Biology Standard I, Objective 2 Multiple Choice Assessment a1. Which of the following is difference between the nitrogen and carbon cycles?

A. Nitrogen can exist as a solid but carbon cannot. B. Carbon is released through decomposition but nitrogen is not. C. Carbon is released through respiration but nitrogen is not. D. Carbon is cycled through animals but nitrogen is not. a2. Which of the following makes the nitrogen cycle unique?

A. It is the only nutrient cycle without a gas B. Nitrogen is always only a liquid C. Nitrogen is found in plants, animals and the soil D. Nitrogen requires specific bacteria for its cycle a3. Which of the following correctly traces the path of a raindrop through the water cycle?

A. precipitation, run-off, evaporation, condensation B. precipitation, condensation, run-off, evaporation C. precipitation, evaporation, run-off, condensation D. precipitation, evaporation, condensation, run-off a4. Which of the following is a way carbon is added to the atmosphere?

A. Evaporation of water B. Forest fires C. Photosynthesis D. Formation of fossil fuels a5. Why are legumes such as peas and alfalfa considered good for soil?

A. They add valuable humus to the soil when they die and decay. B. They absorb water and help control runoff. C. Their leaves are able to photosynthesis at a very high rate. D. They have nitrogen fixing bacteria in their roots. a6. Where is the oxygen we breathe produced? A. in the rocks B. by decaying organisms C. during photosynthesis D. as water evaporates

Use this diagram to answer the next two questions:

a7. According to the diagram, how do plants get nitrogen?

A. from animal proteins B. from decaying matter C. from nitrogen fixing bacteria D. from nutrients in the air and soil a8. According to the diagram, where does the deer get nitrogen?

A. from nitrogen fixing bacteria B. from plants they eat C. from the soil D. from the air they breathe b9. What is the major factor that limits the number and types of plants that can grow in Utah?

A. the amount of rainfall we receive B. the number of people living Utah C. the types of animals found in Utah D. the amount of phosphate in the soil

b10. The African continent has been plagued by periodic famines and human populations have faced starvation. What data does the chart present that helps understand why?

A. Africa has less water to grow crops than any other continent. B. Africa has water for agriculture but not for industrial uses. C. Africa has a larger population than any other continent and not enough food. D. Africa has little water available to drink. b11. Which continent uses the most water per person to grow crops?

A. Europe B. North America C. Asia d. Australia Use this reading selection to answer the next two questions.

Energy from the sun drives Earth's weather and climate, and heats Earth's surface; in turn, Earth radiates energy back into space. Atmospheric greenhouse gases trap some of the outgoing energy, retaining heat somewhat like the glass panels of a greenhouse. Without this natural "greenhouse effect," temperatures would be much lower than they are now, and life as known today would not be possible. Instead, thanks to greenhouse gases, Earth's average temperature averages a more hospitable 60°F. However, problems may arise when the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases increases. Many scientists have stated that the rising levels of carbon dioxide present a threat to our planet. c12. Which of the following is an inference from this reading?

A. Energy from the sun drives Earth’s weather and climate. B. What are the levels of greenhouse gases that are safe? C. Thanks to greenhouse gases, Earth’s average temperature is 60°F. D. Scientists are worried about greenhouse gases. c13. Which of the following is a fact found in the reading?

A. carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas B. scientists meet at conventions to discuss global issues. C. the greenhouse effect is important to living things. D. people should quit driving their cars to work. c14. What degree of bias does this article contain?

A. very little, the statements are based on known scientific facts. B. moderately biased, Earth may not radiate energy back into space. C. very biased, words like “threat” are emotionally charged. D. too biased to be useful. d15. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been increasing rapidly since the industrial revolution. How is this a disruption of the natural carbon cycle?

A. Carbon from the ocean is dissolving more of the salt. B. Carbon from fossil fuels is no longer being stored underground. C. It represents the natural fluctuation in the cycle caused by humans. D. The rising levels cause global warming, increasing forest fires. d16. If you were concerned about global warming and it’s relationship to the carbon cycle, which of the following steps would be effective?

A. take the bus or commuter train to school or work B. eat less meat and more vegetable products. C. plant drought tolerant plants when landscaping a home. D. grow legumes to add nitrogen to the soil. d17. What impact does buying bottled water have on the environment?

A. The water will be cleaner and more pure than water from a tap. B. The water bottle will become part of a landfill or be recycled. C. The water will become part of the water cycle and evaporate to form a cloud. D. The water bottle will decay into nitrogen fertilizer that plants can use. d18. Which of the following is a way carbon dioxide can be removed from the air?

A. building dams B. fertilizing crops C. mining coal D. planting trees

Constructed Response/Essay.

1. Describe the movement of a carbon atom through the carbon cycle.

2. Describe the movement of a nitrogen atom through the nitrogen cycle.

3. How do inferences affect public opinion on scientific data? Answer Key


1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. D

Essay, Possible answers:

1. Carbon dioxide in the air is absorbed and used by plants to make sugar. Animals eat the plants and the sugars are made into their body tissues. When an animal dies or eliminates wastes, the carbon is returned to the air through decomposition by bacteria.

2. Nitrogen is captured from the air by nitrogen fixing bacteria in certain kinds of plants called legumes. When the plant is eaten by animals, they use the nitrogen in their bodies. When the animal dies or eliminates wastes, the nitrogen is released back into the air.

3. Inferences are made from scientific data to help guide public policies. Without inferences, few decisions could be made.