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Template for Two-Page Abstracts in Word 97 (PC)

Volcano Symmetry Database Using SRTM Imagery and the ENVI software. D. S. Hawkins1,2,3, G. S. Mattioli 2, P. E. Jansma2, 1Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 72701, 2Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 72701, 3Department of Geogra- phy and Geology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY 42101, [email protected].

Introduction: The shuttle radar topography mis- axes are also added to the database along with the dis- sion flew on the Endeavor spacecraft in 2000 for 11 tance from the maximum elevation to the intersection days, creating a database of digital topographic eleva- of the axes. tion covering most of the Earth. Currently, the images The image is opened again with ENVI and the lati- from the mission are publicly available at 90 meter res- tude, longitude, and elevation of the intersection of the olution throughout the world except in the polar re- semi-major and semi-minor axes are determined. gions. Topography of the United States is available at These are added to the database along with the azimuth 30 meter resolution. Both data sets are an unfinished and elevation change from the intersect to the maxi- version in 1 degree tiles released by NASA through the mum elevation. United States Geological Survey (USGS). [1,2] The geographic coordinates are then added to the UNAVCO calculator to determine relative plate speed Database: The SRTM images are used to take ac- in mm per year and azimuth of plate relative plate mo- curate measurements of the lengths of volcanoes to be tion to the subducting plate and added to the database. added to a database of most volcanoes on Earth. This database will help determine controls on volcano sym- metry, such as morphology or relative plate motion. Also, volcanoes from other celestial bodies will be added for comparison with terrestrial volcanoes. This database will also be added to the World Organization of Volcano Observatories [3] for the use of the scien- tific community.

Software: SRTM images are processed using the ENVI geographic imaging software and the SigmaS- can Pro software and the data is placed into an Excel database. The UNAVCO plate motion calculator [4] is then used to determine relative plate speed and az- Figure 1. Unedited grayscale image of Volcan Laguna imuth for possible relationship to volcano symmetry. Verde, Chilean Andes.

Methods: The SRTM images are grayscale HGT files from the USGS server (see Figure 1). These im- ages are changed into color with ENVI. The maxi- mum elevation (shown as a white dot in Fig. 2) of each volcano is found using the Region of Interest (ROI) tool of ENVI. The latitude and longitude of the maxi- mum elevation are found and recorded in the database along with the maximum elevation. The image is then opened with SigmaScan to find the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the volcano. This is accomplished with the color saturation func- tion. The darkened area of Fig. 2 is the area covered by this function. Color saturation eliminates the need for constraining the volcano to a best-fit ellipse model Figure 2. Black and white rendering of Volcan Laguna and allows for more accurate measurements of the Verde, showing color saturation area in black, along with semi-major and semi-minor axes, shown in the picture maximum elevation and semi-major and –minor axes in as a pair of intersecting lines. The point of intersec- white. tion of these axes represents the symmetrical center of Results: An example of the database is shown in the volcano from an aerial view. The lengths of these Figure 3. Name Histogram of Azim uth of Subduction Zone versus Azim uth of Volcano Laguna Verde Volcano ID 1505-096 7 6 6 Last Eruption Unknown 5 Maximum Elevation 5458 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 Max. Elevation Lat 23.24S 2 1 Max. Elevation Lon 67.71W 1 0 0 0 Semi-major Axis Length 3990 0 to 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Semi-minor Axis Length 3600 10 to to to to to to to to Distance (Intersect to Max. Elevation) 690 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Intersect Lat 23.50S Difference in Angle Intersect Lon 67.71W Intersect Elevation 5235 Figure 4. Histogram of Pacific plate-South American sub- Change in Elevation 223 duction zone to Chilean stratovolcano azimuth. Azimuth (Intersect to Max. Elevation 141.93 % Volcano Symmetry 90.73 Conclusions: The goal of this project is to create a Relative Plate Movement (mm/yr) 69.72 database of volcanoes that covers the world. We will Subduction Zone Azimuth 79.62 then analyze the data to find correlations between rela- tive plate motion and the asymmetry of volcanoes as

well as speed of plate motion and asymmetry. Ex- Lengths in Meters, +/- 45 traterrestrial volcanoes will then be added to the data- Coordinates in Decimal Degrees base to look for analogues between volcanoes of Earth Elevations in Meters and other tectonically active bodies in the solar system Figure 3. Database sample for Volcan Laguna Verde, to better understand volcanic processes. Chilean Andes. Acknowledgements: Thanks to Henry S. Turner Discussion: Figure 4 shows a histogram of the for help throughout the REU program and NASA for Chilean stratovolcanoes and the difference in the az- funding of the program. imuths of the subduction zone and volcano (as de- scribed in the graph in Fig. 3). This histogram shows References: [1] Shuttle Radar Topography Mis- that there may be a correlation of the Chilean stratovol- sion (2005) http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm/ [2] USGS canoes to normal the aximuth of the subduction zone, Server (2005) ftp://e0mss21u.ecs.nasa.gov/srtm/ [3] but as yet the database is not large enough for conclu- World Organization of Volcano Observatories (2005) sive results. This tendency would be expected, as http://www.wovo.org [4] UNAVCO Plate Motion magma would be generated along a line parallel to the Calculator (2005) http://sps.unavco.org/crustal_mo- subduction zone (or perpendicular to the azimuth of tion/dxdt/nnrcalc/ the subduction zone). Currently included in the data- base are over 100 volcanoes from the Chilean Andes and 150 worldwide shield volcanoes. Figure 4 is a measure of 19 of these volcanoes.

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