Downtown Development Partnership of Great Falls, Inc
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Minutes Downtown Development Partnership of Great Falls, Inc. Meeting Location – Gibson Room, Civic Center April 26, 2017 Board members present: Brett Doney, Joan Redeen, Sheila Rice, Barbara Murfield, Craig Raymond, Tom Micuda Board members absent: Kellie Pierce, Shane Etzwiler, Garry Hackett, Greg Doyon, Jason Brantley, Trevor Mikkelson Guests present: Carol Bronson, Andy Ferrin, Alison Fried, Max Grebe, Adam Hunt, Lisa Kunz, Jason Madill, Sara Sexe, Patrick Sullivan Brett called the meeting to order at 9:04am. 1. Montana Downtown Conference – Brett informed everyone present that the Downtown Development Partnership is hosting the Montana Downtown Conference and Downtown/Riverfront Opportunity Showcase, October 18-20, 2017. The theme is Attracting Private Investment to your Downtown. 2. Guest Presentations – Open Meeting Law – Sara Sexe, City Attorney and Lisa Kunz, City Clerk, presented their open meeting law PowerPoint presentation. 3. Consent Agenda - Approval of Minutes – There was not a quorum present. 4. Financials – Sheila provided the financial report as of 3/31. She added that the three (3) TIF requests for funding were submitted to the City. The TIF requests included the following: 1. Downtown website development; 2. Operation funds, insurance, etc.; 3. Wayfinding planning grant funds. Craig reported that he, Erin Borland and Tom Micuda, will be reviewing the applications. Brett noted that GFDA may have time to write the EDA grant. 5. Major Project Updates – 1) Governance – Brett Doney, GFDA The Governance committee is focusing on the Downtown Conference and Showcase. Thanks were extended to Sheila for completing the TIF requests. Brett reported that the Montana Economic Development Association (MEDA) conference is being held in Great Falls, register by 5/2. Janet Cornish will be speaking on TIF’s. 2) Design – Joan Redeen, BID a. Wayfinding – Craig reported that there is no update on wayfinding, at this time. Sheila noted that the application for the TIF funding is to match other funding to be able to apply for a $50K EDA grant; that then creates a $100K pool to work with for the Wayfinding plan. b. Parking – Craig reported that the City is under contract with LPW to work on securing both parking garages. The City is entering its budget process and with that, Craig is making a request for staff to be dedicated to parking. Discussion followed on the DDP serving in the advisory role for the City in regard to parking. c. Public Art – Joan reported that traffic signal box project deadline for submission is this Friday, 4/28. Installation is planned for week of May 22nd. Joan reported that the BID’s parking meter art project is moving forward; installation of the poles will be complete this weekend. d. Pedlet – Joan reported that the design of the plans is complete; the bid packets were sent out to four (4) contractors; bids are due tomorrow, Thursday 4/27. The goal is for installation next week. Sheila inquired about the Paris Gibson mural; Joan noted that is the Paris Gibson Month Committee and they are in search of a building. e. River’s Edge Trail – Joan had nothing to report at this time. 3) Promotion – Kellie Pierce, DGFA Joan reported that the Cash Mob is this Saturday, starting at 10am at Food Frenzy. The Soup Cook-off follows that. May 6th is Cruisin’ the Drag; DGFA will be doing an Instagram scavenger hunt. The trolley will begin tours on the weekends in June. She added that Kellie flies out Sunday to Pittsburgh to the National Main Street Conference. a. Downtown Website – Joan reported that the website is live, go to Sheila added that this website is very merchant/business/shopping/entertainment experience oriented. She added that Carol is working on creating a new website that will be representative of living downtown, investing in downtown, parks and other events, utilizing NWGF grant funds. Sheila added that there isn’t a need for major investment in a DDP website; the investment should be in the Downtown website. b. Downtown App – Joan reported that they continue to work on this and it will be live soon. 4) Economic Restructuring – Brett Doney, GFDA a. Brownfield Assessments – Joan reported that one Phase II was approved, outside of the DDP boundaries. b. Major Development Opportunities – Nothing to report at this time. 6. Initiative Updates – 1) BACI – Joan reported that the BACI group met last Friday; Carol reported that they are actively working with Davidson on their Food Truck Friday, in conjunction with First Friday Art Walk. 2) Montana Downtown Conference – Reported on earlier, rough schedule presented to all present. 7. Downtown Partner Action Updates – Adam reported that the benches by the Urban Art Project have been removed. Alison reported that there are more issues with the weather being nice. Carol reported that the Safety Alliance is meeting; MApril will be held 5/6 & 5/13; HPAC Awards are 5/31. Joan reported that the BID has approved Business Incentive grants for Zero Escape, Chopz and Bold Reserve. Fire Artisan Pizza is now open; BID funded an interior grant for them. Jumping Monkeys is now open; we funded their rent previously. A new muffler shop has opened up on 1st Ave South outside the BID boundaries. The MT Main Street Stats are due to be submitted on 4/28 and will be emailed to everyone upon completion. Sheila reported that NWGF 12-plex has one vacant unit left; the High School houses open houses will be held the end of May. Craig reported that Community Planning has hired two new staff members who will start on 5/1 and 5/16. HPO role may change, as a result of the new hires and their expertise. He added that there is a great deal of investment going on in Great Falls. Max reported that even though the City is short staffed they’ve been keeping up and doing an excellent job. He reported that he serves on the Music on the Mo committee and they are holding their Summer Kick Off in Gibson Park on 6/29 (Sheila’s birthday party). Tom reported that Erin provided him with an update on the Farmer’s Market. The Board met on 4/25; they are receptive to the Sidewalk Sale and having a market presence on Central Ave that day. 8. Public Comment – No public comment at this time. The next meeting of the Downtown Development Partnership has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 24th at 9am in the NeighborWorks Learning Center at 509 1st Ave South. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55am.