Job Performance Factors

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Job Performance Factors

Active Model #______Rating Cycle Ending 2008 Performance Assessment Review PAR Committee Model The College of New Jersey Employee Form

Employee Name: Title: Rating Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08

SSN: Dept & Location:

Section 1 - Job Expectations

Major Goals of the Unit/Work Group Major Goals of the Ratee

• •

I have reviewed this package and have had a face-to-face meeting with my supervisor to discuss the Major Goals (Unit and Ratee), Major Job Ratee Comments Responsibilities, Essential Criteria, Performance Factors, Point Accumulation Methodology, and the Evaluation Conversion to the Overall Rating by which I will be rated. This meeting was held on (Date).

My signature indicates that I have been advised of these PAR elements.

Ratee ______

Date ______

I Agree Disagree with the elements of this PAR.

My signature indicates that the Ratee’s positions have been noted.

Rater ______

Date ______

My signature indicates that the Ratee’s positions have been noted.

Reviewer ______

Date ______(Use Additional Sheets as Necessary)

1 Please Make Copies and Distribute to Ratee, Reviewer and PAR Coordinator Active Model #______Rating Cycle Ending 2008 Performance Assessment Review PAR Committee Model The College of New Jersey Employee Form

Employee Name: Title: Rating Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08

SSN: Dept & Location:

Section 1 - Job Expectations (Continued)

Major Job Responsibilities and Essential Criteria for Successful Accomplishment (Use Additional Sheets as Necessary)

Job Responsibility:

Essential Criteria:

Job Responsibility:

Essential Criteria:

Job Responsibility:

Essential Criteria:

Job Responsibility:

Essential Criteria:

Job Responsibility:

Essential Criteria:

2 Please Make Copies and Distribute to Ratee, Reviewer and PAR Coordinator Active Model #______Rating Cycle Ending 2008 Performance Assessment Review PAR Committee Model The College of New Jersey Employee Form

Employee Name: Title: Rating Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08

SSN: Dept & Location:

Section 2 - Performance Factors Job Achievement Factors These factors are directly related to the outputs of the job: Section 1 Major Goals, Job Responsibilities and Essential Criteria. Job Achievement 1 2 3 Interim Final Factors Quality of Work Failed to achieve most Achieved or Significantly exceeded Overall extent to which or all essential quality occasionally exceeded essential quality criteria. employee thoroughly and criteria. all essential quality accurately meets the criteria. quality criteria.

Quantity of Work Failed to produce an Produced acceptable or Significantly exceeded Overall extent to which acceptable amount of greater amount of work essential quantity employee produces an work as identified in and met or occasionally criteria. acceptable amount of the essential quantity exceeded essential work as defined in the criteria. quantity criteria. quantity criteria. Timeliness Rarely met work Met and occasionally Consistently completed Overall extent to which schedules or deadlines. completed assignments assignments, projects employee meets specified Often was late in ahead of specified and job responsibilities schedules and deadlines. completing assignments deadlines. ahead of scheduled within specified time deadlines. frames. Job Achievement Subtotal

3 Please Make Copies and Distribute to Ratee, Reviewer and PAR Coordinator Active Model #______Rating Cycle Ending 2008 Performance Assessment Review PAR Committee Model The College of New Jersey Employee Form

Employee Name: Title: Rating Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08

SSN: Dept & Location:

Section 2 - Performance Factors Job Related Factors These global factors support the performance of the job. Job Related 1 2 3 Interim Final Factors Conscientiousness Failed to address Solved problems in own Consistently took on Displays a high level of problems in own task task area; displayed extra responsibilities effort and commitment area, was often off commitment to completing voluntarily to respond to towards performing schedule; displayed little tasks; learned new skills to shifting priorities, or work; demonstrates or no commitment to enhance own work. schedules; displayed a responsible behavior. completing tasks; resisted Occasionally took on high level of learning new skills to added responsibilities commitment to the enhance own work. when requested; displayed organization and its commitment to completing customers through the tasks. quality of work while completing tasks ahead of schedule.

Customer Service Diagnosed customer Accurately assessed Frequently anticipated Identifies and meets needs inaccurately; customer needs; provided internal and external customer (internal & lacked consistency in necessary or requested customer needs; external) needs. meeting customer needs; service within acceptable advanced quality was not attentive and timeframes requiring few alternative solutions inquisitive when dealing corrections or revisions; work quality was with customers; did not sought customer feedback characterized by consistently meet time, and expression of exceptional insights and quality and cost satisfaction with work technical expertise. requirements. product. Occasionally sought alternative solutions.

4 Please Make Copies and Distribute to Ratee, Reviewer and PAR Coordinator Active Model #______Rating Cycle Ending 2008 Performance Assessment Review PAR Committee Model The College of New Jersey Employee Form

Employee Name: Title: Rating Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08

SSN: Dept & Location:

Section 2 - Performance Factors Job Related Factors These global factors support the performance of the job. Job Related 1 2 3 Interim Final Factors Communication Informal communication Successfully Excelled in the Effective expression of was ineffective due to communicated ideas, communication of ideas, ideas, concepts or disorganization of thoughts or directions. thoughts or directions. directions in individual or thoughts, and/or Asked appropriate Thought well, fast and group situations, using inappropriate use of voice questions and involved the appropriately on his or supportive gestures, voice volume/tone. Formal listener. Sought her own feet in formal level and organization of presentations failed to clarification and affirmed situations. Informal materials. If inform or persuade due to understanding in verbal presentations created communication is lack of structure or poor exchanges. Used word pictures, leaving written, thoughts are organization. Didn’t appropriate supportive no room for confusion. expressed with listen during verbal gestures, voice level and Apt questions appropriate grammar, exchanges. Written organization of materials. uncovered lingering organization and communication was Formal presentations were confusion. Presented structure. poorly structured, organized and had complex or technical contained poor grammar, appropriate detail. Written information in a manner or was difficult to read communication was easily understood by due to inadequate concise and appropriate for target audience. organization. target audience. Key Written communication Communication flaws points were understood by was letter perfect and included: poor listening, intended audience. clearly appropriate for no organization of Affirmed understanding target audience. thoughts, or inappropriate with appropriate questions. gestures. Job Knowledge/Skills Rarely demonstrated any Effectively demonstrated Demonstrated expert Extent to which application of skills or job knowledge and ability skills and knowledge employee knows the knowledge which clearly to answer queries. above expectations. details of the job. had an adverse effect on Knowledge and skills Stayed abreast of recent Understands job and job performance. Rarely contributed to the work of developments and applies necessary able to answer queries. the unit. changes in job’s technical knowledge and Usually did not know technical area or skills. when to ask others for discipline. Knowledge information. was sought by others and thought to have significant impact on the results of the work of the unit.

Job Related Subtotal

5 Please Make Copies and Distribute to Ratee, Reviewer and PAR Coordinator Active Model #______Rating Cycle Ending 2008 Performance Assessment Review PAR Committee Model The College of New Jersey Employee Form

Employee Name: Title: Rating Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08

SSN: Dept & Location:

Section 3 - Computation and Conversion to Overall Rating


Performance Factors Interim Evaluation Final Evaluation

Job Achievement Factor Subtotal

Job Related Factor Subtotal

Grand Total Points

Conversion to Overall Rating

1- Unsatisfactory 2 - Commendable 3 - Exceptional ( 7-10 Points) ( 11-17 Points) ( 18-21 Points)

Interim Evaluation Rating Final Evaluation Rating


6 Please Make Copies and Distribute to Ratee, Reviewer and PAR Coordinator Active Model #______Rating Cycle Ending 2008 Performance Assessment Review PAR Committee Model The College of New Jersey Employee Form

Employee Name: Title: Rating Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08

SSN: Dept & Location:

Section 4 - Justification Sheet and Development Plan - Interim

Justification for Interim Evaluation

Interim Development Plan

Specific Area(s) Identified for Development Specific Action to be Taken by Ratee

I have reviewed Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this package and have had a face-to- face meeting with my supervisor to discuss the Interim Rating, Justification Ratee Comments and Development Plan. This meeting was held on (Date).

My signature indicates that I have been advised of these PAR elements.

Ratee ______

Date ______

I Agree Disagree with the Interim Rating. I Agree Disagree with the Justification. I Agree Disagree with the Development Plan. (Use Additional Sheets as Necessary)

My signature indicates that the Ratee’s positions have been noted. My signature indicates that the Ratee’s positions have been noted. Rater ______Reviewer ______Date ______Date ______

7 Please Make Copies and Distribute to Ratee, Reviewer and PAR Coordinator Active Model #______Rating Cycle Ending 2008 Performance Assessment Review PAR Committee Model The College of New Jersey Employee Form

Employee Name: Title: Rating Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08

SSN: Dept & Location:

Section 5 - Justification Sheet and Development Plan - Final

Justification for Final Evaluation

Final Development Plan

Specific Area(s) Identified for Development Specific Action to be Taken by Ratee

I have reviewed Sections 1, 2, 3 and 5 of this package and have had a face-to- face meeting with my supervisor to discuss the Final Rating, Justification and Ratee Comments Development Plan. This meeting was held on


My signature indicates that I have been advised of these PAR elements.

Ratee ______

Date ______

I Agree Disagree with the Final Rating. I Agree Disagree with the Justification. I Agree Disagree with the Development Plan. (Use Additional Sheets as Necessary)

My signature indicates that the Ratee’s positions have been noted. My signature indicates that the Ratee’s positions have been noted.

Rater ______Reviewer______

Date ______Date ______

8 Please Make Copies and Distribute to Ratee, Reviewer and PAR Coordinator Active Model #______Rating Cycle Ending 2008 Performance Assessment Review PAR Committee Model The College of New Jersey Employee Form

Employee Name: Title: Rating Period: 7/1/07-6/30/08

SSN: Dept & Location:

Section 6 - Fact Sheet of Significant Performance Events

Description of Significant Performance Event Rater Comments/Recommended Action

______Ratee Initials Rater Initials Date

Description of Significant Performance Event Rater Comments/Recommended Action

______Ratee Initials Rater Initials Date

Description of Significant Performance Event Rater Comments/Recommended Action

______Ratee Initials Rater Initials Date

Description of Significant Performance Event Rater Comments/Recommended Action

______Ratee Initials Rater Initials Date

Ratee Comments: (Use Additional Sheets as Necessary)

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