Echs Dance Team Information
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In order to participate in clinic and try-outs (March 22-26), you must have ALL the following turn in to Mrs. Eller by the MANDATORY parent meeting on MONDAY, March 8, 2010.
1. Application and certification of insurance signed by parents AND notarized. 2. Pre-participation physical evaluation completed and signed by a physician. 3. Constitution signed by you and your parents. 4. $25 try-out fee (along with T-shirt size)
Clinic information:
1. Clinic will begin on Monday, March 22, 2010 and last until Thursday, March 25 from 3:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. in the gym. YOU MUST BE STRETCHED OUT AND READY BEFORE 3:30 P.M. Points will be deducted from your try-out score for tardiness. 2. You should wear workout type clothes each day to the clinic. These should be something you can move in easily. You must wear white tennis shoes to clinic and to try-outs. NO DANCE SHOES ALLOWED! 3. Try-outs will be Friday, March 26, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. in the gym. You will be provided a T-shirt. You must wear black shorts and white tennis shoes. There is a $5 spectator fee.
General information:
1. Dance team cost approximately $1200. Monthly installments of $200 may be paid. Details about costs will be provided at the parent meeting. Be prepared to pay the first installment of $200 upon making the team. Numerous fundraisers will be held throughout the year to help defray the costs. 2. DANCE TEAM IS A YEAR AROUND SPORT. You are expected to perform at many school and community events/activities. Consider this carefully before deciding to try- out. 3. Each student must have a 70 average in 6 classes, and a passing grade of at least 65 in the 4 core subject areas (English, math, science & social studies) from the spring and fall semesters prior to the semester in which try-outs are held as per AHSAA academic standards in order to be eligible. 4. Attendance at all practices and events is essential. WORK, HAIR APPOINTMENTS, DOCTOR CHECK-UPS, DENTIST & ORTHODONTIST APPOINTMENTS ARE NOT EXCUSED. The following is a list of some of the activities you are required to attend: 4th block Dance (first semester only), after-school practices, summer practices & camp, pep- rallies, football games (both home & away), basketball games (home only), parades, and fundraising events. 5. Dancers are expected to be role models both at school and within the community. Participation in illegal activities (example: parties where alcohol is being served to minors) will not be accepted and will result in immediate dismissal from the squad. 6. Dancers will be expected to participate in dance classes at a local studio at a cost of approximately $25 per month – more information will be given at a later date. ECHS DANCE TEAM APPLICATION
Name ______- ______
Current grade ______gpa ______birthdate ______
Address ______
Home phone ______cell phone ______
Email address ______
Parent/guardian information:
(dad) ______work phone ______
(mom) ______work phone ______
Parent/guardian that child lives with ______
Emergency name and number ______
List all other extracurricular activities or interest: ______
List all dance experience:
insurance company:______policy number: ______group number: ______person’s name who holds coverage:______
I am interested in trying out for the 2010-1011 echs dance team.
Student signature: ______
I give permission for my daughter to try-out for dance team. Parent signature:______
Board policy provides that no student athlete shall be allowed to participate in practice or games without adequate insurance coverage. This policy further states that a notarized statement from the student’s parent or guardian that said student is adequately protected against accidents that may occur while participating in said activities. With this policy in mind, I hereby acknowledge the following by initializing each item and signing the bottom of this document.
Student Name: ______
______I hereby and certify to the Board that I have adequate insurance coverage to cover the cost of treatment for injuries to my child in any athletic contest or event including practices (copy of insurance card attached).
______I hereby understand that the Board and its employees DO NOT HAVE INSURANCE COVERAGE for my child, and I FOR MYSELF AND MY CHILD do hereby RELEASE AND DISCHARGE the board, any agents, servants, employees, and officials from any liability for the cost of treatment for injuries to my child.
Dated this the ______day of ______2010.
Explanation of Offense # of Demerits Excessive talking, gum, disruptive/ 2 inappropriate behavior, other minor offenses
Lack of effort at practice/event 2
Failure to pay debts by deadline 2 per week until debt is paid in full
Failure to bring/use essential attire 3 or materials
Tardy to practice/event 3
Unexcused absence from practice/ 5 event; Suspension from school
Poor sportsmanship; Failure to exemplify 5-10 character/moral integrity; actions which leave a bad impression
Failure to follow school rules/Class 3 or 4 15 offenses as outlined in the handbook
Other necessary actions at the discretion of 10-15 sponsor/coach/principal (includes all violations)
Dancer will be able to work off 5 demerits once only. Options for working off demerits include scraping gum, running, or other work determined by the sponsor.
**Two-week suspension for 10 demerits **Three-week suspension for 15 demerits (Dancer must still attend all practices/events, but will not participate.) **Automatic dismissal from team for over 15 demerits
# of Demerits ______Member’s Signature ______
Sponsor’s Signature ______
**It is the dancer’s responsibility to notify parents when demerits are received. Elmore County Dance Team Constitution Varsity and Junior Varsity (Revised January 2006)
Purpose The purpose of a dance team is . to be a good example for others . to promote and uphold school spirit . to develop and promote a sense of good sportsmanship among students, spectators, and the general public . to strive to build better relationships between schools\ . to strive to uphold the highest personal as well as dancing standards . to fulfill all duties as stated in the Elmore County Dance Team Constitution
Eligibility of Dance Team Candidates . There will be required general orientation for parents before tryouts. . Each candidate must be an upcoming member of grades 9-12. . Grades must conform to the Elmore County Academics First Policy. . Discipline records must be checked. Any candidate that has been suspended or attended DCAP for a Class III or above offense within the current school year may not be eligible. . Each candidate will go through a period known as Spring Clinic and have no absences. Exceptions must be cleared through the coach/sponsor and will only be made for doctors’ excuses or for the death of an immediate family member. . All candidates must provide proof of physical examination before clinic begins. A physical exam form will be provided by the coach/sponsor. . The team will be comprised of up to sixteen candidates having the highest point totals. Three factors determine placement on the team: 50% coach/sponsor score, and 50% judges’ score. . All present dance team members who continue to meet eligibility requirements must try out each year. . Clinic will be held for a minimum of four days with tryouts following. . A minimum of three judges from outside the school community will be retained. At least one will be a minority if a minority is trying out for the team. . Scores will be tallied by at least two Elmore County School Board Employees.
Duties of Team Members . Attend pep rallies and practices; perform at athletic events and school functions as requested, and outside activities only if approved by the school coach/sponsor. Personal illness, family crisis, or other sponsor-approved absence will be the only acceptable excuses. The coach/sponsor should be notified in advance if possible. Absence from school on the day of a performance may prevent the member from participating in the day’s performance. Absence is defined as missing more than half of the day. It will be the coach/sponsor’s decision as to whether or not the member will be allowed to perform based on the situation, knowledge of material, and record of previous absences. . Be a credit to the school at all times. Members should always conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and uphold school rules. Music and choreography selected must be appropriate for all audiences. . Be on time for all practices/events. No one can miss a practice or be late without the coach/sponsor’s permission or a doctor’s excuse. Chronic tardiness can result in dismissal from the team. Practice times and areas will be determined by the coach/sponsor. . Eligible graduating senior team members will assist with Spring Clinic. . Attend scheduled camp during the summer. Camp costs will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Failure to attend camp will result in dismissal from the team. . Conform to the Elmore County Transportation Policy.
Conduct and Penalties . All rules contained in the Elmore County Student Handbook must be followed. A member can be automatically dismissed for a Class 3 or 4 offense. See attached demerit system. ANY MEMBER CAUGHT PARTICIPATING IN ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES WITH BE AUTOMATICALLY DISMISSED FROM THE TEAM. . Failure to follow rules will result in dismissal from the team. See attached demerit system. . Missing a performance or practice must be cleared in advance with the coach/sponsor. Failure to do so can result in demerits or dismissal from the team. . A member who has been dismissed from the team because of disciplinary/accrued demerit reasons will not be eligible to try-out until the following year. . The coach/sponsor and/or principal will handle any disciplinary problems. Serious infractions or habitual offenses can result in suspension or dismissal from the team. The Elmore County Dance Team Demerit System will be used to track infractions and punishments.
Uniforms and Expenses . Each member is responsible for purchasing all portions of the uniform deemed necessary by the coach/sponsor. . Uniforms must have the approval of the coach/sponsor. The coach/sponsor will check the uniforms for proper fit. . All members are required to be in proper attire at practices and events. It is up to the individual to keep the uniform clean and in proper position. . Former dance team members will return all team-owned items to their respective schools. . Purchase of supplemental insurance is required for all athletes in Elmore County Schools. . A member who quits or is dismissed from the team will still be responsible for paying for uniforms or supplies that have been ordered for her. No money will be refunded for any reason. Full payment of owed expenses must be made or legal action will be taken. . All uniforms/equipment must be paid for in full before the first day of summer camp. (That date is TBA.) See attached demerit system. . A deposit of $200 must be paid by March 30th. . I agree to make payments of $200 per month until the balance is paid in full. Fundraisers will take place to help defray some of the costs. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE REGULATIONS AND FULLY REALIZE THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF EACH. SHOULD I BE SELECTED AS ADANCE TEAM MEMBER, I PROMISE TO UPHOLD THESE AND TO ABIDE BY THE ACTIONS IMPOSED.