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Board Meeting
Friday, November 18, 2005
CPBC Board Room 4th Floor - 1755 West Broadway Vancouver BC V6J 4S5
Minutes - DRAFT
Present: Catherine Bond, Wolfgang Linden, Mike Foremen, Don Hutcheon, Nicole Aubé, Trish Crawford Staff: Shona Boisvert Regrets: Steven Horvath
I. Call to Order (W. Linden): 3:18pm
II. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes - October 21, 2005: Approved as circulated
III. Approval of Agenda: Approved as circulated
IV. Update on AGM Prep Status (S. Boisvert) Review of day’s agenda. Everything is in order.
V. APA's request for BCPA Membership Roster (S. Boisvert) APA has requested BCPA to send them copy of our current membership roster in order for BCPA to be included in APA's electronically scanned ballot for the 2006 election of APA Counsel Representatives. APA states that the information provided will only be used for the purposes of contacting those people who are members of both BCPA and APA so that they may vote. Directors agreed that it was in best interest of members to comply. ACTION (S. Boisvert): Send copy of roster to APA by Dec. 1, 2005.
VI. Member Categories and Privileges (S. Boisvert, T. Crawford) Tabled to next meeting – not enough time. ACTION (T. Crawford): To review affiliate categories and discuss issues with College.
VII. Update on Finances (D. Hutcheon) - Don met with BCPA Auditor, Mike Corney from Manning Elliott to review Manning Elliott's Financial Year End Report and Don's AGM Report. - Don highlighted CE income doubled from 2003-04 to 2004-05. - Cathy noticed mysterious revenue item in Auditor's Report: Administration fees - $13,250. Explanation: the revenue was a combination of three items:
BCPA Board Meeting Minutes - Nov 18-05 - recorded and prepared by S. Boisvert Page 1 of 3 1) insurance repayment from Koch B&Y, 2) BCPA grant to itself - taken out of contingency fund, and 3) PHWA project grants from sponsors. - Shona, Gilles & Don met recently to prepare 2005-06 budget and simplify items. Projected total revenue = $300,000.00. Projected total expenses = $236,100.00. Proposed budget distributed to Directors during meeting. - MOTION (W. Linden): Create specific advocacy item for $20,000.00, which will change final net income to $43,900.00. Unanimously approved - MOTION (W. Linden): To approved the budget, as revised. Unanimously approved
VIII. News on CE (C. Bond and T. Crawford) - David Cohen has requested that BCPA co-sponsor a March 17, 2005 workshop with Vancouver Coastal Health Authority on the topic of Parenting Assessments. ACTION (T. Crawford): To collect more information and return to Board for final decision. - Trish is interested in inviting the Head of Cambridge Centre for Gender Relations to present on relationship psychotherapy and would like to plan it back to back with parenting workshop. ACTION (T. Crawford): To investigate further.
IX. Blue Cross Promotions (S. Horvath) Tabled to next meeting when Steven is present.
X. New APA CPT Testing Codes (S. Horvath) APA coding not relevant to BC psychologists - ignore.
XI. Affiliates in DRN? (N. Aubé) We have a BCPA Community Affiliate (JoAnn Leavey) who went down to Southern United States to provide disaster relief. She would like to contribute to and join BCPA DRN. Is this allowed? Discussion ensued. Outcome: Directors agreed that, because she is registered as a nurse, among other qualifications, she would be a valuable asset to the DRN and an exception could be made.
XII. Updates by W. Linden: Meeting with College, Prep for TV series, Prep for “Take Your MLA to Breakfast", Straw Vote at AGM - College does not have any CE Events planned past November 12th, 2005. - BCPA wants to make sure that we can provide relevant CE events. - TV series idea: BCPA identifies media savvy members who are experts in different areas to host 10-15 minutes of academic, but lay-friendly presentations with live audience on community TV. Wolfgang has had preliminary talk with one local producer. No commitment yet, but they seemed open to idea. - Wolfgang re-iterated his commitment to holding a straw vote on BCPA suggested fees at the AGM.
XIII. AOB - Directors agreed to re-schedule next board meeting to December 16th at the home of W. Linden and N. Aubé, 3 - 5pm. Followed by wine and cheese holiday fest - spouses welcome.
BCPA Board Meeting Minutes - Nov 18-05 - recorded and prepared by S. Boisvert Page 2 of 3 XIV. Adjournment 5:26pm
BCPA Board Meeting Minutes - Nov 18-05 - recorded and prepared by S. Boisvert Page 3 of 3