Coding Sheet Describing the Predictor and Outcome Variables

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Coding Sheet Describing the Predictor and Outcome Variables

Coding sheet describing the predictor and outcome variables CODER NAME: ______

Author(s) and Year:

Paper Title:

1. First author’s academic Social Scientist Notes: discipline Economist Anthropologist Geographer Ecologist Environmental Law NGO staff member Other: Undefined 2. Project name

3. Project location (country) 4. Year research was conducted 5. Year paper was published 6. Geographic location Neartic Notes: Oceanic Neotropical Antarctic Afrotropical Pelearctic Indo-Malay Australasia 7. Ecosystem Type  Tropical & Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests Notes:  Tropical & Subtropical Dry Broadleaf Forests  Tropical & Subtropical Coniferous Forests  Temperate Broadleaf & Mixed Forests  Temperate Conifer Forests  Boreal Forests/Taiga  Tropical & Subtropical Grasslands, Savannas & Shrublands  Temperate Grasslands, Savannas & Shrublands  Flooded Grasslands & Savannas  Montane Grasslands & Shrublands  Tundra  Mediterranean Forests  Marine  Other: 1  Undefined 8. Land/resource 1. no community control Notes: tenure 2. mixed community +other control (joint) (tenure over land or 3. local but private land ownership primary resources 4. total communal or community control targeted by the project) 5. undefined

9. Subsistence types (e.g. hunters and gatherers, pastoralists, horticulturalists, agrarians, mixed, etc. – describe all that apply)

10. Land use type - list all that apply (e.g. grazing, hunting, agriculture, fishing):

11. Importance of 1. fundamental direct (positive benefits) Notes: resource/land to 2. fundamental negative (pest sp) local people 3. non-essential (incidental)

4. value added income

5. value added other

12. Market integration 1. low Notes: 2. moderate 3. high 13. Broader socio-political and economic conditions (list any that apply): 14. Environmental – environmental shocks: shocks

– local environmental conditions/constraints:

15. Population size

16. Population Population Growing: YES / NO dynamics

2 16a. Pop. Econ heterogeneity: high / low / undef Notes: Heterogeneity

Ethnic heterogeneity: high / low / undef Notes:

17. Supportiveness of a. Presence of national policy transferring (or reaffirming or assuring) land broader and/or resource rights to local communities ( Y / N ): governance Notes: structures

b. Are national-level land rights and/or CBNRM policies actually implemented – do they have the desired effect at the community level (or is it an empty policy)? ( Y / N ): Notes:

18. Effectiveness of 1. ineffective institutions, conflict Notes: local government 2. mixed or neutral institutional effectiveness institutions 3. effective institutions

19. Supportiveness of 1. unsupportive institutions Notes: local non-gov 2. mixed support from culture/nongov instits institutions and culture 3. supportive institutions

20. Threat Type Source Severity Motivation Mrkt threat Mrkt source Habitat Agric/aquaculture Minimal Commercial YES Local 1 destruction Urban develop Moderate Subsistence NO Non-local Habitat Tourism Large Mixed degradation Industry Undefined Undefined (global) Species Transportation NA War/unrest mortality Natural disasters Species Biological resource use Energy disturbance production Other: Other: Unknown Undefined

3 21. Threat Type Source Severity Motivation Mrkt threat Mrkt source Habitat Agric/aquaculture Minimal Commercial YES Local 2 destruction Urban develop Moderate Subsistence NO Non-local Habitat Tourism Large Mixed degradation Industry Undefined Undefined (global) Species Transportation NA War/unrest mortality Natural disasters Species Biological resource use Energy disturbance production Other: Other: Unknown Undefined

22. Threat 3 Type Severity Motivation Mrkt threat Mrkt source Habitat Source Minimal Commercial YES Local destruction Agric/aquaculture Moderate Subsistence NO Non-local Habitat Urban develop Large Mixed Tourism degradation Undefined Undefined (global) Industry Species NA Transportation mortality War/unrest Species Natural disasters disturbance Biological resource use Energy Other: production Other: Undefined Unknown

23. Project initiation/duration (years) 24. Goals of project (list)

25. Habitat/species focus Habitat Notes: Species Both DK

26. Is there a protected area YES / NO associated with the project 27. Protected area name (if applicable) 28. Protected area start date (predate project?) 29. Did protected area predate YES / NO 4 the project? 30. Protected area size (units)

31. IUCN ranking I. Strict Nature Reserve Notes: II. National Park III. National Monument IV. Habitat/Species Management Area V. Protected Landscape (incorporates anthropological reserve) VI. Managed Resource Area (incorporates multiple use) Undefined

32. Capacity building Tech Skills: YES / NO Notes:

Institution Build: YES / NO Notes:

33. Approach to govt. 1. conflict Notes: 2. neutral institutions 3. active engagement 4. undefined

34. Approach to non-govt. 1. conflict Notes: 2. neutral institutions and shared 3. active engagement values/culture 4. undefined

35. Interaction between a. Is the national government involved in project decision broader governance making? structures and local (Y/ N): institutions/contexts Notes: (national – local)

b. If the national government is not involved, do they provide support for the community and/or project? ( Y / N ): Notes:

5 c. Is there an NGO working locally that is involved/supportive of the project decision making? - involved formally - not involved but supportive - not involved/conflicting Notes:

f. Is there an aspect of local government (outside of the community, e.g. police, local courts) that is involved with or supportive of the project decision making?) - involved formally - not involved but supportive - not involved/conflicting Notes:

36. Project impetus (initial 1. no community Notes: idea/motivation for the project) 2. a little community 3. joint or complete community

37. Project establishment 1. no community Notes: (involvement project design and development). 2. a little community 3. joint or complete community

38. Decision-making 1. no community control Notes: (involvement in daily decision-making 2. a little community control in the project). 3. joint or complete community

39. Charisma YES / NO Notes: (was there a charismatic leader or group of people present that affected the project): 40. Envt. Education YES / NO Notes:

6 41. Economic Benefits Notes: 1. Full Protection (no community use)(FP) 2. Protection with Education (FP) 3. Protection with Ecotourism (IC) 4. ICDP Emphasizing Compensation (FP) 5. ICDP Emphasizing Substitution (SC) 6. ICDP Emphasizing Enhancement (DC) 7. CBC emphasizing reduction in resource use (RC) AND/OR No protection or restriction on resource use (CBC with education) (DC)

42. Resource Use -protected/prohibited Notes: (of resources targeted by the project) - regulated use

- unregulated use

43. Benefits target International Notes: National Regional (state/province/district/locality) Community Household Individual No Benefits intended

41a. Social capital/benefits Yes Notes: (what social (intangible) benefits did the community reap from the project) No

Eroded/deteriorated 41b. Elite capture YES / NO Notes:

44. Benefit inequity YES / NO Notes: (or inequity created by intervention)

45. Attitudinal monitoring Yes, Quantitative Notes: Yes, Qualitative Yes, Implied No

7 46. Attitudinal outcomes Success Notes: Limited success Failure Undefined 47. Behavioral monitoring Yes, Quantitative Notes: Yes, Qualitative Yes, Implied No 48. Behavioral outcomes Success Notes: Limited success Failure Undefined 49. Ecological monitoring Yes, Quantitative Notes: Yes, Qualitative Yes, Implied No 50. Ecological outcomes Success Notes: Limited success Failure Undefined 51. Economic monitoring Yes, Quantitative Notes: Yes, Qualitative Yes, Implied No 52. Economic outcomes Success Notes: Limited success Failure Undefined



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