Welcome to Greyfriars Kirk

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Welcome to Greyfriars Kirk

Christ the King Sunday 26 November 2017 Welcome to Greyfriars Kirk You are warmly invited to remain behind for coffee and biscuits, served at the back of the church beneath the organ at the end of the service. Hymns, and other numbered items, can be found in the purple hymnbooks located in the seats in front of you. We invite you to join in saying and singing the parts of the service printed in italics, and to say Amen after the prayers. All are welcome to share fully in the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Organ: Adagio, from Organ Symphony No.5 Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937) Call to Worship Hymn 83 (Psalm 122): I rejoiced when I heard them say:

'Let us go to the house of God.' Call to Prayer & Prayers of Approach, Confession and Pardon Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Tune at Hymn 648 Collect for the day: Almighty and everlasting God, it is your will to restore all things in your well-beloved Son, our Lord and King. Grant that the peoples of the earth, now divided and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together under his gentle and loving rule; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen The Word of God

Epistle: Ephesians 1: 15 – 23 NT, p. 205 Reader: Ian Proudfoot Anthem: Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, even lift them up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Psalm 24: 7-10 William Mathias (1934-1992) Gospel: Matthew 25: 31 – 46 NT, p. 30 Reader: This is the Word of the Lord, All: Thanks be to God.

Hymn 378: Praise to the Holiest in the height Tune: Gerontius Sermon Affirmation: We belong to God, creator of all that is and all that is to come, abundant provider of the gifts in this life and the gifts in our own hearts. It is God alone who gives life, who is generous beyond measure with grace and blessing. We follow Christ, whom God sent to teach and heal, to show us a way of living, with love and trust and courage, with joy and generosity. In this faith Jesus gave of himself,

even his very life. He was crucified and buried; yet God raised him from death, and he lives among us, and grants his spirit to us. We live by that Holy Spirit, and entrust ourselves to her guidance and empowerment. As members of the church, the Body of Christ, we devote ourselves to lives of love, rejoicing in the power of forgiveness, the reality of resurrection, and the mystery of eternal life. Amen The Offering Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Tune: Old 100th, at Hymn 807 Invitation to Holy Communion

Hymn 655: For your generous providing Tune: Holy Manna Holy Communion

Sursum Corda and Sanctus at Hymns 650 and 651

The Lord’s Prayer Words at Hymn 652

Agnus Dei at Hymn 653 The Distribution Motet: Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake lay not our sins to our charge; but forgive that is past, and give us grace to amend our sinful lives: to decline from sin, and incline to virtue, that we may walk in an upright heart before thee this day and evermore. Henry Bull, Christian Prayers (1568) John Hilton (d. 1608) Prayer of Thanksgiving

Hymn 519: Love divine, all loves excelling Tune: Hyfrydol

Benediction Amen May the God of peace go with us as we travel from this place; May the love of Jesus keep us firm in hope and full of grace. Tune at Hymn 786

Organ: Toccata, from Organ Symphony No.5 Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937) Edinburgh: Greyfriars Kirk (Church of Scotland), Scottish Charity number SC003761 NOTES

The Kirk web site is at www.greyfriarskirk.com. Please visit it for up-to-date information on all our activities. The Kirk has a new Wi-Fi system, available to all members, with the user name 'Greyfriarskirk' and the password 'Guest42017'.

The Minister, Richard Frazer, is happy to meet anyone to discuss any matter. To arrange an appointment or a visit, whether you are a member or not, please contact Richard on 667-6610 or by email at [email protected], or contact the Kirk office on 225-1900.

The Gaelic Service at 12.30 pm today will be led by Mr Alasdair MacLeod. Later, the Study Service at 7.00 pm in the Charteris Centre, 140 Pleasance, will be on the topic "Hosea: The Love of God for Faithless Humanity."

Forthcoming Services: Thursday 30 November: Mid-week Prayers at 1.10 pm – please join us for 20 minutes of quiet prayer and reflection. Sunday 3 December (First Sunday of Advent): Holy Communion at 9.30 am. Morning Service with Holy Baptism at 11.00 am. Gaelic Service at 12.30 pm – Rev Ruaraidh MacLean. Sunday 10 December: Morning Service at 11.00 am - Rev David Paton- Williams. Gaelic Service at 12.30 pm – Rev Iain T Campbell. Sunday 17 December: Family Christmas Service at 11.00 am. Gaelic Christmas Service at 12.30 pm – Mr Alastair Scouller. Sunday 24 December: Morning Service at 11.00 am, and Service of Lessons and Carols at 5.00 pm, with organ music from 4.40 pm.

The lunchtime concert in Greyfriars at 12 noon this Thursday, 30 November, will be an organ recital by our own organist, Henry Wallace.

Heart for Art continues on Thursday week, 7 December, from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm at the Charteris Centre, 140 Pleasance. There are information leaflets on one of the tables in the Kirk.

There will be a memorial service here in the Kirk at 3.15 pm this Thursday, 30 November, for the late Rev Professor Duncan Forrester of New College. All are welcome. (continued overleaf) NOTES (ctd)

There will be a Community Christmas Concert in the Greyfriars Charteris Centre, 140 Pleasance, at 7.00 pm this Friday, 1 December, featuring several choral and instrumental groups who are connected with the Centre, with community carol singing and festive refreshments. Come and celebrate Christmas with us!

The Greyfriars Christmas Fair will be held in the GCP Main Hall this Saturday, 2 December, from 10.30 am to 4.00 pm. All the stalls will have Greyfriars or GCP connections, and will be raising money for their individual groups which include Flowers, Woodwork, Tartan Crafts, Jewellery, Books, Hope and Glory Foundation, Felted Fairies, Toiletry Gift Bags, Needlecrafts, and more. Tea, Coffee and Lunch will be available from the GCP Café. This will be a great opportunity for Christmas shopping, so please give it your full support. Also, as in previous years, the Flower Team will have a sales table, during coffee time, on Sundays 3, 10 and 17 December, to raise funds for the Flower Fund.

The annual Greyfriars Carol Ceilidh will take place here in the Kirk on Sunday 17 December, from 6.00 pm to 8.30 pm. This evening of family-friendly festive fun, led by the Greyfriars Kirk Band, is open to all. There will be ceilidh dancing, carol singing, and for sustenance the ever-popular soup and stovies. To buy or reserve tickets – adult £5, family £10 – either phone the Kirk Office (225-1900) or email [email protected].

Gift Aid Your Open Collection Donation If you are a UK tax payer, please use Gift Aid to let Greyfriars Kirk claim 25p from HM Revenue & Customs for every £1 you donate, by putting your open collection donation in the Gift Aid envelopes provided these can be found in the backs of the chairs, or ask one of the duty elders. If the church office already has your address, you do not need to fill it in again on the envelope - just your name and the date, then your signature. Edinburgh: Greyfriars Kirk (Church of Scotland), Scottish Charity number SC003761

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