Middle East Test Review 2015

Key Terms

Domesticate – To adapt plants and animals from the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) – amount of goods and wild to make them useful to people. services produced in a country Hajj – pilgrimage to Mecca Hieroglyphics – Egyptian form of writing Monotheism – belief in one god Cuneiform – Sumerian form of writing Zionism - The belief that Jews should be able to return Wadis – runoff from infrequent to their homeland (Israel) Alluvial Soil – fertile soil Embargo - The complete ban on trade with another Aswan High Dam – controls the flooding in the Nile country River Bat Mitzvah – right of passage ceremony for 12 yr old OPEC – Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries Jewish girls Mecca – Holy City for Islamic religion Bar Mitzvah – right of passage ceremony for 13 yr old Jerusalem – holy city for the Christians, Muslims and Jewish boys Jews


1. Which Middle East countries suffer the most when oil prices drop (countries with most reliance on oil)? Libya, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia

2. What event began the Arab Spring protests? the “burning man” protest in Tunisia

3. What is the Arab Spring? Name the reasons for the Arab Spring protests. Growing dissatisfaction and unhappiness over corrupt governments

4. Shiite Muslims & Sunni Muslims have differing views on what? who should lead the Muslim community... (Know the belief of Sunni and Shia)

5. Why is oil so abundant in southwest Asia? The area used to be underwater thousands of years ago

6. Be able to put the following events in chronological order: Jews kicked out of Palestine, Zionist movement begins, WW2 causes sentiment for Jews, British leave Jews in control of the state, Jews take over Palestinian lands over time, Negotiations begin for Palestinian self-rule, 2nd Intifada

7. Which country experiences the most violence from the Arab Spring protests? Syria

8. What percentage of Egyptians lives on only 3% of Egypt’s land? 90%

9. What type of Muslims typically resides in Iran? What about the rest of the region? Shiite Muslims... Sunni Muslims

10. The Persian Gulf War was fought over which natural resource? oil

11. Which dam was built to control the annual flooding of the Nile River? Aswan High Dam

12. What water resource separates the Arabian Peninsula from North Africa? How was it made? Red Sea (divergent boundaries- great rift valley)

13. Jerusalem is considered the holy city for which two monotheistic religions? Christianity, Islam and Judaism

14. What physical feature is the largest land locked body of water in the world? Caspian Sea 15. Name the five pillars of Islam. Charity, 5x Prayer, Faith, Fasting, Hajj

16. Which group of people used cuneiform? Sumerians

17. Which group of people used hieroglyphics? Egyptians

18. First alphabet- Phoenicians

19. When did the Middle East first begin to produce oil? After WWII, economies began rising. Foreign influence comes in.

20. What percentage of the North Africa, Southwest Asia & Central Asia is covered in desert? What are some problems with this? 50%, lack of resources so reliance on oil.

21. Most people who live in Israel today do so because…? the land has links to their religious identity

22. Name the ways that living standards in this region have changed because of oil? Some countries’ GDP has risen; Infant mortality rate is lower; Life expectancy is higher, but reliance on oil has economies boom or bust.

23. What type of people (Arabs, Israelis, Egyptians, Persians) make up the largest group in North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia? Arabs

24. What issue continues to stir conflict between Arabs and Israelis? Water rights; Palestinian refugees; ownership of the West Bank and Gaza Strip

25. Identify major beliefs of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

a. Christianity: Bible; Old Testament; New Testament; Jesus- messiah

b. Judaism: Synagogue; TorahCelebrates a coming-of-age party called a Bar or Bat Mitzvah; Denies resurrection of Jesus Christ

c. Islam: Holy day is Friday; Quran; Mosque; Denies resurrection of Jesus Christ but still prophet

26. Know holidays of the 3 religions

27. How are relations between Iran and the United States? Unstable between governments, but people tend to not have an issue with each other.

28. What causes land forms to change? Shifting plate tectonics

29. Be able to locate the following on a map: Red Sea, Jerusalem, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Nile River, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Afghanistan, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Aden