Cabrillo College EMT Training Program Syllabus

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Cabrillo College EMT Training Program Syllabus

EMTTraining Program Syllabus Fall 2012 Semester Emergency Medical Technician FT 183 (FT 183 Lab is a co-requisite) FT 183 Section #76936 Mon/Wed 1:00-4:30PM FT 183 Section #76937 Mon/Wed 6:00-9:30PM FT 183L Section #76938 Fri 10:00-1:00PM FT 183L Section #76039 Fri 1:30-4:30PM Course Description Upon successful completion of this course the student will be eligible to take the nation exam required for California State EMT certification. This course meets all the educational requirements for the certification process as specified in the regulations of the State of California Emergency Medical Services Authority. Faculty and Staff Course Director Kris Hurst 831 239-7031 [email protected] Lab Director Shane Bell 707 227-9555 [email protected] Public Safety FAX Attn: EMT 831 477-5680 SCCo EMS (Certification) Ruth Shugart 831 454-4120 Textbooks: Required- Limmer, D., & O’Keefe M. (2011). Emergency Care FT 183 (12th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education. ISBN978-013-254380-4 Required- Cabrillo EMT Training Program Lab Manual for Fall 2012 FT 183 Lab available at Print Smith only

Optional- Limmer, D., & O’Keefe M. (2011). Workbook FT 183 Emergency Care (12th Ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education. Optional- Mistovitch, J. (2006). Success! For the EMT NREMT Exam Complete Review (2nd Ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education. ISBN: 0132253968 ***Highly recommended for the National Registry EMT-B Certifying Exam Required but free: Download all Santa Cruz Co. EMS Policies & Protocols at Learning Outcomes Cabrillo College’s EMT Training Program goals are to: 1. Prepare EMTs for employment in a variety of health care settings. 2. Provide students with a strong basic curriculum to meet certification requirements. 3. Provide students with the foundation for advancement within the pre-hospital care profession. Attendance and Course Completion Requirements


There are many students desiring to take this course. Please evaluate quickly whether or not the rigors of this course and expectations will allow for your academic success. If you are registered for this course and drop the course please inform the instructor. If you fail to attend any portion of the course in the first two weeks it will be assumed that you are dropping the class and your spot will be given to another unless you communicate your situation to the instructor. This will allow those desiring to take the course to get added.

There are three components to the course: the classroom didactic lecture portion, the skills lab, and the ride along field experience. All three components must be completed in order to get an EMT course completion certificate. Class attendance is one of our program’s highest priorities. In reflection of this core value, students are expected to attend all class sessions. When an absence or late episode is going to occur, contact the instructor (text or email) to inform them prior to class. If you do not email or text you will receive an unexcused absence. All unexcused instances require an immediate student- instructor conference in order to continue in the EMT Program. State law requires that no more than 14 hours of instruction (4 class periods) can be missed in order to get a Course Completion Certificate. 3 tardies or leaving class early of any amount will be assessed as a full absence regardless if they are excused. Every class session students are required to sign the roster in order to get attendance credit. If you forget to sign the roster you will be given an absence for that session even if the instructor saw you. If you are late (anytime after the start of class) or leave early, record “in” or “out” times on the roster. If a student is ill and unable to attend a class or some emergency occurs resulting in a missed session, the student is still responsible for all the material covered. If you are absent, do the chapter reading and get class notes from another student. Missing a class before an exam does not excuse you from taking that exam. Skills practice is scheduled during Friday labs. Attend all skills labs and be on time. Purchase a watch with a second hand and bring it to every lab. All questions pertaining to the lab should be directed to the Lab Director. Although the lab is a co-requisite and a component of the EMT course, grading and attendance is done separately. You must pass the skills lab, skills midterm and final exam to get a course completion. The lab is your opportunity to practice skills and integrate the classroom information. If you do not practice you will not pass the skills exam. Friday lab attendance is considered separate from the didactic portion of the course. If you miss more than 2 labs you will not receive a course completion. The ride along is a 10-hour field experience in which you will be assigned to an ALS Fire Department engine to observe and participate in running EMS calls. Missing ride along time will result in not receiving an EMT Course Completion Certificate. We cannot guarantee that this time can be rescheduled. CPR Requirement


CPR skill is a component of this course, but the course does not include CPR certification. The last day for copies of CPR cards to be accepted is Monday October 1st. If you do not provide a copy of your CPR card by then you will be dropped from the course. The only acceptable certifications for this EMT course are BLS for Healthcare Provider (AHA), CPR for the Professional Rescuer (ARC), and CPR-Pro (AHSI). Unacceptable cards include but are not limited to: Heartsaver or Heartsaver Plus CPR, Infant and Child CPR, Daycare or Babysitter CPR, Community CPR, or Adult CPR with AED. Acceptable CPR courses should include the following components: Adult, Child & Infant CPR, Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (Choking), AED and use of the Bag Mask. There are many outside agencies that provide this training, i.e.: Heart Share in San Jose-(408)246-0311, American Red Cross (831)462-2881 located at 2960 Soquel Ave in Santa Cruz. Cabrillo College offers CPR by taking FT 178 or private contract classes. For a list of these classes go to fire technology link, or call 831 479-6468. Grades and Academic Requirements The midterm and final written exams require a 70% in order for a student to earn an EMT Course Completion. Less than a 70% score will result in the student not receiving this course completion. ***You can earn unit credits for the class and a grade, but you will not be eligible to take the NREMT Certification Exam***. The final written exam is cumulative. The course completion, as well as passing all skills is required by the State of California to take the National Registry EMT certification exam. One remediation attempt of the EMT tested skills will be given for one skill only. Students also need a minimum 70% cumulative course score in order to receive a course completion (C or higher). It is the student’s responsibility to drop the course with the registrar. Attendance: 4 sessions is the maximum number of classes you can miss. Missing 5 classes (or over 14 hours total if you leave early or come in late) or 3 labs will result in an NP. Any person falling below a 75% course average will be required to meet with the instructor and out line a do-able and sustainable learning strategy to improve his or her scores. Semester Grading Scale: Skills (Midterm/Final) P/F 100-90% A Quizzes 390 89-80% B Midterm 150 79-70% C Final Exam 150 69-60% D Trauma Packet 50 59 and below F Personal Profile Paper 10 5 absences NP Participation 50 Total Points 800 Required Fees and Equipment for the Course You will need 2 Apperson scantrons (ABF200A) for the midterm and final exam, as well as a #2 pencil. There is a $162.00 course fee charged. This is to be paid on or by the 1st lab class. Checks are payable to Cabrillo College and are collected by the College Bank in the 100 building (NOT the Bookstore). Bring your receipt to the first lab. This is your “ticket” into the lab. During the first lab photos for student IDs will be taken. These will be distributed sometime in the first two weeks.


Wear your student ID to all classes and labs. Also keep paper nameplates on your desk each classroom time (not required during labs). Required Fees for Certification (after the course is complete) Becoming a certified EMT costs money. Please understand all the fees necessary so you know if you can afford to complete the process. All these fees are subject to change and are approximates. These are the fees after course completion required for certification (subject to change***). Live Scan Background $50 NREMT Exam (each time) $70 CPR Recert (as needed) $70 EMT Certification with county $100 EMT Certification with state $75 Ambulance DL (optional) $35 Ambulance DL Study Guide $10 Livescan for Ambulance DL $50 Instructor Expectation of Student Read the chapters to be discussed before class. Complete the chapter questions (NREMT Study Guide). Come to class with a positive attitude and an open, questioning mind. Become involved in class through discussion and answering questions about the topic at hand. Come to class on time; stay for the entire class. Bring your textbook, paper for notes and something to write with. Turn cell phones and pagers off. Do not text or take calls during class time. IPODS or similar devices are prohibited in the classroom, lab or clinical ride-along assignment. If you take notes on a computer do not surf the web or check email during class time. Keep on top of the material for both lecture and lab weekly. The volume of information is unforgiving. After lecture review your class notes. Recopy or type them up. This will help solidify the information. One of the greatest success strategies is sit down and just do it! Study. The classroom is open every Monday and Wednesday from 4:30-6PM. You are welcome to use 1520 as a study room during this time. We WANT to see you succeed, but only YOU can do the work to make this happen. If any item presented in the course is unclear, write your question down and bring it to class. Others may have the same questions. Study together. Statistics have shown that students who study together on a regular basis have higher test scores and success rates in this course. Also on EMS calls people are expected to work as team members. Find successful students and hangout with them during your study time. We tend to become like those we “hang with”. We encourage open communication. Feel free to discuss problems or concerns you may have. Please do this by making an appointment with instructors. The Cabrillo Student Handbook states that you should study 3 hours for every hour of class time. This course is set up expecting you to follow this standard. If you don’t have the 21 hours per week needed to keep up, don’t take this course. Be realistic in evaluating your time and priorities.


Viewing assigned skills videos prior to lab is required. Some of these will be on blackboard, some will be on Youtube. This means you need internet access. Registering for CABT 510 in the computer lab of the1400 building is necessary for the lab if you do not have reliable home computer access. It is a free, non credit course that allows you computer and internet access. There is also a photocopier in the computer lab. Dress and Behavior The EMT is a trusted professional in the health care community. You will be expected to work in an atmosphere of independent judgment and integrity. Honesty is a critical quality that must be present in class and in practice. All students are expected to conform to excellent standards of behavior. This includes not using profanity in class or labs. Offensive language is not a desirable attribute of public service. This training you receive demands maturity and emotional intelligence. Failure in good judgment, integrity and honesty could result in immediate dismissal from the course. This is a demanding field of study and not everyone is emotionally suitable to be successful. Dress comfortably and modestly for class and lab since skills and scenario practice will require active participation. ***If your attire is inappropriate to professional standards you will be dismissed from class without an excused absence. This course is a career track course with expectations of modesty and professionalism. No low cut tops or low pants are acceptable. There is a dress code for the ride along. This is not a good time to exercise independence by expressing your personality through your wardrobe. Don’t see how close to the line you can come by “sort of” dressing professionally. Follow the standards. Here are the requirements: Wear appropriate clothing-white, navy, black or “Cabrillo EMT Program” polo or a white collared shirt, black or navy slacks (no blue jeans). Dickies or Ben Davis are appropriate. Dark closed shoes (no flip-flops or sandals, no athletic shoes, Vans or Converse), nametag and take photo ID (Homeland Security purposes). Pants are to be form fitting (not to be baggy) and need to be held up with a belt. Tuck in your shirt at all times during ride along. There are specific behaviors that are unacceptable in EMS. Drug or alcohol use, violence or intentional provocation by a student while in class or the field ride along will result in immediate removal and possible dismissal from the program. Student-Instructor Appointments If you are having problems with the class material, be sure that you ask for assistance. The instructor will meet with you and discuss problems with the course work and suggest possible solutions. This is best done by appointment so enough time is allocated for the conference. Don’t wait until your grades are in crisis before you ask for a meeting. Get help early. I want to see you succeed. Care of Classroom and Equipment Students are responsible for the equipment and supplies used during the classes. All equipment must be returned to the storage areas before students leave the classroom. Do not remove any equipment from the classroom without the consent of the instructor. The class shall be 5

put back into clean and neat order prior to students being dismissed. Pick up around you, straighten desks and chairs, spray off and wipe down tables at the end of each class. At no time will students be allowed in the equipment storage room. The EMT program is not responsible for lost personal items. Field Ride Along Requirement 10 hours of field ride along time is required for EMT Certification. During this time the student will spend time in a fire station setting, observe and participate in EMT level skills and assessment. The student will complete 3 patient contact sheets and have his/her preceptor complete at the end of the time an evaluation of the student’s field experience. If 3 patient contacts are not made during this time the student will ask the proctor to give them some scenarios of simulated patients. The students will then write up the patient contacts on these simulated patients for the field patient contact credit. This is turned in with evaluation in order to receive field ride along credit. If your ride along is missed for any reason it may be required to reschedule for the following semester. This will delay awarding the EMT course completion and NREMT EMT certification process. Certification Process Cabrillo College’s EMT Training Program has been developed and approved in compliance with the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 9, Chapter 2, EMT-B. This certification is valid for 2 years from the date of certification issued by the Santa Cruz EMS Agency. We recommend that you complete the certification process with this agency. Completion of the EMT course does NOT certify you as an EMT. You must pass the National Registry EMT exam, obtain a Live Scan and apply for certification to Santa Cruz County’s EMS Agency. For questions on the EMT certification process including live scan and application forms go to under the public health link and EMT certification guidelines. The EMS office is located at 1080 Emeline Ave. Bld D, Santa Cruz. Be aware that certain types of criminal record could preclude you from EMT certifications. On July 1, 2010 California instituted new criminal background regulations for EMT certification. The regulations are extremely strict. All felonies are automatic preclusions and many misdemeanor offences (including some which have been expunged) have been added for certification denial. All students having a criminal history should consult County EMS regarding concerns. If you have any questions speak directly to the SC County EMS office (831) 454-4120. A poor driving record could preclude you from employment with many EMS service providers. To be eligible for certification an individual must be a minimum of 18 years of age at time of application, successfully complete an EMT course, pass the National Registry EMT-Basic exam, have current CPR certification and not be precluded from certification based on reasons defined in Section 1798.200 of the Health and Safety Code. Your certification process for Santa Cruz County will be completed through the SCC EMS Office. Complete this by making an appointment at (831) 454-4120. This should be done soon after you have taken and passed your National Registry EMT Exam. Office hours are limited.


To maintain certification, an EMT must complete 24-hours of CE or a 24-hour Refresher Course every 2 years and show skills competency (skills check off sheet on Santa Cruz EMS agency web site). EMTs re-apply by filling out a recertification application with the county. A check off sheet of requirements is included on this application. EMT certifications are valid statewide. An EMT who gets certified in Santa Cruz County can work as an EMT anywhere in the state of California. All individuals who pass the National Registry exam are eligible to work anywhere in the United States. Some states have specific requirements. Check the state’s EMS website for specific details. The individual is always responsible for becoming familiar with any locally specified treatment protocols. Final Words We understand that there are a lot of “rules” in this program. Much will be required of you. Our goal is to prepare our students for a professional work environment that demands extremely high standards of behavior, performance and appearance. As far as possible with us, we will follow the program’s policy. Do not take this personally or interpret strict policy compliance with being “mean”, but rather understand that it is our job to give you a consistent and predictable response similar to a professional work environment. In this very competitive work place we want our students to be chosen for the jobs in pre-hospital and clinical settings. Cabrillo College’s EMT Program has an excellent reputation. This program will prepare you well for work and develop in you many life skills. We care for you and your success. We hope you care as much for yourself and reflect this by maintaining the standards and policies of our program. Welcome to Cabrillo College’s EMT Program. We are excited that you are here joining us this semester for a very strenuous, but satisfying adventure. Let us know how we can help you succeed. Take ownership of this course and all you are learning. Be responsible and humble. Start strong! Know when to ask for help. Communicate often. Finish strong! It is a long road we have together ahead. We commit to giving you the best program we possibly can. Now, “Let’s Roll!” Kris Hurst and Shane Bell

Students needing accommodations should contact the instructor ASAP. As required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), accommodations are provided to ensure equal opportunity for students with verified disabilities. If you need assistance with an accommodation, please contact Disabled Student Services, Room 810, 479- 6379, or Learning Skills Program, Room 1073, 479-6220.


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