Therapeutic Agents Affecting Regeneration

Vitamin A/Retinol -- A RCT found that 15,000 IU vitamin A daily for RP patients with preserved electroretinograms (ERG) retained ERG amplitudes more than patients on placebo. 39

Retinol is the alcohol form of vitamin A 40 that is systemically transported from hydrolysis of liver retinyl ester stores. 41 Cultures with 0.5 μM retinol are reported to maintain a proliferative pluripotent state in both mouse embryonic (from blastocyst inner cell mass), or induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) cells (from fibrobroblasts} with the latter repotyed passaged in culture for over 100 days. 42 Retinol can sustain embryonic stem and iPS cell proliferation, and pluripotency without methods such as maintenance on a feeder cell culture, Error: Reference source not found or additional growth factors, and is compatible with suspension cultures. Error: Reference source not found Retinol promotes self renewal of embryonic stem cells that is independent of mouse strain origin, and that has pluripotency for all embryonic differentiation lineages, with germ cell development, as well as chimera integration. Error: Reference source not found 10

Retinol regulates the self renewal of stem cells by over expression of insulin-like growth factor II that activates the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor tyrosine kinase, Error:

Reference source not found and the associated insulin receptor substrate-1 axis via the phosphoinositol three (PI3) kinase cascade resulting in the phpsphorylation of Akt/PKB on T308 and S473 with downstream involvement of mammalian Target of Rampamycin

Complexes (TORC) 1 and 2 having a resultant activation of p70S6 kinase, which is a key component of the cell protein synthetic machinery. 43 This pathway is part of the retinol

(vitamin A) ability to suppress differentiation, and maintains stem cell renewal that occurs by increased expression of the nuclear factors Nanog, and Oct4 Error: Reference source not found which is independent from other known pathways such as LIF/STAT3, bone morphogenic proteins, or Wnt/β-catenin. 44 Embryonic stem cells do not express the genes for retinol conversion toretinoic acid, or transport of retinoic acid to the nucleus, which causes differentiation of cells (as below). Error: Reference source not found

Vitamin A/Retinol effects on stem cells has detailed review. Error: Reference source not found

Retinoic Acid -- Human embryonic, or postnatal retina cell proliferation in vitro is reported for retinoic acid whereby a percentage of cells differentiates as photoreceptors indicated by recoverin+. 45 Injection of 30 mg/kg all-trans-retinoic acid into pregnant rats during embryonic photoreceptor generation increased the density of rat pup rod photoreceptors. 46 Ocular retinoic acid is synthesized primarily by the retinal pigment epithelium, although other cell lines produce this compound during earlier stages of development. Error: Reference source not found Retinoic acid is essential for neural tissue development in effecting the switch from progenitor cell proliferation to neuronal 11 cell differentiation by causing cell cycling exit along with gene expression controlled by both Retinoic Acid Receptor (RAR) α, and RARγ. 47 Retinoic acid induces neuron commitment in CGR8, or DBA-252 embryonic stem cells through inhibition of p38

Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (p38 MAPK), which when active in embryonic stem cells would produce cardiomyocytes. 48 However, in later neuron development, p38

MAPK is required for neurite formation, and neuron survival. Error: Reference source not found

9-cis-retinoic Acid -- A cross-over RCT of 300 mg/day 9-cis-β-carotene for 90 days in

29 RP patients increased dark adapted ERG by 8.4 μV versus ERG decline while on plcebo. 49 9-cis-β-carotene is metabolized by intestine mucosa to 9-cis-retinoic acid, 50 which is the vitamin A metabolite able to activate both the Retinoic Acid Receptor, and the Retinoic X Receptor (RXR) required for vitamin A gene transcription on heterodimerization of these receptors. 51 Dissociated high density 6-8 day retinal cultures exposed to all-trans-retinoic acid greatly increased rod photoreceptor differentiation, but

9-cis-retinoic acid increased by about ten times rod differentiation, yet after birth all- trans-retinoic acid had much less effect on rod differentiation in low density 6-8 day cultures (10 nM all-trans-retinoate = 14% rods recoverin+). 52

Taurine -- Taurine stimulated rod photoreceptor development of rat neonatal (<24 hr old) retinal gel cultures with a half maximal stimulation concentration of 2 μM, and is a component of the rod promoting activity of retinal cell conditioned media, but apparently does not require uptake into cells for this activity. 53 12

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamen C) -- Some of the aqueous humor enhancement of rat retinal precursor cell proliferation is due to ascorbic acid, which was maximal at 0.025 mg/ml of ascorbate. 54 In vitro ascorbate at 10 μg/ml alleviated the senescence roadblock for pluripotent reprogramming, and accelerated gene expression changes for induction of mouse or human pluripotent stem cells from somatic cells. 55 Vitamin C enhances the in vitro generation of induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS) by regulating jhdm1a and -b histone demethylase expression that are involved in producing the master stem cell transcription factor Nanog. 56 Vitamin C also encourages iPS maintance in vitro partly by reduction of the p53 tumor suppressor protein. Error: Reference source not found

Numerous embryonic stem cell genes for neurogenesis are responsive to ascorbic acid that particularly include differentiation, and adhesion genes such as BDNF, and cadherin.


Nerve Growth Factor -- Visual field enlargement was reported for 3 (37.5%) of 8 RP patients administered murine NGF eye drops over 10 days. Error: Reference source not found NGF promotes the proliferation of human Muller glia with a half maximal concentration at 0.04 ng/ml (1.5 pM) in vitro. 58 NGF and NGF receptor immunoreactivity are reported from and on rat retinal Muller glia, as well as retinal pigment epithelium. 59 A transient neurogenesis first resulted after rat retina sodium iodate injury by dedifferentiated Muller cells that had cell proliferation from decrease of the p27kip1 inhibitor of cell cycling, and decrease of the Notch1-Hes1 pathway that allowed differentiation of photoreceptor markers each of which was associated with elevated Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) signaling, however the eventual predominant result was scar forming gliosis. Error: Reference source not found Muller cell dedifferentiation 13 and proliferation is induced by rat Bone Marrow Stem Cells (rBMSC) in vitro, and when rBMSC are subretinally transplanted into RCSMerTK RP model rats, endogenous Muller cells transdifferentiated with opsin (glutamate synthetase+, crx+) expression via Nerve

Growth Factor (NGF) activation of Tyrosine Kinase Receptor type 1 (TrkA) involving the pPI3K, pAkt, and pCREB pathway (along with more retention of the outer nuclear layer of photoreceptors versus control RCSMerTK rats). Error: Reference source not found

The aqueous extract of Ganoderma lucidum b (Reishi mushrooms) had no cytotoxicity, and was neuritogenic (at 75 μg/ml) in rat pheochromocytoma (PC-12) cultures with activation of NGF signaling such as the MEK/ERK1/2, and PI3K/Akt pathways. 60 PC-12 cultures were established from a rat adrenal medullary tumor, and has been extensively utilized as a model for neuronal proliferation, and differentiation investigations. Error: Reference source not found The alcohol extract of G. lucidum is reported to also have NGF-like promotion of non-amyloidogenic secretion in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cultures that is an essential pathway for transdifferentiating bone marrow progenitor cells to neurons. 61 The NGF signaling cascade reported activated by G. lucidum extract included Phosphatidylinositol 3 Kinase (PI3K), Phospholipase Cγ1

(PLCγ1), Protein Kinase C (PKC), and ERK1/2. Error: Reference source not found

Curcumin - Oral curcumin at 100 mg/kg dissolved in a powdered milk preparation is reported to improve transgenic RHOP23H rat RP model retina morphology and physiology.

62 c

Oral Curcuma longa extract at 300 mg/kg increased cell proliferation, and differentiation in the hippocampus dentate gyrus subgranular zone of normal, or galactose b Grifola frondosa, and G. neo-japonicum aqueous extracts mushrooms were also studied with similar results, but G. neo-japonicum was neuritogenic at 50 μg/ml. c Curcuminoids have very poor intestinal absorption. 14 aged mice that was attended by increased BDNF, and cAMP Response Element Binding protein (CREB) signaling. 63 CREB is heavily implicated in neurogenesis, as well as neuron development. 64 The extract improved learning, and spatial memory in normal, as well as mice aged by galactose treatment. Error: Reference source not found

Curcuminoid extracts consist of 75-80% curcumin, 15-20% Demethoxycurcumin

(DMC), and 3-5% Bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC). 65 Two months of oral Curcuma longa extract (95.9% curcuminoids) pretreatment at 10 mg/kg of aged (24 month) rats improved learning and spatial memory, which was correlated with serotonin levels in prefrontal cortex, and hippocampus. 66 Two year old rats dosed with curcuminoids also had decreased glutamate excitotoxicity, and plasma corticosterone levels. Error:

Reference source not found PC12 cell culture neurite outgrowth is promoted by 20 μM of individual curcuminoids to similar (16-22%) amounts through ERK1/2- and PKC- dependent pathways, but only curcumin and DMC induced phosphylorated CREB. Error:

Reference source not found

Adult mice treated with intraperitoneal 500 nM/kg (184 mg/kg) d curcumin daily for 4 days had increased hippocampus dentate gyrus subgranular zone cell proliferation after day 1 (BrdU+) that by 4 weeks were distributed throughout the dentate gyrus with maturity of morphology, and neuron specific protein (BrdU+, NeuN+) labeling, but no double labeling occurred with BrdU for glial fibrillary acid protein. 67 Curcumin increased proliferation with an optimal concentration of 500 nM e by stimulating basal

ERK1/2, and p38 MAP Kinases in cultures of mouse C17.2 neural progenitor cells, and d 1 mole curcumin = 368.38 g/mole (Google value) x 0.0005 M (500 nM) = 0.18419 g = 184 mg. e Cell cultures exhibited curcumin cytotoxicity at > 10 μM, however Kim et al. 2008 state that there is no evidence that high doses of curcumin produced hippopampal toxcitity in vivo (intestinal absorption is very low). The authors estimate that 500 nM/kg i.p. would result in a 5-6 μM blood curcumin concentration, and that blood-brain barrier restriction would result in 1-2 μM brain curcumin concentration. 15 embryonic neural stem cells as determined by specific inhibitor studies. Error: Reference source not found Oral 12 mg/kg curcumin treatment for 3 months (but not 1.5 months) enhanced hippocampal dentate gyrus neurogenesis particularly in the hilus, but also in the subgranular zone of 1 1/2 year aged rats attended by improvements in both spatial, and non-spatial memory. 68 Gene expression in these 1 1/2 year old rats was related to neural plasticity, and growth, some of which involved Wnt signaling. Error: Reference source not found Oral 10 or 20 mg/kg curcumin in peanut oil for 21 days administered to rats under chronic unpredictable stress increased hippocampal hilar, and subgranular zone proliferation (BrdU+) by 20 - 28% (of which at 20 mg/kg 59% expressed the mature neuron marker NSE) versus vehicle treated stressed controls. 69 Oral 10 or 20 mg/kg curcumin in peanut oil treatment during 20 days of 6 hours/daily restraint stressed rats reversed the impeded learning, and dose dependently improved impaired memory versus vehicle treated restraint stressed rats, or unstressed rats. 70 The peanut oil dissolved curcumin doses reversed increases of corticosterone, and increased dendritic branching.

Error: Reference source not found In vitro curcumin prevents toxicity from corticosterone activation of the glucocorticoid receptor in primary fetal hippocampal cultures with down regulation of CaMKII, and NMDA receptor 2B mRNA. Error:

Reference source not found Oral 75 mg/kg f curcumin administered to adult, or aged g rats for 8 days h enhanced spatial learning, and dentate gyrus neuron arborization with a 2 fold increase in neurons having polysialylated neuron cellular adhesion molecule. 71

Curcumin binding to PKCδ caused phosphorylation of a tyrosine residue that promoted

PKCδ degradation, which allows polysialylated neuron adhesion molecule expression. f But not 37.5 mg/kg curcumin over 8 days. g About 1 1/2 year old. h 40 days of the curcumin dose produced no better learning. 16

Error: Reference source not found Elderly asians who regularly consumed curry had better cognitive function than rare, or non-consumers of curry. 72 Curry contains the dried rhizome of Curcuma longa known as the spice, tumeric, Error: Reference source not found from which curcuminoids, and pure curcumin is extracted.

Cannabinoids -- Intraperitoneal (i.p.) 100 μg/kg injection of the cannabinoid agonist

HU210 three times weekly in transgenic RHOP23H rats produced more retained ERG amplitude as well as less latency of a- and b-waves with preserved neuroretinal connectivity versus sham injected RHOP23H rats. 73 Vervet monkey Muller cells are reported to express Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2R), which does not produce psychoactive effects. 74

Twice daily 100 mg/kg of the HU210 cannabinoid i.p. over 10 daye in chronically injected rats had increased BrdU determined neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus that had fully differentiated granule neurons at one month after the final injection. 75 The HU210 induced neurogenesis had anxiolytic and antidepressant-like effects. Error: Reference source not found In vitro studies reported Hu210 promoted proliferation, but not differentiation of neural progenitor cells with indicated activation of the CB1 receptor having associated G i/o proteins, and ERK signaling. Error: Reference source not found

Cannabinoids modulate neural progenitor cells by direct cannabinoid receptor signaling, and interaction with pathways for differentiation. 76 Cannabinoid neurogenic roles include neuron specification, axon navigation, and morphogenesis. 77 Specific agonist, and CB1 receptor null mouse studies indicate that the endocannabinoid system promotes neural progenitor cell proliferation in vitro. 78 17

Non-psychoactive Cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2) agonists stimulate neural progenitor cell

79 proliferation in vitro and in vivo. A diacylglycerol lipase-CB2 pathway regulates adult subventricular zone neurogenesis in an age-dependent manner. 80

Melatonin -- Daily intraperitoneal 10 mg/kg melatonin injection of rdsPeriph RP model mice slowed photoreceptor degeneration, but displayed no scotopic or photopic ERG changes (reference indicates melatonin antioxidant, Bcl2, & NF-κB influence, but also a promotion of light induced degeneration), 81 yet 2 mg/kg melatonin in drinking water for transgenic RHOP23H rats increased scotopic ERG b-wave with more retinal structural integrity versus the respective control RP model rodents (reference has melatonin for RP circadian disruption citations). 82

Melatonin release at night regulates circadian rhythm, and neurogenic mitosis in the subventricular zone occurs at night. 83 Neurogenic stem cells express the Metalonin receptor MT1, and MT2 with melatonin agonists increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the hippocampus dentate gyrus. Error: Reference source not found

Wenyang Yiqi Huoxue Recipe -- Wenyang yiqi huoxue recipe treated rdsPeriph RP model mice had increased ERG a-, and b-wave amplitude with decreased latency, as well as increased basic fibroblast growth factor, and preserved photoreceptors compared to untreated rdsPeriph mice. 84 Wenyang huoxue recipe consists of Panax ginseng, Radix aconiti lateralis preparata, Radix Ilex pubesceus, and Herbal Leonuri. 85 CD34+ hematopoietic stem cell mobilization to peripheral blood occurred as early as 10 days of wenyang huoxue recipe treatment with eventual stem cell migration to stenosed areas of myocardial infarction patients Error: Reference source not found who had improved heart function. 86 18

Ginseng -- Red (steam treated) ginseng extract increased bullfrog visual sensitivity by

1.4 log units of light, and ERG dark adapted b-wave amplitude, apparently with chronically administered ginseng. 87

After traumatic brain injury of rats, the injection of 5-80 mg/kg extracted saponins from Panax ginseng improved memory and learning that was accompanied by BrdU+

(bromodeoxyuridine), and nestin+ cells in the hippocampus along with increased NGF,

GDNF, and NCAM, but with decreased neurogenesis suppressors, yet dose response dependence occurred up to 20 mg/kg with equivalent benefit thereafter. 88

Ginsengoside Rg1 increases proliferation of murine neural progenitor cells in vitro, and at 5 or 10 mg/kg in vivo of hippocampal dentate gyrus stem cells. 89 Gerbil ischemia-induced dentate gyrus cell proliferation and survival is reported increased by 5

90 or 10 mg/kg Rg1, and this Rg1 effect did not depend on BDNF. Rg1 promotes bone marrow stromal/mesenchymal cell proliferation by estrogen receptor mediated signaling, but does not displace estradiol from the estrogen receptor (with genes for MKP-1, and

91 SGK also responsive). Rg1 protects against β-amyloid-induced rat cortical neuron death by activating downstream events dependent on both the estrogen receptor α and glucocorticoid receptors that results in two pathways: (1) ERK1/2 phosphorylation, which inhibits iNOS generation of NO that nitrates protein tyrosine residues, and (2) NF-

92 κB activation. Mouse embryonic stem cell neuronal differentiation facilitated by Rg1 is reported dependent on the Glucocorticoid Receptor (GR) via the GR-MEK-ERK1/2-

PI3K-Akt signaling pathway as determined by inhibitor studies. 93 19

Rg1 increases Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) synthesis, and lengthens the cell cycle proliferative (S) phase with shortening of the resting (G0/G1) phase. Error: Reference source not found

Ginsenoside Rb1 treatment of neurosphere cultures from 14.5 day embryonic rat cortex progenitor cells protected against tert-butylhydroperoxide oxidative stress by Nrf induction of HO-1, but had no effect on proliferation, or differentiation of neural progenitor cells. 94

Ginsenoside Rg1 promotes the proliferation, migration, adhesion, and vasculogenesis of endothelial (hematopoietic) progenitor cells in vitro. 95

Panax notoginseng saponins up-regulated phosphorylation of MEK1/2, ERK1/2,

Akt1/2, and PI-3K protein kinases, as well as GATA1/2 transcription factors along with

GATA1/2 DNA binding in hemopoietic cell cultures. 96

Radix Aconiti lateralis preparata - Radix Aconiti lateralis preparata activates proliferation of mouse bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, and induces osteogenic differentiation through the bone morphpogenic protein-2/Smad dependent Runx2 pathway (beginning with ERK-1/2) within 2 weeks, whereas osteogenesis by a usual protocol takes 3 weeks. 97

Herbal Leonuri - A plant of wide distribution, herbal leonuri contains alkaloids

(leonurine, stachydrine), and flavinoids (quercetin, kaempferol, rutin) that are beneficial under tissue damage conditions through anti-apoptotic, antioxidant, and anti- inflammatory effects in various animal model reports. 98 A flavonol (4.8% quercetin,

3.9% kaempferol, 0.7% isorhaminetin) extract at 50 mg/kg for 4 months increased the 20 hippocampal Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor levels in a transgenic Alzheimer's disease mouse model where treatment also improved spatial memory. 99 Kaempferol, and quercetin strongly induce neurofilament expression for neurite outgrowth. Error:

Reference source not found

The citrus flavonoid glycoside rutin at 1 μg/ml pretreatment of HT22 hippocampal neuron cultures ameliorated the ethanol-induced decrease in NGF, GDNF, and BDNF. 100 Rutin also counteracted the ethanol-induced malonyldialdehyde increase with the accompanying decrease in reduced glutathione, SOD1, and catalase as well as elevated inflammatory indicators of IL-1β, COX-2, and iNOS with decreased viability indicated by LDH release. Error: Reference source not found Rutin increases the survival of neural crest cells, and quercetin reduces the H2O2 toxicity for neural progenitor cells. 101

Flavonoids -- Of 33 flavonoids tested in rat astrocyte cultures; calycosin, isorhamnetin, luteolin, and genistein produced NGF, GDNF, and BDNF, whereas other flavonoids yielded either NGF, or GDNF, but not BDNF. 102 Flavonoids induced phosphorylation of the estrogen receptor, and inhibition of this process reduced neurotrophin production.

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Electrical Stimulation -- A randomized, sham-controlled, partly blinded 24 patient study of transcorneal electrical stimulation at 150% of phosphene threshold with 20 Hz, 5-ms biphasic pulses for 30 minutes per week over 6 months reported increased scotopic ERG b-wave amplitude, and kinetic visual field enlargment by 17%, but there was a decrease 21 in desaturated color discrimination. 103 Electrical stimulation features in an artificial silicon retina microchip implants for 6 RP patients had improved vision in areas too distant from the implant to be due to direct electrical stimulation, yet was attributed to neurotrophic factor stimulation of photoreceptor rescue, 104 [or neurogenesis].

Transcorneal 700 μAmpere electrical 10 ms biphasic rectangular pulse stimulation of transgenic RHOP34L rabbit left eyes increased rhodopsin, and photopic ERG waves along with the scotopic b-wave compared to sham treated right eyes. 105 Transcorneal

100 μAmpere electrical 1 hour stimulation weekly of RCSMerTK rat left eyes has report of preserving the photoreceptor (ONL) layer, and ERG up to 7 weeks of age compared to sham stimulated right eyes. 106 Transcorneal application of rectangular 1 ms biphasic 200

μAmpere electrical pulses at 20 Hz for 1 hour to the right eye of rats that had this stimulation 2 hours before 16,000 lux light exposure had report that the stimulated eye had a higher ERG saturation amplitude, and a lower rod response b-wave implicit time, while there was preservation of the outer nuclear layer, and outer segment length with less photoreceptor death compared to sham exposure. 107

Rescue of retinal ganglion cells from apoptosis induced by optic nerve transection is reported for transcorneal electrical stimulation, which increases IGF-1 secretion from Muller cells. 108

In vitro electrical stimulation (1 ms, 20 Hz pulses at 10 mA) of Muller cells had upregulated BDNF production that was not detected extracellularly at 6 hour, that may indicate autocrine stimulation (or a single determination artifact with subsequent secretion), which was fully suppressed by the voltage dependent calcium channel blocker nifedipine. 109 Magnetic fields also have similar calcium channel effects. Numerous 22 studies have reported that 50 Hz of 1 milliTesla magnetic flux applied to mesenchymal, or brain-derived stem cells report increased proliferation, and neural differentiation. 110

Cellular pathways indicated in these studies include increase of voltage-gated L-type

CaV1 calcium channels leading to an elevated CREB phosphorylation, while other transcription factors include Hes1, Ascl, Neurogenic Differentiation Factor 1 (NeuroD1),

NeuroD2, Neurogenin1, and HDAC. Error: Reference source not found Human mesenchymal stem cell neurogenesis occurred from 1000 seconds of pulsed or constant current 250 mV stimulation by gold coated culture surfaces every three days as indicated by numerous neuronal markers, and neurite outgrowth, but the greatest neurite outgrowth

(>150 mm) occurred on stimulation in culture with mature neurons. 111 Even two direct current exposures at 0.53 or 1.83 V/m (which are within physiological levels) for 10 minutes per day to brain derived neural stem/progenitor cells along with EGF/FGF, or the neural differentiation factor INFγ promoted neuron maturation, and neurite outgrowth that reached 600 μm (with INFγ_. 112

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