Office Bearers of St. John the Baptist Church s1

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Office Bearers of St. John the Baptist Church s1



LENT IV SUNDAY Office bearers of St. john the Baptist Church

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Phone: 251-865-6902 P. O. Box 417, Grand Bay, AL 3641 Fax: 251-865-1412 Email: [email protected] Parish website: Pastor: Fr. Anthony Kadavil ([email protected]) Secretary: Rev. Deacon Billy Graham

Parish Council President: Mr. Steve Sema Jr. ([email protected])

Finance Council President: Mrs. Paula Rials

Sunday School Coordinator: Mrs. Tiffany Teofilo

Youth Director: Mrs. Karen Day 2

Sunday school classes (CRE) and Youth program for the year 2015-16 begin at 8-45 am. Please send your children and the youth to the programs.

CRE (Children's Religious Ed) News: All eligible children will have the opportunity to attend Reconciliation on March 20th during CRE. All children are asked to bring Easter baskets on March 20th to Class.

Protecting children from porn: Most Internet users are unaware that they have porn on their computers. Be Safe. Protect Your Job and Family! Learn more by clicking the link on the right:

Second Collection this Sunday is for Building Fund and Catholic Relief Services.

Fish fry & Stations of the Cross & Confessions: Knights of Columbus will be serving fish fry dinner every Friday of the Lent. You are invited for the Stations of the Cross at 5-30 on all Fridays of the Lent. Fr. Tony will be in the confessional before and after the Way of the Cross to administer the sacrament of reconciliation on Lenten Fridays. 3

Attention ladies: All ladies of our parish are invited to attend a potluck dinner on Monday, March 14 at 6:30 in the parish hall. The guest speaker will be Janie Carney, President of the Alabama State Council of Auxiliary Ladies of the Knights of Columbus. She will discuss the opportunity of starting a Ladies Auxiliary for our K of C Council 15490. If you are able, plan to attend the 5:00 Mass for the shut-ins and stay for dinner immediately following. Prayer request for healing: Please continue to pray for Richard Boswell who is back in Mobile Infirmary due to serious complications of his foot surgery. Your prayers are requested also for the speedy recovery of Gennie Garret, Bill Dixon, John Stans (brother of Wesey Dixon), Joe Smith and Mickey Poirier.

Golden Group Bake Sale will be the weekend of March 19 & 20. Please plan on supporting the Golden Group by purchasing a baked item.

Please pray for the Moore Family on the loss of their son Jacob (28) due to car wreck. Visitation was at Serenity Funeral Home on March 5th Saturday from 12 to 2 and funeral service in the Funeral Home Chapel followed by interment in the tomb at Serenity Gardens. Please keep praying for the eternal repose of the soul of Jacob. 4

Very special thanks for your generous donations for new Eucharistic Vessels for the Holy Mass. These are the vessels we are going to use for Holy Mass. Fresh donors are welcome.

Prayer request for post- surgery recovery: Our parishioners Richard Boswell, James Cauley, Virginia Gable, Johnny Tate, Andrew Sprinkle, Marion Poirier, Michelle Cook, Linda Graham, are recovering at home after surgery. Please keep them in your prayers.

March Ministers Schedules are on the glass table. Please check the schedule to see if you are in there and if so please K&C Food Drive to help "Christ-N-Us" ministry: Knights of Columbus Council #15490 of St. John’s has received a request and agreed to support the "Christ-N-Us" ministry, located at the corner Potter Tract and Sager Rd. They house and feed up to twelve souls each night and they are in need to any food donations we can provide. Please donate items which can be cooked and served and show appreciation for the blessings that God has given you by helping to feed the hungry.

B irthdays this week : Mar. 5th: Tammy Fonteot: 6th: Desiree Ledbetter, John Murray: 7th: Ron Cauley: 9th: 5

th Becky Thompson: Known Wedding Anniversaries: 9 : Jessica & Lance Wendling

Holy Mass intentions of the week: March 5-11 The 5th: ------For the eternal repose of the soul of Russell Gray by Colleen and Sylvia Gray

The 6th: ------For the Parish Community

The 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th: ------For the eternal repose of the souls of relatives/friends of Sharon & James Long

The 11th: ------For the eternal repose of the souls of relatives/friends of Lynda & Louis Jones

Altar care month : When it is your month for “Altar Care” please pick up the linen every week to help keep it from mildewing.

Feb 28: Regular $ 3734.00 6



Linda & Louis Jones


Aimee & Emilee Sprinkle

Extraordinary Minister Schedule for March 12 & 13, 2016

Altar Mass Servers EMCH Ushers Lectors (White Cincture)

Saturday Jay Graham Kathy Andrea Mar 12, Sema Graham Chuck Pierce, James Price Loren Price 2016 Steve Colleen Al Hurd, Wayne Jackson Daryl Kirchoff 5:00 Sema, Jr. Gray pm

Pau Delmas Jason Peggy Tom Thornton, Avis Garret Sunday Poiroux Delmas Kyle McBride Mike Marchand, Ruth Riddick Mar 13, Matt Tiffany Lyman 2016 Johnson Teofilo Ramsay 7

10:00 am

Absentees: If you are scheduled to serve at Mass and find that you cannot serve, it is NECESSARY that you arrange for a substitute. Please take your responsibility seriously. If you are interested in serving as an Altar Server, Eucharistic Minister, and Lector or as an Usher, please let Fr. Tony or the Office know of your willingness to serve. We especially need Usher/Greeters for the Saturday Mass.

Remember the sick brothers and sisters in your prayers: Richard Boswell, Gennie Garret, Pat Bourne, Becky Thompson, Gennie Garret, Bob Echement, Dumas McLaney, Deacon Jim Bullock, Lilly Breaux, John Stein, Billy Dixon, James Wink, Kyle Austin Ely, Mattison Cauley, Sarah Thornton, Mike Wilson, Johnnie Tate, Carol Tate, Roger Young, Mickey Poirier, Leyah White, Karen White, Virginia Gable, Joby Smith, Brennan Griffin, Andrew Sprinkle, Mary Helen Allen, Mike Middleton, James Cauley, Susas Halliday, Peggy Hock, Carla Felps Kyser, Tina Rascoe, Mary Thornton, Coraif Brasell, Addie Thompson; Carolyn Willard, Judy Courtney, Wendi Guidry, Gabby DeGeer, Dana Ferrell, Nonie Crow Reed, Charlee May Knowles, Nina Bohl, Fritz Porter, Linda Graham, Michelle Cook, James Albritton, Gloria White, Joe Smith, , Kayla Perry, Victoria Fontenot, Tiffany Fontenot, Frances Bosarge, Mary Lou Ledford, Gavin Middleton, Laurie Middleton, Jerry Wayne Davis, Amanda, Ida Clark, Joyce Rudberg, Jennifer Patronas, Connie Stringfellow, Josh Ellis, Beth 8

Gibson, Father Russell Biven, Cheryl Humphrey Thompson, Jay Stallone, Emma Barber, Ali Ray, Caryn Sutoff, Gerald Brannan, Hanner Gassaway, Rylyn Kuntz, Joe Ecker, Clair Waite, Avery Collier, Julia Raleigh, Steven Butler, Sarah Butler, Chris Sassano, Tammy Asch, Delaine Pigorsch, Joel Rivera, Alice Bedwell, Susan Taylor, Wayne Seymour, Miss Pink Pridgen, Kim Pridgen, Clyde Shores, Glen Haab, Haley Holder, Lakeshia Johnson, Gary Sherman, Elizabeth Schmidt, John Atchison, Johnny Hill, Jared Hoken, Diana Abrams, Hinleigh Hall, Ryan Keith Malone, Dave Matern, Andrew Taylor, Diane Watts, Daniel Dorriety, Harrand Broussard, Katie Nielsen, Richard Arnold, Louis Poiroux, Homer Campbell, Jimmy Marchand, Arlene Wissman, Sally Thompson, Peggie Huber, Dale Thompson, Jane Thompson, Andy Thompson, Callie Massey, Angela Heardon, Rita George, Edgar Broussard, Robert Broussard, Jerry Blair, Michael Stairs, Amanda Illingsworth, Ray Bribsey, Dorothy Barnes. Pray for the deceased dear ones of the parish: Pray for the eternal repose of the deceased members of the parish: Carolyn Bidlingmaer, Kenny Kirchoff, Voncille Hulcher, Mary Nicholas Rambo, Paul Delmas, Cody Driskell, Evelyn Robison, Jean Mitchell, Veretta Tulos, Jim Kimble, Lynn Poirier, Phillip Marchand, Sue Kirchoff, Mary Sanders, Margaret Jackson, Catherine Schnadelbach, Darlene Alexander, Patrick Marchand, Steve Sema, Sr., Mary Marchand and Sis Marchand. Close relatives of our parishioners: Russell Gray, Gerald John Brannan, Emilee Voss. Former pastors: Rev. Monsignor Hugh Maguire and Fr. Strejeski. Other priests and deacons 9 and Sisters: Rev. Msg. Joseph Jennings, Rev. Andrew J. Stauter, Rev. Walter Menig, Rev. William Gorman, Deacon John Cretaro, Deacon Holscomb Pryor, Deacon Marvin Johns, Sr. Maria Bernarda Kadavil and other deceased relatives and friends. Pray for our former parishioners serving in the Armed Forces: Travis Wilson, SPC Jackson Triston, Jr., Captain Will Hurd, Bryant Bailey & Zachery Bailey and Athena Ladnier undergoing training in the U. S. Navy.

Pilgrimage to Guadalupe: The apparition of Our Lady of Guadeloupe is considered by some to be the most important of all apparitions. As we see the world climate between Christians and non-Christians unfold, one might tend to agree with this proposition. We will travel to Mexico and see the Tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe, as well as visit Mexico City, Tlaxcala and Puebla! We will experience the culture and see the pyramids. The trip price covers everything, including meals. Visit the website for details: (Fr. Johnnie Savoie- St. Pius X church)

40 DAYS FOR LIFE IS PRAYING AND FASTING FOR AN END TO ABORTION IN OUR COMMUNITY - Please join us to pray and fast for an end to abortion and to stand in a peaceful prayer vigil at the abortion site from 6am – 6pm from Ash Wednesday, February 10th – Palm Sunday, March 20th. Visit to sign up to pray and fast for an end to abortion, to get local info, and to pray at the abortion site. Our Church stands in prayer at the abortion site on (DAY/TIME). For help: Contact (Your Church 40 DFL Coordinator and info) or Mae Rehm, 251-554-2032, [email protected] .

Jubilee Year of Mercy: Pope Francis chose to inaugurate the Jubilee Year of Mercy in December because December 8th, 2015 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of Vatican II. That council, Pope 10

Francis reminds us, inaugurated a new phase in the Church's history. Pope Francis quotes Saint John XXIII in declaring the Church's preference for "the medicine of mercy," and Blessed Paul VI in proposing the Good Samaritan as our model for discipleship. Pope Francis adds that God's mercy is "the beating heart of the Gospel," and that mercy "must penetrate the heart and mind" of every disciple (MV, 12). Pro-life Mass at St. Mary’s Home: Please join us for Mass at St. Mary's Home, 4350 Moffett Road, Mobile, AL 36618, at 10 am every Friday, beginning Friday, September 25th, to pray for our pro-life activities, to pray for our children at St. Mary's Home, and to pray in thanksgiving for St. Mary's Home in our Mobile Archdiocese. After Mass, approximately at 11am, at the abortion mill, Planned Parenthood, 717 Downtowner Loop West, the Holy Rosary will be prayed together for an end to abortion and for the increased awareness of the dignity of every human life. For more info: Mae and Chris Rehm, 251-554-2032.The Holy Rosary is also prayed together at Planned Parenthood on Saturdays at 9am for an end to abortion and for the increased awareness of the dignity of every human life. Please join us. Visit Catholic America : With the support of Archbishop Rodi and priests of our archdiocese, Catholic in America is working to expand its viewership in our area. It’s a weekly, high quality, locally- produced half-hour television broadcast that explains the Catholic Faith, welcoming people and introducing them to the local Catholic parishes in our archdiocese. An outstanding feature is the live Call Center: Catholic in America actually puts people in direct contact with a local priest. Please support Catholic in America by visiting 11 See the Catholic In America Program on UTV 44 - WJTC TV, Sundays at 11 a.m..

To schedule a meeting or event using parish facilities you must check the calendar or contact the office to be sure the date and room is available. You must have approval from the office for any scheduled events.

Items for Soldiers’ needs: Please don’t forget to bring items for soldiers’ needs: Shaving cream, disposable razors, solid deodorant, bars of soap/body wash, anti-bacteria cleaner, shampoo, tooth paste, dental floss, personal handy-wipes, personal hygiene items for women, foot powder, insect repellent, flea collars (they put them around their ankles), chopstick, athlete’s foot powder/spray, sun block lotion, sun shades, protective safety dust masks, socks, sweat headbands, batteries (AAA, AA, C), DVD movies, cards, writing tablets, paper, pens, envelopes, reading materials, snacks: cookies, gum, crest, life-savers, mints, pudding, crackers, sardines, chicken, tuna, salmon, jerky, peppermints, kool-aid, gatorade, tea/coffee. Put items in the designated box in the Parish Hall

Help us to keep flowers at the altar: The slotted wooden box on the glass table in the Parish Hall will receive donations for flowers. If you wish to give flowers for a specific remembrance or thanksgiving, there is a sign- up flower chart on the wall to the left of the front doors. 12

Homily for Lent IV Sunday: (Jos 5:9a, 10-12; II Cor 5: 17-21; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32)

Video homily by Fr. Bill Grimm: feature=player_embedded&v=nwUXdrtuKPk

Synopsis of Lent IV Sunday homily on Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32

Synopsis: Lent IV C (March 6) on 17-21; Lk15:1-3,11-32 (L/16)

Introduction: Traditionally, the Fourth Sunday of Lent is called Laetare Sunday (Rejoice Sunday). Anticipating Easter joy, today’s readings invite us to rejoice by being reconciled with God through repentance and the confession of our sins and by celebrating our coming home to be with our loving and forgiving God.

Scripture lessons: In the first reading, the Chosen People of God are portrayed as celebrating, for the first time in their own land, the feast of their freedom, by using wheat that had grown in the Promised Land. In today’s Responsorial Psalm, a rejoicing Psalmist invites us, “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.” In the second reading, St. Paul invites the Corinthian Christian community to rejoice because Jesus 13 has reconciled them with God by his suffering and death. Today’s Gospel celebrates the joy of the prodigal son on his “homecoming” to rediscover his father’s forgiving and overflowing love. It is also the story of the rejoicing of a loving and forgiving father who celebrates the return of his prodigal son by throwing a big party in his honor, a banquet celebrating the reconciliation of the son with his father, his family, his community and his God. At the same time, by presenting a self-righteous elder brother, the parable invites us to avoid self- justification by imitating the repentant younger brother. Let us admit the truth that we are an assembly of sinful people, ready to receive God's forgiveness and to experience Jesus’ Personal Presence in the Holy Eucharist as a loving and forgiving God.

Life messages: 1) Let us return to our Heavenly Father with repentant hearts: As prodigal children, we are facing a spiritual famine all around us in the form of drug and alcohol abuse, fraud and theft in the workplace, murders, abortions and violence, premarital sex, marital infidelity and priestly infidelity, as well as in hostility between people. All of these evils have proliferated because we have been squandering God’s abundant blessings, not only in our country and in our families, but also in our personal lives. Hence, let us repent and return to our Heavenly Father’s home.

2) Holy Mass enhances our “pass over," from a world of sin to a world of reconciliation. At every Mass, we come to our loving Heavenly Father’s house as prodigal children acknowledging that we have sinned (“I confess to Almighty God..”). In the Offertory, we offer 14 ourselves back to the Father, and this is the moment of our surrendering our sinful lives to God our Father. At the consecration, we hear God’s invitation through Jesus: “… this is My Body, which will be given up for you... this is the chalice of My Blood … which will be poured out for you…” (=”All I have is yours”). In Holy Communion, we participate in the banquet of reconciliation, thus restoring our full relationship with God and our fellow human beings.

(Visit our parish website: for the full text of the homily).

Why does the church cover the crucifixes and statues during Lent ? Before Vespers of Saturday preceding Passion Sunday [i.e. the 5th Sunday of Lent] the crosses, statues, and pictures of our Lord and of the saints on the altar and throughout the church, with the sole exception of the crosses and pictures of the Way of the Cross, used to be covered with a violet or purple veil, not translucent, nor in any way ornamented. However, it is noted that the statue of St. Joseph remained uncovered, if outside the sanctuary, during the month of March, which is dedicated to his honor. The crosses remained covered until after the solemn denudation of the principal crucifix on Good Friday. It probably derives from a custom, noted in Germany from the ninth century, of extending a large cloth ("Hungertuch") before the 15 altar from the beginning of Lent in order to remind the people that it was Lenten season. The statues and pictures retained their covering, no matter what feast may occur, until the Gloria in Excelsis of Holy Saturday. Crosses are unveiled after the Good Friday ceremonies. All other images are unveiled shortly before the Mass of the Easter Vigil. Of course, this practice is no longer mandatory in the Novus Ordo, but it is certainly permitted. After the Second Vatican Council there were moves to abolish all veiling of images, but the practice survived, although in a mitigated form. The practice is now observed only if the Episcopal conference should so decide. Still in many churches in Europe, crosses and statues are veiled now and will remain veiled for two full weeks. The practice was intended to remind us that we have entered the solemn Holy Week, and our attention should be concentrated only on the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. In other words, helps us to concentrate on the great essentials of Christ's work of Redemption.

Pope’s new encyclical: “Our Common Home:”

The Pope's Intentions for March, 2016: Universal: Families in Difficulty: That families in need may receive the necessary support and that children may grow up in healthy and peaceful environments. Evangelization: Persecuted Christians: That those Christians who, on 16 account of their faith, are discriminated against or are being persecuted, may remain strong and faithful to the Gospel, thanks to the incessant prayer of the Church.

Pope Francis’ prayer for the Jubilee Year of Mercy: Pope Francis has composed a special prayer for the Jubilee Year of Mercy which will run from 8 December 2015 to 20 November 2016. In the prayer, the Holy Father entreats the Lord to make the Jubilee of Mercy a year of grace so that the Church, “with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind.” Below, we publish the text of Pope Francis’ prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Show us your face and we will be saved. Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved by money; the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things; made Peter weep after his betrayal, and assured Paradise to the repentant thief. Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to the Samaritan woman: “If you knew the gift of God!” You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and glorified. You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in weakness in order that they may feel compassion for those in ignorance and error: let everyone who approaches them feel sought after, loved, and forgiven by God. Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.

Pope Francis tweets: “Jesus Christ, with his closeness and tenderness, leads sinners into the place of grace and pardon. This is the mercy of 17

God. Open your heart to mercy! Divine mercy is stronger than the sins of men. Every Christian community should be an oasis of charity and warmth in the midst of a desert of solitude and indifference.” (Jan 15). “The Gospel calls us to be close to the poor and forgotten, and to give them real hope.” (Jan 19). Peace remains possible. And if peace is possible, it is also a duty! One goal for each day: to convey the tenderness of Christ to those who are most in need. “Where there is violence and hatred, Christians are called to witness to the God who is Love.” All human persons – all of us – are important in God’s eyes. I am happy to pray today with the Lutheran community in Rome. May God bless all who work for dialogue and Christian unity. I am deeply saddened by the terrorist attacks in Paris. Please join me in prayer for the victims and their families. As Christians, we are called to imitate the Good Shepherd and to help families experiencing difficulties. Vanity not only distances us from God: it makes us look ridiculous. Let us ask the help of Saint Michael the Archangel to defend us from the snares of the devil. Parents, can you “waste time” with your children? It is one of the most important things that you can do each day.

Visit our website: for Sunday Homilies, 178 - Questions & Answers and 56 - Faith Formation Lessons, introduction to Bible books.

Our Mission As parishioners at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, we are committed to know Christ better and make Him better known.

To k-n-o-w, we are committed to

Keep connected to our parish community Nurture the development of faith and knowledge of Christ 18

Offer to share the Holy Spirit’s gifts of time, talent and treasure Worship through prayer, Mass and the Sacraments

In carrying out this mission, we will demonstrate the love that we have for God, by the community we create with each other and our response to the needs of our neighbor.

Parish prayer: Almighty Father, the Body of Christ, the Church, is made up of people who believe in your Son, Jesus Christ, and saved through His suffering, death and resurrection. Enable us to grow in faith, hope, love and service that we may build a welcoming, friendly faith community. A community that witnesses your Son’s life and mission after the life example of Mary, the Mother of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. All are welcome to St. John’s with open hearts, open minds and open doors.

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Grand Bay celebrates God’s presence, grows in God’s grace, welcomes all people and reaches out with God’s love. We try to be to be a vibrant community of faith where all people feel they belong.

No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, No matter what your current family or marital situation, No matter what your past or present religious situation, No matter your personal history, age, background, race, etc., No matter what your own self-image or esteem, you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Grand Bay! 19

We come together as a parish family to draw our life from the Eucharist and other sacraments.

As believers we participate fully, consciously and actively in the liturgy of the Church and seek to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and action.

We commit ourselves to worship, education, stewardship and service as we extend our hand to others in need and to those who wish to join the church.

By the grace of God, after the example of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to accomplish our mission within and beyond our community. 20

Photos of the great pastors who guided the destiny of our parish 21

Please visit St. John the Baptist Catholic parish website: / for the full text of the

Sunday homily, Sunday bulletin, 56 Adult Faith Formation Lessons & introduction to all books of the Bible and 178 Question & Answer of the Week.

Spiritual works of mercy during Lent 22

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