At the Meeting of the Southern Virginia Development Corporation, Held on Monday, September

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At the Meeting of the Southern Virginia Development Corporation, Held on Monday, September

At the Regular Meeting of the Greensville County Board of Supervisors, held on Tuesday, February 21, 2017, with Closed Session beginning at 5:00 P.M. and Regular Session beginning at 6:00 P.M., at the Greensville County Government Building, 1781 Greensville County Circle, Emporia, Virginia.

Present: Peggy R. Wiley, Chairman Michael W. Ferguson, Vice-Chairman Dr. Margaret T. Lee Raymond L. Bryant, Jr.

Chairman Wiley called the meeting to order.


In Re: Closed Session

Mr. Whittington, County Administrator, stated that Staff recommended the Board go into Closed Session, Section 2.2-3711 (a) 1) Personnel and 5) Business and/or Industry Matters.

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Lee, to go into Closed Session, as recommended by Staff. Voting aye: Supervisors Bryant, Ferguson, Lee and Chairman Wiley.


In Re: Regular Session

Mr. Whittington stated that Staff recommended the Board of Supervisors return to Regular Session.

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Lee, to go into Regular Session. Voting aye: Supervisors Bryant, Ferguson, Lee and Chairman Wiley.


In Re: Certification of Closed Meeting – Resolution #17-82

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Bryant, to adopt the following Resolution. A roll call vote was taken, as follows: Supervisor Bryant, aye; Supervisor Ferguson, aye; Supervisor Lee, aye and Chairman Wiley, aye.


WHEREAS, the Greensville County Board of Supervisors has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provision of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and

1 WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Greensville County Board of Supervisors that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Greensville County Board of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each member’s knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Greensville County Board of Supervisors.


Chairman Wiley led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation.


In Re: Approval of Agenda

Mr. Whittington stated that Staff recommended approval of the agenda with no added items.

Supervisor Lee moved, seconded by Supervisor Bryant, to approve the agenda as submitted. Voting aye: Supervisors Bryant, Ferguson, Lee and Chairman Wiley.


In Re: Approval of Consent Agenda

Mr. Whittington stated that Staff recommended approval of the Consent Agenda.

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Bryant, to approve the Consent Agenda containing the following items: Voting aye: Supervisors Bryant, Ferguson, Lee and Chairman Wiley.


Minutes of the Meeting held on February 6, 2017.


Budgetary Matters consisting of the following: Fund #001 – Journal Voucher #57, in the amount of $2,731.00, Journal Voucher #59, in the amount of $743.40 and Budget Amendment Resolution #17-83, in the amount of $42,865.00; Fund #012 – Budget Amendment Resolution #17-84, in the amount of $838.08; Fund #013 – Budget Amendment Resolution #17-85, in the

2 amount of $106.30 and Fund #075 – Budget Appropriation Resolution #17-86, in the amount of $537,645.00, all of which are incorporated herein by reference.



Approval of Accounts Payable for February 21, 2017, in the amount of $341,383.75


In Re: Resolution #17-81 – Eagle Scout Christopher William Jones, Troop #232, Purdy

Chairman Wiley invited Mr. Christopher William Jones to come forward and read the following Resolution into record. She then stated that Staff requested that Resolution #17-81 be approved.


WHEREAS, Christopher Jones began his scouting career with Troop 232 in 2009 and adopted the scouting goals of citizenship training, character development and personal fitness; and

WHEREAS, Christopher completed all requirements for the ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life and Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Boy Scouts; and

WHEREAS, Christopher completed the BSA Lifeguard training, completed a 50 miler canoe trip, and participated in the Chesapeake Bay High Adventure Sailing Experience, and

WHEREAS, Christopher took part in three (3) backpacking treks in New Mexico, and

WHEREAS, Christopher is a member of the Order of the Arrow, and

WHEREAS, for his Eagle Scout Project, Christopher planned and carried out the installation of an outdoor volleyball court on the campus of Jackson-Field Home;

WHEREAS, the national headquarters of the Boy Scouts of America states that only four (4%) percent of the people involved in scouting today obtain the rank of Eagle Scout.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Greensville County Board of Supervisors extends to Eagle Scout Christopher William Jones our heartfelt congratulations for earning Boy Scout’s highest rank.

3 Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Bryant, to approve Resolution #17- 81. Voting aye: Supervisors Bryant, Ferguson, Lee and Chairman Wiley.

Mr. Jones addressed the Board of Supervisors stating that scouting was a big part of his growing up and had given him a lot of good opportunities and memorable experiences. He also stated that it taught him a lot of skills that he would use for the rest of life. He further stated that he was thankful for all the opportunities given to him through scouting. He then thanked the Board of Supervisors for the recognition by Resolution #17-81.


In Re: Public Hearing - SP-1-17, Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC

Mr. Whittington stated that Staff recommended the Board of Supervisors go into Public Hearing to solicit public comments regarding SP-1-17, Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC.

Mr. Lin Pope addressed the Board of Supervisors stating that the applicant Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line, LLC, was seeking approval of a Special Use permit to construct a 24” gas pipe line that would supply natural gas to the Dominion Virginia Power Plant that was currently under construction. He stated that it would be located 3,500 feet southwest of the Brunswick Road (State Route 607) Radium Road (State Route 620) intersection, in Election District Three. Mr. Pope stated that the Planning Commission and Staff recommended approval contingent upon the five conditions as listed below.

Chairman Wiley asked if there were anyone present who wished to speak in favor of or in opposition of SP-1-17. There was no one.


In Re: Return to Regular Session

Mr. Whittington stated that staff recommended the Board of Supervisors return to Regular Session.

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Lee, to return to Regular Session. Voting aye: Supervisors Bryant, Ferguson, Lee and Chairman Wiley.


In Re: SP-1-17, Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Bryant, to approved SP-1-17 with the following five conditions. Voting aye: Supervisors Bryant, Ferguson, Lee and Chairman Wiley.

4 1. This Special Use Permit allows for the construction of a natural gas pipeline to supply the Greensville Dominion Power Plant that is currently under construction on Greensville County Tax Map 18, Parcel 35. 2. The construction activities must be in conformance with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality’s Stormwater Management Program. 3. The construction activities must be in conformance with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality’s Erosion and Sediment Control Program. 4. The construction of the pipeline shall be in conformance with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations. 5. Should construction of the pipeline not commence within two (2) years from the date this application is approved, this Special Use Permit will not remain in effect.


In Re: Citizens Comments

Mr. Whittington addressed the public, asking anyone wishing to address the Board of Supervisors to please come forward and state their name for the record. There was no one.


In Re: Resolution #17-87 – Requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation to include Certain Segments of Route 690 (Morgan Road) into the Secondary System of State Highways and to Abandon Certain Formerly Used Segments

Mr. Pope addressed the Board of Supervisors stating that several years ago; Parker Oil began this project so that they could expand their parking facility by abandoning the old portion and build the new portion. He stated that the former project manner that left the company so the project set still for awhile with the project. He also stated that at some point he worked with Parker Oil’s attorney to try and get in contact with the contractor but they were no longer in business. He then stated that Parker Oil had to hire another contractor to finish the project. Mr. Pope stated that Parker Oil just finished up VDOT’s punch list items and VDOT provided Staff with this resolution in which would abandon the old portion of Morgan Road and take in the new portion into the state system. He then requested approval of the following Resolution.


WHEREAS, a portion of Route 690 (Morgan Road) has been realigned by Parker Oil Company and a new segment constructed to standards equal to the Virginia Department of

5 Transportation’s Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements as a requisite for acceptance for maintenance as part of the Secondary System of State Highways; and

WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has inspected this street and found it to be acceptable for maintenance; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Greensville County Board of Supervisors, this 20th day of February, 2017, that the Virginia Department of Transportation be, and it hereby is, requested to add and maintain the new segment(s) identified on the attached AM 4.3 form as part of the Secondary System of State Highways, pursuant to Section 33.2-705, Code of Virginia, and the regulatory requirements of VDOT.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the old alignment of Route 690 (Morgan Road), identified on the attached AM 4.3 form, is no longer needed as part of the Secondary System of State Highways as the new road serves the same citizens as the old road and are hereby requested to be abandoned by the Virginia Department of Transportation pursuant to Section 33.2-912, Code of Virginia.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the County Board of Supervisors does hereby guarantee unencumbered rights-of-way plus the necessary easements for cuts, fills, and drainage for this street;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation.

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Lee, to approve Resolution #17-87. Voting aye: Supervisors Bryant, Ferguson, Lee and Chairman Wiley.


In Re: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Mr. Whittington addressed the Board of Supervisors stating that part of this project involved the demolition of the old bank building. He stated that in order to obtain financing from Rural Development, the concerns of the Virginia Historic Preservation Office and the Rural Housing Service must be satisfied. He also stated that this MOU contains a number of stipulations in which the Board of Supervisors were being asked to agree to. He then stated that the stipulation such as taking down the old press tin work that was located in the former County Administrator’s Office and reusing that work appropriately in the new construction of the entrance in to the courthouse. He also stated that it would include providing an interpretive panel on the history of the Courthouse Square. He then stated that the MOU had been reviewed by the County Attorney and he did not see any problems with it. Mr. Whittington also stated that Staff had reviewed it as well and recommended approval.

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Bryant, to approve the MOU. Voting aye: Supervisors Bryant, Ferguson, Lee and Chairman Wiley.

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In Re: Appointment to the Spangler’s Lake Greensville Recreation, Inc. and the Retirement of the former Supervisor James Vaughan

Mr. Whittington stated that this appointment was concerning the Spangler’s Lake property in which the Board of Supervisors now owned that was donated by Georgia Pacific and the ownership of Spangler’s Lake rest with the Spangler’s Lake Greensville Recreation, Inc. He also stated that the organization comprised of three of the four Board Members at this time. He then stated that Staff had received a letter of resignation from a past Board Member, Mr. James Vaughan regarding this appointment and would like for the resignation be accepted and appoint Mr. Raymond Bryant, Jr. to the Spangler’s Lake Greensville Recreation, Inc. Mr. Whittington stated that within the next two weeks or more, the first inaugural meeting would be held to conduct business.

Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Lee, to accept with regret Mr. James C. Vaughan’s resignation and to approve the appointment of Mr. Raymond Bryant, Jr. to this Board. Voting aye: Supervisors Bryant, Ferguson, Lee and Chairman Wiley.


In Re: Adjournment

With there being no further business, Supervisor Ferguson moved, seconded by Supervisor Lee, to adjourn the meeting. Voting aye: Supervisors Bryant, Ferguson, Lee and Chairman Wiley.

______Peggy R. Wiley, Chairman

______K. David Whittington, Clerk


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