Lake Anna Civic Association
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Lake Anna Civic Association Board of Directors Meeting December 4, 2003 Call To Order With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order at 2:00pm.
Officers present: Joe Bailey, Vice President and Chris Mykrantz, Secretary Regional Directors present: Herb Distefano, Berkeley; Bill Murphy, Mineral/Louisa; Olivia Ryan, Cuckoo; Bernie White, Belmont Committee Chairs present: Jim Oliver, Fireworks/Buoys and Joe Weatherton, Land Use Guests present: Irene Luck, The Central Virginian; Marilyn Root, The Lake Anna Observer and George O'Connell, Dominion Power Board and Committee Chair absentees: Bill Hayden, President; Bill Martin, Treasurer; Bob Kepley, Jackson Region; Ray Lora, Brokenburg Region; Bill Borduin, Early Site Permit; Gail Martin, Hospitality; Jean Borduin, Newsletter; Steve Raileanu, Safety; Carl Groth, Water Quality
Approval of Agenda The agenda for the December 4 Board meeting was approved as corrected.
Approval of Minutes Minutes were not read due to prior distribution to the Board for review. A correction was made in the Bill Murphey report. Bernie White made a motion to approve the Minutes from the November 6, 2003 BOD meeting as corrected. The motion was seconded and carried.
Treasurer's Financial Report Bill Martin was absent and his November 2003 report was presented by Chris Mykrantz. Year-to- date income and expenses are $21,328 and $10,197 respectively for a year-to-date balance of $49,891. Motion by Chris Mykrantz to approve the Treasurer's report as presented. The motion was seconded and carried. The report is attached to the Minutes in file.
President's Report Bill Hayden was absent and did not submit a written report.
Vice President's Report Joe Bailey expressed his concern for the Letter to the Editor that recently appeared in the Lake Anna Observer. Joe noted that several of the facts stated in the letter are incorrect. Herb Distefano read a statement from the actual report which contradicted items contained in the Letter to the Editor.
Secretary's Report Chris Mykrantz advised that post cards announcing the NRC meeting on December 8 were mailed to the membership in November.
Treasurer's Report Bill Martin was absent and did not submit a written report.
Jackson Director Report - Bob Kepley Bob Kepley was absent and submitted a written report which is attached to the Minutes in file. Kepley attended several Louisa County Planning Commission meetings in November and early December. He advised that on December 2, the Commission unanimously supported the forwarding of a zoning amendment to the Board of Supervisors with a recommendation of approval. The amendment would confirm a set of guidelines/regulations for common area boat dock design and location. If the developer stays within the regulations, the application for Conditional Use Permit would not be required.
Cuckoo Director Report - Olivia Ryan Olivia Ryan had no report.
Mineral/Louisa Director Report - Bill Murphey Bill Murphey had no report.
Berkeley Director Report - Herb Distefano Herb Distefano had no report.
Brokenburg Acting Director Report - Ray Lora Ray Lora was absent and did not submit a written report.
Belmont Director Report - Bernie White Bernie White had no report.
Early Site Permit Committee Report - Chair, Bill Borduin Bill Borduin was absent but submitted a written report which is attached to the Minutes in file. Bill advised that the Committee has spent a considerable amount of time with Dominion Power to gain process knowledge. The Committee is prepared to respond to questions at the public hearing on December 8 but only if they are asked. The NRC is hosting the meeting. The Committees purpose at this point is one of learning, sharing known facts based on research and to helping LACA members and the Lake Anna community understand the impact of adding reactors to North Anna Power site. The Committee is not making any recommendations, nor is the LACA Board.
Fireworks and Lake Hazard Buoys Committees Report - Chair, Jim Oliver Jim Oliver advised that work has commenced on the 2004 fireworks event with the execution of a contract and the purchase of insurance. With respect to his buoy activity, Jim advised that all is quiet.
Hospitality Committee Report - Chair, Gail Martin Gail Martin was absent and did not submit a written report.
Land Use Committee Report - Chair, Joe Weatherton Joe Weatherton submitted a written report which is attached to the Minutes in file. Joe advised of the Committees efforts since the last Board meeting: Met to discuss new research topics. Efforts will focus on implementation of shoreline management best practices. Committee seeking to meet with officials from the Lake Anna Tourism & Economic Development Partnership to discuss shoreline management. As an adjunct to the Watershed Roundtable, Joe is participating on the Spotsylvania County Ordinance Review Committee. One effort is development of a Purchase Development Rights Ordinance to help preserve farm and historic land and natural habitat. Joe serves as the Chair of the Environmental Subcommittee. Completed the first draft of the LACA strategic plan which was presented at a meeting on November 22.
Joe discussed the scheduling of another strategic plan meeting and it was decided by the Board that such meeting would be held on January 8 either before or after the next Board meeting. See Other New Business - Strategic Plan
Newsletter Committee Report - Chair, Jean Borduin Jean Borduin presented a written report which is attached to the Minutes in file. The publication date for the January 2004 newsletter is 1/23/04. Copy deadline is 1/8/04. Jean now has help with the newsletter effort in the person of Linda Moore. The Board extends its appreciation to Linda for joining the Committee. Advertising renewal letters will be sent in mid-January. Jean also inquired if the January Board meeting would be moved to January 8 because January 1 is a holiday. Discussion by the Board supported this move. See Other New Business - Strategic Plan
Safety Committee Report - Chair, Steve Raileanu Steve Raileanu was absent and did not submit a written report. (Steve did arrive late but it was after adjournment.
Water Quality Committee Report - Chair, Carl Groth Carl Groth was absent but submitted a written report which is attached to the Minutes in file. Carl advised: Ray DeCarli was successful in his efforts to coordinate the EPA Brownfield's Grant application with Louisa County and the Department of Environmental Quality. He also obtained an official endorsement from Louisa County and the DEQ. This grant will focus on the Contrary Creek watershed. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has approved a $25,000 grant through the efforts of Dick Clark. The grant will support the development of the Lake Anna Watershed Land Use Database and water quality efforts with the purchase of electronic monitoring equipment for use in 2004. Additional monitoring teams are being sought for 2004 to expand monitoring sites. Expanded efforts will focus on Bacteria Source Tracking in impaired streams. The Watershed survey is scheduled for distribution. The survey was mailed to 11,000 watershed households on or about December 2. Many people, organizations and the tri- counties worked on this effort. The final water quality monitoring effort on October 20 did not reveal any bacterial problems in Lake Anna. The 2004 program will begin in April.
Old Business Education and Membership Committee Chairpersons Positions still open. Bernie White may have a candidate for Membership.
Articles for Next Newsletter Discussion on article for lawn care - Distefano, recap of quarterly Minutes - Mykrantz, water quality testing result for year - Mykrantz to check with Groth, legislative activity - Ryan, land use - Weatherton.
Fund Raising Olivia Ryan advised of a home tour in October 2004. The Partnership is seeking volunteers for a variety of jobs. Proceeds would be shared among certain lake area organizations.
Lake Level Project Bill Murphey had no new information to report.
Membership Study Update This effort has been combined with the strategic planning process.
New Business Meeting between Lake Associations and DGIF There is a meeting on December 15 between the Presidents and Safety Chairs of LACA, Smith Mountain and Lake Gaston with the DGIF
Other New Business Strategic Plan Discussion on steps to be taken to set up a meeting of the entire Board to review the strategic plan. It was decided that the meeting would be held on January 8, 2004, the same date of the next Board meeting. The time would be 10:30 to 12:30, break for lunch and conduct the regular LACA Board meeting at 2PM. An alternative would be to reverse the order. The Board members present preferred the former alternative.
Monthly Meeting Time Due to the apparent difficulty of Board members to make 2PM meetings, a suggestion has been made to return to the 6PM meeting time. Further discussion will take place when the full Board is present.
Executive Session Motion by Bernie White, seconded and carried to go into Executive Session. The Board went into Executive Session at 3:10pm.
Exit Executive Session Motion by Bernie White, seconded and carried to exit Executive Session. The Board left Executive Session at 4:10pm.
Meeting Resumed Motion by Bernie White that Herb Distefano draft a letter for Board review that would address the misstatements contained in the Letter to the Editor in the November issue of the Lake Anna Observer. Such draft would clarify activities that resulted in the development of the Lake Anna Area Special Plan, developed in the year 2000, and LACA's involvement or lack thereof. The motion was seconded and carried.
Adjournment With no further business arising out of the regular Board meeting or the Executive Session, Joe Bailey requested a motion to adjourn. Motion by Herb Distefano to adjourn. Motion was seconded and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:15pm.
Respectfully submitted, Chris Mykrantz, Secretary