International Vacancy Announcements

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International Vacancy Announcements


United Nations and Other International Organizations June 16 - 29, 2010

Qualified individuals interested in competing for any of the listed vacancies should submit their applications directly to the international organization of interest. Organization addresses/contacts are provided on the Department’s Internet Site noted above.


Competitive Salary Generous Health Benefits Plan Attractive Pension Plan Education Grant for Dependents (including college – 4 years) Generous Leave Home Leave Travel Costs Relocation Costs Holidays (10+)

Most salaries shown are NET of taxes and include a cost-of-living adjustment. Additional allowances & benefits apply.

POSITION TITLE International Organization (IO) (Vacancy Number) Duty Station (Requirements: Degree; Experience; Foreign Languages) Grade Net Salary 1/ Closing Date SENIOR POSTS 1 DEPUTY DIRECTOR; Org for Econ Co-Op & Dev (OECD); (3613); Paris, France (AdvDeg: Econ/Discip; 10+ yrs exp; Fr); A6; $205K Closing date: 06/16/10

2 CHIEF, Econ Coop & Integration Division; Econ Commission for Europe (ECE); (10-ECO-ECE-424284-R-GENEVA (G)); Switz (AdvDeg: Econ/Mgmt/Bus-PblcAdm; 15+ yrs nat’l-int’l exp; Rus); D-1; $168K Closing date: 06/18/10

3 DIRECTOR, Health Security & Emergencies; World Health Org (WHO); (WPRO/10/FT263); Manila, Philippines (AdvDeg: PblcHlth/HlthSci; 10+ yrs exp); D-1; $147K Closing date: 06/18/10

4 COORDINATOR, African Climate Policy Ctr: Econ Commission for Africa (ECA); (10-ECO-ECA-4234007-S-ADDIS ABABA (G); Ethiopia (AdvDeg: Econ/DevEcon-Stdys; 15+ yrs exp); D-1; $148K Closing date: 06/19/10

5 HEAD, Econ Coop & Integratn among Dev Cntrys; UN Conf on Trade & Dev (UNCTAD); (10-ECO-UNCTAD-423173-R-GENEVA(G)); Switz (AdvDeg: Econ; 15+ yrs exp); D-1; $168K Closing date: 06/19/10

6 CHIEF, Investment Trends & Issues Branch; UN Conf on Trade & Dev (UNCTAD); (10-ECO-UNCTAD-423948-R-GENEVA(G)); Switz (AdvDeg: Econ; 15+ yrs int’l investment exp); D-1; $168K Closing date: 06/20/10

7 CLUSTER MANAGER (Governance); UN Development Prog (UNDP); (16973); Baghdad, Iraq (AdvDeg: Econ/PolSci/PblcAdm/Int’lDev; 15+ yrs exp; Arabic); P-6; $147K Closing date: 06/20/10

8 PRINCIPAL ADVISER to the Executive Director; UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-PGM-UNEP-424474-R-NAIROBI); Kenya (AdvDeg: Econ/EnvirStdys/Law/SocSci/Mgmt; 15+ yrs envir policy analys exp); D-1; $140K Closing date: 06/20/10

9 HEAD, Chemicals Branch; UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-PGM-UNEP-424069-R-GENEVA); Switz (AdvDeg: NatRsrcesMgmt/EnvirSci/Chem; 15+ yrs envir progs/HR/fin exp); D-1; $168K Closing date: 06/20/10

10 DIR, Geneva Liaison & Humanit Aff Ofc; UN Human Settlement Prog (UN-HABITAT); (10-PGM-UN-HABITAT-424455-R-GENEVA); Switz (AdvDeg: HumanSettlemnts/HumanitAff/BusMgmt; 15+ yrs exp; Fr); D-1; $168K Closing date: 06/20/10 11 DIRECTOR, Capital Master Plan; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-ADM-DM CMP-424249-R-NEW YORK); NY (AdvDeg: ConstructnAdm/ProjAdm/Arch/Engin; 15+ yrs lg-scale constructn proj exp); D-2; $180K Closing date: 06/20/10

12 DIRECTOR, Outreach Division; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-ADM-DPI-424431-R-NEW YORK (G)); NY (AdvDeg: Commun/Journ/Int’lRel/PolSci; 15+ yrs (5+ yrs int’l) exp); D-2; $180K Closing date: 06/20/10

13 DIRECTOR, News & Media Division; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-ADM-DPI-424368-R-NEW YORK (G)); NY (AdvDeg: Journ/Int’lRel/Commun/PolSci; 15+ yrs (5+ yrs int’l) exp); D-2; $180K Closing date: 06/20/10

14 MANAGER, Knowledge Mgmt & Commun; Pan American Health Org (PAHO ); (PAHO/10/FT231); WashDC (AdvDeg: KnowMgmt/InfoSys/PblcHlth; 15 yrs nat’l-int’l exp; Sp); D-1; $145K Closing date: 06/21/10

15 CHIEF OF SERVICE/BRANCH/DIVISION (Central Emergency Fund); UN Secretariat (UN); (10-ADM-OCHA-424229-R-NEW YORK (G)); NY (AdvDeg: Int’lAff/PolSci/Econ/Law/PblcAdm; 15+ yrs emerg mgmt-disaster relief exp); D-1; $167K Closing date: 06/21/10

16 COORDINATOR, Anti-Retroviral Treatment & HIV Care; World Health Org (WHO); (HQ/10/HIV/FT254); Geneva, Switz (AdvDeg: Med & PblcHlth-related field; 10+ yrs nat’l-int’l exp); P-6; $168K Closing date: 06/22/10

17 DIRECTOR Human Rsrce Mgmt Dept; World Intellectual Property Org (WIPO); (D2044); Geneva, Switz (AdvDeg: HumanRsrceMgmt/Law/Bus-PblcAdmin; 15 yrs exp; Fr); D-2; $181K Closing date: 06/22/10

18 DIRECTOR; UN Edu, Sci & Cult Org (UNESCO); (INN/UI/GER/ED/001); Hamburg, Germany (AdvDeg: Edu/SocSci; 15 yrs (int’l) exp; Fr); D-2; $149K Closing date: 06/25/10

19 DIRECTOR, New York Office; UN Human Settlement Prog (UN-HABITAT); (10-PGM-UN-HABITAT-424490-R-NEW YORK); NY (AdvDeg: Econ/Urban&RegionalDev/SocSci; 15+ yrs (5 yrs UN sys) exp); D-1; $167K Closing date: 06/28/10

20 DIRECTOR, Technical Co-Operation Bureau; Int’l Civil Aviation Org (ICAO); (PC 2010/15/D-2); Montreal, Canada (AdvDeg: Pblc-BusAdm/DevEcon (Aviation-RelatedTechField; 15+ yrs civil aviat field/sr-lvl mgt exp); D-2; $168K Closing date: 06/30/10

21 MANAGER, Health Systems; Pan American Health Org (PAHO ); (PAHO/09/FT774); WashDC (AdvDeg: HlthMgmt/PblcHlth/Int’lAffairs; 15 yrs nat’l-int’l exp; Sp); D-1; $145K Closing date: 06/30/10

22 DIRECTOR, Dept for Traditional Knwldge & Global Challenges; World Intellectual Property Org (WIPO); (D2045); Geneva, Switz (AdvDeg: LifeSci/Law; 15 yrs exp); D-2; $181K Closing date: 07/05/10

23 DIRECTOR, Division of Physical & Chemical Sciences; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/054); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: Physics/Chem & NuclSci; 15+ yrs nucl science rsrch & Dev exp); D-1; $150K Closing date: 07/16/10

24 EXECUTIVE MANAGER; Int’l Telecomm Union (ITU); (D24-2010); Geneva, Switz (AdvDeg: BusAdm; 15+ yrs nat’l-int’l telecom org ; UN lang); D-1; $168K Closing date: 07/21/10

25 DIRECTOR; UN Edu, Sci & Cult Org (UNESCO); (AS/RP/AFG/BFC/0001); Kabul, Afghanistan (AdvDeg; 10 yrs nat’l-int’l exp; Fr); D-1; $139K Closing date: 07/27/10

26 DIRECTOR, Air Navigation Bureau; Int’l Civil Aviation Org (ICAO); (PC 2010/18/D-2); Montreal, Canada (AdvDeg: AeronautScientific-Engineering field; 15+ yrs (5+ yrs int’l) policy formul exp); D-2; $168K Closing date: 08/02/10

27 DIRECTOR, Air Transport Bureau; Int’l Civil Aviation Org (ICAO); (PC 2010/19/D-2); Montreal, Canada (AdvDeg: AeronautEngin/AirTrnsprtEcon/TrnsprtMgmt; 15+ yrs (5+ yrs int’l) exp); D-2; $168K Closing date: 08/02/10 PROFESSIONAL POSTS

28 FIELD PROGRAM OFFICER (Quality Assurance); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2319-TCD); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Bus-PblcAdm/AgriEcon/Mrktng/DevEcon; 7 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/16/10

29 INVESTMENT OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2342-SFS); Harare, Zimbabwe (AdvDeg: Econ/AgriEcon; 7 yrs exp; Fr); P-4; $98K Closing date: 06/16/10

30 WASTE SAFETY SPECIALIST; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/047); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: Nucl-ChemSci; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $105K Closing date: 06/16/10

31 OFFICER, Technical Specialist, Propulsion Technology 2/; North Atlantic Treaty Org (NATO); (A 25(2010)); Brussels, Belgium (Deg: Sci/Engin; 4+ yrs exp; Fr); A-4; $144K Closing date: 06/16/10

32 TECHNICAL SPECIALIST, Democratic Accountability; UN Development Prog (UNDP); (16965); Lilongwe, Malawi (AdvDeg: Law/PblcAdmin-Pol; 5 yrs exp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/16/10

33 PACIFIC REG CRISIS PREVENTION & RECOVERY ADVISOR/PROJ MNGR; UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17098); Suva, Fiji (AdvDeg: Int’lRel; 10 yrs exp); P-5; $116K Closing date: 06/16/10

34 POLICY ANALYST, Human Rights & Access to Justice; UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17171); Dakar, Senegal (AdvDeg: HumanRghts/Law/DevStdys/Int’lRel; 2 yrs exp; Fr); P-2; $74K Closing date: 06/16/10

35 CHIEF, Technical Secretariat, Darfur Community Peace & Stability Fund; UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17179); Nyala, Sudan (AdvDeg: Bus-PblcAdmin/Pol-SocSci; 10 yrs nat’l-int’l exp); P-5; $129K Closing date: 06/16/10

36 PROGRAM SPECIALIST (Peace Building); UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17182); Nyala, Sudan (AdvDeg: PeaceBldg/Pol-SocSci/Int’lStdys/PblcAdmin/Econ; 5 yrs exp); P-3; $89K Closing date: 06/16/10

37 PROGRAM ADVISOR (Disaster Risk Reduction); UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17189); Port-au-Prince, Haiti (AdvDeg: Int’lDev; 10 yrs exp; Fr); P-5; $127K Closing date: 06/16/10

38 JUSTICE PROJECT MANAGER; UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17190); Haiti (AdvDeg: Law/PolSci/Int’l-DevStdys; 7 yrs exp; Fr); P-4; $105K Closing date: 06/16/10

39 PROGRAM SPECIALIST, Education; UN Edu, Sci & Cult Org (UNESCO); (AR/RP/PAL/ED/0003); Ramallah, Palestinian Territories (AdvDeg: Edu; 4+ yrs (2 yrs int’l) exp); P-3; $87K Closing date: 06/16/10

40 EVALUATION SPECIALIST (Office of Internal Oversight); UN Edu, Sci & Cult Org (UNESCO); (IOS-002); Paris, France (AdvDeg: SocSci/Eval/Bus-PblcAdmin/ProjPlan-Mgmt; 4+ yrs (2 yrs int’l) exp); P-3; $88K Closing date: 06/16/10

41 ASSOCIATE EVALUATION SPECIALIST; UN Edu, Sci & Cult Org (UNESCO); (IOS-018); Paris, France (Deg: Soc-PolSci/Econ/Mgmt-BusMgmt/ProjPlan-Mgmt; 2+ yrs (1 yr int’l) exp); P-1/P-2; $73K Closing date: 06/16/10

42 REGIONAL ADVISER; Econ Commission for LatinAm & Caribbean (ECLAC); (10-PGM-ECLAC-424486-S-SANTIAGO); Chile (AdvDeg: BusAdm/Mgmt/Econ/SocSci;10+ yrs proj-prog mgmt exp; Sp); P-5; $121K Closing date: 06/17/10

43 AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2323-OEK); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: ExtensionEdu/AgriSci/RuralDev; 7 yrs exp; Fr); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/17/10

44 AGRICULTURAL OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2324-AGP); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: AgriProductnSys/Agronomy-IntegratedCropMgmt/FarmingSys; 5 yrs dev cntry exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/17/10

45 AGRO-INDUSTRY OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2328-AGS); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: FoodTechnol/AgriEngin; 5 yrs dev cntry exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/17/10

46 FISHERY PLANNING ANALYST; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2330-FIR); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: AquacultureEcon/AgriEcon/RsrceEcon; 5 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/17/10

47 SENIOR PROGRAM OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2334-CSC); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Bus-PblcAdm/CompSci/Engin; 10 yrs electronic workflow mgmt exp; Fr/Sp); P-5; $125K Closing date: 06/17/10

48 SENIOR POLICY OFFICER (Plant Genetic Resources); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2347-AGP); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Agri/PlantSci/EnvirSci (PlantGeneticRsrces); 10 yrs (incl int’l) exp; Fr/Sp); P-5; $125K Closing date: 06/17/10

49 FORESTRY OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2360-FOM); Rome, Italy (Deg: Forestry; 3 yrs dev cntry exp; Fr/Sp); P-2; $71K Closing date: 06/17/10

50 TECHNICAL EDITOR (Trade Analysis); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2370-FIP); Rome, Italy (Deg: BusAdm/Econ/FoodTechnol/Fisheries; 3 yrs int’l commodity analys exp; Fr/Sp); P-2; $71K Closing date: 06/17/10

51 FISHERY INDUSTRY OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2372-FIR); Rome, Italy (Deg: FisheriesSci/SocSci; 5 yrs fisheries dev exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/17/10

52 SENIOR SAFETY OFFICER; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/046); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: Engin/Physical-NuclSci; 10 yrs (5 yrs sr-lvl/4 yrs int’l) exp); P-5; $127K Closing date: 06/17/10

53 MONITORING OFFICER; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2009/101); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: SocSci/HR-BusMgmt; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $105K Closing date: 06/17/10

54 INFORMATION MANAGER; The Global Fund (TGF); (DD/10/IRC463); Geneva, Switz (Deg; 5 yrs exp); Grade 6; $TBD Closing date: 06/17/10

55 TECHNICAL SPECIALIST (Justice Sector Specialist); UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17132); Dhaka, Bangladesh (AdvDeg: Law/Dev/Mgmt; 7 yrs exp); P-4; $97K Closing date: 06/17/10

56 INT’L CHIEF TECHNICAL ADVISER, Justice Sector & Law Reform; UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17133); Dhaka, Bangladesh (AdvDeg: Law/Dev/Mgmt; 10 yrs exp); P-5; $117K Closing date: 06/17/10

57 DEPUTY REGIONAL PROGRAM DIRECTOR; UN Dev Fund for Women (UNIFEM); (13569); Amman, Jordan (AdvDeg: GenderStdys/Int’lDev/Bus-PblcAdmin/Econ/Pol-SocSci; 7 yrs exp); P-4; $100K Closing date: 06/17/10

58 IVD REGIONAL VIROLOGIST; World Health Org (WHO); (AFRO/10/FT262); Brazzaville, Congo (AdvDeg: Human-VetMed; 10+ yrs nat’l-int’l exp; Fr); P-5; $154K Closing date: 06/17/10 59 LEGAL OFFICER; UN Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF); (10-LEG-UNJSPF-423984-R-GENEVA); Switz (AdvDeg: Int’lLaw (Adm-HR-SocSec); 7+ yrs (3+ yrs int’l) exp; Fr); P-4; $117K Closing date: 06/17/10

60 CLUSTER MNGR, Dev Group/PORTFOLIO MNGR; UN Ofc for Proj Srvcs (UNOPS); (VA/2010/NAO/DG/CM/P4/06-17); New York, NY (AdvDeg: Int’lAff/BusAdm/SocSci/Econ/EnvirStdys/DevStdys; 7+ yrs dev-humanit proj mgmt exp); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/17/10

61 ECONOMIC AFFAIRS OFCR; Econ Commission for LatinAm & Caribbean (ECLAC) (10-ECO-ECLAC-424450-R-MEXICO CITY(G)); Mexico (AdvDeg: Econ (Microecon/IndustrialOrg/EnergyEcon/EnvirEcon); 7+ yrs exp; Sp); P-4; $100K Closing date: 06/18/10

62 ECONOMIST; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (CP/TCI-011); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Econ/AgriBus/AgriEcon; 7 yrs exp; Sp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/18/10

63 ECONOMIST; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (VA-CP/TCI-012); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Econ/AgriEcon; 3 yrs exp; Sp); P-2; $71K Closing date: 06/18/10

64 PROGRAM OFFICER, Tech Coop Dept; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2389-TCD); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Econ/BusAdm; 5 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/18/10

65 ECONOMIST, Investment Center Division; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2392-TCI); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Econ/AgriEcon; 5 yrs exp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/18/10

66 HR PARTNER (Senior Human Resources Officer); International Labor Organization (ILO); (2010/10); Geneva, Switz (AdvDeg: HumanRsrceMgmt/BusAdmin; 7 yrs (3 yrs int’l) exp; Fr/Sp); P-4; $117K Closing date: 06/18/10

67 RADIOACTIVE WASTE MGMT SPECIALIST; Org for Econ Co-Op & Dev (OECD); (3606); Paris, France (AdvDeg: Sci/Engin; 3+ yrs exp; Fr); A2/A3; $104K Closing date: 06/18/10

68 SR HUMAN RIGHTS OFFICER; Ofc of the High Commissioner for Human Rts (OHCHR); (10-HRI-OHCHR-424087-R-GENEVA); Switz (AdvDeg: Law/PolSci/Int’lRel; 10+ yrs nat’l-int’l exp; Fr/Rus); P-5; $142K Closing date: 06/18/10

69 SR HUMAN RIGHTS OFFICER; Ofc of the High Commissioner for Human Rts (OHCHR); (10-HRI-OHCHR-423138-R-GENEVA (G)); Switz (AdvDeg: Law (Int’lHumanRts-PblcInt’l-Int’lCriminal-Int’lHumanitarian); 10+ yrs (7+ yrs int’l) exp; Fr); P-5; $142K Closing date: 06/18/10

70 PLANNING ADVISER; Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC); (10/28); Noumea, New Caledonia (AdvDeg: Mgmt/Bus-PblcSectorPolicy&Adm; 5+ yrs exp; Fr); N/A; $TBD Closing date: 06/18/10

71 PLANNING ADVISER (Monitoring & Evaluaton); Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC); (10/29); Noumea, New Caledonia (AdvDeg: Mgmt/Bus-PblcSectorPolicy&Adm; 5+ yrs mgmt & policy dev exp); N/A; $TBD Closing date: 06/18/10

72 LEGAL OFFICER; UN Compensation Commission (UNCC); (10-LEG-UNCC-424227-R-GENEVA); Switz (AdvDeg: Law (Int’l-EnvirLaw); 7+ yrs (3 yrs int’l org) exp); P-4; $117K Closing date: 06/18/10

73 SR ECONOMIC AFFAIRS OFCR; UN Conf on Trade & Dev (UNCTAD); (10-ECO-UNCTAD-424051-R-GENEVA(G)); Switz (AdvDeg: Econ/Law; 10+ yrs trade & dev issues exp; Fr); P-5; $142K Closing date: 06/18/10

74 SR ECONOMIC AFFAIRS OFCR; UN Conf on Trade & Dev (UNCTAD); (10-ECO-UNCTAD-424121-R-GENEVA(G)); Switz (AdvDeg: Econ (envir issues); 10+ yrs exp); P-5; $142K Closing date: 06/18/10

75 MONITORING & EVALUATION SPC (Global Fund on AIDS, TB & Malaria); UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17038); Lusaka, Zambia (AdvDeg: Pblc-HlthSci/SocSci; 5 yrs M&E sub-Sahara Africa tropical disease exp); P-3; $88K Closing date: 06/18/10

76 FINANCE SPECIALIST (Global Fund on AIDS, TB & Malaria); UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17067); Lusaka, Zambia (AdvDeg: Fin/Bus-PblcAdm/Econ; 7 yrs nat’l-int’l exp); P-4; $106K Closing date: 06/18/10

77 PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST (Global Fund on AIDS, TB & Malaria); UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17068); Lusaka, Zambia (AdvDeg: Bus/Econ/PblcAdm; 7+ yrs (2+ yrs int’l) pharmaceut & med procure exp); P-4; $106K Closing date: 06/18/10

78 PROJECT MANAGER (Global Fund on AIDS, TB & Malaria); UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17117); Lusaka, Zambia (AdvDeg: Bus/Econ/PblcAdm/Dev-related field; 10+ yrs dev cntry exp); P-5; $128K Closing date: 06/18/10

79 CRISIS PREVENTION & RECOVERY UNIT MANAGER; UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17188); Luanda, Angola (AdvDeg: Mgmt/Pblc-BusAdmin/Pol-SocSci/DevStdys/Int’lRel/Econ; 7 yrs nat’l-int’l exp; Port); P-4; $123K Closing date: 06/18/10

80 PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST; UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17201); Nairobi, Kenya (AdvDeg: Bus-PblcAdm/Fin/Econ/Engin; 7+ yrs int’l exp); P-4; $97K Closing date: 06/18/10

81 DEPUTY TRANSITION COORDINATOR; UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17221); Kabul, Afghanistan (AdvDeg: Mgmt/Pblc-BusAdmin/PolSci/DevStdys; 5 yrs nat’l-int’l exp); P-3; $81K Closing date: 06/18/10

82 PROGRAM OFFICER; UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-PGM-UNEP-424114-R-NAIROBI); Kenya (AdvDeg: EnvirMgmt/NatSci; 7+ yrs (incl int’l org) exp); P-4; $97K Closing date: 06/18/10

83 SR HUMAN SETTLMNTS OFCR (Urban Plan); UN Human Settlemnt Prog (UN-HABITAT); (10-PGM-UN-HABITAT-423883-R-NAIROBI); Kenya (AdvDeg: Town&RegPlan/Arch/UrbanDsgn/Geog (GIS & RemoteSensing)/Mgmt; 10+ yrs exp); P-5; $118K Closing date: 06/18/10 84 HUMAN SETTLMNTS OFCR (Demogrphr); UN Human Settlmnt Prog (UN-HABITAT); (10-PGM-UN-HABITAT-424068-R-NAIROBI (G)); Kenya (AdvDeg: Demography/Stats/Math/Econ; 7+ yrs (5+ yrs int’l coop) exp); P-4; $97K Closing date: 06/18/10

85 PROGRAM BUDGET & PLANNING OFFICER; UN Office at Geneva (UNOG); (10-ADM-UNOG-424348-R-GENEVA); Switz (AdvDeg: Fin/Bus-PblcAdm; 5 yrs exp); P-3; $97K Closing date: 06/18/10

86 INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS MANAGER; UN Population Fund (UNFPA); (1593); Kabul, Afghanistan (AdvDeg: Bus-PblcAdmin/Fin/IT/Econ; 5 yrs exp); ICS-10(=P3); $81K Closing date: 06/18/10

87 PROJECT COORDINATOR; UN Population Fund (UNFPA); (1594); Dhaka, Bangladesh (AdvDeg: Med/SocSci w-PblcHlth-HlthMgmt; 10 yrs int’l-nat’l exp); ICS-12(=P5); $117K Closing date: 06/18/10

88 REPRESENTATIVE/COORDINATOR; World Meteorological Organization (WMO); (1766) New York, NY (AdvDeg: Meterol/Hydrol/GeoSci; 10 yrs nat’l-int’l exp; Fr); P-5; $141K Closing date: 06/18/10

89 CHIEF, Conferences Srvcs Section; Econ & Soc Comm for Asia & Pacific (ESCAP); (10-CON-ESCAP-423076-R-BANGKOK (G)); Thailand (AdvDeg: Language Trnsltn/Interp; 10+ yrs (5+ yrs int’l org) exp; Fr); P-5; $122K Closing date: 06/19/10

90 SR PLANNING & MGMT OFCR; Ofc of the High Commissioner for Human Rts (OHCHR); (10-PGM-OHCHR-424026-R-GENEVA (G)); Switz (AdvDeg: Mgmt/PolSci/PblcAdm/Int’lRel; 10+ yrs exp (5 yrs int’l/UN sys) exp; Fr); P-5; $142K Closing date: 06/19/10

91 REGIONAL REP; Ofc of the High Commissioner for Human Rts (OHCHR); (10-HRI-OHCHR-424433-R-BISHKEK (G)); Kyrgyzstan (AdvDeg: Law/PolSci/Int’lRel/Int’lEcon; 10+ yrs int’l exp; Rus); P-5; $117K Closing date: 06/19/10

92 SECURITY COORDINATION OFCR; Ofc of the High Commissioner for Human Rts (OHCHR); (10-SEC-OHCHR-423050-BOGOTA); Colombia (Deg: SecMgmt/Mil-PoliceAcadDeg; 7+ yrs exp; Sp); P-4; $109K Closing date: 06/19/10

93 INFORMATION OFFICER; Ofc of the High Commissioner for Human Rts (OHCHR); (10-PUB-OHCHR-423615-GENEVA); Switz (AdvDeg: Commun/Journ/PblcRel; 7+ yrs (incl int’l) exp; Fr); P-4; $117K Closing date: 06/19/10

94 CHIEF, Investment Promotion Section; UN Conf on Trade & Dev (UNCTAD); (10-ECO-UNCTAD-423986-R-GENEVA(G)); Switz (AdvDeg: Econ (Dev); 10+ yrs Foreign Direct Invstmnt (FDI) & int’l exp); P-5; $142K Closing date: 06/19/10

95 SENIOR ECONOMIC AFFAIRS OFFICER; UN Conf on Trade & Dev (UNCTAD); (10-ECO-UNCTAD-424377-R-GENEVA(G)); Switz (AdvDeg: Econ (Macro-DevEcon-PolEcon); 10+ yrs exp); P-5; $142K Closing date: 06/19/10

96 PROGRAM OFFICER; UN Conf on Trade & Dev (UNCTAD); (10-PGM-UNCTAD-424233-R-GENEVA(G)); Switz (AdvDeg: BusAdm/Law/Econ; 7+ yrs (5+ yrs int’l) exp; Fr); P-4; $117K Closing date: 06/19/10

97 ECONOMIC AFFAIRS OFFICER; UN Conf on Trade & Dev (UNCTAD); (10-ECO-UNCTAD-423943-R-GENEVA(G)); Switz (AdvDeg: Econ/Bus-PblcAdm; 5+ yrs exp; Fr); P-3; $97K Closing date: 06/19/10

98 DEPUTY EXECUTIVE SECRETARY; UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-PGM-UNEP-424081-R-BONN); Germany (AdvDeg: Biology/EnvirSci; 10+ yrs (5 yrs int’l) exp); P-5; $116K Closing date: 06/19/10

99 LEGAL OFFICER; UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-LEG-UNEP-424001-R-ATHENS); Greece (AdvDeg: PblcInt’lLaw/Int’lEnvirLaw; 5+ yrs (incl gov’t-int’l) exp; Fr); P-3; $76K Closing date: 06/19/10

100 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER; UN Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF); (10-ADM-UNJSPF-424352-R-NEW YORK); NY (AdvDeg: BusAdm/Fin/HRM/Psychology; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/19/10

101 INFO SYS OFCR (Trading,Ops & Reconcilation); UN Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF); (10-IST-UNJSPF-423745-R-NEW YORK); NY (AdvDeg: InfoMgmt/CompSci/InfoSys/Math/Stats/Engin; 5+ yrs IT exp); P-3; $96K Closing date: 06/19/10

102 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER; UN Office at Vienna (UNOV); (10-ADM-UNOV-423270-R-TURIN); Italy (AdvDeg: Bus-PblcAdm/Fin/Acct/Law; 5+ yrs exp); P-3; $87K Closing date: 06/19/10

103 CHIEF OF UNIT/SECTION (Photo Unit); UN Secretariat (UN); (10-PUB-DPI-423898-R-NEW YORK (G)); NY (AdvDeg: Journ/MediaStdys/Info-Commun (Photography & VisualPresentation); 7+ yrs (incl int’l) exp); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/19/10

104 POLITICAL AFFAIRS OFFICER; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-POL-DPA-423372-R-NEW YORK (G)); NY (AdvDeg: PolSci/Int’lRel/Int’lEcon/Law/PblcAdm; 7+ yrs Africa exp); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/19/10

105 INVESTIGATOR/Office of Internal Oversight Services; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-LEG-OIOS-424164-R-NAIROBI); Kenya (AdvDeg: Law; 7+ yrs (2 yrs int’l pblc org) exp); P-4; $97K Closing date: 06/19/10

106 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OFFICER; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-IMA-OCHA-423600-R-NEW YORK); NY (AdvDeg: Archival-InfoSci/InfoSys/SocSci; 7+ yrs Web/Internet-related commun exp); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/19/10

107 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT OFFICER; Econ Commission for Africa (ECA); (10-PGM-ECA-424038-S-ADDIS ABABA); Ethiopia (AdvDeg: BusAdm/Mgmt/Econ; 7 yrs exp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/20/10

108 FINANCE OFFICER; Econ Commission for LatinAm & Caribbean (ECLAC) (10-FIN-ECLAC-424466-R-SANTIAGO (G)); Chile (AdvDeg: BusAdm/Fin/Acct/IT; 7+ yrs (incl UN sys) exp; Sp); P-4; $100K Closing date: 06/20/10 109 SOCIAL AFFAIRS OFFICER; Econ & Soc Comm for Asia & Pacific (ESCAP); (10-SOC-ESCAP-423502-R-BANGKOK (G)); Thailand (AdvDeg: Econ/Sociol/Law/SocSci (Gender Equality); 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $100K Closing date: 06/20/10

110 ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS OFCR; Econ & Soc Comm for Asia & Pacific (ESCAP); (10-ECO-ESCAP-423526-R-BANGKOK(G)); Thailand (AdvDeg: EnvirSci; 7+ yrs (incl developing Asia & Pacific cntrys) exp); P-4; $100K Closing date: 06/20/10

111 REGIONAL ADVISER, Finance & Dev; Econ & Soc Comm for Asia & Pacific (ESCAP); (10-ECO-ESCAP-422542-S-BANGKOK); Thailand (AdvDeg: Econ/Fin/SocSci; 10+ yrs exp); P-5; $122K Closing date: 06/20/10

112 CHIEF, Prog Planning, Budget & Eval; Econ & Soc Comm for Asia & Pacific (ESCAP); (10-PGM-ESCAP-424334-R-BANGKOK(G)); Thailand (AdvDeg: SocSci (Econ & SocDev); 10+ yrs exp); P-5; $122K Closing date: 06/20/10

113 STRATEGY & PLANNING OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2352-OSP); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: BusAdm/Econ/Agri/DevEcon/Int’lDev; 7 yrs eval-fin analys-bus adm exp; Fr/Sp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/20/10

114 SENIOR STRATEGY & PLANNING OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2356-OSP); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: BusAdm/Econ/Agri/DevEcon/Int’lDev; 10 yrs eval-fin analys-bus adm exp; Fr/Sp); P-5; $125K Closing date: 06/20/10

115 HUMAN RIGHTS OFFICER; Ofc of the High Comm for Human Rts (OHCHR); (10-HRI-OHCHR-424309-R-GENEVA); Switz (AdvDeg: Law/PolSci/Int’lRel; 7+ yrs exp; Fr); P-4; $117K Closing date: 06/20/10

116 HUMAN RIGHTS OFFICER; Ofc of the High Comm for Human Rts (OHCHR); (10-HRI-OHCHR-424321-R-RAMALLAH); West Bank

(AdvDeg: Law/PolSci/Int’lRel; 5+ yrs (2+ yrs conflict/post-conflict) nat’l-int’l exp; Arabic); P-3; $87K Closing date: 06/20/10

117 CHIEF TECHNICAL ADVISER; United Nations Capital Dev Fund (UNCDF); (15705); Niamey, Niger (AdvDeg: Econ/Fin/Bus-PblcAdmin; 10 yrs exp; Fr); P-5; $132K Closing date: 06/20/10

118 TECHNICAL ADVISER – Inclusive Finance: United Nations Capital Dev Fund (UNCDF); (17058); Johannesburg, S.Africa (AdvDeg: Econ/Fin/Bus-PblcAdmin; 10 yrs (5+ yrs mgmt) exp; Fr); P-5; $114K Closing date: 06/20/10

119 TECHNICAL ADVISER – Inclusive Finance: United Nations Capital Dev Fund (UNCDF); (17081); Dakar, Senegal (AdvDeg: Econ/Fin/Bus-PblcAdmin; 10 yrs (5+ yrs mgmt) exp; Fr); P-5; $130K Closing date: 06/20/10

120 SENIOR PROJECT COORDINATOR; UN Conf on Trade & Dev (UNCTAD); (10-PGM-UNCTAD-424297-R-GENEVA); Switz (AdvDeg: BusAdm/Mgmt/Econ; 10+ yrs (incl int’l) exp; Fr & Sp); P-5; $142K Closing date: 06/20/10

121 SENIOR LEGAL OFFICER; UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-LEG-UNEP-424050-R-NAIROBI); Kenya (AdvDeg: Int’lLaw; 10+ yrs exp); P-5; $118K Closing date: 06/20/10

122 SENIOR SCIENTIFIC ADVISER; UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-SCI-UNEP-424473-R-GENEVA); Switz (AdvDeg: Chem/EnvirSci/ChemEngin/PblcPol/Law; 10+ yrs nat’l-int’l exp); P-5; $142K Closing date: 06/20/10

123 DEPUTY DIRECTOR, Div of Communications & Public Info; UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-ADM-UNEP-424118-R-NAIROBI); Kenya (AdvDeg: Commun/SocSci/Pblc-BusAdm/Mgmt; 10+ yrs (5 yrs int’l mgmt) exp); P-5; $118K Closing date: 06/20/10

124 PROGRAM OFFICER, Div of Envir Policy Implementation (DEPI); UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-PGM-UNEP-424230-R-BANGKOK); Thailand (AdvDeg: MarineSci/MarineEcol/Fisheries; 7+ yrs (incl int’l org) exp); P-4; $100K Closing date: 06/20/10

125 WEBSITE OFFICER; UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-IST-UNEP-424144-R-MONTREAL); Canada (AdvDeg: InfoTechnol/Library-InfoSci/Commun; 5+ yrs exp); P-3; $90K Closing date: 06/20/10

126 PROGRAM OFFICER, Technology, Industry & Economics Div; UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-PGM-UNEP-424231-R-BAHRAIN); Manama (AdvDeg: Envir-PolicyStdys/Sci/Engin; 5+ yrs ozone depleting substances exp; Arabic); P-3; $94K Closing date: 06/20/10

127 PROG OFFICER, Div of Technology, Industry & Economics; UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-PGM-UNEP-423972-R-BANGKOK); Thailand (AdvDeg: Engin/EnvirMgmt/EnergyTechnol; 5+ yrs (2+ yrs int’l) ozone depleting substances exp); P-3; $83K Closing date: 06/20/10

128 PROG OFFICER, Div of Technology, Industry & Economics; UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-PGM-UNEP-424412-R-PARIS); France (AdvDeg: Econ/Law/PolSci/EnginSci; 5+ yrs (incl dev cntry) exp); P-3; $88K Closing date: 06/20/10

129 PROG OFFICER, Div of Early Warning & Assessmnt (DEWA); UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-PGM-UNEP-424113-R-PANAMA CITY); Panama (AdvDeg: EnvirSci/Geog/NatRsrceMgmt; 5+ yrs nat’l-int’l exp; Sp); P-3; $80K Closing date: 06/20/10

130 PROG OFFICER, Div of Regional Cooperation (DRC); UN Envir Prog (UNEP); (10-PGM-UNEP-424188-R-BANGKOK); Thailand (AdvDeg: Econ-PolSci/EnvirStdys/Int’lRel/PblcAdm; 10+ yrs exp; Rus); P-5; $122K Closing date: 06/20/10

131 SENIOR HUMAN SETTLEMENTS OFCR; UN Human Settlement Prog (UN-HABITAT); (10-PGM-UN-HABITAT-424435-R-NAIROBI); Kenya (AdvDeg: Arch/CivilEngin/Urban-RegPlanning/Sociol/Econ/PhysicalSci; 10+ yrs exp; Fr); P-5; $118K Closing date: 06/20/10

132 HUMAN SETTLEMENTS OFFICER; UN Human Settlement Prog (UN-HABITAT); (10-PGM-UN-HABITAT-422653-R-NAIROBI); Kenya (AdvDeg: Pol-Econ-Soc-PhilosophicalSci/Int’lRel/DiploStdys; 5+ yrs (3+ yrs int’l) urban plan exp); P-3; $81K Closing date: 06/20/10

133 HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS COORDINATOR; UN Human Settlement Prog (UN-HABITAT); (10-PGM-UN-HABITAT-424456-R-GENEVA); Switz (AdvDeg: HumanSettlementsStdys/HumanitAff; 10+ yrs exp; Fr); P-5; $142K Closing date: 06/20/10

134 INTER-REGIONAL ADVISER; UN Human Settlement Prog (UN-HABITAT); (10-PGM-UN-HABITAT-424437-R-NAIROBI (G)); Kenya (AdvDeg: Arch/CivilEngin/Urban&RegPlan/Sociol/Geog/Econ/PhysSci; 10+yrs (5 yrs int’l UN) exp; Rus); P-5; $118K Closing date: 06/20/10 135 INFO SYSTEMS OFCR/D-BSE ADMINISTRATOR; UN Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF); (10-IST-UNJSPF-423743-R-NEW YORK); NY (AdvDeg: CompSci/InfoSys/Math/Stats; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/20/10

136 INFO SYSTEMS OFFICER; UN Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF); (10-IST-UNJSPF-423495-R-NEW YORK); NY (AdvDeg: CompSci/InfoSys/Math/Stats; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/20/10

137 CHIEF, Press & External Relations Section, Info Service; UN Office at Geneva (UNOG); (10-PUB-UNOG-424452-R-GENEVA (G)); Switz (AdvDeg: Commun/Journ/Int’lRel/PolSci/Pblc-BusAdm/SocSci; 10+ yrs exp; Fr); P-5; $142K Closing date: 06/20/10

138 INFORMATION SYSTEMS OFFICER; UN Office at Geneva (UNOG); (10-IST-UNOG-423106-R-GENEVA (G)); Switz (AdvDeg: CompSci/InfoSys/Math/Stats; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $117K Closing date: 06/20/10

139 INVESTIGATOR; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-LEG-DESA-424507-S-PHNOM-PENH); Cambodia (AdvDeg: PblcAdm/PolSci/Law/CrimJustice; 5+ yrs military-law enfrcmnt agncy exp); P-3; $78K Closing date: 06/20/10

140 ASSOCIATE INFORMATION SYSTMS OFFICER; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-IST-DESA-424496-S-PHNOM-PENH); Cambodia (Deg: CompSci/InfoSys/Math/Stats; 2+ yrs exp); P-2; $65K Closing date: 06/20/10

141 SENIOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS OFFICER; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-IST-OICT-424168-R-NEW YORK); NY (AdvDeg: CompSci/InfoSys/Math/Stats; 10+ yrs exp); P-5; $141K Closing date: 06/20/10

142 CHIEF OF UNIT/SECTION (Enterprise Content Management); UN Secretariat (UN); (10-ADM-OICT-424442-R-NEW YORK (G)); NY (AdvDeg: InfoMgmt/Comp-InfoSys/BusAdm; 10+ yrs (incl int’l org) exp); P-5; $141K Closing date: 06/20/10

143 CHIEF OF SECTION (Demographic Statistics Section); UN Secretariat (UN); (10-STT-DESA-424273-R-NEW YORK (G)); NY (AdvDeg: Demog & HousingStats; 10+ yrs nat’l-int’l exp); P-5; $141K Closing date: 06/20/10

144 SR PROGRAM OFFICER, Ofc of the Special Adviser on Africa; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-PGM-OSAA-423989-R-NEW YORK (G)); NY (AdvDeg: PolSci/Hist/Int’lAff/GlobalStdys/BusAdm/Mgmt/Econ; 10+ yrs Africa exp; Fr); P-5; $141K Closing date: 06/20/10

145 SPECIAL ASST to the Asst Secretary-General, Dept of Field Support; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-ADM-DFS-423938-R-NEW YORK); NY (AdvDeg: PolSci/Int’lRel/Adm/Fin/Mgmt; 10+ yrs (2+ yrs UN peacekp) exp); P-5; $141K Closing date: 06/20/10

146 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OFFICER; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-IMA-DM-423834-R-NEW YORK); NY (AdvDeg: Archival/InfoSci/InfoSys/SocSci; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/20/10

147 SECURITY ANALYST, Dept of Safety & Security; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-SEC-DSS-423977-R-NEW YORK); NY (AdvDeg: PolSci/MilSci/Criminol/Int’lRel; 7+ yrs mil-police-political predictive analys exp; Sp/Arabic); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/20/10

148 FINANCE & BUDGET OFFICER, Dept of Safety & Security; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-FIN-DSS-424387-R-NEW YORK (G)); NY (AdvDeg: BusAdm/Fin; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/20/10

149 AUDITOR; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-FIN-OIOS-424325-R-NEW YORK (G)); NY (AdvDeg: Fin/BusAdm/Acct/CPA-CA-CIA; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/20/10

150 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OFFICER; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-ECO-DESA-424234-R-NEW YORK (G)); NY (AdvDeg: Econ/Engin/Sci/Energy/Trnsprt/SustainDev; 7+ yrs (4+ yrs int’l) exp); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/20/10

151 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-ADM-DM-424299-R-NEW YORK); NY (AdvDeg: Bus-PblcAdm/Fin/Bus; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/20/10

152 HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS OFFICER; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-HRA-OCHA-424000-R-GENEVA); Switz (AdvDeg: PolSci/Int’lHumanitAsst/SocSci/PblcAdm/Int’l-TechStdys; 5+ yrs exp; Fr); P-3; $97K Closing date: 06/20/10

153 HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS OFFICER; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-HRA-OCHA-423119-R-GENEVA); Switz (AdvDeg: PolSci/Sociol/Training-Edu/BusMgmt-Adm/Law/Int’lRel; 5+ yrs (3 yrs humanit emerg) exp); P-3; $97K Closing date: 06/20/10

154 HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS OFFICER; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-HRA-OCHA-424328-R-NEW YORK (G)); NY (AdvDeg: PolSci/SocSci/PblcAdm/Int’lStdys/Econ; 7+ yrs exp; Fr); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/20/10

155 CHIEF OF UNIT/SECTION (External Rel & Partnerships); UN Secretariat (UN); (10-ADM-OCHA-423434-R-NEW YORK); NY (AdvDeg: Int’lRel/Commun/SocSci/Journ/PblcAdm; 10+ yrs humanit-multilat exp); P-5; $141K Closing date: 06/20/10

156 ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS OFFICER; Econ Commission for Africa (ECA); (10-ECO-ECA-424424-R-ADDIS ABABA (G); Ethiopia (AdvDeg: EnvirEcon/NatRsrceEcon/EnvirSci-Mgmt; 7+ yrs (3+ yrs Africa) exp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/21/10

157 ECONOMIC AFFAIRS OFFICER; Econ Commission for Africa (ECA); (10-ECO-ECA-424469-R-ADDIS ABABA (G); Ethiopia (AdvDeg: Econ/DevEcon; 7+ yrs (incl Africa) exp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/21/10

158 CHIEF, Facilities Management Section; Econ Commission for Africa (ECA); (10-ADM-ECA-424480-R-ADDIS ABABA (G); Ethiopia (AdvDeg: Mechanical-ElectricalEngin; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/21/10

159 PROGRAM OFCR, Food Security & Sustainable Dev; Econ Comm for Africa (ECA); (10-PGM-ECA-423962-C-ADDIS ABABA (G); Ethiopia (AdvDeg: Mgt/DevStdys/Econ/Law/Sociol/Anthropol/PolSci/Geog/NatRsrceMgmt/Engin; 5+ yrs exp; Fr); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/21/10

160 SENIOR STATISTICIAN (Food Security & Social Statistics); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2339-ESS); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Stats/Econ; 10 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-5; $125K Closing date: 06/21/10

161 ECONOMIST (Food Security & Policy Analysis); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2393-EST); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Econ/AgriEcon; 5 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/21/10

162 ECONOMIST (Markets & Trade); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2399-EST); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Econ/AgriEcon; 7 yrs econ rsrch exp; Fr/Sp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/21/10

163 ECONOMIST (Markets & Trade); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2400-EST); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Econ/AgriEcon; 3 yrs econ rsrch exp; Fr/Sp); P-2; $71K Closing date: 06/21/10

164 SENIOR SAFETY OFFICER; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/048); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: Engin/Physical-NuclSci; 10 yrs (5 yrs sr-lvl/4 yrs int’l) exp); P-5; $127K Closing date: 06/21/10

165 JUNIOR INTERNAL AUDITOR; Int’l Telecomm Union (ITU); (P21-2010); Geneva, Switz (Deg: BusAdm/Acct/Fin/CIA-CPA-CA; 2+ yrs exp; UN lang); P-2; $81K Closing date: 06/21/10

166 COORDINATOR, Inter-Sectoral Activities; Int’l Telecomm Union (ITU); (P22-2010); Geneva, Switz (Deg: IT/Telecom/Pol-SocSci/PolicyStdys/Econ/Law; 5+ yrs (2+ yrs int’l) exp; UN lang); P-3; $97K Closing date: 06/21/10

167 SENIOR ADVISER (ITU Area Office); Int’l Telecomm Union (ITU); (P23-2010); Tegucigalpa, Honduras (AdvDeg: TelecomEngin/Science/Engin/Electrical-ElectronicEngin); 10+ yrs (5+ yrs int’l) exp; Sp); P-5; $115K Closing date: 06/21/10

168 PROGRAM SPECIALIST; UN Dev Fund for Women (UNIFEM); (17262); Darfur, Sudan (AdvDeg: Int’lLaw/Governance/Int’lRel/Women’sStdys/GenderDevStdys; 7+ yrs women’s rts exp); P-4; $107K Closing date: 06/21/10

169 PORTFOLIO MANAGER (Mine Action); UN Ofc for Proj Srvcs (UNOPS); (VA/2010/NAO/MAC/PM/P4/06-21); New York, NY (AdvDeg: Acct/BusAdm/Fin; 7+ yrs dev-humanit proj mgmt exp); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/21/10

170 PROGRAM OFFICER, Rsrce Mobilization & Ops Support Srvc; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2311-TCS); Rome, Italy (Deg: PolSci/Commun/Mrktng/SocSci; 5 yrs int’l agncy exp; Arabic/Fr); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/22/10

171 SECTION HEAD, Dept of Safeguards; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/044); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: NuclSci/NuclEngin; 10+ yrs nat’l-int’l exp); P-5; $127K Closing date: 06/22/10

172 SECTION HEAD, Dept of Safeguards/Regional Office; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/045); Tokyo, Japan (AdvDeg: NuclChem/Physics/Engin; 10+ yrs exp); P-5; $199K Closing date: 06/22/10

173 OPERATIONAL SAFETY SPECIALIST; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/049); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: Engin/Physical-NuclSci; 10+ yrs nucl-related applics (5 yrs sr-lvl/4 yrs int’l) exp); P-4; $105K Closing date: 06/22/10

174 RESEARCH & PROG SUPPORT SPC – Ending Violence Against Women; UN Dev Fund for Women (UNIFEM); (17167); New York, NY (AdvDeg: Int’lAff/HumanRts/Gender-Women’sStdys/Dev; 5+ yrs exp); P-3; $96K Closing date: 06/22/10

175 TECHNICAL SPECIALIST (AID Effectiveness); UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17269); Lilongwe, Malawi (AdvDeg: Econ/Bus-PblcAdm/PolSci/SocSci/InfoMgmt; 5+ yrs nat’l-int’l exp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/22/10

176 POLICY SPECIALIST (Governance); UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17268); Lilongwe, Malawi (AdvDeg: Econ/Int’lRel/DevStdys/PblcAdm; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/22/10

177 CHIEF TECHNICAL ADVISER (Local Governance); UN Development Prog (UNDP); (17265); Sana’a, Yemen (AdvDeg: PolSci/PblcAdm/SocSci/Law; 10 yrs exp); P-5; $110K Closing date: 06/22/10

178 EPIDEMIOLOGIST; World Health Org (WHO); (AFRO/10/FT276); Libreville, Gabon (AdvDeg: Med & PblcHlth/Epidemiol; 3+ yrs int’l exp); P-4; $116K Closing date: 06/22/10

179 MEDICAL OFFICER; World Health Org (WHO); (EMRO/10/FT232); Islamabad, Pakistan (AdvDeg: Med/PblcHlth/Epidemiol; 10+ yrs pblc hlth & TB nat’l-int’l exp); P-5; $114K Closing date: 06/22/10

180 INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS MANAGER (IOM); UN Population Fund (UNFPA); (1596); Freetown, Sierra Leone (AdvDeg: Bus-PblcAdmin/Fin/IT/Econ; 5 yrs exp; Fr); P-3; $87K Closing date: 06/22/10

181 PROGRAM OFFICER; UN Ofc for Proj Srvcs (UNOPS); (VA/SWOC/EIF2010/001); Geneva, Switz (AdvDeg: Int’lAff/Econ/BusAdm/Soc-PolSci/DevStdys; 7+ yrs int’ l dev coop exp; Fr); P-4; $117K Closing date: 06/22/10

182 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2371-OEK); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: AgriSci; 7 yrs dev cntry exp; Fr); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/23/10

183 ECONOMIST (Natural Resources); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2395-ESA); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Econ/AgriEcon/RsrceEcon; 5 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/23/10

184 ECONOMIST (Global Perspectives); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2396-ESA); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Econ/AgriEcon; 5 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/23/10

185 ECONOMIST (Global Perspectives); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2397-ESA); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Econ/AgriEcon; 7 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/23/10

186 SENIOR ECONOMIST (Right to Food); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2398-ESA); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Econ/AgriEcon; 10 yrs foof security exp; Fr/Sp); P-5; $125K Closing date: 06/23/10

187 ASSOCIATE ANALYST (Satellite Imagery); Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/051); Vienna, Austria (Deg: RemoteSensing/Geography/GIS; 2+ yrs exp); P-2; $72K Closing date: 06/23/10

188 VOLUNTEER NETWORKING SPECIALIST; UN Volunteers (UNV); (N/A); Bonn, Germany (AdvDeg: IT/Commun/HRM/PblcAff/SocSci/DevStdys; 5 yrs int’l dev-knwl mgmt exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $80K Closing date: 06/23/10

189 FINANCE OFFICER-ACCOUNTANT; World Health Org (WHO); (HQ/10/FNM/FT292); Geneva, Switz (Deg: Acct/Professional Acct Qualification; 2+ yrs exp); P-2; $81K Closing date: 06/23/10

190 TECHNICAL LEAD (Management Systems); Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/050); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: NuclEngin/Physics/PhysicalSci; 10+ yrs nucl pwr (5 yrs mgmt) exp); P-5; $127K Closing date: 06/24/10

191 FIELD FINANCE OFFICER; UN Relief & Works Agency (UNRWA); (10-FO-GA-42); Gaza (Deg: Fin/Acct/BusAdm; 8 yrs (5+ yrs suprvsry) exp); P-4; $104K Closing date: 06/24/10

192 TECHNICAL OFFICER, Health Info, Evidence & Research; World Health Org (WHO); (WPRO/10/FT280); Manila, Philippines (AdvDeg: HlthSci/Epidemiol/Biostats & InfoSysMgmt; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/24/10

193 CHIEF, Communications Unit; UN Volunteers (UNV); (N/A); Bonn, Germany (AdvDeg: Commun/Journ; 7 yrs nat’l-int’l media relations exp; Fr/Sp); P-4; $96K Closing date: 06/25/10

194 LEGAL OFFICER; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-LEG-DESA-424523-S-PHNOM-PENH); Cambodia (AdvDeg: Law; 5+ yrs exp); P-3; $74K Closing date: 06/25/10

195 LEGAL OFFICER (Legal Aid); UN Secretariat (UN); (10-LEG-DESA-424522-S-PHNOM-PENH); Cambodia (AdvDeg: Law/Bus-PblcAdm/Fin/Acct; 5+ yrs exp); P-3; $74K Closing date: 06/25/10

196 LEGAL OFFICER; Org for Prohibition of CW (OPCW); (E-LAO/LO/F0034/P-2/24/04-10); The Hague, NL (AdvDeg: Law; 2 yrs exp; UN Lang); P-2; $68K Closing date: 06/26/10

197 AGRO-INDUSTRY OFFICER (Post-Harvest Systems); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2331-AGS); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: AgriEngin/FoodTechnol; 5 yrs dev cntry exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/27/10

198 FOOD SAFETY ASSESSMENT OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2359-AGN); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: FoodSafety-Microbiol-Sci-Technol/VetMed/VetPblcHlth/Chem/Biochem; 7 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/27/10

199 INVESTIGATION OFFICER; Int’l Fund for Agriculture Dev (IFAD); (10/13/P); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Law/CFE; 8+ yrs int’l exp; Fr); P-4; $103K Closing date: 06/27/10

200 SENIOR HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS OFFICER; UN Political Ofc for Somalia (UNPOS); (10-HRA-UNPOS- 424520-R-NAIROBI); Kenya (AdvDeg: Pol-SocSci/Int’lStdys/PblcAdm/Econ/Engin/EarthSci; 10+ yrs (5+ yrs int’l) exp); P-5; $118K Closing date: 06/27/10

201 SENIOR POLICY ADVISER (Environmental Agreements); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2401-NRD); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Agri-Natural-Social-Econ-PolSci/Law/Int’lRel; 10 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-5; $125K Closing date: 06/28/10

202 CHIEF, Livestock Production Systems Branch; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2409-AGA); Rome, Italy (Deg: AnimalSci/AnimalProduction/VetSci; 10 yrs int’l livestock dev exp); P-5; $125K Closing date: 06/28/10

203 SENIOR EXTERNAL RELATIONS & POLICY OFFICER; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/059); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: Int’lRel/Int’lSecStdys/Global Issues; 10+ yrs (5 yrs int’l) exp); P-5; $127K Closing date: 06/28/10

204 SR EXECUTIVE OFFICER; UN Edu, Sci & Cult Org (UNESCO); (DIG-008); Paris, France (AdvDeg: Admin/PolSci/Int’lRel; 10 yrs (5+ yrs int’l) exp; Fr); P-5; $128K Closing date: 06/28/10

205 ICT SUPPORT OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2374-CIO); Rome, Italy (Deg: CompSci/Engin/Math; 5 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 06/29/10

206 ICT SUPPORT OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2375-CIO); Rome, Italy (Deg: CompSci/Engin/Math; 3 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-2; $71K Closing date: 06/29/10

207 ICT SUPPORT OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2378-CIO); Rome, Italy (Deg: CompSci/Engin/Math; 3 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-2; $71K Closing date: 06/29/10

208 ANIMAL HEALTH OFFICER (Prog Against African Trypanosomiasis); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2411-AGA); Accra, Ghana (AdvDeg: VetSci/Epidemiol (Insect-borne diseases); 7 yrs exp; Fr); P-4; $96K Closing date: 06/29/10 209 PROGRAM OFFICER, Gender Team; UN Ofc for Proj Srvcs (UNOPS); (VA/NAO/NY/PM-GT-14-RE-ADVERTISEMENT); New York, NY (AdvDeg: Int’lAff/Sociol/GenderStdys/DevStdys/CommunityDev); 5+ yrs prog-proj mgt exp; Japanese); P-3; $96K Closing date: 06/29/10

210 HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (IRC2012); Accra, Ghana (Deg: HR/BusAdm/Humanit/SocSci; 5 yrs exp); P-3; $80K Closing date: 06/30/10

211 SOFTWARE ARCHITECT; Org for Prohibition of CW (OPCW); (E-ADM/ISB/SA/F0351/P-3/27/04-10); The Hague, NL (AdvDeg: CompSci;5 yrs exp); P-3; $82K Closing date: 06/30/10

212 GRANT COORDINATOR, Grant Mgt Unit, Pblc Hlth Div; Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC); (10/30); Noumea, New Caledonia (Deg: PblcHlthMgmt/ProjMgmt; 8+ yrs dev cntry exp); N/A; $TBD Closing date: 06/30/10

213 ADMINISTRATIVE & FINANCE OFFICER; UN Ofc for Proj Srvcs (UNOPS); (VA/SWOC/EIF2010/002); Geneva, Switz (AdvDeg: Acct/Fin/BusAdm/CA; 5+ yrs exp); P-3; $97K Closing date: 06/30/10

214 PROGRAM SPECIALIST; UN Population Fund (UNFPA); (1601); Johannesburg, South Africa (AdvDeg: PblcHlth/Med/Sociol/Demog/Gender/Econ/Int’lRel/Int’lDev/PblcAdm/Mgt; 5 yrs exp); ICS 10(=P3); $78K Closing date: 06/30/10

215 LAND MANAGEMENT & TENURE OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2416-SNO); Cairo, Egypt (Deg: LandRsrces/LandMgmt/SoilSci/Ecol/Agronomy; 5 yrs dev cntry exp; Arabic/Fr); P-3; $82K Closing date: 07/01/10

216 SYSTEMS SUPPORT OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2383-CIO); Bangkok, Thailand (Deg: CompSci/IT/Math; 5 yrs exp); P-3; $83K Closing date: 07/02/10

217 SYSTEMS SUPPORT OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2384-CIO); Bangkok, Thailand (Deg: CompSci/IT/Math; 5 yrs (incl ERP) exp); P-3; $83K Closing date: 07/02/10

218 SYSTEMS COORDINATION OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2385-CIO); Rome, Italy (Deg: CompSci/IT/Math; 5 yrs exp; UN lang); P-3; $86K Closing date: 07/02/10

219 SR PROGRAM OFCR (Dev & Humanitarian Support); UN Asst Mission for Iraq (UNAMI); (10-PGM-UNAMI-424521-R-BAGHDAD); Iraq (AdvDeg: Pol-SocSci/Int’lStdys/PblcAdm/Econ/Engin/EarthSci; 10+ yrs (5+ yrs int’l) exp; LocalLang); P-5; $124K Closing date: 07/02/10

220 PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST; UN Ofc for Proj Srvcs (UNOPS); (VA/2010/NAO/RO/PS/03-15); New York, NY (AdvDeg: Bus-Cmmrce/Econ/Int’lRel; 5+ yrs exp; Fr/Sp/Arabic); P-3; $96K Closing date: 07/02/10

221 EXTERNAL RELATIONS & POLICY OFFICER; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/052); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: Int’lPolicyStdys/PolSci/Int’lRel; 2 yrs exp); P-2; $72K Closing date: 07/05/10

222 HEAD, Procurement Services; Int’l Trade Ctr (ITC); (ITC/VN/14/2010); Geneva, Switz (AdvDeg: Procure/Bus-PblcAdm/Cmmrce/Engin/Law; 5+ yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $97K Closing date: 07/06/10

223 CHIEF, Int’l PblcSector Acct Standards & ERP Sys Support; UN Relief & Works Agency (UNRWA); (10-HQ-AM-43); Amman, Jordan (AdvDeg: Acct/Fin/Pblc-BusAdm/CA/CPA; 10 yrs (5+ yrs sr suprvsry) exp); P-5; $121K Closing date: 07/06/10

224 SENIOR SECURITY OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2422-CSD); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Pblc-BusAdm/Soc-PolSci/Int’lRel/Law; 10 yrs nat’l-int’l lvl risk mgmt-sec exp; Fr/Sp/Arabic); P-5; $125K Closing date: 07/07/10

225 FIELD SECURITY ADVISER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2423-CSD); Rome, Italy (Deg: Pblc-BusAdm/Soc-PolSci/Int’lRel/Law/Sec-RelatdFields; 5 yrs nat’l-int’l risk mgt-sec exp; UN lang); P-3; $86K Closing date: 07/07/10

226 MONITORING & EVALUATION/RESEARCH SPECIALIST; UN Population Fund (UNFPA); (1602); Dhaka, Bangladesh (AdvDeg: M&E/PblcHlth/HlthRsrch/Econ; 5 yrs (3 yrs int’l-rsrce poor setting) exp; Fr/Sp); ICS-10(=P-3); $81K Closing date: 07/07/10

227 FAMILY PLANNING SPECIALIST; UN Population Fund (UNFPA); (1603); Dhaka, Bangladesh (AdvDeg: ReproHlth/OB-GYN/PblcHlth/CommunityMed; 7 yrs (5 yrs dev cntry) exp); ICS-11(=P-4); $97K Closing date: 07/07/10

228 CHIEF, Knowledge Info Systems Branch; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2379-CIO); Rome, Italy (Deg: CompSci/Math/Stats/InfoSys/SftwreEngin/BusAdm; 10 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-5; $125K Closing date: 07/08/10

229 SENIOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2380-CIO); Rome, Italy (Deg: CompSci/Math/Stats/InfoSys/SftwreEngin/BusAdm; 10 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-5; $125K Closing date: 07/08/10

230 SENIOR OPERATIONS OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (VA-2425-TCE); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Agri/Econ; 10 yrs prog-proj ops (incl int’l) exp; Fr); P-5; $125K Closing date: 07/08/10

231 FOOD SECURITY OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2426-TCS); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Agri/AgriEcon; 5 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 07/08/10

232 FOOD SECURITY OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2427-TCS); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Agri/AgriEcon; 3 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-2; $71K Closing date: 07/08/10

233 SYSTEMS DEVELOPER/ANALYST; Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC); (10/31); Noumea, New Caledonia (AdvDeg: CompSci; 5+ yrs exp); N/A; $TBD Closing date: 07/08/10 234 PUBLISHING MANAGER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2361-OEK); Rome, Italy (Deg: Pblshng/Commun/Langs; 7 yrs exp; UN lang); P-4; $103K Closing date: 07/09/10

235 PUBLISHING OFFICER (Graphic Design); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2362-OEK); Rome, Italy (Deg: Fine-AppliedArts/Graphics/Pblshng/Commun; 5 yrs exp; UN lang); P-3; $86K Closing date: 07/09/10

236 PUBLISHING OFFICER (Marketing); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2363-OEK); Rome, Italy (Deg: Pblshng/Commun/Mrktng/Langs; 5 yrs multimed scientific-tech info prodcts mrkting exp; UN lang); P-3; $86K Closing date: 07/09/10

237 PUBLISHING OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2364-OEK); Rome, Italy (Deg: Pblshng/Commun/Langs; 5 yrs exp; UN lang); P-3; $86K Closing date: 07/09/10

238 PUBLISHING OFFICER (Rights & Permissions); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2365-OEK); Rome, Italy (Deg: Pblshng/Commun/Langs/Law; 3 yrs exp; UN lang); P-2; $71K Closing date: 07/09/10

239 PROG & PROJ COORDINATOR; Prep Comm for Comprehensive Nucl-Test-Ban Treaty Org (CTBTO); (VA38-30-2010); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: Geophysics/Sci/Mgmt; 10+ yrs (3+ yrs sr-lvl mgmt) exp); P-5; $127K Closing date: 07/11/10

240 WAVEFORM LEAD ANALYST; Prep Comm for Comprehensive Nucl-Test-Ban Treaty Org (CTBTO); (VA205-31-2010); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: Physics/Geophysics/Acoustics; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $105K Closing date: 07/11/10

241 LEAD ANALYST; Prep Comm for Comprehensive Nucl-Test-Ban Treaty Org (CTBTO); (VA206-32-2010); Vienna, Austria (Deg: GeophysSci (seismic-hydroacoustic-infrasound data analys exp); P-3; $87K Closing date: 07/11/10

242 LAND TENURE OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Org (FAO); (2410-NRC); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: LandRegistration & Cadastre-LandTenure-LandAdmRelated; 7 yrs dev cntry exp; Fr/Sp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 07/12/10

243 SAFETY DATA ANALYST OFCR; Int’l Civil Aviation Org (ICAO); (PC 2010/20/P-3); Montreal, Canada (Deg: AviatSci-Technol & DataMgmt/AppliedStats; 6 yrs exp); P-3; $90K Closing date: 07/12/10

244 SECTION CHIEF (Basic Edu, Literacy & Non-Fictional Edu); UN Edu, Sci & Cult Org (UNESCO); (ED-648); Paris, France (AdvDeg: Basic-Adult-NonFormalEdu/Literacy; 10 yrs (5+ yrs int’l) exp; Fr); P-5; $128K Closing date: 07/12/10

245 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2405-CSD); Rome, Italy (Deg: Pblc-BusAdm/Acct/Law/CPA-CA; 5 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 07/13/10

246 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT SUPPORT OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2406-CSD); Rome, Italy (Deg: Commun/Langs/Pblc-BusAdm; 3 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-2; $71K Closing date: 07/13/10

247 SR OFFICER (Business Improvement);; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2420-CSD); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Bus-PblcAdm/Acct/Law/CPA-CA; 10 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-5; $125K Closing date: 07/13/10

248 SAFEGUARDS ANALYST; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/053); Vienna, Austria (Deg: NuclEngin/PhysicalSci/Math/Mgmt; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $105K Closing date: 07/13/10

249 SECTION HEAD (Quality Assurance); Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/060); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: Humanities/SocSci/Mgmt/Bus-PblcAdm/EconLaw; 10+ yrs (3 yrs int’l) exp); P-5; $127K Closing date: 07/13/10

250 PROCUREMENT OFFICER (Contracts); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (VA-2368-CSAP); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Law/Bus-PblcAdm/Cmmrce; 5 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 07/14/10

251 SYSTEM ANALYST; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/056); Vienna, Austria (Deg: CompSci; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $105K Closing date: 07/14/10

252 NUCLEAR TRADE ANALYST; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/057); Vienna, Austria (Deg: NuclSci/Chem/Engin/Physics; 5+ yrs exp); P-3; $87K Closing date: 07/14/10

253 FISHERY & AQUACULTURE OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2418-SFE); Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (AdvDeg: MarineBiol/FisheriesSci/FisheriesEcon; 7 yrs; Fr); P-4; $103K Closing date: 07/16/10

254 NATURAL RESOURCES OFFICER (Agrometeorology); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2424-NRC); Rome, Italy (Deg: Agronomy/Meteorol/Climatol; 7 yr dev cntry agrometeorology exp; Fr/Sp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 07/16/10

255 EVALUATION OFFICER; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/058); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: SocSci/Engin/Econ; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $105K Closing date: 07/16/10

256 SR ENGINEER COORDINATOR/HEAD, Air Command & Control 2/; North Atlantic Treaty Org (NATO); (A 34(2010)); Brussels, Belgium (Deg: Electronics/Commun; 15+ yrs engineering (10+ yrs C2 sys) exp; Fr); A-5; $166K Closing date: 07/16/10

257 AGRICULTURAL OFFICER (Pesticide Management); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2367-AGP); Rome, Italy (Deg: Chem/AgriSci/EnvirSci; 5 yrs exp exp; Fr/Sp); P-3; $86K Closing date: 07/19/10 258 PROCUREMENT OFFICER (Letters of Agreement); Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (VA-2369-CSAP); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: Law/Bus-PblcAdm/Cmmrce; 7 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 07/20/10

259 PROGRAM OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2429-AGP); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: PblcAdm/Law/Econ/Acct/FinMgmt; 7 yrs nat’l-int’l exp; Arabic/Chinese/Rus); P-4; $103K Closing date: 07/21/10

260 SYSTEMS ANALYST/PROGRAMER; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/072); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: PhysicalSci/InfoMgmt/Math;p 5+ yrs JAVA-SQL exp); P-3; $87K Closing date: 07/21/10

261 COUNTRY LIAISON OFFICER; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/055); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: Int’lDev/PblcHlth/Pblc-BusAdm/Mgmt; 5+ yrs prog dev & mgmt exp); P-3; $87K Closing date: 07/22/10

262 WASTE SAFETY SPECIALIST (NORM Waste Management); Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/067); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: Nucl-PhysicalSci/Engin; 7+ yrs radioactive waste & radiation safety exp); P-4; $105K Closing date: 07/22/10

263 TRANSPORT SAFETY SPECIALIST; Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/068); Vienna, Austria (Deg: Sci/Engin/RadiationProtection/MechanicalEngin/NuclEngin/HlthPhysics; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $105K Closing date: 07/22/10

264 INFORMATION OFFICER; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (2431-LOG); Geneva, Switz (Deg: Commun/Journ/Int’lRel; 5 yrs exp; Fr); P-3; $97K Closing date: 07/23/10

265 FOOD SAFETY SPECIALIST (Traceability); Int’l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); (2010/061); Seibersdorf, Austria (AdvDeg: Biochem/AnalytChem; 7+ yrs (incl extnsv int’l) stable isotopes measurement exp); P-4; $105K Closing date: 07/26/10

266 STUDY GROUP ADVISER; Int’l Telecomm Union (ITU); (P25-2010) Geneva, Switz (AdvDeg: ICTs-Telecom/Math/BusMgmt/Int’lPol; 7+ yrs (3+ yrs int’l) exp; UN lang); P-4; $117K Closing date: 07/27/10

267 SPEECHWRITER; Int’l Telecomm Union (ITU); (P26-2010) Geneva, Switz (AdvDeg: Commun/Journ/Int’lRel/PblcAdm; 7+ yrs (3+ yrs int’l) exp; Fr); P-4; $117K Closing date: 07/27/10

268 HEAD, Secretariat & Finance 2/; North Atlantic Treaty Org (NATO); (A 35(2010)); Brussels, Belgium (Deg: Pblc-BusAdm/PerMgmt/Fin; 10 yrs exp; Fr); A-5; $166K Closing date: 07/27/10

269 ENGINEER/Dept of Peacekp Ops; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-ENG-PMSS-424525-R-MULTIPLE D/S); Multiple D/S (AdvDeg: CivilEngin/ElectricalEngin/MechanEngin/Arch; 5+ yrs (2+ yrs int’l) exp); P-3; $TBD Closing date: 07/29/10

270 ENGINEER/Dept of Peacekp Ops; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-ENG-PMSS-424527-R-MULTIPLE D/S); Multiple D/S (AdvDeg: Civil-Electrical-MechanicalEngin/Arch; 7+ yrs (2+ yrs int’l exp) exp); P-4; $TBD Closing date: 07/29/10

271 CHIEF ENGINEER/Dept of Peacekp Ops; UN Secretariat (UN); (10-ENG-PMSS-424529-R-MULTIPLE D/S); Multiple D/S (AdvDeg: Civil-Electrical-MechanicalEngin/Arch; 7+ yrs exp); P-4; $TBD Closing date: 07/29/10

272 PROGRAM OFFICER (Emergency Telecommunications); Int’l Telecomm Union (ITU); (P28-2010) Geneva, Switz (Deg: TelecomEngin/IT/CompSci; 3+ yrs exp; UN lang); P-2; $81K Closing date: 07/30/10

273 PROGRAM OFFICER (Emergency Telecommunications); Int’l Telecomm Union (ITU); (P29-2010) Geneva, Switz (Deg: TelecomEngin/IT/CompSci; 3+ yrs exp; UN lang); P-2; $81K Closing date: 07/30/10

274 EMERGENCY TELECOMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR; Int’l Telecomm Union (ITU); (P30-2010) Geneva, Switz (AdvDeg: TelecomEngin/BusAdm; 5+ yrs dev cntry exp; UN lang); P-3; $97K Closing date: 08/02/10

275 SEISMIC OFFICER; Prep Comm for Comprehensive Nucl-Test-Ban Treaty Org (CTBTO); (VA12-34-2010); Vienna, Austria (AdvDeg: Geophysics; 7+ yrs nat’l-int’l exp); P-4; $105K Closing date: 08/06/10

276 PROGRAM OFFICER (FAOR Network); Food & Agriculture Org (FAO); (2320-RAF); Accra, Ghana (Deg: AgriDev/AgriEcon/Socsci/Pblc-BusAdm; 7 yrs nat’l-int’l exp; Fr); P-4; $96K Closing date: 08/06/10

277 BUSINESS ANALYST; Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO); (VA 2390-CSA); Rome, Italy (AdvDeg: CompSci/Math/BusAdm/Fin; 7 yrs exp; Fr/Sp); P-4; $103K Closing date: 08/06/10

278 RADIONUCLIDE OPS OFFICER; Prep Comm for Comprehensive Nucl-Test-Ban Treaty Org (CTBTO); (VA289-35-2010); Vienna, Austria (Deg: NuclSci; 2+ yrs exp); P-2; $72K Closing date: 08/09/10

279 RADIOCOMMUNICATION ENGINEER; Int’l Telecomm Union (ITU); (P31-2010) Geneva, Switz (AdvDeg: TelecomEngin/Science/Engin/Electrical-ElectronicEngin; 5+ yrs (2+ yrs int’l) exp; UN lang); P-3; $97K Closing date: 08/09/10

Opportunities for Entry-Level International Professional positions with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM)

The Department of State's Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) sponsors qualified U.S. citizens for employment in the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Junior Professional Officer (JPO) program and in the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Associate Expert (AE) program. Although the qualifications for JPO and AE positions vary by assignment, generally speaking, a graduate or law degree in a relevant discipline and proficiency in at least one U.N. working language in addition to English are preferred. Competitive applicants generally possess three (3) or more years of work experience in a developing country and an academic background in fields related to human rights, forced migration, humanitarian assistance, development or immigration law, for example. Prior work experience in or familiarity with the UN system or IOM is also helpful. PRM-sponsored JPOs and AEs serve as entry-level international professional officers (the UN P-2 level) for 2 or 3 years in many countries throughout the world. For additional information regarding the program, including any current vacancies and how to apply go to or visit PRM's website at and follow the link under “What We Do.” Applicants should be aware that the process is very competitive and that successful candidates are expected to deploy within approximately 2 months of being selected.


1/ Salaries are NET (after taxes) and include a cost-of-living/post adjustment that can fluctuate. Minimum salaries are quoted (for persons with dependents); higher salaries may be negotiated. Salary data is from actual vacancy announcements or other UN sources and subject to change. 2/ For NATO Applicants ONLY: Please send a copy of the NATO application and any questions about the position to [email protected] (6/9)

N.B: 1. We are unable to include on this list all the OPEN UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) positions that appear on the UN’s website. If interested in viewing these positions, please check the following site: UN Secretariat (UN) ( https//jobs.

2. Multiple D/S = Multiple Duty Stations 3. UN Languages: English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian

The United Nations maintains its own Home Page, which is linked to the Home Pages of other UN subsidiary bodies and specialized agencies at:

CONTACT INFORMATION (For U.S. Citizens Only) UN Employment Information & Assistance Unit U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street, N.W., Room 4808 Washington, D.C. 20520 [email protected]

Every effort is made to provide accurate and relevant information in this vacancy listing. However, we cannot guarantee that the information contained in this list is in all cases complete and free of error. Each job seeker/interested party should confirm the information listed here with the organization in question. The U.S. Government and the U.S. State Department assume no liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or process disclosed herein.

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