The Light in the Forest by Conrad Richter - Quiz

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The Light in the Forest by Conrad Richter - Quiz

The Light in the Forest by Conrad Richter - Quiz

1) What is the name of True Son's Indian village?

(A) Conestoga (B) Mohawk (C) Tuscarawas (D) Killbuck

2) Why do Gordie and True Son go to see Bejance?

(A) Because they are sent to buy a bushel basket from him (B) Because they want to learn about Corn Blade (C) Because he is their friend (D) Because he has made new clothes for True Son

3) Where is True Son given back to his white father?

(A) Fort Pitt (B) Carlisle (C) Tuscarawas (D) Paxton Township

4) Why did Myra Butler take to her bed?

(A) Because she got sick with pneumonia (B) Because she was upset that her friend had been killed by Indians (C) Because she has difficulty walking (D) Because she fell ill after True Son was kidnapped

5) Why is Little Crane ambushed by Uncle Wilse?

(A) Because Little Crane tries to kidnap True Son (B) Because Little Crane tells offensive jokes about white people (C) Because Little Crane killed Uncle Wilse's son (D) Because Little Crane tried to attack Uncle Wilse first

6) Who is Make Daylight?

(A) An Indian who killed himself by eating the root of a May apple (B) The last Lenni-Lenape speaking Indian in the area around Paxton Township (C) Little Crane's brother (D) The leader of the Tuscarawas village

7) In what season did True Son and Half Arrow return to their homeland?

(A) Winter (B) Spring (C) Fall (D) Summer

8) What is the name of Uncle Wilse's son

(A) John (B) Harry (C) Alec (D) George

9) Which two men are identified as leaders of the Paxton boys?

(A) Colonel/Parson Elder and Uncle Wilse (B) Colonel/Parson Elder and Colonel Bouquet (C) Harry Butler and Uncle Wilse (D) Colonel Bouquet and Uncle Wilse

10) Why doesn't True Son carry out his plan to commit suicide?

(A) Because he realizes that his life is too valuable (B) Because he thinks his father will think him cowardly if he commits suicide (C) Because Half Arrow marches with him and cheers him up (D) Because Del convinces him not to do it

11) Why does Del Hardy know so much about the Delaware Indians?

(A) Because he was raised by Delaware Indians like True Son (B) Because he has friends who are Delaware Indians (C) Because he is half Delaware Indian (D) Because he grew up near Delaware Indians

12) In what year is True Son taken from his Indian family?

(A) 1764 (B) 1766 (C) 1765 (D) 1864

13) Why does True Son ruin the Indians' ambush attempt?

(A) Because he sees a white boy on the boat and thinks that Gordie may be on the boat too (B) Because he sees his white parents on the boat (C) Because he hates the Indians (D) Because he wants to return to Paxton township

14) Who is the only white who does not view True Son's Indian behavior as strange?

(A) Aunt Kate (B) Gordie Butler (C) Harry Butler (D) Myra Butler

15) Who are the "Paxton boys?"

(A) A group of Indians that terrorized white settlers in the 1760s (B) The white soldiers who returned the Indians' white captives (C) A group of white settlers that massacred a number of innocent Indians (D) A group of white settlers that tried to make peace with the Indians

16) What does True Son dream of the night before he is supposed to help ambush a boat of white settlers?

(A) The time he and Half Arrow spent together free in the wilderness (B) His white family (C) The little girl whose scalp Thitpan carries (D) Himself as a brave Indian warrior

17) Why don't True Son and Half Arrow cut out Uncle Wilse's heart?

(A) Because True Son does not want to since Uncle Wilse calls himself True Son's uncle (B) Because they do not have time (C) Because they do not have a proper knife (D) Because they see that someone is going to get a gun and shoot them if they do

18) What does the doctor think is the main reason for True Son's illness?

(A) The fact that True Son misses his Indian family so much (B) The fact that True Son played outside in the cold without wearing a jacket (C) True Son's long stay with the superstitious Indians (D) True Son's exposure to white civilization

19) What is True Son's full English name?

(A) Harold Christian Butler (B) Gordon Philip Butler (C) John Cameron Butler (D) Myron Wilse Butler

20) Why don't the Indians have many worldly possessions?

(A) Because they cannot afford them (B) Because they think such possessions are evil (C) Because they believe that God will provide them all that they need (D) Because the whites have taken away all of their worldly possessions

21) What are two motifs in The Light in the Forest?

(A) Nature and point of view (B) English clothes and Corn Blade (C) English clothes and language (D) Nature and the victimization of children

22) What is the Indian name for the Delaware language?

(A) Cherokee (B) Mohawk (C) Lenni Lenape (D) Tuscarawas

23) One of the stories Cuyloga tells True Son involves the time Cuyloga killed which of the following?

(A) a deer (B) a hawk (C) a turkey (D) a bear

24) Why can't True Son sleep the first night after he arrives in Paxton Township?

(A) He cannot stop thinking about the Paxton Boys (B) He is so excited about being with his white family (C) He is sick with a fever (D) He is plotting a way to escape the whites 25) Uncle Wilse's violent attitude most closely relates to the attitude of whom?

(A) Cuyloga (B) Thitpan (C) Harry Butler (D) Bejance

26) When Half Arrow and Little Crane visited Wilse Owens, Wilse gave them

A knives and a gun . B mugs of rum . C copper in exchange for deerskins . D an unkind, uncivil reception .

27) When Parson Elder told True Son he had seen white children murdered and scalped by Indians, True Son

A angrily refused to believe him . B grudgingly admitted it might be ture . C silently considered the parson's statement . D recognized the truth of his words .

28) The stories Little Crane told Wilse were about

A Indians who had outsmarted whites . B a life of harmony and bortherhood . C the changing of the seasons . D myths and legends of the forest .

29) Parson Elder hoped True Son would

A leave before he corrupted the young whites . B remain unwed and serve his mother . C marry a white girl and settle down . D marry an Indian girl .

30) True Son did not want to climb the stairs to his mother's room because he

A refused to meet his mother . B feared imprisonment in the rooms upstairs . C hurt his leg in the jump from the ferry . D did not know what stairs were .

31) The name of the township where the Butlers live.

A Parson . B Paxton . C Pennsylvania . D Prague .

32) The man who lives on the third mountain and can speak Deleware.

A Bejance . B Alec . C Corn Blade . D Little Crane .

33) Accompanied True Son on his attempted trip to "third mountain".

A Alec . B Half Arrow . C Little Crane . D Gordie .

34) Leader of the Paxton Boys and of the church.

A Parson Elder . B Wilse Owens . C Harry Butler . D John Butler .

35) True Son's uncle who runs a

A blacksmith shop . B general store . C copper shop . D saloon .

36) 36) Who said this..."He don't know his own name. He don't even know when it's Sunday."

37) Who said this..."I want you to repeat your name after me. Say John, John."

38) Who said this..."Perhaps I can talk to the boy for you."

39) Who said this..."Look at him now. Standing there cold-blooded as any redskin. I'll warrant he's hatching out deviltry in his heart."

40) Who said this..."You blow the heads off of Indian men. You kill Indian women and young ones."

41) Where does Del find True Son? (from Chapter 6) A. At Fort Hunter. B. In the river. C. In a hollow tree. D. In a tangle of adlers and sweetbrier.

42) What do the Indians do to True Son's face? (from Chapter 15) A. Paint war paint. B. Paint one half white, one half black. C. Cut it. D. Wash off war paint.

43) True Son decides that the English people are so pale for what reason? (from Chapter 7) A. Because of the way their houses are built. B. Because they are lazy and do not work outside. C. Because they are not an original people. D. Because they always wear hats.

44) What is True Son's white mother's first name? (from Chapter 6) A. Margaret. B. Stella. C. Kate. D. Myra.

45) True Son thinks that all white people look the same. Who is the one white who stands out to True Son? (from Chapter 7) A. Uncle Charlie. B. Aunt Catherine. C. Cousin Alec. D. Uncle Wilse.

46) Who does Parson Elder come to the house to check on? (from Chapter 9) A. True Son. B. Myra Butler. C. Harry Butler. D. Gordie.

47) Why doesn't Thitpan let True Son take off his pants and shirt? (from Chapter 15) A. True Son's Indian dress was lost in the battle. B. Thitpan hopes the wet clothes will make True Son sick. C. Thitpan wants to attempt the ambush again. D. They are befitting for a white person.

48) What does Cuyloga motion for True Son to do with the white clothes he wears? (from Chapter 15) A. Throw them in the river. B. Burn them. C. Leave them on. D. Give them to him.

49) What does Mr. Butler accuse True Son of lying about? (from Chapter 8) A. That he didn't sneak out of the house. B. Not knowing the English language. C. Stealing his mother's jewlery. D. Going to see Corn Blade.

50) True Son compares white people and Indian people to what? (from Chapter 7) A. Antalope and Buffalo. B. Dogs and cats. C. Sheep and Deer. D. Rabbits and fox.

51) What do the boys pass that makes them certain they are on the right path? (from Chapter 12) A. An arrow stuck in a tree. B. A painted feather flowing downstream. C. Messages carved in trees. D. Traders with pelts.

52) Who is the captain of the Peshtank men? (from Chapter 9) A. Parson Elder. B. Harry Butler. C. Uncle Wilse. D. Uncle George.

53) Which uncle does True Son like? (from Chapter 7) A. Uncle Wilse. B. None of them. C. Uncle Henry. D. Uncle George.

54) Who asks True son if he yet lives and is home to stay? (from Chapter 13) A. Cuyloga. B. Nungasa. C. A'astonah. D. Quaquenga.

55) What does Mrs. Butler say that True Son will have to do if he does not say the name that he was born with? (from Chapter 6) A. Take a whipping. B. Stay locked in the dungeon. C. Sit in the corner. D. Stay locked in her room.

56) Where do True Son and Half Arrow run to? (from Chapter 11) A. The First Mountain. B. The Third Mountain. C. Paxton. D. The Susqehanna River.

57) What is the first thing that True Son and Half Arrow do when reaching the mouth of the Muskingum? (from Chapter 13) A. Bathe. B. Fish. C. Dance with joy. D. Give a homecoming yell.

58) What did the doctor do to True Son's feet? (from Chapter 10) A. He packed them in ice. B. He wrapped them in tight bandages. C. He bled them. D. He massaged them.

59) What bothers True Son about the scalp that Thitpan claims? (from Chapter 14) A. True Son wanted to claim the scalp himself. B. It is the scalp of a small child. C. It is the scalp of an Indian. D. It is old and gray.

60) Cuyloga says that from now on, he and True Son are what? (from Chapter 15) A. Cousins. B. Enemies. C. Father and son. D. Friends.

61) What does True Son's father say when True Son tells him that he is going to see Corn Blade? (from Chapter 8) A. To be home in time for supper. B. Not to associate with such savages. C. Not to come back home. D. Corn Blade died long ago.

62) Why doesn't Half Arrow immediately come out of hiding when talking to True Son. (from Chapter 11) A. True Son's Lenni Lenape is not good. B. He is afraid that True Son is being followed. C. He is mad at True Son. D. He is afraid that True Son has been changed to hate Indians.

63) What does Parson Elder say that the Peshtank men would have done to him for stopping them from killing the Contestogo Indians? (from Chapter 9) A. Taken his wife and children from him. B. Hanged him. C. Killed his favorite horse. D. Scalped him.

64) Where does True Son take the once hidden provisions from? (from Chapter 11) A. From a hollow tree in the wood. B. From a cabinet in the kitchen. C. From a haystack in the barn. D. From under the seat of a boat.

65) What helps Del and Mr. Butler get True Son up the stairs? (from Chapter 6) A. True Son sees his little brother running up them. B. They put him in a cart and push it up. C. They tell True Son that they are safe. D. True Son closes his eyes.

66) The setting for The Light in the Forest is a. early nineteenth century in Wyoming. b. 1955-1975 along the Muskingum River. c. latter half of eighteenth century on the Pennsylvania frontier. d. inside a tent on an Indian reservation around 1800.

67) Cuyloga and Quaquenga are adoptive parents of

a. First Son. b. Make Daylight. c. Half Arrow. d. Lenni Quis.

68) True Son's biological father is

a. Harry Butler. b. Wilse Owens. c. Kringas. d. Conrad Richter.

69) The word acculturation means

a. ripening from the action of fermenting yeast. b. learning a society's accepted ways of thinking and acting. c. transferring affections from one's mother to one's father. d. graduating from a formal secondary school.

70) How many years did True Son live as an Indian among the Lenni Lenape?

a. 3 b. 7 c. 11 d. 23

71) As True Son returns to his white family, the author uses the forest and river as a metaphor for

a. the evil that lurks in wild places. b. the illumination provided by following white ways. c. the difference between the white and Indian worlds. d. the need for strongly built dugouts and reliable lanterns to navigate the unknown.

72) When True Son falls ill, Aunt Kate returns his

a. medicine pouch of May apple leaves. b. Indian clothes. c. rifle. d. purse with 42 shillings.

73) How does True Son summon his favorite cousin?

a. He sends his white sister as a messenger. b. He meditates about a reunion. c. He sneaks into his camp and whispers into his tent. d. He imitates owl calls. 74) Who among the following do Half Arrow and True Son not encounter on their homeward journey?

a. A tribal preacher b. A stutterer c. A large woman wanted for murder d. A man scalped in battle

75) How do the Thitpan's warriors decorate True Son's face to symbolize a traitor?

a. With charcoal to blacken one side and clay to whiten the other b. With stripes of gray and yellow c. With the blood of a venomous snake d. With a black mask

76) At the end of the novel, True Son's adoptive father pledges to

a. honor him as his rightful offspring. b. treat him as an enemy if they meet again. c. protect him from the white world. d. kill him by morning.

77) True Son feels love for only one white person, who is his

a. brother. b. aunt. c. birthmother. d. pastor.

78) Who says the following: "Woman. Stay home and boil your pots."

a. Uncle George Owens b. Peter Wormley c. Cuyloga d. Corn Blade

79) Who says the following: "The last time I saw it, I was heavy and a prisoner. Now I go light and free."

a. True Son b. Bejance c. Little Crane d. Del Hardy

80) Who says the following: "You've had a hard fate, but thank God your life was spared and you're home with us again."

a. Myra Espy Butler b. Cuyloga c. Thitpan d. Dr. Childsley

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