Tactical/Direct Leader Level Capability Tool

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Tactical/Direct Leader Level Capability Tool

Tactical/Direct Leader Level Capability Tool Foundational Thinking Personal Journey Disciplines Systems Thinking Succession Planning Change Management Understands unit level processes and Seeks direct feedback and adjusts the inter-relatedness of inter- Executes the vision Self motivated and motivates others Identifies gaps in unit processes accordingly disciplinary roles, functions, and responsibilities Understands command  Use feedback from superiors, peers and  Share and communication  Involved with clinical or leadership Understands unit business and unit mission and subordinates to better understand your information effectively committees processes and plans role (role clarity) and improve your vision  Involve other disciplines  Provide quarterly coaching/counseling  Incorporates processes and performance Incorporates the vision in your plan of care for patients sessions to your subordinates that are plans into daily activities  Meet quarterly with your immediate into clinical practice  candid, individualized and meaningful Assesses unit processes in supervisor to discuss job expectations and Able to anticipate the relation to the business of Demonstrates ability to performance needs of your patients  Write objective and candid OERs the unit articulate specific job  Set goals for yourself in response to  Introduce new concepts  Facilitate opportunities for growth and functions that support feedback regarding job performance and into the patient care plan leadership for your subordinates mission and vision officership?  Plan for complex and  Challenge yourself to reach potential unforeseen effects/outcomes  Incorporate visual cues when educating patients about their disease/condition Demonstrates unit level Utilizes evidence based Expresses and builds concern for unit's Develops a succession plan for own evidence-based decision Applies new knowledge at work theoretical framework to success position making initiate unit change Incorporates patient  Read journal articles and attend  Contribute to creating a  Develop continuity book for your Incorporates research and concerns into decision- inservices monthly positive work environment position network resources to plan and implement change making process  Research unfamiliar diagnoses/meds on  Strive to be part of the  Groom top performers for integral parts Regularly reads your patients and utilize the solution of your position to provide a seamless Communicates vision and creates coalition for change professional journal information in developing the plan of  Actively involved in unit transition of new leadership and ensure articles to improve clinical care and hospital committees adequate support practice Utilizes decision making  Change practice as a result of  Contribute innovative process and models Eagerly identifies knowledge gained through reading, ideas/suggestions at opportunities to learn CEU presentations, conferences, etc confidence in decision- staff/department meetings making  Use evidence derived from performance  Advocate for the improvement and other nursing metrics advancement of care delivery Empowers team members to improve care delivery services Adapts to changes and Develops and expresses self- Understands unit goals in concert. Learns from setbacks and failures as well Prepares self for the next leadership level contingencies in transforming with the Commander's lines of effort awareness as successes environments Develops internal  Maintain focus and momentum despite  Know the commander’s  Attends appropriate development Remains flexible but focused standards, ethics, and temporary problems or setbacks mission and vision courses to prepare yourself for the next in fluid environment values  Apply reason to a setback or mistake to  Incorporate the mission leader level Conducts reassessment of Evaluates internal set yourself up to learn something from and vision in your daily work  Leads clinical teams as team leader or achieved metrics/outcomes standards, ethics, and the experience Charge nurse; sponsor new officers and values in comparison to  Recognize that problems, setbacks, precept new nurses external expressions mistakes and losses are all a part of life  Contribute to or lead Evidence Based Compares internal Practice or Performance Improvement standards, ethics, and projects values to peers and is able  Presents clinical lectures and/or poster to identify favorable and presentations to colleagues unfavorable attributes in  Gains experience in the TO&E self and others environment through deployment, field exercises, or training Foundational Thinking Personal Journey Disciplines Systems Thinking Succession Planning Change Management Sets initial personal, professional, and Responds to divergent inputs and Suggests and is receptive to Identifies and develops talent in staff career goals chooses best practices innovations  Established short, intermediate and  Solicit feedback from  Coaches subordinates and peers as they Generates ‘out of the box’ long range goals and shared them with patients, peers and supervisors lead committees and short-term projects thinking and nontraditional ideas, activities, and actions your rating chain  Incorporate feedback into with short end states  Actively pursue experiences in other your practice  Know your assigned staff (ie goals, Synthesizes unit behaviors care environments to develop and  passions, and talents) and outcomes to support Look for best practices and success of the change validate your goals apply them at work  Facilitate growth of identified talent  Identify the training, education and  Involve yourself in experience required to reach your long research term goals  Have you taken Graduate Record Exam for preparation to attend LTHET?  Are your personal and professional goals complimentary?  Consider personal goals when establishing your timeline for achieving your professional goals  Have goals and interests outside of work Identifies positive role models and seeks advice  Identify colleagues or senior staff on your unit/section that you respect or admire  Discover what traits they exhibit that you would like to emulate  Utilize experienced staff members/supervisors in your work area too help you learn and improve as a clinician/officer/leader Quarterly Counseling Record Date Date Date Date Operational Leader Level Capability Tool Foundational Thinking Personal Journey Disciplines Systems Thinking Succession Planning Change Management Understands unit level processes Identifies gaps in Integrates feedback from multiple and the inter-relatedness of inter- Inspires, motivates, and guides others Interprets the vision organizational processes disciplinary roles, functions, and sources towards mission accomplishment and develops resolutions responsibilities Receive the organizational  In partnership with chain of command, seek Share and communication  Demonstrate that you are a truthful, Review processes, vision and communicate at all and consider continuous feedback from information effectively credible, adaptive, and self-aware leader identifies processes and staff , patients and families (e.g., focus procedures for levels Involve other disciplines in  Courageous leaders provide candid and  groups), and other disciplines regarding the improvement and Provide feedback to strategic workplace environment and respond with your plan of care for patients objective evaluations. What do the communicates and leaders on relevancy of the appropriate action Able to anticipate the needs evaluations you write look like? How do coordinates need for vision to tactical execution you ensure you are presenting an accurate  Encourage downward, upward and multi- of your patients change picture of those you evaluate? Able to identify key source feedback so that all parties have a Introduce new concepts into stakeholders and incorporate good understanding of what is expected the patient care plan feedback into vision  Reduce barriers to seeking feedback from Plan for complex and the above sources (provide opportunities unforeseen effects/outcomes for mutual communication – verbal and/or written) Incorporate visual cues when educating patients about  Provide direct feedback to staff on a regular their disease/condition basis regarding expectations, and acknowledge and reward accomplishments and/or address needed improvements including the consequences of not meeting performance requirements  Department has been cited in applicant feedback as a workplace of choice Utilizes evidence based Takes responsibility for building Critically analyzes organizational Shares new knowledge to benefit the Develops succession plans for subordinate theoretical framework to loyalty and commitment implement, manage, and issues organization throughout organization positions in addition to own positions evaluate outcomes Identify critical stakeholders  Utilize evidence-based practice Ensure the effective  Coach subordinates to gain knowledge Validate evidence and and seek feedback to improve guidelines and/or information gained dissemination of information needed at next level methodology for change proposals organization performance through department/organizational Include subordinates in  Self-score (0-10) how well you have Incorporate research into performance improvement metrics to decision making developed your subordinates Guide/oversee/direct clinical practice and strategic improve nursing practice or   transition between Foster an environment of Assist subordinates in setting goals and change and goals departmental effectiveness professional growth and projecting future assignments that will organizational success Foster learning environment;  Facilitate exchange of information on accountability facilitate reaching them best practices across coach, teach, mentor all staff Foster inquiry and department/organization Demonstrate What Right Looks commitment to staff Like (WRLL) through example  Seek new knowledge through development initiatives professional reading, education and Assimilate learning into the networking and share knowledge with department culture subordinates Adapts to changes and Is mindful of self and others Aligns section goals in concert with Prepares self for next leadership level and contingencies in when influencing change Applies lessons learned Commander's lines of effort provides opportunities for staff preparation transforming environments Demonstrate behaviors  Adjust behaviors and practices as a Integrate the mission and  Attend appropriate developmental courses Remains flexible but consistent with internal result of feedback from supervisors, vision with the direction of (i.e. CCC, ILE, ANLC) focused in fluid environment standards, ethics, and values peers, or other external inputs the section  Assist clinical staff with conducting (What Right Looks Like)  When setbacks are encountered, know Assess and utilize leverage Evidence Based Practice activities or poster Conducts reassessment Evaluate desirable standards, when to call it quits and when to keep points to facilitate program presentations of achieved metrics/outcomes ethics, and values in moving forward development and  Conduct clinical research and/or EBP subordinates – uses formal and  Take ownership and accountability for improvements projects with subordinates on team informal feedback tools to the mistakes and setbacks of team  Publish/co-publish articles in scientific communicate (PxP, LCM,  Collect observations/lessons learned journals JODSF, counseling) (i.e. After Action Reports) and  Present at scholarly conferences with Demonstrate adaptive periodically review the collected lessons subordinates on team leadership style to incorporate to make process improvements for and foster positive relationships persistent problems throughout the organization Foundational Thinking Personal Journey Disciplines Systems Thinking Succession Planning Change Management Identifies and supports the development of Fosters and facilitates an Sets initial personal, professional, and Assimilates knowledge and talents in staff and matches talents to environment conducive career goals integrates divergent viewpoints positions to innovation  Established short, intermediate and Use feedback and best  Able to match each subordinate staff’s  Constantly long range goals and shared them with practices to enhance mission talents and potential with their communicate the your rating chain accomplishment responsibilities and roles vision and strategy to  Actively pursue experiences in other Include feedback and best  Identify high achievers and skilled leaders team members care environments to develop and practices in the vision for the and challenge them with increased  Lead and foster validate your goals section responsibilities, projects, and leadership non-traditional  Identify the training, education and Communicate patient safety positions thinking consistent experience required to reach your long and other legal requirements  Nominate top performers for schooling, with military protocol term goals in non-nursing forums to conferences, and positions such as  Study and  Have you taken Graduate Record Exam support sound and recruiting/ROTC, clinical research teams, validate innovation for preparation to attend LTHET? patient/family centered and C.J. Reddy Conference  Monitor and services  Are your personal and professional  Promote nursing management as a energize processes to goals complimentary? Incorporate research and desirable specialty sustain success evidence based practice  Consider personal goals when  Reward and establishing your timeline for achieving Partner with academic develop team your professional goals institutions and civilian members counterparts  Have goals and interests outside of  Remove work Enroll in distance learning or barriers of change certificate programs to Evaluate change for enhance knowledge new educational requirements and provide learning environment Identifies positive role models and seeks Assesses and evaluates the advice environment to cultivate change to transform the organization

 Identify colleagues or senior staff on Use outcomes to your unit/section that you respect or change system admire structure and policies that do not align  Discover what traits they exhibit that you would like to emulate  Utilize experienced staff members/supervisors in your work area too help you learn and improve as a clinician/officer/leader Self Assessment/Counseling Record Date Date Date Date

Strategic Leader Level Capability Tool Foundational Thinking Personal Journey Disciplines Systems Thinking Succession Planning Change Management Provides visionary thinking or Values diverse perspectives and Intrinsically motivated to lead Promotes and values systems thinking Evaluates the need for organizational develops realistic, credible, and integrates into the enterprise organizations; envisions the future within and across healthcare systems change and guides implementation attractive organizational vision decision making with creative solutions Evaluate strategic environment  Staff perceive a positive, supportive Consistently engage in  Lead from the front and Validate/establish sense of urgency and develop clear vision for the feedback environment and knows interdependent relationships demonstrate strategic thinking and incorporate strategic vision for what is expected to be successful in change organization Design and implement high  Well-read, self-aware, adaptive the enterprise Consistently communicate the leverage interventions for leader vision and ensures its relevance  Create a systematic infrastructure to problematic system issues elicit feedback to serve as a general  Support staff autonomy to the organization’s mission and tool for communication within Understand the impact of  Empower and decentralize the external environment organization (email, blog, toll-free ongoing, reciprocal relationships leadership, allowing for initiative Foster creativity in leaders; able number, suggestion box) at work within intent to identify strengths and  Create a direct link for receiving  Cultivate change at the weaknesses of subordinate good ideas to improve safety or organizational level leaders operations and rewards those Matches skills and talents of whose actions merit it individuals with mission  Implement perpetual 360 degree requirements feedback regarding interpersonal interactions Manages and supports the Critically analyzes strategic issues Develops and supports a culture of execution of succession planning Provides the strategic environment Inspires loyalty and commitment to drive policy inquiry for system, profession, self, and that fosters change and innovation subordinates Interact with stakeholders to  Support and encourage Visible to staff  Promote Army nursing as a Encourage and reward free flow thinking identify strategic goals and unit/department level evidence Provide timely feedback to staff desirable profession objectives for the organization based practice or performance concerns  Conduct objective and candid Effect policy change to eliminate improvement projects to improve barriers and drive Provide evaluation criteria in Have an active staff recognition evaluations of subordinate patient outcome initiatives/imperatives course of action development and rewards program leaders  Allocate resources to support Ensure necessary resources are Monitor organizational Keep subordinates informed of  Facilitate retention of quality new projects/innovations and/or available to successfully facilitate performance and seize professional education for staff plans, goals, philosophies and Army nurses change opportunities to provide  Support/encourage innovation at requirements  Use network building with resources for improving all levels and are willing to Support shared decision making civilian counterparts (i.e. School organizational performance implement change based on Sustain the “nursing of Nursing faculty, VA, Magnet ideas from subordinates community” Hospital Senior Nurse Executives) in order to facilitate  Facilitate exchange of Make decisions based on the Army succession planning information on best practices vision, mission and the best between MTFs direction for the organization  Elevate issues to AN Practice Council for decision  Utilize the Clinical Inquiry cells Aligns organizational goals with the Conveys the strategic and operational Uses adaptive leadership to affect AMEDD and Army's Balanced Score Actively participates in, or self Uses lessons learned to effect objectives of the Army and Card and the current geopolitical transformational change change nominates for next leadership level Department of Defense environment Recognize environmental cues to  Pursue innovation rather than Translate the mission and vision  Self-nominate for Branch Provide feedback in structured and identify opportunities to “playing it safe”; take risks in into actionable priorities Immaterial boards, Command, planned environment demonstrate various leadership order to move the organization Influence the direction of or AN Key Leader billets Maintain open discussion forum principles forward organization through effective  Participate in strategic initiatives Reward desirable standards,  Use the Root Cause Analysis planning such as Imperative Action Teams ethics, and values in the (RCA), Failure Mode Effects Communicate holistic or Executive Board of Directors organization’s strategic Analysis (FMEA), or Lean Six assessments to support sound environment Sigma techniques to investigate decision making Recognize own leadership problems and change processes strengths and weaknesses and is to improve outcomes able to alter leadership style to a  Employ a systematic process for variety of situations collecting and translating key lessons into practice Foundational Thinking Personal Journey Disciplines Systems Thinking Succession Planning Change Management Defines and adjusts goals and Synthesizes and adapts internal Matches talents to jobs, roles, or Supports creativity for positive plans; role models balance between and external viewpoints for the assignments change and evaluates outcomes professional and personal life good of the organization  Engage in two way Value the importance of  Establish mechanisms that  Balance innovation with communication with leaders receiving feedback from the staff provide for early identification military/DoD environment and (MTF, Nurse Corps, AMEDD) to Have a system to receive and mentoring of those with strategic objectives get feedback on strengths and feedback from internal and strategic leadership potential weaknesses and to identify external customers  Prepare leaders to operate with opportunities and roles that are a Philosophy promotes the use of competence and confidence in match for demonstrated talents best practices ambiguous and frequently  Identify a realistic retirement changing circumstances Promote the value of research timeline and initiated planning and evidence based practice (financial, medical, career) to successfully accomplish the plan  Evaluate whether to compete for DCN positions, Command and/or Senior Service College Expands professional community and mentors others  Facilitate formal and/or informal mentorship programs in your department/organization  Network outside the organization to seek mentors/role models  Offer yourself as a mentor to others both within and outside the organization Self Assessment/Counseling Record Date Date Date Date

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