Lectionary: Proper 23, Year B & Daily Office Year One

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Lectionary: Proper 23, Year B & Daily Office Year One

THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY after PENTECOST to receive the Eucharist in only one kind (i.e. the Host), and then decline the chalice, crossing your October 11, 2009 arms. (Lectionary: Proper 23, Year B & Daily Office Year One) 10-11-09

BCP Page 323 8:00 AM HOLY EUCHARIST RITE I THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY after PENTECOST Page 183 Traditional Collect (insert) Page 340 Eucharistic Prayer II

9:15 & 11:15 AM HOLY EUCHARIST RITE II The WORD of God PROCESSIONAL HYMN 680 “O God, our help in ages past” Page 355 Acclamation Page 356 “Gloria in excelsis (Hymnal S-280) Insert Collect (BCP p. 234); JOB 23:1-9, 16-17; PSALM 22:1-15 (p. 610); HEBREWS 4:12-16 GRADUAL HYMN 711 “Seek ye first the kingdom of God” Insert The Gospel: MARK 10:17-31 GRADUAL HYMN 711, repeat The Sermon: (9:15) The Rev. Scott Fisher (11:15) The Rev. Stephen Matthew Page 358 The Nicene Creed Page 383 The Prayers of the People, Form I Page 360 The Peace Page 830/431 Announcements, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Introductions The HOLY COMMUNION OFFERTORY HYMN (9:15) 559 “Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us” (11:15) Choir Anthem: “Come Follow Me Forever” THE DOXOLOGY Page 361 The Great Thanksgiving (Eucharistic Prayer A) Page 362 Sanctus (Hymnal S-129) Page 364 Fraction Anthem (Hymnal S-155) COMMUNION HYMNS: SongBook 11, 16, 23b, 32, 34b Page 365/6 The Post Communion Prayer & Blessing RECESSIONAL HYMN 460 “Alleluia! sing to Jesus!” The Dismissal

All persons baptized with water & the Spirit in the Name of the Trinity are invited to receive the Eucharist. Those who wish to only receive a blessing may cross their arms. It is perfectly acceptable www.alaskabishopsearch.org Reception following in Parish Hall Sunday, October 25 th (The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost) UNITED THANK OFFERING (UTO) FALL INGATHERING ~ THIS WEEK at SAINT MATTHEW’S (Bring UTO blue boxes or checks and put in offering plate) 2009 Sunday, October 11 th (The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost) 8 am Holy Eucharist, Rite I WELCOME to everyone visiting from throughout the Interior and beyond. (Nursery available for children three years & younger) You are invited to join us at our coffee hour in the parish hall after each service. 9:15 am & 11:15 am Holy Eucharist Rite II 11:15 am Sunday School leaves service after Collect St. Matthew’s Health Ministry reminds us that 12 am Compline OCTOBER is CANCER AWARENESS MONTH th Monday, October 12 Health Ministry library has a display in the parish hall (check it out!) including 6 pm Education for Ministry (EFM) (Diocesan Office) information on protecting yourself from “Swine flu,” breast cancer, prostate cancer, and Seasonal 12 am Compline Affective Disorder Tuesday, October 13 th PFDs – Our Alaska Permanent Fund Checks have started arriving in the 11 am Denali Center Eucharist amount of $1,305. (10% = $130.50) Our Tithing Tree/Fill-In’ Station in the 5:30 pm VESTRY Meeting (parish library) parish hall is again waiting for signers. Join us in keeping St. Matthew’s running. 12 am Compline ATTENTION Parish Program Chairs: The Vestry is beginning 2010 th Wednesday, October 14 BUDGET PREPARATIONS. Please let Vestry Members know of your plans/ 9:30 am Holy Eucharist w/Healing Prayers requests for next year. (parish hall) 6 pm Choir Practice The Immaculate Conception CHURCH ANNUAL WINTER GEAR GIVE- 7 pm Holy Baptism (Angel Leeloo Simpson) & Eucharist AWAY will be hosted at 1st Presbyterian Church on Thursday, October 15 th. 12 am Compline This is in cooperation with their Ecumenical Mission for Shelter volunteers, Thursday, October 15 th ICC, & St. Matthew’s; and has served over 100 individuals. Donations can be 12 am Compline th Friday, October 16 th dropped off Oct 12-14 at 1st Presbyterian after 9 AM those days. th 12 am Compline Volunteers are needed to set up starting at 9 AM Thursday the 15 . Much Saturday, October 17 th Needed: boots, snow pants, coats, long johns, socks, gloves, mittens, scarves. 12 am Compline Sunday, October 18 th (The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost) FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP thru August 31, 2009 8 am Holy Eucharist, Rite I Operating Income (Month) $24,710 (YTD) $186,085 (Nursery available for children three years & younger) Operating Expense 27,904 - 196,763 9:15 & 11:15 am Holy Eucharist Rite II Surplus/(Deficit) $(-3,194) $(-10,678) Weekly offering need to meet 2009 budgeted ministry needs: $5,896.48 11:15 am Sunday School leaves services after collect Last Sunday's offering (operating fund): $3,809.30 1 pm Fairbanks Correctional Center Eucharist Pay-pal donations during September: $2,654 3:30 pm Parish Nurse Health Ministry Graduation & Blessing ~ THOSE ASSISTING IN THE LITURGY Joe Hotch Heather YOU, The COMMUNION of SAINTS and….. 8:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m. lst Lesson: Pat Sackinger Those traveling; those in recovery; all those serving overseas & their families; Psalm: Jim Hameister our family in Denali Center, the Pioneer Home, the Correctional Centers, and Epistle: Pat Sackinger Cindy Stragier other homes and programs; and all those grieving Prayers: Mike Castellini Barb Hameister Acolyte/Crucifer: Jesse Taylor (Please keep these people in your prayers, as we will be rotating names every three weeks or so to Chalice: Ann Fleenor Roslyn Allen/Charlene Marth include those currently asking for prayer.) Usher Gene Freeman Nursery: ------Millie Ambrose ------Organist & Musicians: Laura Vines/ Jeff Merkel Laura Vines For Health of Body and Soul (BCP page 460) Altar Guild: Pat Sackinger Ann Fleenor/Diana Childs Mary Johnston May God the Father bless you, God the Son heal you, God the Holy Spirit give Coffee Hour: Helen Howard you strength. May God the holy and undivided Trinity guard your body, save OUR PRAYERS of INTERCESSIONS your soul, and bring you safely to God’s heavenly country; where God lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen. Parish Intercessions The flooded communities and families of the Interior St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church The Rev. Berkman Silas Kitson Fairbanks, Alaska The Rev. Seymour Tuzroyluke Mona October 11, 2009 Candy Karli Rolf Essie Hannah Katherine OUR PRAYERS of INTERCESSIONS Isaac Arthur Caleb Kristen Elmerline Joan Diocese of Alaska & Diocese of Yukon Intercessions St. Matthew’s, Beaver; St. Andrew’s, Stevens Village; Rampart; St. Jude’s, North Pole; St. Arnold Phyllis James Mark’s Nenana; St. Stephen’s, Fort Yukon/Community of Lower Post, British Columbia Howard Mary Kathy The Anglican Communion & The Indian Ministries Cycle of Prayer Audrey Richard Byron The Church in Venezuela/ The Native people in the Diocese of North Dakota Linda Elaine Norma Thanksgivings for Stephanie Ivette (1981), Nolan James (1998), whose baptismal anniversary at St. Harold Vince Frank Matthew’s is October 11th Beverly Dolly Maggie Sharron Henry Irene FLOWER and CANDLE OFFERING Bentley Rita Felicia The Altar flowers are given to the Glory of God and in memory of Emil Vernon Jones (+ 9/10/99) by Audrey & Jazmine Jones. Robert Beau Rodney The sanctuary candle is given to the Glory of God and in thanksgiving for Fr. Scott & Elisabeth Fisher on their fourth anniversary today.

~~~~~ The September newsletter & many new photographs are on the St. Matthew’s website: www.stmatthewschurch.org. ~~~~~~


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