1. Which of the Following Is Not a Distinguishing Characteristic of Animals?

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1. Which of the Following Is Not a Distinguishing Characteristic of Animals?

Practice Exam 3

Below are sample questions from your book (all the answers are in the back). These are not necessarily indicative of the specific material or types of questions that Dr. Raich will ask on the exam. Remember, he wants you to be able to apply our knowledge of the material learned in class and from the book and part of that comes from understanding the significance, application, and importance of that information. Good luck!!

Chapters Covered: 32, 33, and 34

1. Which of the following is not a distinguishing characteristic of animals? a. the capacity to move at some point in their life cycle b. possession of cell walls c. multicellularity d. heterotrophy e. All of the above are characteristics of animals. 2. Which is the correct hierarchy of divisions in the animal kingdom, from most inclusive to least inclusive? a. Eumetazoa, Metazoa, Protostomia, Ecdysozoa b. Parazoa, Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia c. Metazoa, Eumetazoa, Bilateria, Protostomia d. Radiata, Eumetazoa, Deuterostomia, Ecdysozoa e. none of the above 3. Bilateral symmetry is strongly correlated with a. the ability to move through the environment. b. cephalization. c. the ability to detect prey. d. a and b. e. a, b, and c. 4. In triploblastic animals, the inner lining of the digestive tract is derived from a. the ectoderm. b. the mesoderm. c. the endoderm. d. the pseudocoelom. e. the coelom. 5. Pseudocoelomates a. lack a fluid-filled cavity. b. have a fluid-filled cavity that is completely lined with mesoderm. c. have a fluid-filled cavity that is partially lined with mesoderm. d. have a fluid-filled cavity that is not lined with mesoderm. e. have an air-filled cavity that is partially lined with mesoderm. 6. Protostomes and deuterostomes can be classified based on a. cleavage pattern. b. destiny of the blastopore. c. whether the fate of the embryonic cells is fixed early during development. d. how the coelom is formed. e. all of the above. 7. Indeterminate cleavage is found in a. annelids. b. mollusks. c. nematodes. d. vertebrates. e. all of the above. 8. Naturally occurring identical twins are possible only in animals that a. have spiral cleavage. b. have determinate cleavage. c. are protostomes. d. have indeterminate cleavage. e. a, b, and c 9. Genes involved in the patterning of the body axis, that is, in determining characteristics such as neck length and appendage formation, are called a. small subunit (SSU) rRNA genes. b. Hox genes. c. metameric genes. d. determinate genes. e. none of the above. 10. A major difference between the molecular phylogeny of animals and traditional phylogeny of animals is that a. the presence or absence of the mesoderm is not important in molecular phylogeny. b. molecular phylogeny suggests that all animals do not share a single common ancestor. c. body symmetry, whether radial or bilateral, is not an important determinant in molecular phylogeny. d. molecular phylogeny does not include the echinoderms in the deuterostome clade. e. molecular phylogeny suggests that the presence or absence of a coelom is not important for classification. 11. Choanocytes are a. a group of protists that are believed to have given rise to animals. b. specialized cells of sponges that function to trap and eat small particles. c. cells that make up the gelatinous layer in sponges. d. cells of sponges that function to transfer nutrients to other cells. e. cells that form spicules in sponges. 12. Why aren't sponges eaten more by predators? a. They are protected by silica spicules. b. They are protected by toxic defensive chemicals. c. They are eaten; it's just that the leftover cells reaggregate into new, smaller sponges. d. Both a and b are correct. e. a, b, and c are correct. 13. Which of the following organisms can produce female offspring through parthenogenesis? a. cnidarians b. flukes c. choanocytes d. rotifers e. annelids 14. What organisms can survive without a mouth, digestive system, or anus? a. cnidarians b. rotifers c. echinoderms d. cestodes e. nematodes 15. Which phylum does not have at least some members with a closed circulatory system? a. Lophophorata b. Arthopoda c. Annelida d. Mollusca e. All of the above phyla have some members with a closed circulatory system. 16. A defining feature of the Ecdysozoa is a. a segmented body. b. a closed circulatory system. c. a cuticle. d. a complete gut. e. a lophophore. 17. In arthropods, the tracheal system is a. a unique set of structures that function in ingestion and digestion of food. b. a series of branching tubes extending into the body that allow for gas exchange. c. a series of tubules that allow waste products in the blood to be released into the digestive tract. d. the series of ommatidia that form the compound eye. e. none of the above. 18. Characteristics of the class Arachnida include a. two tagmata. b. six walking legs. c. an aquatic lifestyle. d. a lobed body. e. both b and d. 19. Incomplete metamorphosis a. is characterized by distinct larval and adult stages that do not compete for resources. b. is typically seen in arachnids. c. involves gradual changes in life stages where young resemble the adult stage. d. is characteristic of the majority of insects. e. always includes a pupal stage. 20. Echinodermata are not a member of which clade? a. protostomia b. bilateria c. eumetazoa d. metazoa e. They are a member of all the above clades. 21. Which of the following is not a defining characteristic of craniates? a. cranium b. neural crest c. two clusters of Hox genes d. protective housing around the brain e. cephalization 22. The presence of a bony skeleton, an operculum, and a swim bladder are all defining characteristics of a. Myxini. b. lampreys. c. Chondrichthyes. d. bony fishes. e. amphibians. 23. Organisms that lay eggs are said to be a. oviparous. b. ovoviparous. c. viviparous. d. placental. e. none of the above. 24. Which clade does not include frogs? a. craniates b. gnathostomes c. tetrapods d. amniotes e. lobe fins 25. In some amphibians, the adult retains certain larval characteristics, which is known as a. metamorphosis. b. parthenogenesis. c. cephalization. d. paedomorphosis. e. hermaphrodism. 26. The membrane of the amniotic egg that serves as a site for waste storage is a. the amnion. b. the yolk sac. c. the allantois. d. the chorion. e. the albumin. 27. Which characteristic qualifies lizards as gnathostomes? a. a cranium b. a skeleton of bone or cartilage c. a hinged jaw d. the possession of limbs e. amniotic eggs 28. Which of the following is not a distinguishing characteristic of birds? a. amniotic egg b. feathers c. air sacs d. lack of certain organs e. lightweight skeletons 29. What is not a derived trait of primates? a. opposable thumb b. grasping hands c. prehensile tail d. flat nails e. large brain 30. Despite their small size and nocturnal habits, tarsiers are classed with much larger monkeys and apes as Haplorrhini. This is based on which of the following characteristics? a. dry fully furred noses b. forward-facing eyes c. DNA similarities d. a and b e. a, b, and c

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