Minutes of the Meeting of Knaresborough Town Council Held at Knaresborough House, Knaresborough

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Minutes of the Meeting of Knaresborough Town Council Held at Knaresborough House, Knaresborough

73 6 June 2011


7.30pm – Council Meeting


Chair: The Mayor – Councillor A Willoughby

Councillors: I Avery, P Beardsell, A Gallico, M Gallico, T Handley, H McNamara, P McNamara, C Reid, K Sewell, N Smith, C Willoughby and A Wright.

Staff present: The Clerk, and Assistant.

Late Arrivals: None Early departures: None

C11/124 ITEM 1 - To receive Apologies for inability to attend the meeting

Apologies were received from Councillors J Batt and P Ireland.

C11/125 ITEM 2 - Councillors’ Declarations of Interest

All declarations are personal, unless otherwise stated.

Councillor A Item 8b) – Prejudicial – Member of Knaresborough in Bloom Willoughby Councillor A Wright Item 5 – Planning Application 6.100.2801 – Councillor has a property close by Item 5 – Planning Application 6.100.2793 – Councillor knows everybody involved with this application Councillor C Member of HBC – Will consider any same item at Harrogate Willoughby Borough Council in the light of any new information Item 5 - Planning Application 6.100.217 – Councillor works at the school and is closely involved with the building project Item 5 - Planning Application 6.100.291 – Councillor is a trustee of Links Charity and on the Steering group representing HBC Item 8b) – Prejudicial – Chair of Knaresborough in Bloom Councillor T Handley Item 8b) – Prejudicial – Member of Knaresborough in Bloom

Councillor H Item 8b) – Prejudicial – Member of Knaresborough in Bloom McNamara

C11/126 ITEM 3 - To consider and if thought fit, approve as a correct record

a) Minutes of the Council Meeting held 16th May 2011

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Council Meeting held 16th May 2011 be approved as a correct record with the following amendment:- Minute number 11/100 Councillor A Wright’s 74 6 June 2011

declarations of interest, insert the words ‘prejudicial’ and ‘a’ not ‘the’ house.

b) Annual Town Meeting held 28 March 2011

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Annual Town Meeting held 28th March 2011 be accepted. Unanimous C11/127 ITEM 4 - KTC Public Speaking Session


C 11/128 ITEM 5 - To consider the following Planning Applications relating to Knaresborough and make such observations as may be appropriate:

Ref Applicant Details of Application KTC Comments

6.100.30.B.AMENDS* Mr D Application for a non material The Mayor moved to the 11/01810/AMENDS Harrison amendment for removal of next item as this application window and balustrading and has already been approved. enlargement of decking area in relation to planning permission 6.100.30.B.FUL – Erection of 2 storey side extension with balcony – 41C Abbey Road

6.100.202.TCON Mr J Hanson Felling of 1 Cedar tree in That KTC ask that a 11/01946/TCON Knaresborough Conservation replacement tree is planted, Area – Priory Farmhouse, but one that is more suitable Abbey Road for the site. Unanimous

Having declared a prejudicial interest in the application below (217) Councillor C Willoughby left the council chamber and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon. 6.100.217.F.FUL* Diocese of Erection of 2 single storey KTC support this application 11/01680/FUL* Leeds extensions – St Marys Roman Catholic Junior School, Tentergate Rd.

Having declared a prejudicial interest in the application below (291) Councillor C Willoughby left the council chamber and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon. 6.100.291.C.FUL* North Erection of single storey KTC support this application 11/01545/FUL Yorkshire extension, replacement of roofs Unanimous Learning and replacement of windows – Consortium Chain Lane Community Education Centre, Chain Lane

6.100.366.P.ADV* Barclays Display of 1 non illuminated No objections 11/01794/ADV Bank PLC fascia sign, 2 non illuminated Unanimous projecting signs, 1 branch name plate and upgrade to ATM surround – Barclays Bank, 37 High Street 75 6 June 2011 6.100.628.C.FUL* Mr David Erection of a two storey garage No objections 11/01718/FUL Collins block and removal of 3 trees Unanimous within area A1 of Tree Preservation Order 9/1990 – 27 Waterside 6.100.735.AE.DVCON Mr S Minor material amendment in No objections * Topham relation to permission Unanimous 11/01780/DVCON 6.100.735.AC.FUL to allow formation of wheelchair escape ramp and increase in width of door opening –Former Tomrods Ltd., Manse Lane 6.100.1085.D.FUL* J Wilkinson Conversion of existing flat into No objections 11/01931/FUL Ltd two (Site Area 0.005ha) – 3-5 Unanimous Silver Street

6.100.1617.J.FULMAJ Barker and Erection of furniture showroom KTC support this application * Stonehouse with associated car parking and Unanimous 11/01958/FULMAJ landscaping – Former Audi, St James Business Park, Grimbald Crag Road 6.100.1809.D.TPO* Mrs C Clean and reduce 1 Sycamore No objections 11/01915/TPO Crooks tree T5 and 1 Ash, tree T4 of Unanimous Tree Preservation Order no. 13/1995 – 11 Netheredge Drive 6.100.1848.A.FUL* Mr B Preston Erection of single storey No objections 11/01144/FUL extension – 21 Scotton Moor, Unanimous Ripley Road, Scotton 6.100.2474.F.DISCO Mr R Batty Application to approve details No objections N* required under condition 3 of 11/01869/DISCON permission 6.100.2474.FUL in relation to materials- Roughstones Forest Moor Rd 6.100.2656.B.DISCO Mr James Application for approval of No objections N* Rycroft details required by conditions 11/01778/DISCON 3,4,7, 8 & 12 of planning permission 6.100.2656.B.FUL in relation to roof & wall material samples, stone sample panel, erection of approved protection scheme, Code For Sustainable Homes Certificate & landscaping scheme – site of Netheredge, Lands Lane 6.100.2683.B.DVCON Jenkins Application for a minor material No objections * Construction amendment in relation to 11/01983/DVCON permission 6.100.2683.FUL to allow timber decking and retention of existing car parking – Former café premises, west of 2 Waterside 76 6 June 2011 6.100.2784.A.FUL* The Care Erection of first floor extension No objections 11/02056/FUL Insurance & installation of new door and Co. Ltd. replacement window (revised scheme) – Cottage to the rear of 1 Park Square, High Street 6.100.2793.A.OUT** G, J and T Outline application for the KTC reiterate their previous 11/02017/OUT O’Brien and erection of 1 dwelling with all comments:- S Rae matters reserved (site area ‘object due to the loss of 0.06ha) (revised scheme) – amenity for the adjacent Land rear of 6 to 14 Tentergate properties and on the Road grounds that a dwelling will be out of keeping with the street scene’. Unanimous

Having declared a prejudicial interest in the application below (2801) Councillor A Wright left the council chamber and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon. 6.100.2801.COU* R M Autos Change of use from timber yard No objections 11/01966/COU to car repairs (Use Class B2 – General Industry) – R M Autos, Hambleton Grove * Determination by HBC Head of Planning Services or Head of Planning & Chair of Planning Committee ** Determination by Planning Committee (HBC’s website: www.harrogate.gov.uk/planning )

C11/129 ITEM 6 - Planning Correspondence

a) Planning Enforcements/Tree Preservation Orders/Withdrawn Applications Councillors asked if these forms could be emailed to them in future.

C11/130 ITEM 7 - HBC Planning Committee – 7 June 2011 (2 pm at Crescent Gardens, Harrogate)

Nothing for Knaresborough to date

C 11/131 ITEM 8 - To consider the following Correspondence:

a) Railway Communications System - letter dated 9 May 2011 from Network Rail

RESOLVED: i) That KTC support this. ii) That KTC contact Network Rail to ask whether it would be possible to have a mobile phone mast in the same location (reference to the recent requests from Telefonica).

Having declared a prejudicial interest in the item below (8b) Councillors T Handley, H McNamara and C Willoughby left the council chamber and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.

b) Application for Grant (2011/12) - Knaresborough in Bloom

Councillor A Willoughby chose to speak as part of the Public Speaking session and informed KTC of the valuable work that Knaresborough in Bloom do in the town. He then left the council chamber and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon. Councillor M Gallico then took the chair for the following item. 77 6 June 2011 RESOLVED: i) That KTC award Knaresborough in Bloom a grant of £1,500. ii) That KTC thank Knaresborough in Bloom for all their hard work in the town.

c) Frogmire Dyke, A59 Knaresborough – letter dated 19 May 2011 from NYCC Highways

RESOLVED: i) To receive and note.

C11/132 ITEM 9 - Reports from Clerk

a) To consider KTC Annual Return (external audit) 2010/2011 Consideration of Annual Governance Statement, section 2.

RESOLVED: i) That KTC agree to answer yes to the questions on section 2 including the Statement of Assurance.

b) To consider members of council and staff attending forthcoming training courses run by YLCA (previously given to councillors, but also available on request).

RESOLVED: i) That Councillor Phil Ireland attends the In the Chair course on 13 June 2011, ii) That the Clerk attends the In the Chair course at a date convenient for the office. iii) That the Clerk investigates planning training for the council. iv) That the Clerk enquires whether the YLCA would come to Knaresborough to train the new councillors.

c) To consider appointing a KTC substitute member for HBC Standards Committee.

RESOLVED: i) That Councillor P McNamara is the substitute member for HBC Standards Committee.

d) Request for 1 Councillor to stand down from Christmas Lights Working Group or amend terms of reference which currently state a membership of between 3 and 6 Councillors.

RESOLVED: i) To amend the Terms of Reference to allow between 2 and 7 councillors to stand on the working group.

e) To consider Cllr Avery’s request to be appointed to various KTC committees and working groups.

RESOLVED: i) That Councillor Avery joins the Technology and Allotments Working Groups. ii) That if necessary the Clerk is given delegated authority to alter the Terms of Reference.

C11/133 ITEM 10 - Other Motions submitted by Members

“This Council notes that there are a large number of residents of Knaresborough living at the Lido who are not registered with the Census or recorded as residents for block grant purposes. (In this context "living" means eating, drinking and sleeping for 11 months of every year). This causes harm to Knaresborough's community, Harrogate Borough Council and North Yorkshire County Council.

This Council considers that it would be much better to regularise the position of the residents at the Lido and resolves to try and arrange a meeting with the Chief Executive and Director of Finance of HBC, plus anyone else they consider relevant, in order to seek a solution that is satisfactory for both the residents and the local councils." 78 6 June 2011

The Mayor informed councillors that he had been speaking to the owner of the Lido who made it clear in no uncertain terms that he would threaten legal action if anything was said falsely. He then went on to warn councillors to be very careful over what they said here as it could be used against them in a court of law.

Councillor Wright went on to explain that the reason he had brought this to council was to make sure that Knaresborough had the right number of school places, dentists, doctors and police.

The motion wasn’t seconded so the Chair proceeded to the next business.

C11/134 ITEM 11 - Information Exchange

a) Councillor K Sewell – reported that the YLCA branch meeting was scheduled for 20 June 2011 and asked whether councillors had any questions they wanted her to raise.

b) Councillor T Handley – advised that the Chamber of Trade were holding an open meeting on Thursday 9 June 6.30 – 8.30 at the Mitre and that they would love to meet the new councillors.

c) Councillor C Willoughby – reported that the gym equipment was now installed at the back of Knaresborough House & that she had tried it out.

d) Councillor A Wright requested that the letter from HBC re the poling stations be on the next agenda for KTC to make comments.

e) The Clerk brought councillors up to speed with allocations at the new allotment site (Bilton Hall Drive). A number of people have increased the size of their plots, and also a number have dropped out for one reason or another. A total of 71 famillies now had allotment plots, all from Knaresborough. The office (when time permits) were about to start issuing plots to people outside Knaresborough. There are about 29 single plots vacant and 40 names on the waiting list outside Knaresborough.

C11/135 ITEM 12 - To Receive the Following Documents

a) “Clerk & Councils Direct” May 2011 b) “The Clerk” May 2011 c) Reduced Opening Hours of Household Waste Recycling Centres – details of changes to take effect from 1 July 2011

RESOLVED: To receive and note.

Meeting Closed 9.30 pm

Signed by The Mayor …………………………….. Date ……………………...

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