Curriculum Vitae s351

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Curriculum Vitae s351

CURRICULUM VITAE Susan K. McCamant-Grigsby


Ph.D. Endocrinology University of California, Berkeley B.A. Psychology University of California, Berkeley


1992- Present Houston Community College, Instructor in Biology

January - May 2003 University of Texas, Austin Visiting Scholar, Department of Biology


Courses Taught at HCC

BIOL 1322 Basic Nutrition BIOL 2401 Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 2402 Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 1407 General Biology II

Other Scholarly Teaching, Mentoring and Curricular Achievements

Nutrition Diplomate: Postgraduate Course-Team taught-Texas Chiropractic College, Research Methods, Geriatrics.


Refereed Publications or Other Creative Achievements

Kieback, D.G., Press, M.F., McCamant, S.K., Atkinson, E.N., Mobus, J.J., Runnebaum, I.B., Kreienberg, R., Jones, L.A. Prognostic differentiation of ovarian carcinomas by immunohistochemical analysis of estrogen receptor expression Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd, Apr; 55 (4): 189-94 (1995) German.

Kieback, D. G., McCamant, S.K., Press, M.F., Gallager, H.S., Edwards, C.L., and Jones, L.A. Improved prediction of survival in Advanced adenocarcinoma of the ovary by immunocytochemical analysis and the composition of adjusted receptor level of the estrogen receptors. Cancer Research 53: 5188-5192 (1993).

Kieback, D. G., McCamant, S.K., Press, M.F., Atkinson, E.N., Gallager, H.D., Edwards, C.L., Jones, L.A., Tsai, M.J., O”Malley, B.W. Chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor (COUP-TF); an orphan steroid receptor with a specific pattern of differential expression in human ovarian cancer cell lines. Gynecol. Oncol. Nov: 51 (2): 167-70. Tapanainen, Juha, McCamant, Susan, Mauri, Orava, Ronnberg, Lars, Martkainen, Reijo, Jihko, Reijo, and Jaffe, Robert B. Regulation of steroid and steroid sulfate production and aromatase activity in cultured human granulose-luteal cells. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 39: 19-25 (1991).

McCamant, S.K., Klosterman, L.L., Goldman, E.S., Murai, J.T., and Siiteri, P.K. Conversion of androgens to estrogens in the male squirrel monkey (samiri sciureas) Steroids 50: 449-557 (1987).

Jones, L.A., Ota, D.M., Jackson, G.A., Jackson, P.M., Kemp, K., Anderson, D.C., McCamant, S.K., and Bauman, D.H. Bioavailability of estradiol as a marker for breast cancer risk assessment. Cancer Research 47: 5224-5229 (1987).

Walker, R.F., McCamant, S.K., and Timiras, P.S. Melatonin and the influence of the pineal gland on the timing of the LH surge in rats. Neuroendocrinology, 35: 37-42 (1982).

Presentations at Professional Meetings

Mintner, C.L., Grigsby, S.K., Grabowski, R.J., Anderson, R.A., Hajek, R.A., Jones, La.A. Elevated chromium intake and blood glucose levels in adult diabetics. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Toronto, Canada (June 2000).

McCamant-Grigsby, S.K., Hajek, R.A., Grabowski, R.J., Anderson, R.A., Jones, L.A. Implementation of a culturally sensitive chromium supplement pilot study for type II diabetics in a Hispanic population. The 81st Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, The Endocrine Society Press (ISBN) 1-87225-35-2), p. 278, (1999).

Hajek, R.A., McCamant-Grigsby, S.K., Grabowski, R.J., Anderson, R.A., Jones, L.A. Implementation of culturally sensitive chromium supplement pilot study for tylpe II diabetics in an underserved population. American Public Health Association, Chicago, Illinois (November 1999).

Hajek, RA, Ahrens, JE, Grabowski, RJ, Jones LA, McCamant-Grigsby. Influence of neonatal estrogen exposure on skeletal tissue. American Public Health Association Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana (November 1997).

Hajek, R.A., McCamant-Grigsby S.K., Jones L.A.: 17 alpha-estradiol and 5 Beta- dihydrotestosterone are potent steroid molecules in the developing neonatal cervicovaginal tract. 1993 European Study for Cell Proliferation Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

Jones, L.A., Hergenroeder, A.C., White C.M., Bender C., Hajek, R., McCamant, S.K., and Klish, W.J. Bioavailable sex steroids & body compositions (BC) in Breast cancer (Bca) risk assessment. Proc. Of AACR 33:293 (1992). Kieback, D.G., Press, M.F., McCamant, S.K., Atkinkson, E.N., Edwards, C.L., Ordonez, N.G., Silva, E.G., and Jones, L.A. Prediction of prognosis in ovarian cancer by correlation of composition adjusted estrogen receptor level (CARL) with Her-2/neu expression. Proc. Of AACR 33:284 (1992).

Jones, L.A., Hajek, R.A., Kieback, D.G., and McCamant, S.K. Genetic changes induced by neonatal estrogen administration. Proc. Of the 74gh Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society Press, San Antonio, Texas, p. 308, (1992).

Kieback, D.G., McCamant, S.K., Atkinson, E.N., Hajek, R.A., Edwards, C.L., Gallagher, H.S., Press, M.F., Jones L.A.: The impact of the histologic composition of tumor specimen on the prognostic significance of estrogen receptor assays in human ovarian cancer. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res. 32: 214, 1991.

Kieback, D.G., McCamant, S.K., Atkinson, E.N., Hajek, R.A., Edwards, C.L., Gallagher, H.S., Press, M.F., Jones L.A.: The impact of the histologic composition of tumor specimen on the prognostic significance of estrogen receptor assays in human ovarian cancer. 38th Annual Meet. Soc. Gyencological Investigation, San Antonio, Texas (March 1991).

Kieback, D.G., Press, M.F., McCamant, S.K., Atkinson, E.N., Edwards, C.L., Gallagher, H.S., Jones, L.A.: Composition adjusted estrogen receptor level (CARL) for the estrogen receptor: A linear predictor of survival in serous ovarian cancer. The Endocrine Society-73rd Annual Meeting, Endocrine Society Press, Washington, D.C., p. 428 (1991).

Hajek, R.A., McCamant, S.K., Van, N.T., and Jones, L.A. Exogenous estrogen increases perinatal estrogen induced aneuploidy in mouse cervicovaginal epthelium. Proc. of AACR 32: 213 (1991).

Jones, L.A., Scrocchi, L.A., Hajek, R., and McCamant, S.K. Oncogene expression in neonatally estrogenized mouse cervicovaginal epithelium. Proc. of AACR 31:18 (1990).

Scrocchi, L.A., McCamant, S.K., and Jones, L.A. Hormonal induced tumor line LAJ6195 contains nonfunctional estrogen receptors, Proc. of AACR 30:99 (1989).

McCamant, S.K., Dimery, I.W., Scrocchi, L.A., Jones L.A., and Hong, W.K. Evaluation of hormone responsiveness in a human salivary gland carcinoma cell-line (HSG) Proc. of AACR 29:41 (1988).

Scrocchi, L.A., McCamant, S.K., and Jones, L.A. Factors contributing to the estrogen- independent growth of tumor cell line LAJ6195. Proc. of AACR 29: 241 (1988).

Jones, L.A., Ryan, B., McCamant, S.K., Jackson, G.L., and Ota, M.D. % Non-protein bound (NPBE) and % albumin bound (%ABE) estradiol as biomarkers for breast cancer (Bca) International Association for Breast Cancer Research, Miami FL (1987). Scrocchi, L.A., McCamant, S.K., Blackman, M., Jones, L.A.: Effects of estrogen and tamoxifen on a hormonally-induced tumor cell-line. 2nd Biennial Gordon Research Conference on Hormonal Carcinogenesis, New Hampton, N.H., U.S.A. (August 1987).

Scrocchi, L.A., McCamant, S.K., Hajek, R., Jones, L.A. Estrogen as a possible mediator in carcinogenesis. Proc of AACR 28:949 (1987).

Jones, L.A., McCamant, S.K. Alteration in cyclic nucleotide levels in estrogen-induced cervicovaginal tumor from BALB/c mice. Proc. of the 68th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Vol. 118 (Suppl):285 (1986).

McCamant, S.K. and Jones, L.A. Estradiol dehydrogenase as a biomarker for responsiveness to hormonal therapy. Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Baltimore, MD, p. 209 (1985).

McCamant, S.K., Klosterman, L.L., and Siiteri, P.K. Mechanism of androgen action in the suirrel monkey. Proc. of 67th Annual meeting of the Endocrine Society, Baltimore, MD, p. 209 (1985).

McCamant, S.K. Melatonin increases hypothalamic serotonin metabolism in the female rat. Proc. of the Western Regional Conference on Comparative Endocrinology at the University of California, Berkeley, CA, p. 23 (1983).

McCamant, S.K., Walker, R.F., and Timiras, P.S. The influence of pineal melatonin in the timing of the LH surge in rats. Proc. of the Western Regional Conference of Comparative Endocrinology at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. P. 28 (1982).

McCamant, S.K. Pharmacologic demonstration of serotonergic control of LH surge. Proc. of the Western Regional Conference on Comparative Endocrinology at the University of Oregon, Corvallis, Oregon p. 26 (1981).


Hajek, R.A., McCamant-Grigsby, S.K., Jones, L.A.: 17 alpha-estradiol and 5 Beta- dihydrotestosterone are potent steroid molecules in the developing neonatal cervicovaginal tract. 1993 European Study for Cell Proliferation Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

Jones, L.A., Ryan, B., McCamant, S.K., Jackson, G.L., and Ota, D.M. % Non-protein bound (NPBE) may mediate 4-OH-Tamoxifen (4-OH-TAM) growth inhibitory effects in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma. American Pancreatic Association and Pancreas Center Section of the NCI Organ System Program, Chicago, Ill, (1986). Jones, L.A., Ryan, B., McCamant, S.K., Jackson, G.L., and Ota, D.M. % Non-protein bound (NPBE) and % albumin bound (%ABE) estradiol as biomarkers for breast cancer (BC) International Association for Breast Cancer Research, Miami, FL, (1987).

Scrocchi, L.A., McCamant, S.K., Hajek, R., and Jones, L.A. Effects of estrogen and tamoxifen on a hormonally-induced tumor cell. 2nd Biennial Gordon Research Conference on Hormonal Carcinogenesis, New Hampton, HN (August, 1987).

Other Research and Creative Achievements Faculty mentor for Houston Community College, Central students at the University of St. Thomas in Houston. This was a collaborative research project and part of a 2008-2009 Department of Education grant.


Service to the Profession

Elected memberships:

The Endocrine Society The American Physiological Society

Service to the Community

Current participant in a volunteer effort between New Hope Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia and faculty at HCC, TAMCC and members of the community of nurses. Curricula is being developed and given to the hospital in an effort to develop a nursing program.

Eucharistic Minister at Epiphany Catholic Church, Katy, Texas

Homebound Minister at Epiphany Catholic Church, Katy, Texas


Significant Professional Development Activities

Enrolled in the Nutrition Diplomate in Nutrition, 15 hr. per month for two years, TCC, 2005-2006.

Participant in the Title V Faculty Leadership Program, Instructional Technology Update:” Synchronous Delivery & Content Creation Tools”, Houston Community College June 4th 2005.

Participated in Case Studies in Science Workshop at the State University of New York at Buffalo, May 23-27 2005. Boot Camp, January 4, 5, 6, 10 and 11 2005, Houston Community College, Faculty Certification in Technology. Sponsored by WebCT & Instructional Media Center.

Attended Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, New Orleans, June 2004, 2007, and registered for this year.

Participated in the Fifth Annual Conference at the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science at the University of Buffalo, October 8th and 9th 2004.

Presenter: NISOD Conference, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, May 28, 2001.

Gulf Coast Intercollegiate Honors Council, Fall Conference, Lee College, Baytown, Texas September 2001.

35th Annual Southeast Texas TUEBS Conference, Texas Undergraduate Education in the Biological Sciences, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, November 2001.

De Lange IV Conference, Neurobiology of Perception and Communication: From Synapse to Society, Rice University, Houston, Texas, March 2001.

34th Annual Southeast Texas TUEBS Conference, North Harris College, Houston, Texas, November 2000.

Seventh Annual Community College Faculty Conference, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, October 2000.

Community College Workshop, Stephen F. Austin State University, September 2000.

7th Biennial Symposium on Minorities, the Medically Underserved and Cancer. 2000.

Endocrine Society Annual Meetings 1998 and 1999.

American Public Health Annual Meetings 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999.

Institutional Development Award Workshop, National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. 1994.

Hormones and Brain Symposium, University of California-Berkeley Circa 1997

Learning Modalities Seminar, TCC, 1/5/96

Human Diversity Seminars, TCC, 8/8/95, 7/26/95, 8/23/95 Chautauqua short Course for College Teachers, Neurobiology in the Decade of the Brain, SUNY Stony Brook, New York. April 21-23, 1994

Great Teachers Seminar, Camp Allen, Texas, 1993

College Instructors Workshop, San Antonio, Texas, 1993

Recommended publications