Directions: Please Circle the Correct NO EXCUSE WORD in Each of the Following Sentences

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Directions: Please Circle the Correct NO EXCUSE WORD in Each of the Following Sentences

Name:_KEY______Date:______Period: ______

I. Part One: Usage Directions: Please circle the correct NO EXCUSE WORD in each of the following sentences.

1) (It’s, Its) their right (to, too) choose if they want to go. 2) (Your, You’re) going to the class. 3) Do you own (a lot , alot) of books? 4) (Where, Were, We’re) are you going? 5) (Whose, Who’s) line is it anyway? 6) She wasn’t (allowed, aloud) to tell me. 7) Don’t let it (affect, effect) you too much. 8) She isn’t going with (our, are) friends tonight. 9) We’re at a (lose, loss) for words. 10) She is bigger (than, then) him.

Part Two: Argumentative Writing Directions: Please write Ethos, Pathos, or Logos for each of the following descriptions below.

1) When you acknowledge the opposing point of view in a paper, you are using the method of ___ETHOS______. 2) When you are including facts and statistics in your paper, you are using the method of ___LOGOS______. 3) When you use your audience’s emotions to persuade, you are using the method of ___PATHOS______.

Part Three: Sentence Types Directions: Please write an example of a compound, complex, and simple sentence in the space provided. ANSWERS WILL VARY

1) Simple:_I HAVE A DOG ______2) Compound:_I HAVE A DOG, AND MY NEIGHBOR HAS A CAT. ______3) Complex:_ALTHOUGH I HAVE A DOG, I WANT A CAT.

Part Four: Sentence Problems Directions: Please indicate whether each example below is a run-on (R-0), fragment (F), or complete sentence (S).

1) Although he was shy. F 2) Scott went to the movies, and Sarah went to the mall. S 3) I enjoy eating cake, chocolate is my favorite. R-O 4) Because I said so. F 5) We can go to the party together she lives right near me. R-O 6) In a minute. F 7) When I decided. F 8) I forgot my books, can I go to my locker? R-O

Part Five: Punctuation Directions: Please place commas and semi-colons where necessary in the following sentences below.

1) Please make sure you eat a delicious, nutritious meal. 2) She decided she would go, and he decided he would go with her. 3) When you finish your homework, you may watch T.V. 4) If you don’t want to go, let me know. 5) In their large kitchen, you will find it. 6) Ed, my brother, likes to go fishing. 7) You are a wonderful, nice person. 8) We went on vacation last summer; we went to Florida. 9) When you don’t study, you don’t do as well. Part Six: Agreement Directions: Pick the word that makes the sentence correct in each of the following.

1) Neither of them (are, is) going. 2) Does anyone have (his or her, their) pencil? 3) They (was, were) there last night. 4) Several of us (wants, want) to go.

Part Seven: Poetry Directions: Please write the poetry term that best fits the definition.

1) _SPEAKER______The person/thing in a poem who is expressing an idea 2) _METAPHOR______Comparing two unlike things without using like or as. 3) _PERSONIFICATION_____Something nonhuman is given human qualities. 4) _RHTHYM______A pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a poem. 5) _ONOMATOPOEIA______Words that make the sound of their action/definition. 6) _LINE______A horizontal group of words in a poem, like a sentence. 7) _LYRIC______A poem that expresses strong emotion. 8) _DRAMATIC______A poem in which characters talk 9) _STANZA______A vertical group of lines in a poem, like a paragraph. 10) _SIMILE______Comparing two unlike things using like or as.

Part Eight: Literary Terms Directions: Please write the literary term that best fits the definition.

1)_EXPOSITION______The beginning of the story in which the characters and setting are introduced. 2) _SETTING______The time and place of the events in a story. 3) _OMNISCIENT______When a narrator is all-knowing 4) __RESOLUTION______The end of the story. 5) _CLIMAX______The highest point in a story. 6) _CONFLICT______A struggle between two opposing forces. 7)__THEME______The main idea or underlying meaning in a literary work. 8) _PLOT______A pattern of related events selected by the author. Part Nine: Seventh Grade Literature Directions: Please answer the following questions in the space provided.

1) The Outsiders is told in what point of view? 1ST PERSON

2) What is an example of a flashback in The Outsiders? WHEN PONY TELLS CHERRY ABOUT THE TIME BOB BEAT UP JOHNNY.

3) What is the climax in The Outsiders? THE RUMBLE

4) Give an example for each type of conflict in The Outsiders: a. External: Character vs. Character- JOHNNY STABBING BOB b. External: Character vs. Nature- PONYBOY, JOHNNY, DALLY VS. FIRE AT CHURCH c. External: Character vs. Society- STEREOTYPE OF THE GREASERS d. Internal: Character vs. Self- JOHNNY DEBATING TO TURN HIMSELF IN

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