Investigator S Statement of Assurance

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Investigator S Statement of Assurance

INVESTIGATOR’S STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE (Attach to each copy of your proposal)

The attached investigation involves the use of human subjects. I understand the University policy concerning the use of human subjects and I agree:

1. To obtain informed consent of subjects who are to participate in this project; 2. To report to the human Subjects in Research Committee any unanticipated effects on subjects which become apparent during the course, or as a result, of experimentation and the actions taken as a result; 3. To cooperate with members of the Committee charged with the continuing review of the project; 4. To obtain prior approval from the Committee before altering or amending the scope of the project or implementing changes in the approved consent form; and 5. To maintain documentation of the consent forms and progress reports are required by institutional policy.



Fill in all the blanks.

Does the subject group include healthy volunteers? X Yes __No

Does the subject group include ill persons? __Yes X No

Are subject groups excluded for medical reasons? __Yes X No

Are there vulnerable subject groups? __Yes X No

If yes, is the exclusion criteria for the study specified? __Yes X No

Are any subjects under the age of 18? X Yes __No

Are any subjects under the age of 12? __Yes X No

Are any subjects over the age of 70? __Yes X No

__Dr. Baird______Psychology___ Principal Investigator’s Name Principal Investigator’s Signature Date Department

______Principal Investigator’s email Mailing address/Mail Code/City, State, Zip Telephone

__Alexi Kohl______Psychology______Student Researcher’s Name Department

__Keirsten Larsen______Psychology______Student Researcher’s Name Department

_Annie Stonehcoker ______Psychology______Student Researcher’s Name Department

_Emilee Summers______Psychology______Student Researcher’s Name Department

______Department Chair’s Name Department Chair’s Signature Date Telephone A. APPLICATION FORM

The application form must be filled out completely so committee members may have a clear understanding of the nature and human subject implications of the research proposal. A summary paragraph for each section is sufficient. A statement referring to the attached material is not sufficient and will not be accepted. Applications submitted with incomplete forms will be returned without consideration of the proposal.

1. TITLE A Correlation Study Comparing The Hartman Color-Code Personality Profile against The Big Five Personality Test.

2. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY A correlational study testing the results of the Hartman and the Big Five. University and high school students between the ages of 15-70 will be used. A room in Weber States Social Sciences building will be reserved to use for this study. Participants will sign an informed consent form as they enter the room. Packets will consist of the Hartman Color Code, The Big Five and a demographic survey. These will be handed out as the informed consent forms are collected. Participants will have as long as they need to complete the packet. All information will be kept confidential. Data will then be entered into SPSS and then Pearson’s Correlation Coefficients will be run.

3. DURATION OF THE STUDY This study will last until the end of Fall 2007 Semester.

4. MULTICENTER STUDY This is not a multicenter study.

5. NUMBERS OF SUBJECTS 50-100 Subjects will be used.

6. HEALTH STATUS OF THE SUBJECTS All subjects are assumed to be healthy inasmuch as they will need to be present at school to complete the survey.

7. SUBJECT GROUPS EXCLUDED Participants 14 and under and 70 and older will be excluded.

8. AGES OF THE SUBJECTS Participants will be between the ages of 15 and 70.

9. DESIGN OF THE STUDY The study is a correlation study. Students will complete a brief demographics questionnaire along with the Big Five Personality Inventory and the Hartman Color Code. 10. RISKS TO SUBJECTS There is a very low but possible risk that a parent may ask his/her child about a specific response to some of the items on the questionnaires. This may lead to some discomfort on the part of the child.

11. BENEFITS TO SUBJECTS AND OTHERS 1010 Psychology students will receive 2 credits of research participation for participating in this study. If students enrolled in psych 1010 courses do not wish to participate, they may participate in one of the many other research projects being conducted this semester. There are no benefits for the other participants in the study. The information gained from this study will provide valuable data about the use of the Harman Color Code Personality Inventory and its uses.

12. COSTS TO BE BORNE BY SUBJECTS Time is the only costs that will be borne by the participants. We estimate that the duration will be 30 minutes.

13. IS CONFIDENTIALITY ASSURED A. Participants can sign up for the study on the sign-up sheet located by the Psychology Department Office. Other forms of solicitation will be by word of mouth. Participants will be required to sign an informed form prior to receiving the packets. B. Participants are instructed to not write their names on the packets. The participants that are under the age of 18 will put their names on their packets so we can match the parental consent forms with the participants however; their names will not be entered in with the data so their identity will be confidential.

14. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER We do not have a contract or grant number.




There are many personality surveys in the field of Psychology, some of these include: the Big Five IPIP, the Myer Briggs Type Indicator, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, the Hartman Color Code Personality Profile and many others. These personality surveys have been used by university faculty, personnel, managers, schoolteachers, counselors, corrections staff, mental health therapists, and school administrators for an array of reason. Some of these reasons include: part of the application process, a screening and placement instrument, part of a training process, as a therapy method, a tool to understanding relationships, and a tool to help determine a career path, among many others. The Big Five Model has been used for years by many researchers to assess normal individuals’ personalities. Several studies were found where the Big Five was used including Guenole and Chernyshenko (2005) study of The Big Five against Eysenck’s model and another model called the “Integrity model.” They found that compared to these two tests Goldberg’s Big Five showed little bias between male and female, had the best questionnaire, and it was a valid test. There was only one study found on the validity and reliability of the Hartman Color-Code. The researcher Ault and Barney (2007) compared the Hartman to Cattell’s 16PF which is a scale of 16 personality factors including; warmth, reasoning, emotional stability, dominance, liveliness, rule consciousness, social boldness, sensitivity, vigilance, abstractedness, privateness, apprehension, openness to change, self-reliance, perfectionism, and tension. This model then takes these 16 factors and groups them into 5 overall themes; extraversion, anxiety, will, independence, and self control (Chimaeraconsulting, 2007). No research has been done using the Hartman Color-Code and the Big Five. In 1987 Dr. Taylor Hartman introduced the color code which classifies people into red, blue, yellow, or white personality types (Ault & Barney, 2007). According the Hartman website (2007) ( . Red - These are the power wielders! Power, the ability to move from point A to point B, and get things done is what motivates and drives these people. They bring great gifts of vision and leadership and generally are responsible, decisive, proactive and assertive. . Blue - These are the do-gooders! Intimacy, connecting, creating quality relationships and having purpose is what motivates and drives these people. They bring great gifts of quality and service and are generally loyal, sincere, and thoughtful. . White - These are the peacekeepers! Peace, or the absence of conflict, is what motivates and drives these people. They bring great gifts of clarity and tolerance and are generally kind, adaptable, good-listeners. . Yellow - These are the fun lovers! Fun, or the joy of doing something just for the sake of doing it, is what motivates and drives these people. They bring great gifts of enthusiasm and optimism and are generally charismatic, spontaneous, and sociable.

The Big Five was discovered in Cattell’s variable list and following Norman (1963) the factors were initially labeled extraversion or surgency, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability versus neuroticism, and culture. Goldberg and Saucier further developed the Big Five Inventory into what is known as OCEAN; Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (John & Srivastava, 1999). Kelly (2006) stated that Openness related to imagination, curiosity and intellectualism, Conscientiousness relates to impulse control, planning and organization, Extraversion relates to sociable and outgoing behaviors, Agreeableness relates to altruism and empathy, and Neuroticism relates to more experiences of unpleasant emotions. Does the Hartman Color- Code compare to the Big-five? Are there other issues that should be taken into account with these tests like; age, sex, current mood, etc.? It is hypothesized that the Hartman Color-Code Personality Profile will correlate with the Big Five Personality Test in that the Hartman Yellow will correlate with the Big Five Openness and Extraversion, Blue will correlate with Agreeableness and Neuroticism, Red will correlate with Conscientiousness, and white will correlate with Agreeableness.


Participants This study will include 50-100 college students from Weber State University and secondary education students from Northridge High School. The participants will be between the ages of 15-70 and all other participants will not be used. Psychology 1010 students will receive credit for participating in this study however; all other subjects will not receive credit or any other form of incentive or reward. Materials The materials include a survey that will be used to collect demographics and other extraneous variables that may affect the outcome of this study, the Hartman Color-Code Personality Profile – book version and the Big Five Personality test – short version. All three items will be assembled into a packet with instructions for the entire packet and directions before each test explaining how to complete the two tests. A parental consent form will be distributed to those subjects who are under the age of 18 years. The signed consent forms will be gathered and stapled to the subjects test however; to insure anonymity the subjects names will not be entered in with the data collected. All participants 18 years and older will be required to sign an informed consent form prior to taking the survey packet (see appendix 1 for all materials used).

Procedure This study will be advertised in two ways; word of mouth and a sign up sheet that will be located by the Psychology Department Office. All participants under the age of 18 will return the consent form before participating. A researcher will be present to distribute informed consent forms as participants enter the room. The informed consent forms will then be collected and the packets will be handed out. Instructions will be given to read all directions before beginning the packets. The packets will be assembled with two personality tests and then a demographic survey. Half of the participants will receive the Hartman Color Code first and the other half will receive the Big Five first. The participants will be informed that they should not write their name on any of the questionnaire packets. The packets will be collected as subjects finish, because there is not a time limit. The tests will be scored by the researchers according to the scoring instructions given by the Hartman and Big Five.

Analyses The scores for each of the tests will be input into SPSS. They will then be compared using the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficients. After all of the correlation coefficients have been found, some descriptive statistics will be run. These include all of the means and ranges for the demographics collected. The researchers will also test for any extraneous variables that will affect the outcome of the study. They will be comparing these results to see if age, current mood, gender, the order in which participants took the surveys, time of day and the believed importance and accuracy of the measures have any effect.

3. DESCRIPTION OF RECRUITMENT PROCEDURES This study will be advertised in two ways; word of mouth and a sign up sheet that will be located by the Psychology Department Office. Parental Consent forms will be sent home to the parents of minors.

4. MODERATE OR HIGH RISK There is a very low but possible risk that a parent may ask his/her child about a specific response to some of the items on the questionnaires. This may lead to some discomfort on the part of the child.

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