Jakodorgen PRO - USER's GUIDE

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Jakodorgen PRO - USER's GUIDE



General information

JakoDorgen PRO – program for generating sites (doorways, satellites).

Features:  4 operating modes that allow you to create doorways, satellites and hybrid sites.  You can create static and dynamic sites, and sites with delayed publication of articles.  You can create sites with a content stored in the sql-database (centralized storage of content).  Built-in scripting language for realization non-standard solutions. Allows you to create sites of any complexity!  Flexible settings for the generation of text and words tagging.  FTP uploading sites, creating a queue for FileZilla, creation of projects for XRumer, A-Poster, generating to Zerber.

System requirements: win xp, win 7, .net framework 3.5, internet explorer 8 with JavaScript enabled, Internet connection.

Interface The application interface is of html pages. Interface files are located in the interface folder. There are two interfaces – “classic” and “new 2011”. Interfaces are in two languages - Russian and English. Change to “classic”: rename folder "interface" to "interface-2011", and "interface- classic" to "interface". Change to "new 2011": Rename folder "interface" to "interface-classic", and "interface-2011" to "interface". To change the wallpaper, replace the file interface\eng\images\background.jpg on your own.

With the "classic" interface program work faster than with the "new 2011" because it is easier. At the top of page are tabs: Generator, Liqueurs, FTP, Export A-Poster, Scripting. Generator - tab for control and display generation status, display projects, their creation, editing, deleting. Settings – tab to view, create, edit and delete profiles of settings. FTP – tab to control and display FTP uploading.

1 Export to A-Poster - tab to display and control sending tasks to A-Poster. Scripting – tab for evaluate (test) scripts.

Description of settings

Site generation settings are set in a profile of settings. You can create some profiles for different projects. The first thing you need to specify - the mode of site generation.

Mode "Doorway" to create sites with generated content.

Mode "Satellite" to create a site with existing content. Each prepared article should be stored in a text file. For correct use of articles, it must be one of the following formats:

1) Simple (first line is the keyword, then goes article text, the category is optional). All files of prepared articles are in one folder. In each file is one article. The first line is title of article, then goes article text with all html-tags. You can specify category of article: : #categories#Name of category#categories#. Category can write anywhere in the file. You can also specify the article introduction by separating it with . For example:

Article Title Content: Introduction Content: Continue

The introduction will be displayed in the pages of categories instead of the automatically taken beginning of article.

2 For categorize articles depending on their categories (which are set in #categories##categories#), need to check the "Make names of categories from categories of articles and put articles to categories depending on their categories."

Categories will be created from found in the files of articles. If you do not check, and to write your own names of categories, the article will also be categorized depending on their categories, if will be relevant categories.

2) The second variant of articles format "Simple in folders (category - name of folder)" differs from the first variant only in that the articles are organized in folders whose names are their categories. In this case, #categories##categories# are not required.

3) Third variant is the format of Zerber:

#title#Title of page#title# — required tag #content# Content: Introduction Content: Continue #content# — required tag #categories#Name of category#categories# — optional tag #tags#Tags of article#tags# — optional tag

In the mode "Hybrid (Doorway + Satellite)" doorway articles (articles with generated text) are intermixed with satellite articles (articles with prepared content). You specify in the project a file with keywords and folder with articles. The program load their and for each of keywords create page with generated text, and create pages for each of prepared articles from folder with articles.

Mode "Hybrid-2 (Satellite with delayed doorway articles)" is similar to "Hybrid (Doorway + Satellite)", but doorway articles did not immediately appear on the site, and right away displayed only satellite articles. Right after generating will be obtained usual satellite, and all doorway articles will appear on the site after coming to a special page op_upd.php. If you do not check "Delayed articles appear after calling on op_upd.php", then the articles will appear gradually, as in the usual delayed publication.

3 After uploading site on server, you should set permissions for files: udt.txt, alist- *.txt, sitemaplist.txt, sitemap.xml, rss*.xml.

If you want to load not all articles, then check "Limit number of articles" and enter the number of articles.

If you want, that into satellite articles were inserted keywords, random words, links, comments check the required checkboxes:

Then select template for the site:

Templates are located in the folder "templates". If you check "Random template", then for each site will take a random template from available. If you set the checkbox "Change the file names of scripts, styles, pictures", then to names of files will be added random numbers (template randomization).

Select encoding:

Select encoding of keywords file, encoding of source text file, encoding of template and final encoding of the site (encoding of all pages).

Select type of site:

4 Type of site can be: HTML, SHTML, PHP, ASP. HTML and SHTML - is a static pages. PHP and ASP - dynamic pages, but if you do not check "Pseudo dynamic site", "Dynamic site" and "Dynamic site with delayed publication", it will be usual static pages with the extension “php” or “asp”.

For PHP and ASP sites you can check "Pseudo dynamic site" and then in spite of the fact that the pages will be simple, like HTML, them URL will be as at dynamic pages, with transfer variables. Now this function is obsolete, because there is the possibility of creating dynamic sites. The advantage of dynamic sites is that they need on the hosting much less space than a static HTML sites. Dynamic site consists of an script pages, template and content files. It is also useful that you can easily change any details in the template of ready site, add or delete data, for example, put link or banner. There are following options for dynamic sites:

If you check "Generate in sql-dump", then all data (site content) will be stored in a file dump.sql. Database access info should write to dyn\dbinfo.php. Next you import the dump in phpMyAdmin (or via any script of import), upload on the server all folders with sites. At the first visit to page its data (content) gets from data base and stored in a file for future use. You can also organize alias scheme. Upload all folders with sites in one folder and put in the root .htaccess file from the folder "dyn" of JakoDorgen PRO. File .htaccess redirects requests to the correct site script. Schem - http://www.jakokruzo.ru/images/aliases_shema.jpg

If you check "String article's ID from keyword", the identifier of article in the URL will be article keyword (not number). Example: http://www.site.ru/article.php?a= avatar video download Опция «Добавлять к ID статьи случайное число (как в DLE)» добавляет к идентификатору статьи случайное число: http://www. site .ru/ article . php ? a = 509 - avatar video download

Friendly URL option: http://www.site.ru/article/509-avatar video download/

Then you can set the mixing of keywords and limit the number of keywords loaded:

5 Then goes settings for the main page:

If you check "Generate text", then on the main page will display the generated text. If the checkbox "Announcements of random articles" is checked then after text will be displayed several announcements of articles in the specified range. The name of the main page file (without extension) is set in the "Filename of the main page:". Typically, this name is "index" or "default". In the field "Name of the main page:" enter the name of the main page (for link). Common title - "Home".

Next, set the following:

Articles out of categories – this is articles, that are outside of any category, and links to them are on the menu, right after the link to the home page. Number of categories of articles - how many categories to do on the site. Articles are categorized uniformly. Announcements are displayed in categories not all at once, on several pieces on the page. Number of announcements specified in the "Number of articles announcements per page". For example, if there are 200 articles, and number of articles announcements per page - 10, then in category will be 200/10 = 20 pages with the announcements. Number of characters in article announcement - the length of the announcement. In the announcement is displayed only text, not html-tags.

Then enter the name of category pages.

6 If you enter, for example, "category", then the url of category page for static site will be: http://www.test.ru/ category -1-1.html 1-1 at the end - this is the category number and page number of category. Each category is divided into several pages: http://www.test.ru/category-1-1.html - first page http://www.test.ru/category-1-2.html - second page http://www.test.ru/category-1-3.html - third page etc.

Enter the name of the articles pages, or check "Make page names of articles from their keywords" and then the page names will be of keyword of page. For example, if a keyword is "repairing refrigerators," then url will be: http://www.test.ru/repairing-refrigerators.html Checkbox "Leave cyrillic" is for russian cyrillic letters. If do not check "Make page names of articles from their keywords" and enter the name of pages of articles, for example, "article", then url will be:: http://www.test.ru/article-770624.html, where 770624 – article identifier.

Go next.

Dynamic URL variables – are variables that transfer to script article ID, the category number and page number of category. These variables are used in the url of dynamic sites, and if you create a static site, those settings are not used. Suppose we enter article id variable - "num". Then the url of article page will be: http://www.test.ru/article.php? num =770624 . You can enter, for example, “n”, “art”, “show”, etc. To pages of articles is transferred only one value – article id, and to pages of categories are transferred two values – number of category and page number of category. If the сategory ID variable is “ctg ”, and category page number variable is “pg”, then url will be:

7 http://www.test.ru/category.php? ctg =5& pg =2 , where ctg=5 – transfer of category number, and pg=2 – transfer of page number of category. These variables is optionaly. If you leave the fields empty, then by default they will be «n» for article id, «c» for the number of category, «p» for the page number of category.

Then you can enter your own names for the categories:

If leave empty, a category names will be taken from random keyword.

About images for articles.

If you set the checkbox "Random images for articles", then in each article will be inserted image from the folder specified in the field "Folder, to take images:". In the JakoDorgen folder there is a folder "artimages", in which there are few default images for articles. Folder for images – this is the folder for these images. This folder will be automatically created in the folder with the generated site. Files of images – name (prefix) of images. For example, if you enter a name - "img", then the images will be named: img943208.jpg, img274850.jpg, etc. To create alternative text (atl) for images, check "ALT for images". If you want that image was not in every article, you can enter the probability of inserting images. For example, if you enter 50%, then the images will be only in half of the all articles.

Next come the setting of the text generation.

8 To text was generated, set method "Mix". The text is generated in the following way: take a few sentences from different parts of source text, from each takes some part, parts are summarized and obtain a new sentence. The number of sentences that are taken for creating new sentence is entered in the field "Number of source sentences". 2-3 sentences is normal number. If you enter 1, then the sentences will be taken as a whole. As greater the number of source sentences, that of the more parts will be made new sentences, and the text will be more randomly. If you set checkbox "Keep position of sentence's parts" then, for example, if the number of source sentences is 3, then from the first sentence will be taken beginning, from second - middle part, and from third sentence - ending, and these parts will connected in one new sentence. If you generate the site in Russian, you can set option "Thematically combinable sentences (only for russian language)". Then, for a new sentence will be taken source sentences of similar subjects. Now about "Text as it is" method.

In this method, the sentences will be whole taken from source text , one by one. Preliminary, if separate texts from each other by string of cons in source text (------), you can set checkbox "The are separators of texts in source text" and then the texts will be taken as a whole.

Text indents.

Usual indent tags is or
. 9 Number of indents in the text is regulated by indent probability value. For example, if you set 50%, then the probability that after every sentence will start a new indent will be 50%. If you set 100%, then every sentence will be indent. Normal value - about 20%.

Next come settings of inserting keywords in the text.

You can choose evenly inserting, or inserting with a domination in the beginning, middle or end of the text. Grouping of keywords set in "Distribution coefficient of keywords in the text" (minimum value - 1, maximum - 20). Keywords will be closer to each other with a lower coefficient. If choose evenly inserting this coefficient is not important. If set, for example, option "Prevalence in the middle" and set small distribution coefficient, the most of keywords will be in the middle of the text. If set distribution coefficient close to 20, then keywords will be located almost evenly. Of great importance is the density of keywords in the text. At higher values will be more keywords in the text. For example, if in the text of 200 words, and keyword density is 5%, then in the text will be inserted about 10 of keywords. So that to take into account the length of keywords (number of words in the keywords) when inserting keywords (calculation of number of keywords to insert), it's necessary to set checkbox "Density, taking into account the verbosity of keywords". For example, there are 200 words in text, and keyword density is 5%, then will inserted 10 keywords in two words each, and the total number of words in the text will be the 220, that is, percentage of keywords, if you count them as a whole, not by words, get 4.5% instead of 5%, and if you count taking

10 into account the verbosity, it will be 5%. There are different opinions about how to count. In practice, every webmaster is doing, as he considers right.

For the Russian text, you can set checkbox "Replacement of nouns (only for russian language)", and then keywords will be inserted in place of the existing nouns in text. Plays an important role adding tags to keywords. JakoDorgen PRO allows you to add to keywords any tags. You need only specify the tags for adding and the percentage of keywords to which will added tags. Example: *|30-50 *|20-40 In this case, the tags will added to 30-50 percent of keywords in the text. To another 20-40 percent of keywords will be added the tags . Example 2: *|20-25 *|15-20 *|10-17 In this case, the tags will added to 20-25 percent of keywords in the text. To 20-40 percent of keywords will be added the tags , and to 10-17 percent of keywords will be added the tags .

It is possible to swap words of keywords. Example: buy powerful refrigerator, powerful refrigerator buy, refrigerator buy powerful. You need check "Swap words of keywords" and enter the percentage of keywords to swap the words. It is also possible to divide keywords into parts. Example for keyword “hot tours Egypt”: Egypt is one of the hot tours most Egypt populous countries in Africa and the Middle East. The great majority of hot its tours Egypt estimated 80 million people live near the hot banks tours of Egypt the Nile River, in an area of about 40,000 square kilometers (15,000 sq mi), where the only arable land is found.

Also you can add tags to random words in the text.

11 The principle is the same as with the adding tags to keywords. if you want insert in the text of article links to other random articles, you should enter their number of:

Then we need to enter the difference between the dates of articles.

Suppose, if you enter 1, then between the dates will be the difference in one day.: 09.09.2011, 10.09.2011, 11, 09.2011 и т.д. If you enter 3, then will be: 09.09.2011, 12.09.2011, 15, 09.2011 и т.д. If you enter 0.5, this is two articles per day: 09.09.2011, 09.09.2011, 10, 09.2011 , 10, 09.2011 и т.д. 0.25 – 4 articles per day. 0.1 – 10 articles per day. If you want to have comments in articles, then you can set the number and length of the comments. It is possible to insert keywords at comment.

In order to create a sitemap, the template should contain a link to sitemap ([SITEMAP_LINK]Sitemap[/SITEMAP_LINK]). If no link, the site map will not be created. It is necessary to enter how many links will be displayed on one page in the sitemap and the page title.

To create xml-sitemap and robots.txt, should set "Build sitemap.xml and robots.txt". For a robots.txt file enter a content in which [SITE_NAME] will be replaced by the site name.

To create RSS set required checkbox.

12 It is possible to do one general RSS, or individual RSS for each category.

If you use in the template the macros [RANDLIST] (print a random string), then you need to enter the file from which will take the string.

Next you need to enter what will be the title of pages. It is possible, that to the title, besides the page keyword were added other keywords or random words. You can also enter what text to add at the beginning and at the end of the title.

If you want to build different title, you can write in the template your own code instead of [TITLE]. For example: [BKEYWORD], [REPEAT-1-2] [RANDKEYWORD], [/REPEAT] [RANDKEYWORD].

Similarly, do meta keywords and meta description.

13 Similarly for image ALT.

To meta keywords and meta description were made not only for the pages of articles, but also for the home page and category pages, set checkbox "Generate meta keywords and meta description for the main page and category pages".

Now, how and where to redirect visitors. It is possible to do a redirect.

Macro [KEYWORD] in URL is replaced by page keyword.

14 Redirect script is encrypted. It can be on a page or in a file. Possible to set the delay for redirect. If you want custom redirect, write your own script.

Also, you can redirect visitors by the link. In this case the content of site moves down, where it is not visible for visitors, but in the visible part of the page is displayed some text and link for redirect visitors. You can choose a caption from the list, or enter your html code of caption and link to be added to the top of the page.

After editing the settings profile, do not forget to save it.

Creating and editing projects

On the tab "Generator" on the left side shows the projects in the queue, and links to add and delete projects. For each project, there are links to edit or delete project.

To add one project, click the link "Add project" This opens the page of adding project:

15 Site name should enter without "http://". In the field "Title" enter title of main page. Caption on header - is the text in the header of site, which displays by macro [HEAD_CAPTION]. If you generate a doorway, enter a file with keywords and source text, and if you generate a satellite enter folder with articles. If you do hybrids should enter all. Select the settings profile for site generation. Template is optional. It should be specified if you want use template different from that specified in the profile. It is possible to enter a folder with templates. Then will be taken a random template from this folder. if you want to upload sites via JakoDorgen PRO, or to build queue for FileZilla, then you should enter data for FTP access. Next you can specify optional data, such as, for example, counter code:

Then macro [COUNTER] will be replaced by the counter code.

16 You can add any of your macros, and data.

If you need to add many projects at once, click "Add some projects". Enter the list of projects in the correct format: Site name|Title|Caption on header|Keywords file|Text file|Folder with articles| Settings profile|FTP server|FTP login|FTP password|FTP folder

To specify a template, write it after the profile with the character "*". Example: www.forex3064.ru|Forex trading|Forex trading strategies| D:\docs\forex-keywords.txt|D:\docs\forex-text.txt|D:\articles| MyProfile1*D:\mytemplates\s1\page.htm|ftp.test.ru|mylogin|mypass|/

After adding the projects you need enter folder for saving sites.

Site linking options

There are two methods of linking: "Link all on all" and "Link chain". If you link all on all, then on each site will added links to other sites.

17 You enter the maximum number of links on the page. Links are added to pages randomly. For example, if there are 100 keywords, and if to do link adding on the internal pages and on the main page, then number of free pages for adding links is 101. If there are 10 sites, then will be 9 links, which will be randomly distributed on 101 existing page, taking into account the maximum number of links on the pages. For example: It may be that the one link will be on the main page and 8 other links will be on the internal pages, if the maximum number of links for all pages is 1. And there may be no link on the main page and all links will be on the internal pages. If maximum number of links is 3, then may be two links on the main page, 3 links on the any internal page, and 4 links on any other internal pages. And maybe also no links on the main an page. may be one link to each page. May be 3 on the main, 3 in one internal and 3 on the other internal.

If you link chain then on each site will be added link to the following site. At the last site will be added link to the first site.

Options for saving URL list

To save the list, enter the format and file name for saving. Lists are saved to a folder "reports".

[URL] is replaced by the URL of the page, and [ANKOR] is replaced by keyword. For example, if you want to save only the URLs of pages, the format will be just [URL]. If need to save the URLs and the keyword with a vertical slash, format is: [URL]|[ANKOR]. And if you want to save the html-link, then is: [ANKOR].

If you need to save only the URLs of article pages (without category pages and others) , then you need to check "Save only URLs of article's pages".

18 Lists is saved in a individual folder for each site. If you do only one list for each site, you can check "Do not create folder for one list" and then individual folders will not be created. It is possible, that for each site will be saved a list of URLs of random pages. To do this, check "Save list of random URLs" and enter the number of random URLs. The list will be saved to a file some_urls.txt in a individual folder for each site, or in a single file for all sites, if check the "Save in one file for all sites"

FTP options

JakoDorgen PRO can upload sites on the server in multiple threads. Although the maximum number of threads is 20, in practice, for a stable uploading is usually used from 1 to 3 threads. If, during the uploading there is any error, uploading will continue after the specified number of seconds. If the error occurs several times in a row, uploading can be passed, and began uploading the next site. Often on a server is already exist default index page. To removed this page before start uploading, you should set appropriate checkbox and enter the name of the page (usually index.html). If you upload the site with the delayed publication, you should set permissions for files: udt.txt, alist-*.txt, sitemaplist.txt, sitemap.xml, rss*.xml. To have this done automatically, you need to check "Change the permissions for files", list files (udt.txt, alist-*.txt, sitemaplist.txt, sitemap.xml, rss*.xml) and enter permissions 777.

If you want to upload the site via FileZilla, you can build ndividual queue for each site, or build one queue for all.

Options for creating XRumer projects

19 You can build ndividual project for each site, or build one queue for all. To generate text of posts set checkbox and enter number of words. Enter number of variations of links. Then enter nick, real name, password, etc.

Configuration A-Poster tasks

20 If you set checkbox "Automatically start sending tasks after FTP-Upload", immediately after the end of uploading of sites on the server, will begin sending of tasks. It is possible to do a common task for all sites. Data is sent by http-post to the specified URL.

When all sites have already been generated, they can be archived.

Select the type of archive, zip or rar, and the path to WinRAR-in. If the archive is rar, then it can be divided into volumes of a specified size.

Options for Zerber generating

21 If generate for Zerber, then will be created data files for export to Zerber. Enter the number of random words to insert before and after the keyword. Announcement can be of the full text of articles (beginning of the article), or can be of a random generated text. Enter the list of categories of which will be selected category of the article. Also, you can specify whether to make the tags.

Template and Macros

Patterns are placed in the folder "templates". Template - "page.htm" page with text, html tags and macros, style files, images and other files related to page.htm. Macros can be single or block. For example, the macro [TITLE] is single, and the macro [RANDLINKS-x1-x2][ITEM][A][/ITEM][/RANDLINKS], which displays random links, is block (composite). In this macro there is a nested block [ITEM][A][/ITEM], in which there is a single special macro [A]. The block [RANDLINKS-x1-x2][/RANDLINKS] contains the output region for random links, and block [ITEM][/ITEM] – one (each) link area. [A] – the link. The value of the block [ITEM][A][/ITEM] will be repeated n times in a range from x1 to x2, specified in the macro [RANDLINKS-x1-x2]. Example: 22 [RANDLINKS-3-5] Random links:



This block will print 3-5 links: Random links:

Refrigerator repair Sale refrigerators Rating of refrigerators Buy a refrigerator

Analogously displays menu and category. Consider the block menu: [MENU]


Between the [MENU] and [ITEM] there is the html-code of table that contains the menu links:

All together prints, such as:

Different colors to make it best seen the different parts.


- Link to the home page, added to the menu automatically. That it is not added, it is necessary after the [MENU] write the following macro: [NO_MP_LINK].

One can say that the biggest bloc macro is [PAGE_AREA] [/PAGE_AREA]. This area of the page, which displays the main content, text, articles, announcements. This block contains a nested block [PRE_ARTICLES] [/PRE_ARTICLES] – is announcements of articles. Consider an example:














Blue highlighted text - is what shows on the page of the article. Green highlighted text - the block of announcements on the category page. Content that is show a block [PRE_ARTICLES] [/PRE_ARTICLES], is not shown on the page of the article, because it only for output of announcements. All that blue is for output content of article pages and does not apply to category pages. Inside [PAGE_AREA] [/PAGE_AREA] can be a block [SITEMAP_PAGE_CONTENT] [SITEMAP_LINKS][/SITEMAP_PAGE_CONTENT], which is detailed the output of sitemap (extended output), block [MAIN_PAGE_CONTENT] [/MAIN_PAGE_CONTENT], which is detailed the output of content of the main page, and block [OTHER_PAGE-Имя страницы-Заголовок страницы] [/OTHER_PAGE] for creating custom pages. By default, content of main page is generated text, without h1-titles and pictures. Example of detailing output of content on the mainpage: After [PAGE_AREA] write: [MAIN_PAGE_CONTENT]



25 So on the main page will be h1-title, image, half of text before image, and other half after image.

Example of detailing output of content on the sitemap (add h1-title «Sitemap» ): После [PAGE_AREA] вписываем: [SITEMAP_PAGE_CONTENT]



Now about block [PRE_ARTICLES][/PRE_ARTICLES]. Inside this block in a nested block [PRE_ARTICLE] [/PRE_ARTICLE] is setting the output format of announcements. In the above example, between [PRE_ARTICLES] and the beginning of the block [PRE_ARTICLE] goes: [CURRENT_RSS_LINK]  RSS


Block [CURRENT_RSS_LINK] [/CURRENT_RSS_LINK], which goes immediately, displays a link to the RSS for this category. This is an optional block. If RSS feed for each category are disabled in the settings profile, then instead there will be nothing. [CURRENT_RSS_URL] inside this block is replaced by the URL of RSS feed. Next is the:

This is top of table in which displays announcements. Inside the block [PRE_ARTICLE] [/PRE_ARTICLE] goes the announcement. In this block there are the following special macros: [ARTICLE_DATE] – article date. [ARTICLE_DATE_D] – day of date. [ARTICLE_DATE_M] – month of date. [ARTICLE_DATE_Y] – year of date. [ARTICLE_DATE_DD] – day of date, two digits. [ARTICLE_DATE_MM] - month of date, two digits. [ARTICLE_DATE_YY] - year of date, two digits. [ARTICLE_DATE_MNR] – name of the month of date in the Russian. [ARTICLE_DATE_MNSR] - name of the month of date in the Russian, three letters. [ARTICLE_DATE_MNE] - name of the month of date in the English. [ARTICLE_DATE_MNSE] - name of the month of date in the English, three letters.

26 [ARTICLE_TITLE] – announcement title. [ARTICLE_IMG][/ARTICLE_IMG] – block of image output in which [IMG_URL] – image url, а [IMG_ALT] – image alt. [ARTICLE_SHORT_TEXT] – text of announcement. [ARTICLE_URL] – url of article page.

Between [/PRE_ARTICLE] and [/PRE_ARTICLES] is bottom of table

. Links to the pages of category are made automatically, but you can detail the output. For example, to output Pages: ( 1 ) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 next instead of (1) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... , insert before [/PRE_ARTICLES] this block: [PAGESNAV]

[PREVLINK]previous [/PREVLINK] - a link to previous pages. [PGLINK][NORMAL][P] [/NORMAL][ACTIVE]( [P] ) [/ACTIVE][/PGLINK] - it links to pages, where [NORMAL][/NORMAL] - common link, а [ACTIVE][/ACTIVE] - link to current page. [NEXTLINK]next[/NEXTLINK] - link to the next pages.

Macro [ARTICLE_DATE] and other macros for display the date, as well as [ARTICLE_IMG] [/ARTICLE_IMG] used and on the article pages. Besides them in the article there is a block [COMMENTS] [/COMMENTS] to output comments. In it can be used macros: [COMMENT_DATE] – comment date, [COMMENT_AUTHOR] – author (taken from the file nicks.txt), [COMMENT_NUM] – comment number, [COMMENT_TEXT] – comment text. Text of the article is displayed by macro [ARTICLE_TEXT]. It is possible to output the text in parts, by using a macro [ARTICLE_TEXT-X%]. For example, if you want to output picture in the middle of the text: [ARTICLE_TEXT-50%] [ARTICLE_TEXT-50%] The last macro you can do [ARTICLE_TEXT-100%], which outputs text to the end.

All macros Single:

[TITLE] – page title. [REDIRECT] – redirect code.

27 [NOREDIRECT] – code for non-redirect navigation. [RANDLIST] – random line from a file that is specified in the settings. [RANDLIST_FROM_FILE-File path] - random line from a file that is specified in the macro. [RANDFILE_FROM_FOLDER-Folder] - random file name from the specified folder. [FILE_FROM_FOLDER- Folder] - name of the file from the folder. Files are taken in order. [RANDIMG_FROM_FOLDER- Folder] - outputs a random image from the specified folder, which is in the folder of template. For example, create a folder "mypictures", in the folder of template and copy into it an images, after that insert in the template the macro: [RANDIMG_FROM_FOLDER-mypictures]. [DTEXT-20-40] - dynamic text (different on every page). In this example, the length of text is 20-40 words. [DTEXT_COPY-3-5] - outputs several whole sentences from a source text file. The sentences are taken one by one. In this example, are taken 3-5 sentences. [DTEXT_COPYRAND-3-5] - same as [DTEXT_COPY-3-5], but sentences are taken randomly. [DTEXT_COPY_FROM_FILE-Файл-3-5] - same as [DTEXT_COPY-3-5], but sentences are taken from the specified file. The sentences are taken one by one. Example: [DTEXT_COPY_FROM_FILE-D:\jako\MText.txt-3-5]. [DTEXT_COPYRAND_FROM_FILE-Файл-3-5] - same as [DTEXT_COPY_FROM_FILE- Файл-3-5], but sentences are taken randomly. [STEXT-20-40] - static text (the same on all pages). In this example, the length of text is 20-40 words. [STEXT_COPY-3-5] - static version of [DTEXT_COPY-3-5]. [STEXT_COPYRAND-3-5] - static version of [DTEXT_COPYRAND-3-5]. [DTEXTK-20-40-5%] - random text with the insertion of keywords (20-40 – words count, 5% - is the density of keywords). [CURRENT_CATEGORY_URL] - outputs the category url. [CURRENT_CATEGORY_NAME] - outputs the category name. [KEYWORD] - keyword. [KEYWORD_TRANSLIT-0] - keywords in transliteration without extra characters (a space is replaced by "-"), and [KEYWORD_TRANSLIT-1] - with all characters. [PKEYWORD] - keyword with swapped words. [BKEYWORD] - keywords with a capital letter. [BKEYWORD_TRANSLIT-0] – keywords in transliteration with a capital letter without extra characters, and [BKEYWORD_TRANSLIT-1] - with all characters. [PBKEYWORD] - keywords with a capital letter and with swapped words. [CITE] – cite of keyword. [HEAD_CAPTION] – text on head of page. [RANDKEYWORD] - random keyword.

28 [RANDKEYWORD_TRANSLIT-0] - random keyword in transliteration without extra characters, and [RANDKEYWORD_TRANSLIT-1] - with all characters. [RANDBKEYWORD] - random keyword with a capital letter. [RANDBKEYWORD_TRANSLIT-0] - random keyword with a capital letter in transliteration without extra characters, and [RANDBKEYWORD_TRANSLIT-1] with all characters. [RANDLINK]- link to a random article page. [RAND_CATEGORY] - link to a random category page. [RAND_BCATEGORY] - link to a random category page with a capital letter. [RAND_CATEGORY_URL] – url of random category page. [RAND_CATEGORY_NAME] – name of random category. [RAND_BCATEGORY_NAME] - name of random category with a capital letter. [RANDURL] - URL of random page. [AURL] - URL of current page. [ARTICLE_NUM] - article number. [RAND-10-99] - random number. In this example, the range of 10 to 99. [SITE_NAME] – site name. [DOMAIN_NAME] – site domen . [TAGS-10-15] - tag cloud. In this example, the range of 10 to 15 of keywords. [RANDDATE-01.01.2011-20.02.2011-dd.MM.yyyy] - random date within the specified range. dd.MM.yyyy - date format. dd - day (two symbols), d - day (one or two symbols), similarly MM -month, yyyy - year. For example: for dd.MM.yyyy will be 05.01.2011, for d.M.yyyy will be 5.1.2011, for d.M.yy will be 5.1.11, for yyyy/M/d will be 2011/1/5. Can be time: dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss , where hh - hour, mm - minute, ss - second. [COPYRANDIMG_FROM_FOLDER- Folder with pictures - Folder where to copy] outputs a random image with the copying. For example images are in D:\mypictures, then [COPYRANDIMG_FROM_FOLDER-D:\mypictures-pics] will copy a random image from “D:\mypictures” in folder “pics” of site, and will output this: . Can be image ALT: [COPYRANDIMG_FROM_FOLDER-D:\mypictures-pics-Download movie Avatar].

[ARTICLE_TEXT]- article text [ARTICLE_TEXT-X%] – to output text in parts. [ARTICLE_DATE] – article date.


[FRIENDLINKS][ITEM][A][/ITEM][/FRIENDLINKS] – riendly links [MENU] [ITEM][A][/ITEM] [/MENU] –menu. [SITEMAP_LINK][SITEMAP_URL][/SITEMAP_LINK] – link to the sitemap. Example: [SITEMAP_LINK]Sitemap[/SITEMAP_LINK].

29 [CATEGORIES] [ITEM][A] [/ITEM] [/CATEGORIES] – categories. [MAIN_RSS_LINK][MAIN_RSS_URL][/MAIN_RSS_LINK] – link to rss feed. Example: [MAIN_RSS_LINK] RSS[/MAIN_RSS_LINK]. [PAGE_AREA] [/PAGE_AREA] – outputs area of main content (articles, announcements). [ARTICLE_IMG][IMG_URL][IMG_ALT][/ARTICLE_IMG] – article image. Example: [ARTICLE_IMG][/ARTICLE_IMG].

[RANDLINKS-x1-x2][ITEM][A][/ITEM][/RANDLINKS] – links to random articles. [COMMENTS] [COMMENT] [COMMENT_DATE] [COMMENT_AUTHOR] [COMMENT_TEXT] [/COMMENT] [/COMMENTS] – article comments. [PRE_ARTICLES] [/PRE_ARTICLES] – article announcements. [CURRENT_RSS_LINK][CURRENT_RSS_URL][/CURRENT_RSS_LINK] – link to rss feed of category.

[STATIC][/STATIC] - makes static everything inside it. For example, if you want to output a same random link on all pages: [STATIC] [RANDLINK] [/STATIC]. [SCRIPT][/SCRIPT] - script that is executed before replacing macros. [SCRIPT_P][/SCRIPT_P] - script that is executed after replacing macros. [JAVASCRIPT][/JAVASCRIPT] – java-script that is executed before replacing macros. [JAVASCRIPT_P][/JAVASCRIPT_P] – java-script that is executed after replacing macros. [REPEAT-x-y][/REPEAT] - lets you repeat a piece of code a certain number of times. For example, [REPEAT-5-10]Hello![/REPEAT] will output text "Hello!" 7 times: " Hello!Hello!Hello!Hello!Hello!Hello!Hello!". You can specify the exact number repeats: [REPEAT-7]Hello![/REPEAT]. Inside [REPEAT-x-y][/REPEAT] there may be other macros. For example [REPEAT-5-10] Hello![RAND-1-99], [/REPEAT] will output " Hello! 15, Hello! 91, Hello! 9, Hello! 42, Hello! 57, Hello! 89, Hello! 40, ".

[COPY-m][/COPY] and [PASTE-m]. Macro [COPY-m]Text[/COPY] copy the text inside it in memory with label m. The label can be any, for example: [COPY-abc], [COPY-5]. Macro [PASTE-m] outputs copied text. For example, how to output the result of the macro [RAND-1-99] in a few places on the page: Random number: [COPY-m1][RAND-1-99][/COPY] Once again, the same number: [PASTE-m1] And once again, the same number: [PASTE-m1]

30 The result will be: Random number: 10 Once again, the same number: 10 And once again, the same number: 10

[OTHER_PAGE-Page name-Page title][/OTHER_PAGE] , which makes it possible to create custom pages. For example, to automatically create a page "Contact Us" should be inserted in the template after [PAGE_AREA] or before [/PAGE_AREA] this block: [OTHER_PAGE-contacts-Contacts Us]

Contacts Us


In this block, «contacts» - is the page name without extension, and " Contacts Us" - the page title.

[SHOW_DATE-x][/SHOW_DATE]. Помещённый в нём текст (код) будет выводится только после указанной даты x. Пример: [SHOW_DATE- 05.04.2010]Привет![/SHOW_DATE]. Можно указывать диапазон дат, в котором будет выводиться текст: [SHOW_DATE-05.04.2010- 10.04.2010]Привет![/SHOW_DATE].


In JakoDorgen PRO is integrated its own programming language. For example, if you want to display keywords like this - "ReFrIgErAtOr", then should insert into a template the following script (in a place where it should be): [SCRIPT] $s=$page_keyword; $l=strlen($s); for($i=1; $i<=$l; $i=$i+2){ $s=substr($s,1,$i-1) + strtoupper(substr($s,$i,1)) + substr($s,$i+1,$l-$i); } print($s); [/SCRIPT]

This script will run before replacing macros. It can be transformed to be executed after the macro replacing: [SCRIPT_P] $s=”[KEYWORD]”; $l=strlen($s); for($i=1; $i<=$l; $i=$i+2){ $s=substr($s,1,$i-1) + strtoupper(substr($s,$i,1)) + substr($s,$i+1,$l-$i);

31 } print($s); [/SCRIPT_P]

[KEYWORD] will be replaced by the keyword, and before executing, in script will be $s=”пластиковые окна”; , not $s=”[KEYWORD]”;.

Script looks like PHP. Important differences: - Variables that start with “$” - is global (available anywhere in the script), and without the “$” sign - is local. There is superglobal “$$” that is available in all scripts. Register does not matter. - Strings are summed by "+". - No “+=”, “++”, etc. - Only one-dimensional arrays. - In conditions and functions parentheses are required: print("Hello!"); if($a>0){$b=$b+$a;} Functions: substr - return part of a string strlen - get string length. echo or print - outputs the data to the page. rand - returns a random number. sleep и usleep - delays execution of the current script doevents - processes all Windows messages currently in the message queue. timer - returns the time elapsed since the system load (in milliseconds). hex - returns the hexadecimal encoding of an integer expression. oct - returns a string representing the octal value of a number. chr - returns the character associated with the specified ANSI character code. asc - returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a string. val - returns the numbers contained in a string as a numeric value of appropriate type. isnumeric - returns “1” or “0” values that indicates whether a specified expression can be evaluated as a number. strpos - returns the position of the first occurrence of a string inside another string. If the string is not found, this function returns “0”. trim - returns a text value with the leading and trailing spaces removed. (there are ltrim and rtrim) strtolower - is used to convert all alphabetic characters of a string to lowercase. strtoupper - is used to convert all alphabetic characters of a string to uppercase.

32 abs - returns the absolute value of a number. floor - rounds the specified number down, and returns the largest number that is less than or equal to the specified number. ceil - returns the smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to a number. sin - returns the sine of an angle. cos - returns the cosine of an angle. readfile – to file reading. For example: $a=readfile('D:\test.txt'); writefile – to file writing . For example: writefile('D:\test.txt','This is test'); alert - is used to display an alert message to the user. httpclient_open(url,http-request,proxy, encoding) - to load page from the Internet. For example: $h="GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: www.google.ru\r\n\r\n"; $r=httpclient_open('http://www.google.ru/',$h,'','utf-8'); print($r); escape() - encodes a string. escapeuri() - converts any unsafe or reserved characters in the path component to their hexadecimal character representations. copyfile(Source, Destination); - to copy file. deletefile(File); - to delete file.

You can write your own functions.


* multiplication / division \ integer division % modulus + addition - subtraction == is equal to != is not equal >= is greater than or equal to <= is less than or equal to > is greater than < is less than && and (AND) || or (OR)

33 Page constants:

$page_keyword - keyword $page_title – page title $page_metakeywords - meta keywords $page_metadescription - meta description $page_type - page type (1 – main page, 2 – category page, 3 – article page, 4 – sitemap, 5 - custom page) $page_file – page file $page_url – page URL $categories_count – category count. $category_url[] - array of URLs of categories. $category_name[] - array of names of categories. $articlespage_count – article pages count. $articlespage_url[] - array of URLs of articles. $articlespage_keyword[] - array of keywords of articles. $articlespage_ctg[] - array of category numbers of articles. $keywords_count – keyword count. $keyword[] - array of keywords.


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