President S Council Meeting

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President S Council Meeting

PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL MEETING Marcum Technology Center, Room 105A January 30, 2014 2:00 p.m.



1 Approval of minutes –President’s Council Meeting 12-12-13

2 Updates (20 minutes)

 Vice Presidents -Academic Affairs -Student Affairs -Business Affairs -Information Technology and Administrative Services

 Council Presidents -Faculty- Keith Claxton -Support- Michelle Cox -Administrative- Jan Rogers

 SGA President – Michaela Fulkerson

 Affirmative Action Officer – Laura Jent

 Student and Campus Relations- Brenda Cannon

 Student Success- Rhonda Cotham

 Institutional Effectiveness- Sylvia Collins

3 Discussion/News Items (5 minutes)

4 Good News/Accomplishments (5 minutes)

5 President’s Comments (10 minutes)

6. Agenda Items for Next Meeting (5 minutes)

Date: January 30, 2014 1 Time: 2:00 p.m. Location: Marcum Technology Center, Room 105A Attendees: X denotes attendance (See below chart)

Council Members 9/26/13 10/17/12 12/12/13 1/30/14 3/27/14 4/24/14 Dr. MaryLou Apple X X X X President Dr. Stone X X X X Vice President Administrative Services & IT Hilda Tunstill X X X Jan Vice President Rogers Business Affairs Attended Dawn Copeland, X Not X X Interim Vice President of Present Academic Affairs Jerry Tunstill X X Not X Vice President Present Student Affairs Laura Jent X X X Lisa Lee Affirmative Action Officer Attended Keith Claxton X X X X Chair Faculty Council Michelle Cox- X X X X Chair Support Staff Council Jan Rogers X Regina X X Chair Burden Administrative Council Attended Michaela Fulkerson X X X X President Student Government Association Brenda Cannon X X X X Director of Student and Campus Relations Rhonda Cotham Josh Director of Advisement and Caldwell Student Success Attended Sylvia Collins Not Director of Institutional Present Research, Planning and Communication, Webmaster

2 President’s Council Minutes

Approval of Minutes A motion was made by Dr. Eddie Stone and seconded by Mr. Jerry Tunstill to approve the minutes of December 12, 2013.

Academic Affairs- Mrs. Dawn Copeland All significant items were included in the report submitted with the agenda.

Student Affairs- Mr. Jerry Tunstill All significant items were included in the report submitted with the agenda. Staff are working through edits for the 14th day. FTE is up about 1%....other schools have indicated they were 2%- 10% down.

Business Affairs- Mrs. Jan Rogers All significant items were included in the report submitted with the agenda.

IT and Administrative Services- Dr. Eddie Stone All significant items were included in the report submitted with the agenda.

Faculty Council- Mr. Keith Claxton “Macro-majors” are being created and will be available to incoming students effective Fall 2014. “Undeclared” and “Undecided” will no longer be an option. The theory is that students are more successful when they have more direction and structure. A proposal has been made that would allow “American Sign Language” to satisfy the Gen. Ed. foreign language requirement. As a cost saving measure, the administration of SWCC wants to pay one summer class using the 1/32 formula. Any other class would be paid at the adjunct rate. The University of Memphis is proposing a flat rate to be paid for all summer classes. The University of Memphis has a $20 million deficit. A proposal has been made to do away with one-year contracts. The idea is to use three-year contracts which would be reviewed on an annual basis. So the 3-year contract could still be nullified after only 1 or 2 years, but the goal is to give temporary employees more stability. “Ready 2 Teach”, a new program for teacher education, will be in place for Fall 2014. The TBR is looking at imbedding learning support into the curriculum of the courses. This will be fully implemented in Fall 2015.

Support Staff Council- Ms. Michelle Cox The Administrative Council and Support Staff Council have collaborated to provide a professional development opportunity...heart healthy luncheon and seminar, to be held Friday, February 21. Guest speakers from Harton Hospital will lead the event. Each Motlow site will be allocated funds to provide a heart healthy lunch for employees.

Administrative Council- Mrs. Jan Rogers In additional to the Heart Healthy Luncheon and Seminar, there will be “Red Days” throughout the month of February in which employees will be encouraged to wear red in recognition of heart health month.

3 SGA President-Michaela Fulkerson Spring Semester has finally arrived and this means a lot of students will be graduating. The SGA are working on several activities for the spring. The traditional Homecoming will be on February 8. SGA helps with decorations, shirts and other activities, such as possible dress up day, to help show team spirit. Main Campus has not had an official meeting yet for this semester but will be having one soon. The Fayetteville campus will be hosting a spring cotillion. The SGA President will be contacting campuses for an update on all campus activities planned during the coming months.

Affirmative Action- Ms. Lisa Lee All significant items were included in the report submitted with the agenda. A benefits reminder will be sent to the campus by email. The Partnership Plan online assessment must be completed by March 15 and additional screenings must be completed by July 15. Screenings may be scheduled at various locations. Appointments can be made for screenings on March 20 at the Moore County Campus 7:45 AM to Noon in MT 105.

Student and Campus Relations- Ms. Brenda Cannon Ms. Cannon reviewed the complete list of activities planned during February and March at all campus locations. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to support the campus activities. Information soliciting nominees for the Harold Love Outstanding Community Involvement Award Program has been sent by email to the campus, with a deadline of February 28 for application materials to be submitted to Brenda Cannon. February is Black History Month, and Lee Summers will perform at both the Smyrna and Moore County sites. The gala will be held March 8.

Student Success- Mr. Josh Caldwell A Student Success Center update was distributed to the members for review (See Attachment). Total First-Time freshmen (FTF) who attended orientation and registered for fall term: 1065. Total FTF attending orientation and registering for spring term: 133. Staff will begin academic check-ups with this group beginning 1st week of February. Data supports students that participate in the check-ups are less likely to go on probation. Staff has been working with the early alert program to contact and meet with students who have been noted as having an attendance problem. Group was asked to share this information with their departments to give encouragement to students to attend the academic check-ups.

Institutional Effectiveness- Dr. Eddie Stone The Fifth Year Interim Report went very well. We must keep things updated, which will make the 10 year process much easier. Dr. Apple expressed her appreciation to all who worked on the report. The college will host a celebration to recognize the dedicated work of the team.

President’s Comments  Faculty Council was concerned about students getting text books in Fayetteville. Keith expressed his appreciation for the compromise that Carol Horn worked out for the students.  Budget information will be forthcoming soon.

4  VP of Academic Affairs- We received suggestions for members of the search committee and many were incorporated into the team. We are planning to release the announcement of the search committee members on January 31, 2014. This will be a new search committee, and we hope to have this accomplished before faculty leave.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:32 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Christy Glenn


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