We Use Three (3) Sacred Ministers Celebrant (C), Deacon (D), and Subdeacon (SD) at All

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We Use Three (3) Sacred Ministers Celebrant (C), Deacon (D), and Subdeacon (SD) at All

Grace Episcopal Church

Subdeacon Instructions and Guidelines

We use three (3) sacred ministers [Celebrant (C), Deacon (D), and Subdeacon (SD)] at all festival and solemn Eucharists and during the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany and Easter. Two Lay Eucharistic Ministers have been appointed to train and mentor the Subdeacons: Joe Donovan and Jay Legere. Questions concerning the function, actions, and scheduling of the Subdeacons should be directed to these individuals and the clergy.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers serving in this capacity will follow these guidelines:

1. Normally the tunicle (outer garment) is worn over the cassock-alb. On special occasions, usually festivals/solemns, the Altar Guild prepares special lightweight albs that are worn with amices. The Altar Guild will lay out the alb and tunicle in the Sacristy for these special occasions. If the SD has never worn these vestments it is recommended that they seek guidance from the clergy or a SD mentor to assist in putting on these garments.

2. A festival procession may take place on special holy days (Christmas, Candlemas, Easter Vigil). The SD follows the crucifer into the church from the side door by the Sacristy and proceeds to the lectern side of the chancel, ascend the steps and halts facing the altar. The D follows and goes to the pulpit side. The three (3) sacred ministers reverence (bow at the waist) to the altar and turn toward the congregation to prepare to put on incense. Upon preparation of the incense, the thurifer leads the procession down the center aisle. In this procession, the SD follows the assisting clergy and LEMs down the center aisle and processes in the “Holy Pretzel”.

3. Upon completion of the procession, the three (3) sacred ministers return to and process down the center aisle to the altar, the SD proceeds up to the bottom step on the left side of the altar, (D to the right), waits for C and take the two steps to the top of the altar and kisses the altar with C and D. [Note: Put your Book of Common Prayer (BCP) down on the left side of the altar.]

4. SD assists with the censing of the altar, moving to the right to hold the cope or chasuble out of the way of the C during the censing. The sacred ministers reverence at center of the altar and cense to the right then left side of the altar, reverencing at the passing of the center of the altar (follow the C in this action). Upon completion of the censing, SD goes to the center floor of the sanctuary (D to the first step) into the “I” formation facing the altar in preparation of the Introduction. When C faces the congregation the D and SC will split moving purposefully (approximately two (2) steps) to the open position (facing the altar) (D to the right, SD to the left), returning to "I" when C faces the altar.

5. SD and D join C on the top step, facing the altar for Gloria, returning to I-formation (SD on floor of Sanctuary) at "For thou only art holy" (Rite I) or "You alone are the Holy One" (Rite II). [NOTE: When returning to the “I” formation, retrieve your BCP.] If the Gloria is not recited (i.e., Lent), D and SD will remain in the “I” formation.

6. In preparation of the reading of the Collect, the D and SD will move to the open position and close to the “I” formation for the reading of the Collect. After the reading of the collect of the Day, all (C, D, and SD) move off to right and sit together on the Epistle side, unless there are special seating assignments for Bishop, guests, etc.

7. After the reading of the lesson(s), when the Gospel hymn begins, the SD, while the D is being blessed, goes to the altar, reverences, goes up the steps, takes the Gospel book off the altar, turns to face the congregation, elevating the Gospel Book before him or her, goes down the steps forward, and turns facing the altar at left center. D meets SD at center. Wait facing the altar for crucifer and tapers to center themselves on the altar, reverence, then turn inward and face congregation. SD continues to elevate the Gospel Book and follows the crucifer in the Gospel procession to the appropriate position in the center aisle for the reading of the Gospel. When the crucifer stops and turns toward the altar, SD stops between the tapers, turns toward the altar, and holds the Gospel Book in position for the D to read at a comfortable eye level. [NOTE: Always go up and down the altar steps forwards. Do not walk backwards.] [NOTE: If there is no thurifer, the SD will not process the book for the reading of the Gospel. A note of caution: ask the clergy if they want the book carried out.]

Subdeacon Guidelines Page 2 8. After the Gospel is read and the Gospel Book is reverenced and returned to the SD, the SD steps to the opposite of the center aisle from the D, facing inward, out of the way of the crucifer and tapers, who process toward the altar. SD follows the crucifer and tapers to the chancel, allows the crucifer and tapers to clear the sanctuary gates, then enters the sanctuary and returns the Gospel Book to the left side of the altar (wherever room, usually behind the Eucharistic Candlestick on the left), returns to the sanctuary floor, reverences the altar and returns to sanctuary seat. On occasion, the D will meet him if the D is not preaching. The sermon follows.

9. After the sermon, the Creed and The Prayers of the People are said. If the confession is said at the service, the SD must be alert to start for the kneeling position on the left side of the altar upon completion of the prayers, you should be the first person across the altar. Also be alert to stand upon completion of the Absolution in preparation of the Peace.

10. It is recommended that during the Passing of the Peace the SD place his or her BCP on the top step, to the left of the altar, in front of the acolytes. You will not need your BCP until the Thanksgiving Prayer after communion.

11. As soon as the offertory hymn begins, SD and D approach the altar, reverence, and prepare the altar for communion. The acolyte informs the SD of the count and the number of host prepared for the service (in the ciborium and in reserve). SD communicates the counts to D and may supply additional host from the reserve, if necessary. The acolyte gives the wine cruet to the SD who places it on the altar for the D. The acolyte presents the cruet of water to the SD. Be sure to ask the acolyte if the water has been blessed before giving it to the D. Upon completion of the Setting of the Table, the D and SD will step to the bottom step and reverence and clear to their seats. [Note: On occasion the C may step into the center of the two (2) sacred ministers on the altar. If this occurs, the SD will step to the bottom of the altar and ascend to the top step in the normal position of the SD.

12. At the conclusion of the offertory, proceed immediately to your position (Gospel side) with C and D (D to Epistle side), move to the top step, turn and face the people. Upon presentation of the elements, the SD takes the wine or ciborium from the element bearer and places it on the altar. SD then assists with the censing of the altar; then SD moves to the floor of the sanctuary (Gospel side), faces the deacon and waits for C to turn and face the congregation and awaits censing by the Thurifer. Upon completion of the censing, SD moves into I-formation for the Sursum Corda then joins C and D at altar when “Therefore with Angels....” is sung. (Face slightly inward toward C.)[Note: Be aware of your position upon moving into the “I” formation, the Thurifer and Boat Bearer need to pass you and move to their position after they have censed the congregation. Move tight to the step once entering into the “I” until the Thurifer has passed.]

13. SD genuflects with the other sacred ministers upon completion of the communion prayer at the great AMEN. [NOTE: Rite One: With penitent services, the “Prayer of Humble Access” may be said. Kneel with the Sacred Ministers during the recitation of the prayer.] Turn toward the congregation holding up the chalice during words of invitation [NOTE: Please be aware of the level of the bottom of the chalice. Try to level the bottom with the bottom of D’s chalice.] Assist with communion as instructed by the C and help clear the altar after communion. Remain on the bottom step and follow clearing instructions from the C, removing vessels to the Sacristy. Do not stay in the sacristy to consume elements. Inform Altar Guild of remaining elements from the service. Upon returning to the altar (retrieve your BCP from the top step, left), SD kneels on left of altar for The Postcommunion Prayer and blessing.

15. After the blessing and at the start of the recessional hymn SD ascends left of C and D on the top step facing the altar (C in center, D on right), kisses the altar with C and D upon the centering of the of the crucifer, turns and waits for the LEMs, then follows the assisting clergy, LEMs or Master of Ceremonies (MC) from the sanctuary to the rear of the church.

16. SD should be alert to receive vestments and BCP’s from C and D upon completion of the service and returns them to the Sacristy.

The SD may have other roles. If the service contains a baptism, you may be called to assist in passing the water, cross, or candle to and from the C. You may be asked to lead the prayers or other portions of the service. Be alert and flexible to offer assistance where necessary. October 2009

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