Papai Institute

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Papai Institute

Brazil – 2006

PAPAI INSTITUTE A Institution that promote feminism with men

Rather than creating a new field directed exclusively towards the study of men, Papai is about joining forces to support activities already developed that involve women and girls, with the aim of reaffirming rights, maximizing efforts, and strengthening the impact of actions in gender, sexuality, health, and reproductive rights.

Dear friends, In this brief summary, you will find information that will help you get to know our Mission institution. * * * The mission of Papai is to promote education and training, research, and social action in the areas of The PAPAI Institute is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization located in health and gender relationships, sexuality, and Recife, Pernambuco, in the Northeast of Brazil. Our institution develops and reproduction, in partnership with low income implements social interventions with men of different ages and young people (men communities, organized civil society, teaching and and women) in greater Recife. PAPAI also promotes research and related activities research institutions, government and other policy- in health, sexuality and reproductive health on a national and international scale, making institutions. in partnership with the Federal and State Universities of Pernambuco.

Objectives Brief history  Carry out research on men and masculinity Between 1995 and 1997, Jorge Lyra and Benedito Medrado undertook post-graduate based on a gender perspective; research in Social Psychology at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica in São Paulo.  Produce conceptual and methodological Their work demonstrated the lack of research and social interventions directed alternatives for research and/or social towards men and masculinity, especially in the areas of health and reproductive interventions on gender, sexuality and rights. reproduction; In 1996, Jorge and Benedito designed the project Creating a Place for Teenage  Develop social interventions/programs directed Paternity. This project won recognition from the MacArthur Foundation, and under towards men, especially young men, living in the direction of Jorge Lyra, became the basis for the construction of a social poverty; conception of paternity in adolescence, through support for teenage fathers,  Contribute to the dissemination and teenage mothers, and health professionals. Throughout, they sought to document implementation of feminist principles of social findings through basic research and dissemination of research and practice. justice and gender equity;  Promote public policies to improve access to PAPAI initially focused on the subject of paternity in adolescence and on implementation of the Support Program for Young Fathers – the first in South basic health care for adolescents and young women. America. Today, this program continues to grow, and two other priority areas have also begun to guide research and action at Papai: STD prevention, sexual diversity as well as gender violence. Ethical principles The Papai Institute was formally established in 1997, in close connection with Papai is committed to contributing to the reflections on feminism and gender. Papai began with a team that has since democratization of the Brazilian State and society expanded and consolidated, with the support of numerous partnerships, which have through the promotion of gender equity and social given rise to new projects, research and programs. justice, based on the following principles: . gender equity Through these years Papai has maintained as a central priority the . promotion of citizenship importance of reconsidering the perspective of machismo and the process . protection and respect for human rights, of masculine socialization, while promoting the participation of young especially among youth men in areas related to health, sexuality, and reproduction.

Institutional basis  Areas of Activity Papai is located in the Várzea district of Recife, a community that is closely Papai develops research and social interventions involved in our programs. Papai is also located next to the Federal University of in the following priority areas: Pernambuco (UFPE), our principal institutional partner. In collaboration with the . Paternity in adolescence University, Papai develops teaching, research, and extension activities, including . Prevention of STD and AIDS partnerships and an internship program in the areas of gender, sexuality and . Sexual diversity reproductive rights, directed primarily towards undergraduate students. . Gender violence Research Social intervention Media and Communication Papai elaborates and develops research Our programs and social interventions are In order to expand the scope of our work projects at the graduate and undergraduate directed towards low-income beyond the limits of specific social levels; develops and publishes books and communities in the interventions, Papai produces materials and articles in scientific periodicals; engages in Metropolitan area of Recife. works with different media, including the orientation and supervision other related internet (, video, research projects; participates in and In hospitals and public health units in manuals, posters, pamphlets, presentations organizes events and participates in Recife, Papai conducts weekly and art-education. scientific fora, including the Northern- meetings with young fathers Northeastern Network of Research on and/or partners of pregnant  Political Action Network Women and Gender Relationships (REDOR) teenage girls, as they and the Consultative Committee of accompany their partners through prenatal care or infant Our main actions are guided by the principles ADLEC/BIREME. Our research aims at of respect for citizenship and the political producing knowledge, while also supporting care and outpatient departments. These meetings perspective of civic participation and social and directing all of our programmatic policy. Papai works in partnership with activities and interventions. take place in the form of workshops in the style of different institutions, among others: the Our research also includes the Working waiting rooms, and focus on National Ministry of Health, the Forum of Group on Gender and Masculinity (GEma), subjects related to pregnancy, Women in Pernambuco, the AIDS Network of coordinated by Papai and formally infant care, and fatherhood. Pernambuco, the Movement of Brazilian registered since 2000 with CNPq, the Teenagers (MAB), the Women’s Movement of national Brazilian institute for scientific In the neighborhood of Várzea, Papai Rural Workers (MMTR), and the Brazilian research. conducts a program in Sexual and Gender Association of NGOs (ABONG). Education, directed towards elementary Through these and other networks, Papai is  Education and Training and high school students from the public currently developing two central campaigns: school system, in partnership with a . The Brazilian White Ribbon Education and training are central to the number of school departments and the Campaign: Men for the End of Violence work of Papai. Professional staff and community. The program includes: 1) Against Women (Partners: Promundo and undergraduate interns at Papai take part in workshops with students (men and NOOS – Rio de Janeiro; ECOS, CES and projects, research, and activities, under the women); 2) weekly workshops directed Pro-Mulher – São Paulo; Rede Acreana de supervision of the Coordinators. Activities exclusively towards boys; 3) interactive Mulheres e Homens - Acre). are organized through a formal training activities on school playgrounds; 4) . Paternity: desire, right, and program, oriented towards students in meetings with teachers, focusing on the commitment. Psychology, Social Work, and the Social integration of issues of gender and Sciences. sexuality in the classroom curriculum; 5) informal visits in the neighborhoods  PAPAI TEAM We also conduct training directed towards where students live; 6) training for young men, women, and youth. Through these The Papai Team is composed by 22 peoples (men community health workers. activities, we present methodological and women, black and white, heterosexual, discussions based on experience and lessons homosexuals and bisexuals, young and no-young) In the neighboring city of Camaragibe, who develop research and political action. Our learned. In scientific meetings and located in the metropolitan region of coordinators have master degree or PHD in Human conferences, Papai presents and Recife, Papai carries out activities that Science, Social Science or Public Health. disseminates research findings, in keeping seek to increase sensitivity and promote Coordination: Jorge Lyra (PhD in Public Heath); with our fundamental mission of production preventive health among young and adult and exchange of knowledge. Finally, Papai Ricardo Castro (Master in Public Heath); and Regina men, with special emphasis on STD Ramos administers training for health professionals prevention. Papai has conducted: 1) in the areas of sexuality and reproductive periodic workshops; 2) activities in male health. social spaces (bars, domino game groups Currently, Papai offers courses in the and soccer games); and 3) presentations, following areas: condom distribution, as well as thematic workshops. We have also offered health . Working with young men: fairs and conduct home visits. PAPAI Institute Methodological strategies in health Rua Mardônio Nascimento # 119, Várzea and education. Partner institutions Papai offers periodic workshops and Recife/PE - Brazil / 50741-380 th TEL/FAX: (55) (81) 3271 4804 include: Promundo (Rio de Janeiro), activities at the 7 Military Command, Northeast Headquarters, directed E-mail: [email protected] ECOS (São Paulo) and Salud y Género Website: (Mexico). towards recruits and officers, promoting reflection on masculine socialization and . Theater as a strategy for the place of health in men’s life, aimed discussions of gender at promoting the prevention of STDs and AIDS.

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