The Good News of Central Christian Church April, 2016

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The Good News of Central Christian Church April, 2016

The Good News of Central Christian Church April, 2016

The Chaos of Remodeling

When the term remodeling comes up in conversation, most of us can remember different horror stories of building projects that have gone astray. I know many construction/remodel projects that have gone over budget, had major setbacks, never met the intended timeline for finish, and the scope of work changed so much from the original intent and design- the owners never would have imagined such a huge shift in design. Central’s sanctuary remodeling project is on schedule, within 2% of the original budget of $207,000, and holding close to the original design and intent. Good news indeed! Yes there was the old brick wall under the chancel area that did not show up in the original drawings and had to be removed, old knob and tube wiring that was still active and had to be upgraded, and the biggest decision of any church remodel project - the constant struggle to find just the perfect color pallet combination for the carpet, paint, and trim. Other smaller issues arise as well when walls are removed and previous work is uncovered. A loose panel here and a broken fixture there seem to come to the attention of watchful eyes. Daily church activities and special events are also affected. A funeral luncheon was still held with no power being in the north fellowship hall and the kitchen ceiling open to the heavens. Dust has migrated and seeped through the plastic that covers doors and openings and the choir and congregation has been relocated downstairs for a short period of time. Yes my office over the last few weeks is not as quiet as it used to be and some of my time each day is filled with discussions with the build team, architect, and the contractors-usually over minor issues that come into play with a 100 year old building. Somehow in the chaos of remodeling our church’s ministries have rolled on. Because of the sanctuary remodeling this last Easter Sunday we crammed 110 people into the fellowship hall for our 10:30 worship service. We had visitors, kids, long time members and attendees, infants, guest musicians, and the choir all sitting on folding chairs. Gary still recorded the service on video, we gathered and broke bread together, and God was celebrated for the risen and living Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit didn’t seem to mind the mess and Jesus Christ was among all of us who gathered. Did I mention we are still on schedule, on budget, and following the original design and intent? Did I mention that God is using us and is still active in Central’s mission here in Jefferson? Do we realize how significant the sanctuary remodel is to our church’s continued witness, celebration, and ministry of Jesus Christ? Through it all the Build Team members, TMC construction, our architect Dan Hunt, the church board, and all of you have done a wonderful job of keeping the remodel and weekly church events moving forward. Melody has worked hard to keep the books on track and Kevin has put in extra Central Christian Church April, 2016 time to clean the dust and debris that have come loose. Different groups who use the building also have been patient in finding new spaces and ways of meeting within the chaos. Central’s sanctuary remodel is also a great reminder for us personally as we face our own personal times of messiness and stressfulness in our lives. Within our own and sometimes chaotic lives, God is with us helping to remodel our own lives while we are still living everyday in the here and now. This is possible because we have an awesome God that has sent Jesus Christ to “upgrade” our thinking in our lives as we will run up against walls of injustice, old systems and ways of thinking, and even the occasional worn out physical body. God is with us with through the Holy Spirit as we move through our life’s ups and downs. The Holy Trinity of love is with Central Christian as we prepare for the next 50 years of ministry here on the corner of Elm and Highway 4. It is my hope that we see how God is active in the midst of the mess as we move into the near future. God is continually blessing Central with resources, gifts and talents, people, and most of all a Gospel message that brings peace to the chaos of our lives. Let us continue to celebrate all that God has provided!

Shalom, Pastor Sheldon

Central Christian Church April, 2016 Build Team Recommendation to Central Board Additional Chancel Stained Glass In December of 2014 Central Christian Church voted at a congregational meeting to move forward with a comprehensive remodeling of both the church’s sanctuary and education building. Later in 2015 the remodeling build team presented to Central’s board an initial design and estimate of costs for the remodeling of the sanctuary. A capital campaign was voted on and initiated to raise matching funds for an approximate $200,000 remodeling project. That capital campaign was a success and with matching funds, $207,000 was available for remodeling.

The overall scope of work was divided into multiple phases because of the complexity of an overall remodeling of the church building and consideration for securing funds. The build team presented to the board Phase One that consisted of five main areas. Phase one includes; repair exterior stained glass, redesign chancel area, new lighting/electrical, refurbish pews, and new carpet/paint/finishes.

An additional item for consideration was to move the stained glass from the sanctuary ceiling to the back of the chancel. That additional cost estimate was between $10,000 -15,000. This figure was contingent on the condition of the stained glass and ease of relocating. Unfortunately, after inspection and cost analysis, the build team abandoned that specific plan but started to draft an alternate plan for incorporating another available piece of stained glass. The cost of purchasing, transporting, installing and lighting this revised alternate add-on is approximately $8,000 and will need board approval and special financing/fundraising to accomplish. Shown below is a picture of the 1920’s stained glass that is reserved for purchase. The stained glass would be placed in the back of the chancel area and backlit with LED lighting.

The build team has received from a private individual an offer of $2,000 to buy all old fixtures, furnishings, and other salvage items from the sanctuary that will not be used in the remodel. Old light fixtures, wood floor joists, misc furniture, and many other misc. items are included in that purchase offer. Most items are listed separately within this newsletter. The Build Team would like to recommend that the proceeds from this sale be applied to the completion of the additional chancel stained glass. The Build Team is confident that other fundraising events, new capital campaign pledges, and special gifts to the church can be secured to complete this additional remodeling item.

Central Christian Church April, 2016 Please look over the list and contact the build team if you are interested in purchasing any of the items listed. The sale of these items and the installation of the chancel stained glass will need board approval. Central’s next board meeting is scheduled for April 19th and this proposal will be on the agenda.


Central Christian Build Team

Build Team Chair -Jane Nelson

Members - Joey Rasmussen, Heather Kinsey, Kurt Krieger, Duane Russell, Michelle Hardin, Lynn Hardin

(Board Chair) Sanctuary Remodeling Misc. Leftover Items

Listed below are items that will be considered for sale by Central’s board at the 7pm April 19th meeting. The majority of items listed are leftover from the remodeling of the sanctuary and are not needed but do have some monetary value. A few of the listed items are from other areas of the church and also are not needed. 2 wooden pillars from old baptistery 4 light fixtures from east interior wall 2 light fixtures from north narthex area 1 light fixture from East entryway Red hanging eternal light White iron gate Blue end tables -2 Smaller wooden cross – not the larger sanctuary cross Victor Gilbert large print – not framed Wooden table with casters Glider rockers – 3 Central Christian Church April, 2016 Wooden book shelves - 2 16 ft. original floor joists from chancel floor -15 Forced air radiator heater from front of sanctuary Decorative wooden screen Red bricks from the wall under the original chancel

Capital Campaign and Financial Update for the Sanctuary Remodeling

Currently Central Christian Church members and attendees have pledged $107, 752 to the sanctuary remodeling project. Of that amount over $61,000 has been received. Those individual pledges have been combined with existing church funds of $100,000 to be used for the remodeling of Central’s sanctuary. The Build Team has worked hard to keep the project within the original estimate and scope of work and is currently 2%, or $4,000 over budget on an original estimated cost of $208,000. Final projections for costs will be right at $212,000(This does not include additional add-ons listed below)

Part of the 2% overage is due, in part, to a modification to the chancel area due to a brick wall that was not shown in the original 100 year old drawings and some major wiring rework because of the removal of that wall (old knob and tube wiring). The winning bid of $138,000 from the contractor TMC was at the builds team’s maximum limit for scope of work. Stained glass repair and pew upgrades also slightly increased over the last year of planning as the sub contractors had a rate increase (the stained glass repair and pew refurbishing represent almost 1/3 of total costs). Architects’ fees were not included in the original estimate of costs and were then added when the final scope of work was defined. Issues with the baptismal area also contributed to the overall budget increase.

Other significant add-on(alternates) sanctuary upgrades have been eliminated from consideration at this time because of budget limits. Those items under consideration were sound booth relocation, cry room window (lounge next to sanctuary), and closing off north end of sanctuary into a narthex. Moving of the ceiling stained glass was considered but rejected due to overall condition of that piece of stained glass and an alternate to that option has been proposed. A total of $33,000 of additional work was not considered or approved because of budget considerations.

Several upgrades to the sound and video systems have been incorporated and paid for with existing funds and memorial money. The build team and church board felt that the time to install and upgrade those systems is now during construction.

Central Christian Church April, 2016 Listed below is additional work with internal funding streams for church board approved remodeling work not in original estimate or capital campaign funding.

Lectern and Pulpit refitting - $1,000 Memorial money(proposed, waiting for memorial and board action)

New built in video screen and projector - $6,400 Memorial money

Hearing Loop – $2,400 Jim Rasmussen memorial, $1,000 Upper Midwest Christian Church grant

Upgraded speakers, microphones, chancel sound wiring - $3,400 designated memorial, $21,000 Shirley Wiggins Fund

Stained Glass repair and general construction costs $55,000 Memorial money(part of original estimate)

The ceiling stained glass option is being reworked and a proposal to purchase/install another stained glass in the back of the chancel has been approved by the build team. This proposal will go to the church board for approval and funding. Please see the separate article in this newsletter describing that stained glass proposal.

The entire remodeling project is within acceptable funding limits when dealing with a 100 year old building. A big thank- you to everyone who has spent countless hours helping plan and fund this project. We are anticipating a completion date around the second week of May.


Lynn Hardin – Congregational President and Board Chair

April 3 Acts 5:27- 32 Psalm 118:14-29 Revelation 1:4-8 John 20:19-31 April 10 Acts 9:1-6, (7-20) Psalm 30 Revelation 5:11-14 John 21:1-19 April 17 Acts 9:36-43 Psalm 23 Revelation 7:9-17 John 10:22-30 April 24 Acts 11:1-18 Psalm 148 Revelation 21:1-6 John 13:31-35

Opportunity for Giving The capital campaign for the funding of the sanctuary remodeling was a great success. Over $107,000 was pledged over three years by members and church attendees. That fund-raising success has propelled the remodeling project into action, and soon completion. Thank you to all who have given faithfully to this project.

Central Christian Church April, 2016 The build team is continually working to keep construction costs down and the overall project design moving forward. Early on, the build team and church board approved looking at the possibility of moving the large stained glass window in the ceiling of the sanctuary to the back of the newly redesigned chancel area. When construction started, scaffolding was erected in the sanctuary and the condition of the ceiling stained glass (and the feasibility of moving that large window) was analyzed, up close. Unfortunately, the ceiling stain glass was installed over 100 years ago so that to remove it would not be cost effective or safe. The build team worked hard and located a piece of early 1900’s stained glass that would fit in the back of the chancel area. Please look at the architect’s rendering of the chancel area for an idea of what that specific piece of stained glass would look like installed. Estimated cost for purchasing, shipping, installing, and lighting the stained glass is $8,000. The original estimated cost for repurposing the current stained glass piece in the sanctuary ceiling was over $10,000. The build team will be recommending in April, to Central’s board, to move forward with buying and installing the proposed piece of stained glass. There are other additional smaller items that the build team will be recommending to the board for future consideration, if funding is secured. Central Christian has not closed out its sanctuary remodeling capital campaign. If you have not yet pledged to the capital campaign and/or would like to make a one-time special offering, please consider doing so. If you have any questions on the current capital campaign’s structure, how to make a capital campaign pledge, are interested in making a one-time gift, or any general funding questions, please contact board chair Lynn Hardin.

Central Christian Nominating Committee Central’s nominating committee is hard at work securing names and commitments from people for leadership positions for the upcoming term which begins July 1st. Lynn Hardin, Jessie Custer, Linda Hall, Jane Nelson, Joey Rasmussen, and Pastor Sheldon serve on that committee. They will have a general update and nominating report for the April board meeting and congregational meeting. FYI this committee is directed by the amended by-laws(2013) of Central Christian Church which states; Article VIII Special Committees A. “A nominating committee shall be appointed by the church board for approval at the January board meeting. Committee shall consist of minister, chair, vice chair, and three(3) additional members representative of the various segments of the congregation”

Central Christian Church April, 2016 We thank those individuals who shared Easter Lilies with us to beautifully grace our worship service.

-Mike & Janice Brady & Family in loving memory of Bryon & Frances Brady -The Kurt Krieger Family in loving memory of Lorraine & Maurice Dudley -The Kurt Krieger Family in loving memory of Charlotte Ann Krieger -Herma Parr & Family in loving memory of Jim Parr -Evelyn & Tom Shearman in loving memory of Arthur & Jim Shearman and Helen Nelson

Central Christian Church is sponsoring a mission trip to Omaha July 7th – 10th. This is trip is for all adults and children! Children younger than 5th grade must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. We will be sightseeing for one day and then work with the Urban Plunge Mission organization for two days. If interested on going on this trip, please let the church office know as soon as possible.

Central Christian Church April, 2016 Are you interested in doing traditional scrapbooking? This could be a group project or done by one. The church has a nice collection of scrapbooks done with our past history and it would be great to add to the collection! Let Melody know if you are interested in this worthwhile project.

Central Christian Church April, 2016 Central Christian Church Board Meeting Minutes March 15, 2016 **Minutes will be approved at the next Board Meeting**

Central Christian Church Board met on March 15, 2016 with 16 members present. Duane Russell opened the meeting with the Lighting of the Candle at 7:05 p.m. Pastor Sheldon shared bulletins from our church’s past that were found during the renovation project. After a short reflection, he followed with prayer.

Minutes from the last board meeting were read and approved. The March Statistical report was read. There were four deaths during the past month: Georgia Hays, Eleanor Hanen, Norma Dunivan, and Maxine Dunlop. After some discussion, the financial report was approved.

Pastor Sheldon gave a short report on the Alive program, sharing that everything is going well.

The Build Team report was presented by Jane Nelson. She noted the team is doing what is best for the congregation and staying within the budget. Dan Hunt and the dedicated group are working hard. Please refer questions to committee members.

Sharyl Powers shared that the memorial committee met and discussed utilizing money from the memorial fund to defray the cost of a video system for the church sanctuary. The cost of the video system is $6400. The committee recommends to the board and makes a motion that this money, $6400 from the memorial fund, be used to pay for the necessary video equipment for the sanctuary. Duane Russell shared with the group information regarding the equipment that will be purchased from Radio Shack. After discussion the motion was approved. 16-0.

Duane Russell gave a report on the improvements that need to be made to our sound system. Sound Design is a company out of Des Moines working with the Build Team. After some discussion, Duane made a motion to earmark the full $21,714.34 Shirlee Wiggins fund to the sound system purchases. Jane Nelson seconded it. Motion carried. 16-0.

Jane Nelson gave an update on the Hearing Loop. She shared that everything is ordered and progressing well.

Dan Hunt was at the meeting this evening. After quick comments on the successful progress, he noted the Build Team needs to meet in the near future.

Pastor Sheldon shared with the members present about problems the construction crew ran into recently. After tearing out some of the sanctuary flooring, problems occurred structurally in the kitchen ceiling. Also, our baptistery was leaking and some faulty wiring was found. Dan Hunt shared how the contractors are working well with him and the committee to stay within our budget.

Central Christian Church April, 2016 Mark Rasmussen talked about the Community Gardens. Mark made a motion to approve the 2016 Community Gardens agreement with the City of Jefferson. Cindy Deal seconded it. Motion carried. 16-0.

Laura Helmus gave an Outreach Committee report. She is looking for Webb House workers for Friday nights in April. She also shared the possibility of a knitting event in the future.

Crystal Heard discussed MOMS (Moms on a Mission). This is a support group routed in faith open to everyone in the community. Prairie Blue will host the first meeting.

Kurt Krieger shared with the board for the need to replace the leaky water heater this week. Our contractor working on the remodeling project is a licensed plumber and will help with the replacement.

The April calendar was presented. Mark Rasmussen made a motion to set a congregational meeting for May 1, 2016. Jerald Deal seconded it. Motion carried 16-0. Calendar was approved.

Pastor Sheldon gave a report of his schedule for the past month. Several joys and concerns were shared. Elder, Laura Helmus, closed with prayer.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mavis Sawhill, Board Secretary

There is going to be a bridal shower for Katie Rasmussen on Sunday, April 3rd at 2:00 in the church lounge. Everyone is welcome to come!

Central Christian Church April, 2016 April Birthdays April Anniversaries

1 – Phyllis Ashcraft, Penni Moranville 8 – Harry & Marietta Coil 2 – Janet Owens, Dean McAtee 12 – Pat & Linda Hurley 3 – Taylor Hardin 20 – Chuck & Carla Offenburger 5 – Lynn Hardin 26 – Larry & Ruth Ann Joy 6 – Cathy Melton 30 – Duane & Pete Russell 9 – Kevin Hoskins 12 – Lani Fluker, Nicole Timmons, Pastor Sheldon Henderson 16 – Eunice Myers, Sarah Rasmussen 17 – Tammy Wistenberg 18 – Glenn Carstensen 19 – Mark Rasmussen, Karl Krieger 21 – Blake Millard 23 – Nancy Winger 24 – Shirley Clark, Nick Foster 28 – Pete Russell, Rudy Uebel 30 – Molly Hoskins

February, 2016 Needed to meet monthly budget $11,791.00 ($2,721.00 each week) Our average weekly offering for February $ 3,986.65 February Offerings $15,946.59 February Budgeted Expenses $10,991.09

February Average Worship Attendance – 74 February Average Christian Education Participation – 78

Central Christian Church April, 2016 The complete financial statement is presented at board meetings and is available in the office.

April Schedules

Ushers - Al & Ann Frederick

Deacons – *Sharyl Powers, Jackie Silbaugh, Sherry Haupert

Worship Leader Elders Keyboardists 3 – Cindy Deal 3 – Jane Nelson & Mark Rasmussen 3 – Deb Hoskins 10 – Paul Quam 10 – Laura Helmus & Jerald Deal 10 – Rita Olsthoorn 17 – Crystal Heard 17 – Dave Rasmussen & Marcia Roeder 17 – Barb Nash 24 – Linda Hall 24 – Dallas Schrader & Joey Rasmussen 24 – Rita Olsthoorn

Communion will be served to our shut-ins and homebound members April 17th at 1:00 p.m.

Elders serving: Bob Strong & Jerald Deal

Please keep the following individuals and situations in your prayers.

Zelma Dyer, Destiny Hofbauer, The Jordan Family Larry, Janice, David, Patty & Angela, Lois McAtee, Phyllis McCollom, Kenny Russell, Richard Sandage, Colleen Wolf

Regency Park GCMC Long Term Care Phyllis McCollom Zelma Dyer Duane Dunlop

The Gardens Dave Wolf

Central Christian Church April, 2016 Hearth Stone Memory Care Unit - Boone Lois Olson

Central Christian Church Non-Profit Organization 108 N. Elm Street U.S. Postage Paid Jefferson, IA 50129 Permit No. 209 Jefferson, IA 50129


Office hours – Monday thru Friday: 8:30 – Central Christian Church 11:30 a.m. Pastor ~ Sheldon Henderson Sunday School – 9:15 a.m. Email ~ [email protected] Twitter @sheldondsm Sunday Worship Service – 10:30 a.m. Church Secretary ~ Melody Larsen

Phone ~ 386-4315 Minister of Music ~ Larry Dowd Email ~ [email protected] ALIVE Ministry Email ~ Audio/Video team ~ Gary Hall, Tom Powers [email protected] Custodian ~ Kevin Hoskins Web site: Facebook: Central Christian Church- jefferson Ia We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a

Central Christian Church April, 2016 fragmented world. As part of the * Disciples of Christ Statement of Identity one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.

The Good News of Central Christian Church is published monthly by Central Christian Church, 108 N. Elm Street, Jefferson, Iowa. Articles may be submitted for publication consideration by the 20th of each month. We may be reached at 386-4315 /email at [email protected].

Central Christian Church April, 2016

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