Academic Recruitment Position Approval Packet

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Academic Recruitment Position Approval Packet


DEPARTMENT/HIRING UNIT: POSITION TITLE: TITLE CODE(S): (enter any applicable codes – to be completed by the division)

The purpose of this packet is to lead hiring units through required steps to initiate a non-senate academic search for lecturers (pool search). Each section should be completed as instructions indicate. It is the responsibility of the Search Committee Chair or Department Chair to complete the contents of this packet. Once completed, the packet and its attachments must be approved by the Dean and then submitted to the Academic Personnel Office for review prior to initiation of the search. Contents include information on: I. Position Description and Flyer Template (return draft Flyer in Word format) II. Screening Criteria/Disposition Reasons (return in Word format) III. Search Committee IV. Outreach Strategies V. Availability and Underutilization VI. Approvals After this packet is complete and approved, your pool recruitment can be opened in UC Recruit, the online academic application system. The recruitment documentation must then be managed in UC Recruit. An online training is available for reviewers at Committee-Members.pdf. It is recommended that reviewers complete the training and the quiz before accessing UC Recruit. It walks you through some of the best practices for using UC Recruit to review applications.

If you have further questions after reviewing and/or completing this packet, please contact the Academic Personnel Office at: [email protected].

1 APO: 8/26/15 N:\Apo\LIBRARY\RECRUIT\2015-16 Recruit Info\Pool Info\PositionApprovalPacket-Pool.doc I. Position Description – Flyer:

The flyer is used to describe the open position and is used in outreach activities. The flyer template must be completed in Word format and attached to this packet. The template will guide you through the development of your flyer. Further information can be found under “Academic Recruitment” on our website, including the campus policy on recruitment and the Faculty Recruitment Toolkit. Other important items to keep in mind as you develop your flyer include:

Basic Qualifications: Due to regulations provided by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), internet applicants are defined as those individuals who possess “the basic objective qualifications for the position.” As a result, when considering the basic qualifications please keep the following in mind:  Qualifications must be objective and may not be comparative. For example, requiring proof of teaching experience is acceptable; however, requiring proof of teaching excellence is not, since this requires comparison to others. One way to determine if a qualification is objective and non-comparative is whether you can answer it with a “Yes” or a “No.”

 If an applicant does not meet one of these qualifications, he/she cannot be considered for employment. As a result, these qualifications should not go beyond the minimum requirements relevant to the performance of the particular position.

 Common basic qualifications define the degree requirement and area of research, and/or require evidence of research or teaching experience.

 Qualifications must be assessed based on the submitted application materials.

Preferred Qualifications: Other qualifications you would like a candidate to possess can be included in the section on Preferred Qualifications. You may include either specific or less defined expectations (e.g., “familiarity with, ability to, understanding of and knowledge of…”) in the preferred qualifications.

To Apply: Identifying the required documents to be submitted is very important, as search committee members will only be able to view the applications of those who have submitted all the required documents. Use the following chart to document the required and optional materials, adding additional lines as necessary. Once the recruitment opens these materials cannot be changed.

Item # Required # Optional

(This table can be expanded as needed) Example: Curriculum Vitae (1 required) 2 APO: 8/26/15 N:\Apo\LIBRARY\RECRUIT\2015-16 Recruit Info\Pool Info\PositionApprovalPacket-Pool.doc Samples of Published Material (1 required, 2 optional) Reference Letter Requests (3 required)

Physical Materials: UC Recruit is designed for application materials to be submitted entirely online. For most searches this will preclude the need to collect physical materials.

Does your search request or allow applicants to submit physical materials? No / Yes

If yes, please provide the mailing address for these materials. This address will be listed on UC Recruit as a contact address, alongside the department/hiring unit email:

Posting and Review Dates: The process for posting pool recruitments does not allow for same- day service, since this packet (including the Flyer and Screening Criteria) must be approved before the search can be opened. Please enter the anticipated date you would like this recruitment opened, the Initial Review Date (IRD) of materials and the Final Review Date (the last day that the recruitment will stay open, provided it has not been filled before this deadline).

Anticipated Open Date: Initial Review Date: Must be at least 30 days from date recruitment is open/posted. If the anticipated open date is not met, APO will automatically set the IRD to 30 days in the title of the search after the recruitment is opened. Final Review Date: The standard Final Review Date will be 6/30 of the third year after the recruitment has opened, provided an earlier date is not given. Pools are set to remain open for three years, with the potential for extension.

3 APO: 8/26/15 N:\Apo\LIBRARY\RECRUIT\2015-16 Recruit Info\Pool Info\PositionApprovalPacket-Pool.doc II. Screening Criteria (Disposition reasons):

A list of screening criteria (disposition reasons) must be approved before the search chair or search committee can be given access to the system. The screening criteria are required because search committee members will have access to completed applications in advance of the Initial Review Date (IRD) and it is imperative that all committee members review each application based on a standard set of criteria. The criteria must be based on the requirements of the position as documented in the flyer.

This list is intended for pool searches. Screening criteria should be submitted as part of this approval packet, and must be approved by APO. Once the screening criteria have been approved, APO will email the Search Committee Chair the final list for distribution to the committee members and also grant access to the UC Recruit system.

NOTE: The criteria below are intended as samples, and the alpha/numeric listing can be added to or edited to reflect advertised, job specific qualifications.

S EC TIO N # 1 : The criteria in Section #1 pertain to those who have not submitted the correct documents required by the advertised position, applied after the initial review date (IRD), or have not met the basic qualifications as advertised. Section #1 disqualifies these individuals from further consideration.

A. Application was incomplete; materials submitted were not the required materials. B. Did not possess basic degree requirements stated in advertisement. C. Degree was not in the advertised field(s) if specific field(s) were required. D. Did not meet stated basic teaching requirements.

S EC TIO N # 2 : Individuals in Section #2 have met the basic qualifications as advertised, but are not strong enough to move on in the review process (i.e., will not be invited for campus visit or identified as an alternate). Meets advertised basic qualifications, but… 1. Lacks sufficient teaching achievement/potential. 2. Teaching area of specialty showed some deficiencies with respect to advertised position. 3. Publication record shows some deficiencies. – (to include this criteria – flyer must be asking for publications to be submitted at time of application).

S EC TIO N # 3 : Individuals that are judged to be the most promising, and are identified to be added to the non-senate pool, fall into Section #3. Meets advertised basic qualifications, and identified as accepted into the pool because…..

30. Ability to teach in one or more target areas as advertised; is pool qualified.

4 APO: 8/26/15 N:\Apo\LIBRARY\RECRUIT\2015-16 Recruit Info\Pool Info\PositionApprovalPacket-Pool.doc III. Search Committee:

The formation of the Search Committee is an important part of the recruitment process. An effective committee is one that is comprised of those that can represent diverse perspectives. Please provide the following information:


Other Member(s):

In addition to the names of the search committee, you will also need to provide the following contact information for use in UC Recruit.

Contact for internal use (for staff questions about this recruitment; not available to applicants):

Name Email Phone

Contact for applicant questions:

Name Email (may be generic) This is the name under which system-generated recruitment notifications—including reference writer “thank you” and “application complete” notices—will be sent. This can be the name and/or title of the search committee chair or the name of the committee.

Staff support for documentation:

Name Email Phone Please note: Requires UC Recruit training and DivData access. Staff members can contact APO for questions about training.

5 APO: 8/26/15 N:\Apo\LIBRARY\RECRUIT\2015-16 Recruit Info\Pool Info\PositionApprovalPacket-Pool.doc IV. Outreach Strategies:

As a federal contractor, affirmative action is a legal obligation for the University of California. Affirmative action refers to specific efforts undertaken by the University designed to promote equal employment opportunity and to create diverse pools of applicants. Affirmative action applies to minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and certain veterans (Armed Forces service medal veterans, disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, special disabled veterans, Vietnam Era veterans, and other protected veterans). Although California’s Proposition 209 prohibits state government institutions from considering race, sex, or ethnicity in the areas of public employment, public contracting, or public education, as a federal contractor the University of California must still fulfill its obligations to affirmative action. In practice, this means that we must make our best efforts to ensure a fair hiring process and to obtain as diverse an applicant pool as possible, but we make our hiring decision without consideration of a person’s gender, ethnicity, disability, or veteran status. The Academic Personnel Office automatically posts open campus recruitments to the following locations:  APO’s academic employment website     Northern California HERC  Diverse Issues in Higher Education (   The search committee is expected to identify further professional organizations and online resources for advertisement, and organize the placement of ads in those locations. In particular, it is essential that you advertise in venues that reach women, underrepresented minorities, disabled, and veterans. The Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) offers a list of organizations and websites for underrepresented minority outreach on its Resources for Faculty Outreach page. The search committee is responsible for ensuring and recording sufficient efforts have been made to reach a wide and diverse population of potential applicants. These efforts need to be documented in UC Recruit. It is important to record all the locations, dates, and durations that posted ads are displayed. Identify sources used for affirmative action outreach with an “AA”. Individual outreach efforts should also be identified, for instance when the P.I. or search committee members contact professional colleagues (please include a sample email and list of those contacted). Proof of outreach efforts, must be uploaded into UC Recruit by staff support, to be included in the Search Report. The search report is reviewed post hoc in non-Senate recruitments, approved by APO and Dean before the appointment file can move forward with the division office. If you are considering using an advertising agency to assist you with the search, helpful hints can be found at “Using Recruitment Advertising Agencies.” Additional recruiting strategies have been compiled by APO, and these are available at “Recruiting Outreach Strategies.”

6 APO: 8/26/15 N:\Apo\LIBRARY\RECRUIT\2015-16 Recruit Info\Pool Info\PositionApprovalPacket-Pool.doc V. Availability and Underutilization:

UC Recruit documents Affirmative Action availability data for every search. In order to provide data which is the best fit for your search, we ask that you review the list of “Specialties” available, select the one(s) which is most appropriate to the position which you are advertising, and record the title(s) below. You can choose up to five specialties and list them below. Please only choose the number of specialties that are most appropriate for this specific recruitment.






The availability data which is tracked in campus recruitments is used to determine if UCSC is making a good-faith effort to attract a workforce that reflects the gender, racial, and ethnic profile of our labor pool. It is important to reinforce at this time that all diversity data is managed through UC Recruit, so departments/hiring units no longer have to send out acknowledgment/AA cards. These processes are done automatically through UC Recruit.

7 APO: 8/26/15 N:\Apo\LIBRARY\RECRUIT\2015-16 Recruit Info\Pool Info\PositionApprovalPacket-Pool.doc VI. APPROVALS:

Position Title:

Hiring Unit Approval: The information included in this packet and its attachments (flyer, screening criteria) must be approved by the Search Committee Chair or Department Chair and submitted to the Dean’s Office for review and approval. The approval of the Search Committee or Department Chair can be done by signing below, or by submission via email. If submitted by a staff person on behalf of the Chair, the chair must be copied to verify he/she is aware of the contents of this packet.

Department/Hiring Unit Approval Date

Divisional Approval: The information included in this packet and its attachments (flyer, screening criteria) must be approved by the Dean. The approval of the Dean can be done by signing below, or by submission via email. If submitted by a staff person on behalf of the Dean, the Dean must be copied to verify he/she is aware of the contents of this packet.

Dean’s Approval Date

8 APO: 8/26/15 N:\Apo\LIBRARY\RECRUIT\2015-16 Recruit Info\Pool Info\PositionApprovalPacket-Pool.doc

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