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This File Last Updated: 05 Dec 02


Confucian World (HIST 120-01) - names and terms


1.  aphorisms / “four-character phrases” [chéngyǔ 成語]

a.  "looking at flowers from horseback" [zoǔ mǎ kàn huā 走馬看花]

b.  “dragonfly touching the water” [qīngtíng diǎn shǔi 蜻蜓點水]

2.  loess soil [huángtǔ 黃土]

3.  the “Three Teachings” (sān jiào 三教 ):

a.  Confucianism (Rúxué 儒學 )

b.  Daoism [Taoism] (Dàoxué 道學)

c.  Buddhism (Fójiào 佛教 )

4.  “Confucian in appearance; Legalist inside” [rú biǎo fǎ lǐ 儒表法裡 ]


1.  Pan Gu 盤古

2.  “Nü Wa repairs heaven” [Nǚ Wā bǔ tiān 女媧補天]

3.  "Three August Ones" and "Five Rulers" [sān huáng wǔ dì 三皇五帝]

a.  Fúxī 伏羲

b.  Shén Nóng 神農

c.  Huáng Dì 黃帝

d.  Yáo 堯

e.  Shùn 舜

f.  Yǔ 禹

4.  “Great Flood” (c. 1920 BCE / 8081 HE) [dà hóngshuǐ 大洪水]


1.  oracle-bone" writing [jiǎgǔwén 甲骨文 ]

a.  pyro-scapulimancy

2.  Ānyáng 安陽

3.  Sānxīngduī 三星堆

4.  "packed-earth" [hangtu 夯土 ]

5.  city / wall [chéng 城 ]

6.  cowry shells [bei 貝]

7.  king / wáng [王 ]

8.  nei [內 ] = inside, inner; wai [外 ] = outside, outer

9.  food [shí 食]; clothing [yī 衣]; housing [zhù 住]; transportation [xíng行] = basic necessities; cultural markers/signposts

10.  four cardinal directions [sìfāng四方]

11.  "state" / guó [國 ]

12.  “nine tripods”九鼎;pinyin:Jiǔ Dǐng

13.  Tāotiè 饕餮 = zoomorphic animal mask/design; “gluttony”

14.  “complementary duality”

a.  yīn 陰

b.  yáng 陽

15.  the Eight Trigrams [bā guà 八卦 ]

16.  dì 帝

17. Zhoù Xīn 紂辛


1.  periodization (all dates BCE / HE):

a.  Western Zhou [ Xi Zhou 西周 ] (1046-771 / 8955-9230)

b.  Eastern Zhou [ Dong Zhou 東周 ] (771-256 / 9230-9745)

c.  Spring(s) and Autumn(s) [Chūn Qiū 春秋 ] period (722-481 / 9279-9520)

d.  Warring States [Zhàn Guó 戰國 ] (480/403-221 / 9521/9598-9780)

2.  Duke of Zhou [Zhoū Gōng 周公 ]

3.  "well-field" [jǐngtián 井田 ] system

4.  "feudal" [fēngjiàn 封建 ] system

5.  lineage system [zōngfǎ 宗法 ]

6.  four classes:

a.  Amen of service@ (warrior / scholar) [shì 士 ]

b.  peasant [nóng 農]

c.  artisan [gōng 工 ]

d.  merchant [shāng 商 ]

e.  (“good iron doesn’t get beaten into nails; good men don’t serve as soldiers” [hǎo tiě bù dǎ dìng; hǎo nán bù dāng bīng 好鐡不打釘,好男不當兵])

7.  shaman [wū 巫 ]

8.  "Heaven" [Tiān 天 ]

a.  "Mandate of Heaven" [Tiānmìng 天命 ]

V.  Warring States [Zhàn Guó 戰國 ] (480/403-221 / 9521/9598-9780 HE)

1.  hegemon [bà 霸]

2.  “sleeping on brushwood and tasting bile” [wòxīn chángdǎn 臥薪嘗膽 ]

a.  Gōujiàn 勾踐 of Yuè / Zhèjiāng (reg.496-465 BCE)

b.  Fūchāi 夫差 of Wú / Shànghǎi (reg.495-473 BCE)

c.  “ten years of training/instruction, ten years of building/gathering [resources/soldiers]” [shínián jiàoxùn, shínián shēngjù 十年教訓,十年生聚 ]


1.  fǎ 法 = laws, rules; methods

2.  punishments [xíng 形,刑 ]

3.  "techniques" (of government) [shu 術 ]

4.  "rich country, strong military" [fùguó qiángbīng 富國強兵 ]


1.  Daò 道

2.  "myriad objects" [wàn wù 萬物 ]

3.  wúwéi [無為 ] = "non-purposive action"

4.  "artificial," "false" [wěi 偽 ]

5.  "culture/patterns" [wén 文 ] vs. "simplicity/essence" [zhí 質 ]

6.  "immortal" [xiān 仙 ]

7.  Lǎozi 老子

a.  Classic of the Dao [Dào Dé Jīng道德經 ]

Dào kě dào fēi cháng Dào 道可道非常道

Míng kě míng fēi cháng Míng 名可名非常名

8.  Zhuāngzi 莊子 (c. 365-290 BCE)

a.  “transformation of things” [wùhuà 物化]


1.  Confucius [Kǒng Fūzi 孔夫子 ] (c. 551-479 BCE)

a.  Rú 儒 = expert on ritual & government

2.  jūnzi 君子 = "gentleman"; “exemplary person”

a.  dé 德 = "virtue" / ”fortitude” / “excelling”

3.  "inferior man" [xiǎorén 小人 ]

a.  profit, benefit [lì 利 ]

4.  "sense of shame" [chǐ 恥]

5.  self-cultivation [xiūshēn 修身]

6.  "rectification of names" [zhèngmíng 正名]

7.  "five constant virtues" [wǔ cháng 五常]

a.  rén 仁 = "benevolence" / “authoritative conduct”

b.  yì 義 = "righteousness"; “appropriate / fitting”

c.  lǐ 禮 = [observing] "propriety", “ritual”, “rites”

d.  zhì 智 = "wisdom"; “realizing”

e.  xìn 信 = "trustworthiness”; “making good on one’s word”

8.  xiào 孝 = "filial submission/piety/responsibility/filiopietism"

9.  loyalty [zhòng 忠 ]; “doing one’s utmost”

10.  reciprocity [shù 恕 ]; “putting oneself in the other’s place”

11.  shàn 善 = “being good at…”

12.  phrases from Confucius= writings:

a.  I state but don=t make (up new truths...) [shù ér bù zuò 述而不作]

b.  a gentleman is not a tool [jūnzi bù qì 君子不器]

c.  in teaching, there should be no distinction of classes [yǒu jiào wú lèi 有教無類 ]

d.  when I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers [sān rén xíng, bì yǒu wǒ shī yān 三人行, 必有我師焉]

e.  respect the spirits but keep them at a distance [jìng gǔishén ér yuǎn zhī 敬鬼神而遠之]

f.  my doctrine is that of an all-pervading unity [wǔ Dào yī yǐ guàn zhī 吾道一以貫之]

13.  Confucian "classics" / canonical writings:

a.  “Four Books” [Sì Shū 四書 ]:

1)  Analects [Lùn Yǔ 論語 ]

2)  Doctrine of the Mean [Zhōng Yōng 中庸 ]

3)  Great Learning [Dà Xué 大學 ]

4)  Mencius [Mèngzi 孟子 ]

b.  “Five Classics” [Wǔ Jīng 五經 ]:

1)  Classic of Songs (or Book of Poetry) [Shī Jīng 詩經 ]

2)  Classic of Changes [Yì Jīng 易經 ]

3)  Record of Ritual [Lǐ Jì 禮記]

4)  Classic of Documents [Shū Jīng 書經 ]

5)  Spring and Autumn Annals [Chūn Qiū 春秋]

14.  Mencius [Mèngzi 孟子], c. 370-290 BCE

a.  “All men have a mind which cannot bear [to see the sufferings of] others [rén jiē yǒu bù rěn rén zhī xīn 人皆有不忍人之心] (Mencius,

b.  "kingly way" [wáng daò 王道]

c.  "humane government" [rén zhèng 仁政 ]

d.  mínshēng [民生 ] = "popular welfare," "livelihood"

e.  "five relationships" [wǔ lún 五倫] and "three bonds" [sān gāng 三綱]

IX. QIN 秦 DYNASTY (221-206 BCE)

1.  King Zheng [Zhèng Wáng 政王] reg. 246-210 BCE who becomes:

a.  Qín Shǐhuángdì [秦始皇帝] = First Emperor of Qin (221-210 BCE)

2.  Li Si 李斯 (d. 208 BCE)

3.  commanderies and districts [jùnxiàn 郡縣]

4.  Great Wall [Cháng Chéng 長 城]

5.  "burning of books & burying of scholars" [fénshū kēngrú 焚書坑儒]

6.  Second Emperor (of Qin) [èrshì huángdì 二世皇帝 ]

7.  Zhào Gāo 趙高 (d. 207 BCE)

a.  “calling a deer a horse”[zhǐ lù wéi mǎ 指鹿為馬]

8.  Chén Shèng [陳勝 ] and Wú Guǎng [吳廣 ]

a.  “王侯將相寧有種乎” (wáng hóu jiāng xiāng níng yǒu zhǒng hu / kings, marquises, generals, prime ministers—are they a [separate] type?)

X.  HAN 漢 (206 BCE – 220 CE) and the Consolidation of Imperial Government

1.  Xiàng Yǔ 項 羽

2.  Liú Bāng 劉 邦, who becomes:

a.  Hàn Gāozǔ 漢 高 祖 reg. 206-195 BCE

3.  Cháng’ān 長 安

4.  "men of talent" [rencai 人才 ]

5.  Empress (Dowager) Lü [Lǚ Hoù 呂 后 ]

6.  Sīmǎ Qiān 司 馬 遷 c. 145-86 BCE

a.  Records of the Historian [Shǐ Jì 史 記 ]

1)  lièzhuàn = 列傳“assembled biographies”


1.  Xiōngnú 匈奴

a.  shànyú shanyu 單于

b.  Máodùn

2.  policy of "peace and marriage" [héqīn 和親 ]

3.  "use barbarians to control barbarians"[yi yi zhi yi 以夷制夷 ]

4.  Hàn Wǔdì 漢 武 帝 reg. 140-87 BCE

5.  Yuezhi 月氏

6.  Zhang Qian 張騫 fl. Late 2nd cent. BCE

7.  Western Regions [Xi Yu 西域 ]

8.  Wusun 烏孫

9.  Da Yuan 大宛 = Sogdania / Ferghana

10. Da Xia 大夏 = Bactria

11.  Wáng Zhāojūn 王昭君 (1st cent. BCE)

12.  Discourses on Salt and Iron [Yán Tiě Lùn 鹽 鐵 論] 81 BCE

13.  Nan Yue 南越


1.  “Confucian in appearance; Legalist inside” [rú biǎo fǎ lǐ 儒表法裡 ]

2.  Zoū Yǎn 鄒 衍

3.  "synchronicity of heaven and mankind" [Tiān rén zhī qí 天 人 之 齊 ]

4.  the "five agents" [wǔ xíng 五 行 ]

a.  in "modern" order:

1)  metal [jīn 金 ]

2)  wood [mù 木 ]

3)  water [shǔi 水 ]

4)  fire [huǒ 火 ]

5)  earth [tǔ 土 ]

b.  "mutual production" [xiāngshēng 相 生 ] order (wood-fire-earth-metal-water)

c.  "mutual conquest" [xiāngshèng 相 勝 or xiāngkè 相克 ] order (wood-metal-fire-water-earth)

5.  the ten celestial stems [tiāngān 天干] and twelve earthly branches [dì zhī地支] (see separate sheet)

6.  portents [fúmìng 符 命 ]

7.  Dong Zhongshu 董 仲 舒 ] (179-104 BCE)

8.  "Imperial Academy" (from the Jìn 晉 dynasty on) [Guózǐjiān 國 子 監 ]

9.  Tiānzǐ 天 子 = "Son of Heaven"

10.  sacrifices to heaven and earth [fēng shàn 封禪 ]

11.  "spirit hall" cosmic house [míng táng 明堂 ]

12.  Wáng Chōng 王充 (27-100 CE)

a.  Critical Essays (or, Balanced Discussions) [Lùn Héng 論衡 ]


1.  Seven Scholars of the Bamboo Grove [zhú lín qī xián 竹林七賢 ]

a.  Ruǎn Jí 阮藉 (210-263)

b.  Liú Líng 劉伶 (fl. c. 265)

2.  "naturalness" [zìrán 自然 ]

3.  "madmen" [chī 癡 ]

4.  qīngtán 清談 = "pure talk," "cult of repartee"

XIV.  BUDDHISM [Fójiào 佛教 ]

1.  Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha / Sākyamuni [Shìjiāmúní 釋迦牟尼] c. 563 – c.483 BCE

2.  Four Noble Truths [sìshèngdì 四聖諦 ]

1)  Nature of dukkha (“suffering”) [kǔdì 苦諦 ]

2)  Origin of dukkha [jídì 集諦 ]

3)  Cessation of dukkha [mièdì滅諦]

4)  Path/Way of cessation [dàodì 道諦]

3.  Eight-fold Path

1)  Right view

2)  Right intention

3)  Right speech

4)  Right action

5)  Right livelihood

6)  Right effort

7)  Right mindfulness

8)  Right concentration

4.  Three Treasures/Jewels [sānbǎo 三寶]

a.  Buddha = “enlightened one” [Fó 佛]

b.  dharma / vinaya = “teachings” / “disciplines” [fǎ 法 ]

c.  sangha = “monastic community” [sēng 僧 ]

5.  Theravada [Xiǎo Chéng 小乘 ]

a.  arhat [luóhàn 羅漢]

6.  Mahāyāna [Dà Chéng 大乘 ]

a.  śūnyatā = “emptiness/void” kong / kū /gongseong /空(性)

b.  bodhisattva [púsà 菩薩]

c.  Nagarjuna

d.  Kumarajiva

7.  "matching concepts" [géyì 格義]

8.  karma [yīnyuán 因緣 / yèyīn 業因]

9.  samsara [dàlúnhuí 大輪迴]

10.  nirvana [nièpán 涅盤]

11.  Amitābha [Amítuófó 阿彌陀佛]

12.  Avalokiteśvara, or Guānyīn 觀音

13.  Čakravartin-rāja

XV. Three Kingdoms [Sān Guó 三國 ]:

1.  founders and states

a.  Cáo Cāo (155-220) 曹操 in Wèi [魏]

b.  Liú Bèi 劉備 (161-223)and Zhūgě Liàng 諸葛亮 (181-234) in Shǔ Hàn [蜀漢 ]

c.  Sūn Quán 孫權 (182-252) in Wú [吳 ]

2.  sources

a.  Record(s) of the Three Kingdoms [Sān Guó Zhì 三國志] by Chén Shòu 陳壽(233-297)

b.  Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Sān Guó Yányì 三國演義 ] by Luó Guànzhōng 羅貫中 (c.1330-1400)

3.  phrases

a.  話說天下大勢,分久必合,合久必分 (Huà shuō, tiānxià dàshì, fēn jiǔ bì hé, hé jiǔ bì fēn / It’s generally said that when All under Heaven has been long divided, it must unite; if united, it must divide.)

b.  謀事在人,成事在天(móu shì zài rén,chéng shì zài tiān / man proposes, heaven disposes)

c.  說到曹操, 曹操就到 (Shuō dào Cáo Cāo, Cáo Cāo jiù dào / speak of the devil…)

XVI.  SIX DYNASTIES [Liù Cháo 六朝 ] PERIOD (220-589)

1.  Wú [吳 ] 222-265/280, with its capital at Jiànyè 建業 (= modern Nanjing)

2.  Jìn[1]

a.  Western Jin [Xī Jìn 西晉 ], at Luoyang, 265-316

b.  Eastern Jin [Dōng Jìn 東晉 ], at Jiànkāng 建康 (Nanjing), 317-420

3.  "internal disorder, external disaster" [nèi luàn wài huàn 內亂外患 ]

4.  "Northern and Southern Courts" [Nán Běi Cháo 南北朝 ], 420-589

a.  in the south, four successor states (420-589) to Wu and Jin, to complete the rest of the "Six Dynasties": (reference only)

1)  Liú Sòng 劉宋 (420-476)

2)  Southern Qi [Nán Qí 南齊 ] (479-=502)

3)  Liáng 梁 (502-557)

a)  Liáng Wǔdì 梁武帝

4)  Chén 陳 (557-589)

b.  in the north:

1)  "Sixteen Kingdoms" [Shíliù Guó 十六國 ], 304-439

2)  "five barbarian tribes throw China into disorder" [wǔ hú luàn Huá 五胡亂華]

3)  “sinification” / “sinicization” [Hàn huà 漢化]

4)  Northern Wei [Běi Wèi 北魏 ], 386-535

a)  Toba clan [Tòbá shì 拓跋氏 ] of the Xiānbēi 鮮卑 ] (Tabgach)

b)  rulers: Tàiwǔdì 太武帝; Míngyuándì 明元帝; Xiàowéndì 孝文帝

c)  institutions:

(1) professional/rotational border guards [fǔbīng 府兵 ]

(2) collective guarantee [bǎojiǎ 保甲] system

(3) "equal-field" [jūntián 均田 ] system[2]

XVII.  Land and Taxes (N. Wei through mid-Tang)

1.  "equal-field" [juntian 均田 ] system

a.  mu, mou [mu 畝 ]

b.  arable land [lutian 露田 ]

c.  "mulberry" land [sangtian 桑田 ]; permanently-held land [yongyetian 永業田 ]

2.  “estates” [zhuangyuan 莊園 ]

3.  dīng 丁 = adult male, for taxation purposes [mù bu shì dīng 目不識丁]

4.  taxes [shui 稅 ]:

a.  main:

1)  in grain [zu 租 ]

2)  in cloth [diao 調 ]

3)  in corvée labor [yong 庸 ]

b.  examples of other taxes

1)  household tax [hushui 戶稅 ]

2)  land tax [dishui 地稅 ]

5.  "double tax" system [liangshuifa 兩稅法 ] (780)


1.  Yáng Jiān 楊堅 ], who becomes:

a.  Suí Wéndì 隋文帝 reg. 589-604

2.  Yáng Guǎng 楊廣 who becomes:

a.  Suí Yángdì 隋煬帝 reg. 605-617

3.  "ever-normal granaries" [chángpíngcāng 常平倉 ] and "relief granaries" [yìcāng 義倉 or shècāng 社倉 ]

4.  Grand Canal [Yùnhé 運河]

5.  Turks [Tújué 突厥 ]

6.  Tuyuhun 吐谷渾 (in Tibet) and Koguryŏ/Goguryeo 高句麗 ] (in Korea)

XIX.  China’s Táng 唐 Dynasty

1.  Li Yuan 李淵 ()565-635), who becomes:

a.  Tang Gaozu 唐高祖 reg. 618-627

b.  “retired emperor” = tàishànghuáng 大上皇

2.  Li Shimin 李世民 , who becomes:

a.  Tang Taizong 唐太宗 reg. 627-649

3.  Gaozong 高宗 reg. 649-683

4.  Wu Zhao 武曌 (c.625-705), who becomes:

a.  Empress Wu [Wu Hou 武后 ];

b.  a.k.a. Wu Zetian 武則天 reg. 684-705

5.  Xuanzong 玄宗

a.  a.k.a. Ming Huang 明皇 reg. 713-756

b.  "my sorrow continues w/o end" [ci hen mianmian wu jueqi 此恨綿綿無絕期]

6.  Yang Yuhuan 楊玉環 , better known as:

a.  Yang Guifei 楊貴妃 ] or, "Lady Yang"

7.  An Lushan 安祿山 (703?-757)

8.  Huang Chao 黃巢

9.  Li Keyong 李克用

a.  Shato Turks [Shatuo Tujue 沙陀突厥 ]

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