Neighbourhood & Community Services

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Neighbourhood & Community Services

Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012

Ref: FOI/NCS/0056 Request: We have received an FOI request asking a number of questions in relation to social workers over the last three years, primarily it relates to staffing numbers, turnover and average salaries.

Although we can obtain the bulk of the answers from the HR/payroll there is one question that we are unable to provide and answer to and that is covered below in Question 2) B - The mean number of cases per worker for the above.

2) a. The number of social workers employed by the local authority on 1st April 2010, 2011, 2012 and the latest available data (or another date in these years if you cannot provide these);

b. The mean number of cases per worker for the above;

c. The total number of social workers who entered the employment of the local authority in the fiscal years 2010/11, 2011/12, and 2012/13 to the latest available data.

d. The total number of social workers who left the employment of the local authority in the fiscal years 2010/11, 2011/12, and 2012/13 to the latest available data.

With that in mind would you be able to provide assistance in let us know the mean number of cases for Children’s and Adult Services, ideally for the three years request or something more current if that is not possible. I was not looking for this on an individual basis and would happily take a total for the service area or even by division. If this is not something the service are willing to provide then I would instead like to have a reason for this that I can place in the response in lieu of the average number of cases.

Response: 2010/11: 129.34 full time equivalent. 2011/12: 140 full time equivalent. We reported the following number of service packages in RAP 2010/11: 7528 2011/12: 7642 Therefore one approximation of caseloads per social worker could be: 2010/11: 7528 / 129.34 = 58.2 cases per social worker 2011/12: 7642 / 140 = 54.6 cases per social worker This does not include agency workers, so the denominator in the above calculations is likely to be slightly higher in reality, giving a slightly lower number of cases per worker. I don't know if you could give an estimate of agency figures, or if we just use our HR data as an approximate. We don't have the 2012-13 RAP figures yet so not sure we could give a value for this.

1 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012 Attachments:

Ref: FOI/NCS/0057 Request: 1) What are your criteria for accessing community sexual health services? How – if at all – have they changed since 2009/10? 2) Do you in any way restrict access to sexual health services on the basis of age? If yes – how? Has this changed since 2009/10? 3) Do you in any way restrict access to sexual health services on the basis of the patient’s choice of contraceptive method? If yes – how? Has this changed since 2009/10? 4) Do you in any way restrict access to sexual health services on the basis of residency, e.g. whether or not the patient is resident in your PCT catchment area? If yes – how? Has this changed since 2009/10?

Response: Sexual health services are still commissioned by the PCT in Warrington. The PCT is currently dealing with a similar FOI request. Attachments:

Ref: FOI/NCS/0058 Request: Could you please advise of the following regarding Re-enablement care provision ; 1. Information on the process by which re-enablement care is commissioned, planned and delivered 2. Can you please advice what the cost of providing the service to the council was in the last financial year 3. How many use this service in which the council provide 4. Is this contract provided by an outside source or in house provider or a combination of both? 5. If outside source, what are the names and addresses of the providers contracted to provide these services to the council? 6. When did this contract commence, and what is the term of the contract? Are there any extension periods applicable to the contract? 7. If in house, is there any intention to put service to tender? 8. What are the contact details of person in charge of re-enablement care provision – name, postal address, email address and phone number Response: 1. Reablement/intermediate care was commissioned in April 2011, following significant stakeholder consultation and service user engagement, which shaped the model of care to be delivered. Tendering exercise completed and contract awarded in April 2011. 2. £2,662,667 (including assessment team ) 3. 964 4. A combination of both 5. Care concepts, Brampton Lodge, Bridge Lane, Appleton , Warrington .WA4 3AH 6. April 2011, contract period for 3 years and can be

2 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012 extended for a further year. 7. None 8. Karen Povall Head of intermediate care services Newtown House Buttermarket Street Warrington WA1 2NH 01925-444164 [email protected] Attachments:

Ref: FOI/NCS/0059 Request: Please could you let me know if you have responded to the Governments consultation on the proposed closure of the Independent Living Fund (ILF). If you have, please could you provide me with your responses to the questions within that consultation. Response: The Council did not provide a response on the consultation re ILF but we have carried out work locally to understand the impact of the proposals. Attachments:

Ref: FOI/NCS/0060 Request: Please would it be possible for you to be able to provide the following information of None Residential Care Packages. 1. Please could you provide for each of the last 5 years the number of all Care Packages worth over £750 per week. 2. If it is possible to do so please break these down to show how many are for people between 18-65 and how many for people over 65. 3. If it is possible to do so please break these down to show which Care Packages were newly commissioned in each year. 4. If it is possible to do so please indicate whether the value of these care packages includes any contribution from the Independent Living Fund (ILF) and how much this contribution is worth. 5. If you only know the LA or Total contribution of the care package, but it is possible that there is an additional ILF contribution which the LA does not record please could you state this in your response. 6. If the ILF is abolished in 2015 and the funds developed to LA's but not ring fenced, would you anticipate being able to continue to fund current ILF users care packages to the level they currently are or not. Response: 1. See Spreadsheet Attachment 2. See Spreadsheet Attachment 3. Resource Limit 4. We do not keep records of clients receiving ILF. The payment goes into client’s bank account and the agency bill the client direct. However in 2012 a

3 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012 report was put together where the number of clients receiving ILF was approx 46 at a weekly package of £293pw. This would equate to £701K per year. 5. Please see previous answer. 6. We would need to review our position if and when that happens Attachments:


Ref: FOI/NCS/0061 Request: I would be grateful if you could you send me a list of Names of all providers on any Framework Agreements or Approved and Preferred Provider lists which cover services for adults with a learning disability (including generic frameworks and lists which include learning disability services)? Details of the start/finish dates for these frameworks/lists Details of any values Can this be for this current financial year? I appreciate that this might include contracts which we are included on, but for completeness we would be grateful if these could also be included.

Response: Provider Start and Finish dates Values – 2012/13 1st October 200 – 31st Care Uk £614,716 December 2012 1st October 200 – 31st £619,320 Creative Support December 2012 1st October 200 – 31st £1,974,093 McIntyre December 2012 Warrington Community 1st October 200 – 31st £1,387,786 Living December 2012 1st April 2003 – 31st £208,500 Warrington Mencap December 2012 1st February 2009 – 31st Safehands £5,102 January 2013 1st February 2009 – 31st Housing 21 £1221 January 2013 1st February 2009 – 31st Bluebird £7094 January 2013 1st February 2009 – 31st Carewatch £84,891 January 2013 1st February 2009 – 31st Castlerock £14,792 January 2013 1st February 2009 – 31st DH homecare £2429 January 2013 1st February 2009 – 31st Mayfield £61,180 January 2013

4 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012 1st February 2009 – 31st Nightingales £10,73 January 2013 1st February 2009 – 31st Premier Care £15,417 January 2013 Attachments: Ref: FOI/NCS/0062 Request: I would like to know the following information about individual budgets, broken down between adults and children: 1) How many people have an individual budget

2) What proportion of total users does this represent

3) Of the people in receipt of an individual budget please state how they manage their funding: a. Council managed (virtual personal budget) b. Direct payment – self managed c. Direct payment – managed by a third party

4) Which third party providers do you use for payroll services?

5) Do these providers contract directly with the Authority?

6) If yes to the above, what is the expiry date of the contract?

7) If no to 6, how do you direct users to payroll providers?

8) Which third party providers do you use for a fully managed service i.e. managed accounts?

9) Again, do these providers contract directly with the Authority?

10) If yes to 9 what is the expiry date of the contract?

11) If no to 9 how do you direct users to providers?

12) Do you make payments to users using a prepaid card?

13) If yes to 12, which card provider?

14) When is the contract due to expire?

5 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012 Response: Adults

1 2239 2 The total eligible population is 4664. This is taken from the RAP annual return 2011/12. Residential and equipment and professional support only clients excluded). Therefore proportion of eligible population who have an individual budget is 48%.

3a 1925 (as at 21/11/2012) b 461 @ 12/11/12 314 over 18 as at 21/11/2012) c NIL 4 No third party provider used 5 Please see response to question 4. 6 Please see response to question 4. 7 We have a Service Level Agreement with a User Lead Organisation, who provide advice and support around Direct Payments. Most service users who employ staff use this organisations payroll service. This payroll service is self funding and not part of the Service Level Agreement. 8 None 9 Please see response to previous question 10 Not applicable 11 Not applicable 12 Implementation project in progress since 1st Feb 2012 – currently 228 of 461 13 Advanced Payment Solutions 14 January 2012


1 There are no families in CYPS with an individual budget. There are 247 families currently receiving a short break. 179 of these receive direct payments. 2 72%

3a Not applicable b Not applicable c Direct payments are managed by a third party 4 Families can choose to use Warrington Disability Partnership.

6 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012 5 WDS does not contract with Authority for payroll. 6 Not applicable 7 Not applicable 8 Not applicable 9 Not applicable 10 Not applicable 11 Not applicable 12 Yes 13 Advanced Payment Solutions. 14 February 2013 Attachments:

Ref: FOI/NCS/0063 Request: Under the Freedom of Information Act, please provide me with the following information: 1. How much funding did your local authority provide to the LINk in 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13? 2. How much funding will your local authority provide to the local Healthwatch in 2013/14 and 2014/15? 3. Will your local Healthwatch be fully functioning by April 2013? 4. Will the social enterprise (body corporate) for your local Healthwatch be: a. Public sector? b. Private sector? c. Voluntary sector/not for profit? 5. Will any of the statutory activities of your local Healthwatch be subcontracted? If so: a. Which activities? b. What is the nature of the body they will be subcontracted to (public sector, private sector or voluntary sector/not for profit)? 6. How many staff were employed by the LINk in 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13? 7. How many staff will be employed by your local Healthwatch in 2013/14 and 2014/15? Response: 1 £107,455 2 Both years approx £150k. ICAS funded separately. 3 Yes 4 Company limited by guarantee. 5a Not expected at this stage however would be a decision for the new body to make in the future. 5b N/A 6 None directly. Support to LINk was via a separate contract held with the Council.and 2 staff members were employed. 7 Unable to answer. This will be a decision for the new organisation to make.

Ref: FOI/NCS/0064

7 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012 Request: 1. What body currently provides the Independent Complaints Advocacy Service your area? 2. Will the Independent Advocacy Service (IAS) be run by your local Healthwatch after April 2013? 3. If this service will not be run by your local Healthwatch after April 2013: a. Who will provide the IAS service in your area? b. Will your local Healthwatch have access to data, information and recommendations from complaints handled to the IAS? Response: 1 The Carers Federation 2 No 3a Currently being tendered. b Yes. Part of specification for tender. Attachments:

Ref: FOI/NCS/0065 Request: Please could you provide me with the following data of non residential care packages: 1) For adult social care, for the last five years, the value of all packages of care worth over £750 per week (ie. a list of the values). 2) If it is possible to do so within the resource limit, please break these down to show which are for people aged between 18-65 and which are for over 65s. If it is possible to do so within the resource limit, please break these down to show which packages of care were newly commissioned that year. If it is possible to do so within the resource limit, please indicate whether the value of these packages of care includes any contribution from the Independent Living Fund (ILF) and how much this contribution is worth. If you only know the LA contribution for part 1 of this request, and it is possible that there is an additional ILF contribution which the LA does not record, please could you state this in your response. If it is possible to do so within the resource limit, please indicate whether the value of these packages of care includes a contribution from continuing care in addition to local authority funding (ie. how much for each package of care is CC funding and how much is LA funded).If you only know the LA contribution for part 1 of this request, and it is possible that there is an additional continuing care contribution which the LA does not record, please could you state this in your response. So, for example, your response might say that you have 3 packages of care worth over £750 per week (say, a=£950, b=£1100 and c=£1300).Some of those might include a contribution from the ILF (perhaps a is funded £500 by the local authority and £450 by the ILF).Some of those might also include a contribution from continuing care (perhaps c is funded £600 by the local authority, £500 by continuing care and £200 from ILF). If you are unable to answer all these questions because of resource limitations, please answer them in the order given in the request. Response: 1 See Spreadsheet Attachment 2 See Spreadsheet Attachment

8 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012 3 Resource Limit 4 We do not keep records of clients receiving ILF. The payment goes into client’s bank account and the agency bill the client direct. However in 2012 a report was put together where the number of clients receiving ILF was approx 46 at a weekly package of £293pw. This would equate to £701K per year. 5 Please see previous answer. 6 Indicated on database. Resource limit re indentifying specific funding. Attachments:


Ref: FOI/NCS/0066 Request: 1. The Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board ... email and telephone number 2. The Chair of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel ... email and telephone number Response: Q1 Steve Broomhead [email protected] Tel 442101 (Chair of Health and Wellbeing Board) Q2 Cllr T Higgins [email protected] Tel 01925 825094 (Chair of Health and Overview Scrutiny Panel) Attachments:

Ref: FOI/NCS/0067 Request:  The total amount the council paid for Christmas trees and decorations (including lights) to decorate local authority buildings in 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13.

 A copy of each invoice received / paid that is included in the above figures. Response: Please see attached Spreadsheet (in body of email) detailing information as requested. Invoices and receipts have been provided and imbedded into the spreadsheet where available within the resource limit. Comments have been provided in each heading of the spreadsheet advising of the nature of the purchase. All other Authority buildings already had decorations that are stored and re used each year, Attachments:


Ref: FOI/NCS/0068 Request: 1. As of the date of this e-mail how many adults does the council provide care workers to in able to assist them perform basic functions (washing, cleaning, shopping etc) which they are unable to perform because of their obesity, or illnesses/sickness directly arising from their obesity?

9 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012

2. What is the total weekly cost to the council of providing care for these individuals? 3. How many obese individuals in your region are classified "housebound"? Response: We do not currently specifically record obesity as a reportable classification on our recording systems and therefore can not readily obtain this information. This is likely to be more readily pursued via NHS stats agency. See Answer to Q1 See Answer to Q1 Attachments:

Ref: FOI/NCS/0069 Request: I am a Masters Student at Edge Hill University , studying MA Voluntary and Third Sector Management. I am also a Warrington resident. As part of my research project I am 'Mapping Black, Minority and Ethnic (BME) Community Capacity' in areas of North West, such as Warrington. Therefore, I was wondering ,if possible , if you could kindly provide statistics of how many BME community groups operate in Warrington (unincorporated, incorporated, social enterprise, small community groups, steering groups etc ).

Response: I am writing in response to your request received on 5th December 12 for information about Statistics of how many BME community groups operate in Warrington (unincorporated, social enterprise, small community groups, steering groups etc). We are unable to determine the exact number of BME community groups operating within the Warrington area as we do not directly fund or engage with all BME groups. Warrington Borough Council actively promotes community cohesion and equality of access to services, programmes and projects through the provision of events open to all within communities. We have a designated BME Community Development Officer who supports us to continually observe emerging communities to ensure we are able to engage with and meet the needs of those communities; we can confirm that 13 new BME community groups have been established over the last twelve months in response to new BME communities that have flourished i.e. Oriental and Russian. We also work closely with Warrington Ethnic Communities Association (WECA) to engage with our BME communities. WECA acts as an umbrella organisation for faith and BME communities. WECA administrate small grants to local BME groups and represent BME communities at groups, boards and other decision making panels. For more information our BME Community Development Officer can be contacted on 01925 638863 or alternatively you can contact WECA via Mr Tatla (Secretary) on 01925 419495.


10 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012

Ref: FOI/NCS/0070 Request: 1. The specific name given to the online access point for the following Service Directories provided by your Local Authority (e.g. Parent Info Zone, Ask, etc.):

a. Enhanced Childcare Directory (ECD).

b. Family Service Directory (FSD) ? please state if included in one of the other Directories listed.

c. Adult Social Care Directory ? please state if included in one of the other Directories listed.

d. Disabled Children?s Service Directory ? please state if included in one of the other Directories listed.

e. Any other dedicated LA Service Directory, aside from services listed as part of the general LA website (please specify Directory name and purpose).

2. The name of the supplier organisation which supplies each of the above Directory systems to the LA, where applicable.

3. The name of any partner organisation(s) that assists in funding each of the above Directories.

4. The total spent in Financial Years 2007-2012 (per year) by the Local Authority (including partner organisation(s)) on each of the above Directories, broken down into two totals as follows:

a. Total system costs (including purchase of system, updates, upgrades, re-branding and re-launching) ? there is no requirement to list these separately as a single cost per Directory system per annum will suffice.

b. Total annual maintenance costs.

Response: Attachments:


Ref: FOI/NCS/0071 Request:

rtf rtf

11 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012 Response: Attachments:


Ref: FOI/NCS/0072 Request: Question One: How many Vulnerable People, in total are living in your Council area of responsibility do you know of?. That is in the local community, whether in individual residential properties, or in residential public and/or private care/nursing homes?. Question Two: How many Chronically Ill Adults, are there living in your local community do you know of?. Question Three: How many Adults with Disabilities, are there living in your local community do you know of?. Question Four: How many Elderly Resident’s with age related health problems, are there living in your local community do you know of?. Question Five: How many Children with Special Needs and/or Young People with Disabilities, are there living in your local community do you know of?. Question Six: How many Ethnic Vulnerable People, who have Poor English skills, or English language is not their first language, are there living in your local community do you know of?. Question Seven: Does your Council have or hold a Vulnerable People’s list, for the above types of individual’s living in your own local communities, Yes or No?. If No, why do you not record or hold and have a Vulnerable People’s list?. If Yes, how do you collect this data?, how often is it updated or check on (i.e. monthly, quarterly, half yearly, or yearly or every other years etc) ?, or how accurate or correct is the information held on Vulnerable people?. Also who do you share this date on Vulnerable People with?, for example with the NHS, Civilian Emergency Services, Utility provider’s and/or the Third Sector? Also what grounds to you share this data with any of the above, or do you not share it with anyone?. Question Eight: We are campaigning for the creation of National, Regional and Local Vulnerable People’s List held by the authorities, also launched an e-petition on HM.Government website; To create National, Regional and/or Local Vulnerable People

12 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012 Database Scheme, which is now live for people to sign upto on HM.Government website. Would your Council be in favour or against this, please give reasons either way?. If the Coalition Government Minister’s, creating a legal duty on local authorities. To actually create a National, Regional and/or Local Vulnerable People Database Scheme, which in case of major natural and/or non-natural emergencies, accidents or incidents of whatever type. Which affects a local community and the authorities to provide emergency help, assistance and/or support. Therefore the safety and welfare of Vulnerable People, who are living in said community is especially at risk too. Then all those who need to know officially where the Vulnerable People are living would know, also what type of Vulnerable People they are and what type of assistance, help and support they needs too. Question Nine: Do you actually know as the local authorities, how many Vulnerable People in your Council own area. Actually died of the Cold in winter 2011/12 period, or the year before for winter 2010/11 period. In Blackpool Borough Council area for these two period, 120 Vulnerable People died of the cold in the winter of 2011/12, plus another 140 Vulnerable People died of the cold in the winter 2010/11, it seems according to Blackpool Council. Question Ten: Do you as the local authorities, already have emergency policies, procedures and plans in place, for the safety and welfare of Vulnerable People living in the local community. That is to go at very short notice, in case of any type of major natural and/or non-natural emergencies, accidents or incidents happens, YES or NO?. If NO, why have you not?. Or has this to do with Public Sector Funding Cuts, to local authorities by the Coalition Government?. If YES, you do have such emergency policies, procedures and plans in place, for the safety and welfare of Vulnerable People living in the local community. Have you ever tested these, Yes or No?. If No, will you think of testing your emergency policies, procedures and plans?. If yes, do you hold regular major emergency incidents training exercises, for your council, with the NHS and the Civilian Emergency Services, or with the likes of Utility (i.e. electric, gas, internet, mobiles, telephone, and/or water/sewage) provider’s, lastly involving the Third Sector Organisation’s too?. Say exercise based around, a major natural and/or non-natural emergencies, accidents or incidents. Which directly affects a local community and all the residents in their own homes, the likes of bad weather major cut to utilities etc. Including Vulnerable People living in the community, who have to be

13 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012 moved out of their own homes, to a Central Place of Safety that is outside the local community affected?. Response: Attachments:


Ref: FOI/NCS/0073 Request: Please could you confirm the name, email address, direct line and position held for each and every senior managers responsible within Adult Social Care for:  Finance  Transformation and Change  Management Information Could you also confirm the following:  The name of the electronic IT Case Management System used within Adults Social Care for recording information and data collected on citizens of the council Please could you confirm the name of the senior officer (s) within Adult Social Care responsible for managing:  The individual who Manages the team who develop reports such as performance indicators, ad hoc reports and finance reports for the purpose of performance management and statutory returns within Adults Social Care  The Training Manager or person responsible for training new and existing users of the case management system  IT Manager of the Case Management System(s)  Helpdesk manager of the Case Management System(s)  Changes to the case management systems system such as screen changes  Systems administration of the case management system As well as the individuals responsible for leading/implementing the following Adult Social Care projects:  Personalisation  Self Directed Support  Individual Budgets  Resource Allocation System (RAS)  Telecare  Re-ablement Where possible please can you confirm the name, email address, direct line and position held for each and every senior responsible officer. Response: Attachments:


Ref: FOI/NCS/0074 Request: 1. How many care homes (residential and nursing care) are in

14 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012 your local authority area? 2. How many Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard referrals did you receive for the year 2011/2012? 3. How many of these were authorised? 4. How many referrals were related to people in care homes? 5. How many Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard referrals have you received so far for the year 2012/13? 6. How many of these have been authorised?

7. How many referrals were related to people in care homes? Response: Answer 41 Answer 52 Answer 36 Answer 52 Answer 46 Answer 33 Answer 46 As Warrington Borough Council can only authorise deprivations of liberty in care homes, all requests for authorisations were from care homes. Requests for authorisation of deprivations of liberty in hospital settings are requested from Warrington PCT. Attachments:

Ref: FOI/NCS/0075 Request: Please could you identify how I could access your latest commissioning strategy for people with a learning disability

The name and contact details of the commissioner responsible

How do I become an approved provider of services for your council? Response: Answer: We are currently developing a commissioning strategy for Learning Disabilities.

Answer: Mike Alsop - Head of Integrated Commissioning. [email protected]. Tel 01925 444146 Answer: All of our tender opportunities or market testing is advertised on ".the Chest". See attached link. OpenDocument Attachments:

Ref: FOI/NCS/0077 Request: We are conducting some nationwide research on contracts for care and support services related to Extra Care schemes. For each of your Extra Care schemes, please would you detail for each:

1. Name of the scheme(s)

15 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012

2. Name(s) of care and support contract(s) managed by the authority, under which support is accessed by tenants at each scheme

3. Expiration date(s) of each contract and potential term of contract extension (if applicable)

4. Name(s) of schemes in development, not yet contracted

If no such schemes (or plans for schemes) exist, please confirm this fact.

Please send the information to A pro-forma is below, which provides clarification.

Contract Information on current Extra Care Schemes

Name of Extra Care Scheme 1


Contract 1 Current Expiry Date Potential Extension Period

Name of Extra Care Scheme 2


Contract 1 Current Expiry Date Potential Extension Period Contract 2 Current Expiry Date Potential Extension Period

Schemes in development:

Name of Extra Care Scheme 3

Name of Extra Care Scheme 4

Response: Name of Extra Care Scheme 1- Mosslands


Contract 1 Current Expiry Date Potential Extension

16 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012 Period Mosslands Extra Care Provided by Warrington Not applicable Service Borough Council in partnership with Manchester and District Housing Association

Name of Extra Care Scheme 2 – Broomefields


Contract 2 Current Expiry Date Potential Extension Period Broomefields Extra Provided by Warrington Not applicable Care service Borough Council in partnership with Golden Gates Housing

Name of Extra Care Scheme 3 – Woolston Hall


Contract 1 Current Expiry Date Potential Extension Period Woolston Hall Extra Provided by Warrington Not applicable Care service Borough Council in partnership with Golden Gates Housing

Name of Extra Care Scheme 4 – Sankey Manor


Contract 1 Current Expiry Date Potential Extension Period Sankey Manor Extra Provided by Warrington Not applicable Care service Borough Council in partnership with Golden Gates Housing

Name of Extra Care Scheme – Ryfield Retirement Village


Contract 1 Current Expiry Date Potential Extension Period Ryfields Retirement 30/9/2013 Village I can confirm there are currently no further plans for additional Extra Care services at this point in time .

17 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012


Ref: FOI/NCS/0080 Request: 1. Do you require your own or 3rd party care providers to track arrival and departures at residents homes? 2. Do you require your own or 3rd party care providers to track tasks and/or care outcomes? 3. How do you currently track arrival departure and care outcomes? 4. Do you get involved in commissioning of tracking systems and electronic call monitoring or do you allow your 3rd party providers to procure their own tracking and electronic call monitoring 5. Do you stipulate a specific tracking or electronic call monitoring system or product that maybe include these functions as part of a larger system? 6. If commissioned, was electronic call monitoring tendered for as a standalone product? 7. If commissioned, was electronic call monitoring tendered for as part of a larger solution e.g. with a crm or rostering solution?

8. If not tendered for, why not? Response: No

External providers are not expected to track tasks or care outcomes. The Intermediate Care service does track outcomes for its service users.

Auditing of care files, complaints, feedback from service users, contracting and safeguarding processes.

Third party providers can procure their own tracking and electronic call monitoring system if they wish to


Not commissioned

Not commissioned – n/a Attachments:

Ref: FOI/NCS/0082 Request: 1. How many Approved Mental Health Professional posts has your local authority employed in: January 2011, January 2012 and January 2013 (so far)? Note: by posts I mean the number of permanent full-time (or full-time equivalent AMHP) posts you have, not the number of individuals who have filled that post at different times during the year.

18 of 19 Neighbourhood & Community Services October – December 2012 2. How many social workers has your local authority provided funding to be trained as Approved Mental Health Professionals in 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 (so far)? 3. How much has your local authority spent on locum or agency approved mental health professionals in 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 (so far)? Response: Answer: Jan 2011 Jan 2012 Jan 2013 24 f.t.e. 22.4 f.t.e. 19.7 f.t.e Answer: 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 1 0 2 Answer: 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 0 0 0 Attachments:

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