Burnley Road Junior, Infant and Nursery School, Mytholmroyd

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Burnley Road Junior, Infant and Nursery School, Mytholmroyd

Governors, Staff and School Council input into this policy. Review December 2016


Behaviour Policy

NB. This policy is under review. During autumn term 2016 we are trialling a new behaviour management strategy based on positive rewards and consequences – see below. All parents have been made aware of this through parent mail or by hard copy. We will review this system at the end of Autumn term.


Step Example of Behaviour Consequence/Reward 5  Follow instructions first time  Extra playtime  We are all learning  Golden time on Friday  Class reward/prizes at teacher’s discretion  Half termly certificates for All 5s  Half termly activity afternoon for all 5s  End of year prize for All 5s 4  Not following instructions  Verbal warning first time  Talking on the carpet  Talking in a line going into assembly and during assembly  Calling out  Talking whilst the teacher is talking  Stopping my partner from working  Running along the corridor  Dropping litter  Not being prepared for lessons  Forgetting Reading Record in KS2  Being out of your seat when you shouldn’t be  Defacing school property  Not taking pride in presentation 3  Repeating any of the above  Miss 5 minutes of playtime (class

1 Behaviour Policy Governors, Staff and School Council input into this policy. Review December 2016

behaviours adult or neighbouring teacher to  Unsatisfactory Work supervise)  Work to be completed at playtime / lunchtime (class teacher to supervise) 2  Calling another child silly  Record on the behaviour tracking names that upset them sheet  Persistent behaviour from  Contact parents Step 3 and 4  Miss playtime or 15 mins of lunch  Hurting another pupil on time (class teacher to supervise) purpose  Work to be completed at playtime  Being rude to another child  Remove to another class or adult  Use of inappropriate language 1  Deliberately damaging  You will be sent to Deputy Head equipment (e.g. throwing /  Record on the behaviour tracking breaking/ spoiling / tearing a sheet book)  Contact parents  Refusal to work  If refusing to do work – remove to  Taking other people’s another class property on purpose  Reflection Time – You will fill in a  Bullying – repeatedly and reflection sheet, think about the purposefully verbally or impact and a way forward physically hurting another  Miss a number of playtimes at the child discretion of the Deputy Head  Racial or homophobic name  Any position of responsibility will be calling removed until further notice  An act of aggression or verbal (discretion of DH) violence towards anyone  If Persistent – SLT to remove you  Being disrespectful to any from behaviour system and placed member of staff you on an Individual Behaviour Plan 0  Putting yourself or other  You will be sent to Headteacher and people in danger your behaviour will be recorded on  Causing physical injury to the tracking system. others on purpose  Parents will be contacted and asked  Swearing directly at an adult to come into school to discuss your Being extremely aggressive behaviour. and  Reflection Time – You will fill in a  seriously disrespectful reflection sheet, think about the  Harming the reputation of impact and a way forward. the school e.g. in or around  Miss a number of playtimes at the the school grounds or when discretion of the Headteacher on a school visit.  Possible lunchtime exclusion.  Possible fixed term / permanent exclusion

2 Behaviour Policy Governors, Staff and School Council input into this policy. Review December 2016

Details/Comments on pupil’s behaviour and actions taken:




Our academy cannot function in a satisfactory way where there are problems with behaviour and there is a need to positively manage and encourage good behaviour. We are aware that some children will need more direction, help and support than others so that our academy can function in an acceptable way and where it provides a safe, happy and encouraging environment for our pupils and staff.


The Governors of Burnley Road Academy aim to promote good behaviour amongst all pupils in order to secure an atmosphere which is conducive to effective teaching and learning.

Governors intend to actively create a climate in which children and adults are valued and respected and in which achievement of all kinds is recognised and celebrated.


1. Inform parents what we mean by good behaviour.

3 Behaviour Policy Governors, Staff and School Council input into this policy. Review December 2016

2. Ensure that all staff: teaching, teaching assistants and lunchtime has a shared understanding and expectation of good behaviour.

3. Promote good behaviour by using appropriate effective incentives.

4. Ensure the effective involvement of all staff in the promotion of good behaviour and the management of unacceptable behaviour.

5. Develop strategies to promote greater parental involvement in the promotion of good behaviour and the management of unacceptable behaviour.

6. Devise systems whereby all achievements (in and out of the academy) are recognised and celebrated in order to encourage and motivate all children.

7. Manage unacceptable behaviour by using a range of positive strategies and a clear consistent and fair range of appropriate sanctions.

8. The academy will actively work to reduce bullying and first strike violence.

Strategies – These are currently supplemented by the trial strategy seen on Pp 1-3

In order to achieve our objectives the following action will be taken:-

 All parents will be given a copy of our Behaviour Information Sheet when their child joins our academy.

 At staff meetings all staff will be given the opportunity to discuss behaviour and the different strategies that are available to them.  The Head teacher will keep all staff informed of new strategies and policies concerning behaviour.

 The academy will have a house point system which rewards improving and good behaviour as well as good work and effort. All staff need to be aware that these are different and to actively encourage both.

 The academy will encourage an open door policy to parents and try to keep them involved in the management of their child's behaviour by informing the parent when their child’s behaviour is not acceptable and the head and/or deputy being available when the doors open at 8:55 am.

 All achievements made by children will be celebrated at the Friday Awards Assembly.

The academy will use a range of appropriate sanctions when dealing with unacceptable behaviour which all staff will apply without favour to individual children. The progressive range of sanctions is as follows: THESE ARE CURRENTLY REPLACED BY Pp1-3

 oral warning  move to different seat within class  isolate within class  removal of house points

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 send to another class  detention  send to Key Stage manager  send to Head  contact parents (at teachers’ discretion, can speak informally to parents re- behaviour)  behaviour modification plan  fixed term exclusion  permanent exclusion

Following a discussion on detention at staff, governor and School Council meetings, the decision was made, on what merited being kept. School Council asked if cheating could be added.

 Lying  Hurting others  Spitting  Stealing  Swearing  Disruption of others’ education  Persistent – disobedience  Defiance  Cheating


The academy will follow Calderdale Guidance on exclusion and the Headteacher will use his/her discretion when excluding a pupil from the academy or from the class. However, exclusion from the class is automatic if an adult suffers verbal / physical abuse, if a child continually refuses to do as they are asked or leaves the premises without permission. The Governing Body will be involved when required. (See ‘A Guide to the Law for Governors’)


Good behaviour is seen to be a key element in securing an atmosphere which is conducive to effective teaching and learning. The responsibility for the development of a shared understanding and consistent approach to the development of good behaviour will rest with the Headteacher. Although it is recognised that all parties involved in the academy, children, parents and all staff have important roles in achieving our aims.


The active support of parents is crucial if positive good behaviour is to be developed and maintained. Governors will seek to foster this continued support by:

 providing clear, accessible information to parents about the academy's policy on behaviour.

 involving parents in the review of the policy by discussing it at the Governors meeting.

 ensuring speedy and efficient mediation in circumstances where there is a disparity

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between parents expectations and those of the academy or other mis- understandings relating to issues of behaviour. These will initially be dealt with by the Head teacher and then by the appropriate committee if an appropriate solution cannot be found.


The Governors intend to continue to provide appropriate training for all staff to ensure:-

 shared responsibility amongst staff for the promotion of good behaviour.

 greater understanding and agreement about what is meant by good behaviour (being good as opposed to doing good work).

 clarity about behaviour that is unacceptable.

 strategies for the prevention of unacceptable behaviour, including bullying and the identification of potential trouble spots (times, places and circumstances).

 the use of consistent strategies to promote good behaviour.

 graded responses to unacceptable behaviour.

 consistent and fair use of sanctions for unacceptable behaviour.

Curriculum Developments

The curriculum will be developed as necessary to directly or indirectly promote positive good behaviour which will encourage the development of children's awareness at an appropriate level of:-

 their needs and rights.

 the needs and rights of others.

 the academy's expectations.

 the need for rules in the academy to protect individual freedoms.

 shared and differing concepts of right and wrong.

The curriculum will also be developed to encourage children's participation in:-

 identifying areas for concern about behaviour.

 devising their own positive rules for behaviour in all areas of the academy (as


 contributing to any discussion on rewards or consequences.

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 actively take part in anti-bullying initiatives e.g. anti-bullying week.

The curriculum committee, having sought appropriate advice, will provide further guidance on this issue if necessary.

Monitoring and evaluation

This policy will be monitored and evaluated by the Head teacher. Monitoring will include discussions with all staff and parents and the monitoring of all reports of unacceptable behaviour.


This policy will be reviewed in December 2016

Policy agreed June 2015

7 Behaviour Policy

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