Holt Park Residents Association Meeting

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Holt Park Residents Association Meeting

Holt Park Tenants & Residents Association Meeting

ASB & General Meeting

Held at Ralph Thoresby School

16th June 2011

Present: Alan Mann (Chair), Christine Lunn (Vice-Chair), Roderick Morgan (Secretary), Catherine Lone (Treasurer), Mrs Pat Getzels, Sandra St Juste, Lourdes St Juste, Alison.Billett, Laura Preston, Keith Barker, Kate Bates, Kat Fox, Derek & Diana Constantine, Muriel & Harry Spencer, Andy Walker, Michael Brogan, Andi Adams, JF Gair, Mrs P A Jones Chris Tollick (WNWhL), Angela Mawdsley (ASB Team-West), PC Abansius, PCSO Chris King

Apologies: Rachel Oliver & Julie Lockwood (Sanctuary Hsg Assn), Cllr Barry Anderson, Luke Beaumont, Christina Shaw

Item Action

1.0 Minutes from last meeting

Minutes from previous meeting approved.

2.0 Matters Arising from Previous Minutes

AM to chase up Holt Park Today regarding article on AM fencing

AM to investigate what other housing providers do with AM untidy gardens, as the level on the Holtdales is quite high.

AM to continue to monitor the position regarding the AM Holt Park Tennis Project.

AM to chase up WNWhL for information on AM performance from their enforcement team that work as part of the Quest Project

CT to update at next meeting regarding ‘Good CT Neighbour Agreement’

3.0 NPT – Police Update

Burglary: There have been three reports of burglary this week. One on Holt Park Avenue, which occurred during the day and only one item of jewellery was stolen. The offenders have used a tool to snap the europrofile lock from the rear door. The other two burglaries occurred on Holt Farm Close and both these properties had the europrofile lock snapped also. No reports of vehicle crime this week.

ASB: NPT did attend alongside two bus inspectors on Thursday evening after reports of damage to buses carrying school children. Everything was found to be in order.

Some issues with youths gaining access to the old changing rooms across from Holtdale View. Damage to the doors which required LCC to attend and steel sheet.

NPT suggested that residents consider using CASAC to resolve any issues relating to europrofile locks. PJ advised that she had used CASAC and it cost her £125.00 AM to investigate whether or not WNWhL or AM Sanctuary Housing are planning any programme works around this issue.

AM advised that there has been an increase in graffiti around the Holtdales with repeated tags, some of which are offensive to the Police. In addition, there has been some vandalism at the Holt Park Tennis Courts where small trees have been damaged, and the tennis court nets on a Sunday are being removed and left until Parks & Countryside turn up on the Monday to reinstate them. Thought to be a group of asian males who play cricket on Sunday afternoons. NPT to look NPT into this a report back at next meeting.

4.0 Angela Mawdsley – New Quest Team

Angela Mawdsley has only recently started working in the ASB Team (West). Had worked the previous 5 years in the ASB Team in Wolverhampton, and prior to that as a crime analyst in London.

Angela Mawdsley then went on to provide the background to the setting up of the new ASB Team, which is known by its project name of QUEST.

This team has pulled together all the relevant services within Leeds. It started back in January 2010, on the back of the Pilkington Case. It has drawn the LCC ASB Team, ALMO ASB Enforcement Teams, West Yorkshire Police.

The project findings were: There was a need for a more joined up approach to ASB, that each service had different service levels, that they regularly duplicated work, failed to communicate with one another, there was a lack of preventative action, poor information sharing, variable resource, and poor use of tools and powers of handling ASB. This resulted in a poor perception by the media. As a result of the pilot there is now a central performance team that is split into 3 areas across the city. Based in office close to Elland Road.

Initial feedback is that the quality of information coming through to the team is better, which is reflected in the level of satisfaction increasing from 4.14 to 5

Tenants and Residents can report ASB through their local housing office or LCC contact centre where there are dedicated officers who handle ASB enquiries.

Angela Mawdsley will provide AM with a list of useful contact numbers to circulate to all members.

Angela Mawdsley to look into how the Performance Team can provide detailed analysis for the Holt Park. AM to follow this up in August 2011 AM

AM and the HPTARA Committee would like to thank Angela Mawdsley for attending, and wished her all the best in her new job.

5.0 More Effective Responses to ASB (Home Office) by Alan Mann

AM gave the background to the recent Home Office Consultation Paper on More Effective Responses to ASB.

AM gave some facts regarding the current position on ASB:

 Police receive over 3.5m reports of ASB per year  HMIC reports MORI highlighted that only half of the 5,699 victims surveyed felt the Police & Partners were dealing with ASB effectively  Use of the ASBO has fallen since 2005  Breach rate is rising, up from 40% in 2003 to 56% in 2009  Only half of the 171,000 PNDs issued in 2009 were for ASB linked offences  LOW ISO take-up, only 8% of ASBOs had ISOs attached.

The new proposals would streamline the types of orders currently available down to five. Criminal Behavioural Order, Criminal Prevention Order, Community Protection Order 1&2, and Police ‘Direction’ power.

The Community role indicated in the consultation paper means:

o The community trigger for persistent ASB and which has not been addressed by community safety partners. o Aligned to street level crime information o A duty on Community Safety Partnership to take action in case where victims or communities have raised the same issue over and over again and where agencies have failed to respond. o Timely and non-bureaucratic o Police & Crime Commissioner holding agencies to account for their response.

AM can provide copied of all documents on request.

6.0 West North West homes Leeds Update

CT reminded everyone that there is an estate walkabout tomorrow (17 June). Starting point is the junction at the bottom of Holtdale Drive, commencing at 10am

Managing the Environment: 26 cases issued, 400+ Good Neighbour Agreement Forms issued, and 2 Garden Letters. 14 cases referred onto the Estate Caretaking Team.

Repairs & Maintenance: 9 Emergency, 32 Priority Internal, 48 General Internal, 15 General Internal, 221 jobs completed with 104 new jobs ordered.

Lettings and Empty Properties: 2 properties on notice and 5 properties empty. 3 Properties have been relet

All reports cover the period 19.05.2011 to 16.06.2011

7.0 Sanctuary Housing Association Update

ASB: 3 cases ongoing for Noise Nuisance

Managing the Environment: Issues picked up from the walkabout on 3 June.

 Small levels of abandoned furniture around the estate.  Pot holes in the car parks, loose paving stones around the scheme  Small areas where shrubbery maintenance and weeding is required

Lettings & Empty Properties: 1 property under notice, and 3 properties are empty, also investigating 3 properties that could be abandoned.

2 relets on nomination.

Other Information:

Overall Estate Inspection carried out on 3rd June resulted in a ‘Good’ grade for the estate. AM commented that had it not been for a very small number items the grade would have been ‘Excellent’.

Sanctuary Housing Association is running a gardening competition this year. All entry forms along with photographs should be returned by 31st July 2011. Any resident wanting to enter should contact Julie Lockwood on 0800 781 0401

Julie Lockwood will be carrying out garden inspections on Wednesday, 27th June 2011

8.0 Holt Park Entrance Project 2011

AM confirmed that the second stage application has been sent to CommunitySpaces. The outcome of this application should be known by the end of August 2011.

AM would like to thank all those people who have helped to put the application together, and worked hard on the consultation exercise.

AM to discuss with members at the next meeting the AM options for volunteering on the scheme and any ideas for the opening event etc.,

9.0 Holt Park Gala 2011

CL reported that the gala for 2011 has been cancelled.

Committee to be set up in October 2011, to ensure that all areas are covered for a gala in July 2012. Invites to be sent out in September 2011.

10.0 Working with Cookridge Primary School

AM,CL and Paul Hurrell will be visiting Cookridge Primary School (Debbie Hawkins) to discuss projects for Holt Park.

1. Mosaic at the entrance of Holt Park on the rear garden wall of 25 Holtdale Gardens. 2. Working with students and residents on a flower bed project opposite the main entrance of Ralph Thoresby School 3. Bulb planting for next spring around the Holtdales and Holt Farm Estates 4. Working on the Holt Park Entrance Project, planting wildflowers etc.,

AM to update at next meeting AM

11.0 Any other Business

Holt Park Active Living Centre

Helen Evans to notify AM regarding the first consultation event.

Coach Trips

CL to look into various coach trips, and provide update CL at the next meeting.

12.0 Next Meeting

There will be no meeting in August due to school holidays.

Next meeting will be held on Thursday, 22nd September 2011 at Ralph Thoresby School. Start time will be 6.45pm ending around 8pm

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