Leadership and Organizational Management s3

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Leadership and Organizational Management s3

Legacy High School

Course Expectations 2016-2017 English 12 Honors

Instructor: Mr. Markham LHS Room 1304 Phone: (702) 799-1777 Email: [email protected]

Course Scope:

This one-year course (Post-Secondary Composition and Universal Themes in Text) provides instruction in the English Language Arts strands identified by the Common Core State Standards as reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. Instruction focuses on refining the skills required for post-secondary success. The writing focus in this course includes analysis, synthesis, and argumentation as they relate to workplace and real-world situations. A framework structured around universal themes that connect people across cultures and time anchors texts to real-life reading, writing, and speaking and listening opportunities likely to be experienced beyond high school. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The appropriate use of technology and digital media are integral parts of this course. This course fulfills one of the English credits required for high school graduation. Course Goals:

1. To produce and analyze complex written texts that include analysis, synthesis, hypothesis formulation, and argument as well as the structural features of workplace documents similar to the real-life writing situations likely to be experienced after high school.

2. To produce a variety of written, spoken, multigenre, and multimedia works, making conscious choices about language, form, style, and/or visual representation.

3. To investigate universal themes represented in a variety of literary, non-fiction, and expository texts and media of exceptional craft and thought whose range provides opportunities to develop and define an understanding of commonalities and differences among human cultures.

4. To develop the ability to craft and evaluate intricate arguments in support of analysis of a topic or text.

5. To examine different perspectives of a topic, idea, or theme, the ways in which cultures communicate and the conflicts that sometimes arise as a means of understanding and communicating current day conflicts and views as well as possible solutions.

6. To apply the tools and practices of inquiry and research to inform writing, speaking, and visual

Legacy High School Page: 1 expression for personal understanding and growth.

7. To develop as a reader, speaker, listener, and viewer for personal, social, and political purposes, through independent and collaborative reading and discussion.

Common Core: The Clark County School District is mandating all high schools to use Common Core State Standards in 2012-2013. The mission statement of the Common Core reads:

The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy.

This will affect your child in the sequencing of courses, the texts used in the courses and an increase in different genres of writing. We have eliminated the literature courses and will now integrate literature and non-fiction texts in all courses. We will also increase the amount of writing done in courses. Students will write traditional essays along with more technical and practical writing.

The English department has spent numerous hours preparing for the implementation of Common Core and feel that the changes will help to increase the achievement of our students. The outcome of Common Core is College and Career Readiness. Our goal is to prepare your child to be an active citizen in the global community. Please visit http://www.corestandards.org/ for more information and to review the standards. There is a video posted on the Legacy home page if you are interested. Textbooks

The following text(s) will be utilized in this course: We will be using a variety of texts from the perspective of several authors as we study the literature from the beginning of the early 1000’s to modern day authors.

Student Supplies

Students are expected to have and maintain the following supplies all year:

 Notebook: 3 subject minimum  Pens/Pencils  Highlighters (4 different colors)  Notebook paper college ruled  Markers/colored pencils

Tardy Policy

Tardiness to class is not acceptable. Students arriving to a class after the tardy bell has rung will receive consequences aligned with the Legacy High School Tardy Policy. A student

Legacy High School Page: 2 who is more than 30 minutes late to class will be counted absent from that class. Classrooms will be locked when the tardy bell rings. Teachers will issue a tardy if a student is late to class. They will mark tardy in Infinite Campus.

1st tardy = Verbal Warning, student initials on tardy slip.

2nd tardy = Verbal Warning, student initials on tardy slip.

3rd tardy = Call parent, student initials on tardy slip.

4th tardy = Detention, student initials on tardy slip

5th and additional tardies = Referral to the deans’ office with documentation of progression

*Random tardy lock-out sweeps will be conducted. Students out of class without a pass will be issued an RPC.

Grading Policy

 Grading Scale: 90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D 50% - 60% F (no credit will be earned unless assignment was completed.

o Rounding Policy: Quarter and semester grades will be rounded to the next higher whole number and is at the teacher’s discretion. No extra credit will be available in this course.

Description of Grading Procedures: All assignments, notes, and tests will be graded on the following percentages.

Tests/Assessments/Composition/Projects: 50% Classwork/Homework/Notes: 40% Participation/Behavior: 10%

 Semester Grades: 42.5% Quarter 1/2 Grade 42.5% Quarter 3/4 Grade 15% Semester Examination

 Classroom participation: Students earn 100 points quarterly for participation. Students keep the points by being an active participant in class and through responsible behavior.

Legacy High School Page: 3  Interactive Notebooks- Students are expected to maintain an interactive notebook which will be evaluated periodically throughout the quarter.

 Homework: Students may have homework on a daily basis. It is the student's responsibility to write in his/her Legacy planner. In the event homework is not formally assigned by the teacher, students are encouraged to review daily notes, review graded assignments, and to continue reading on a daily basis. Students are expected to work in class on assignments, when time is allowed. Papers should be neat and legible in blue/black ink only with a proper heading. Final drafts of any assignment must be typed in MLA format. All homework is expected to be completed by the start of the next class period unless otherwise specified in advance.

 Spelling/Grammar/Neatness: Points will be deducted for spelling/grammar errors and lack of neatness on all finished products and assignments. This does not include works in progress as we do many rough drafts of work. If I cannot read it, I cannot grade it!

 Paper Headings: NO NAME, NO CREDIT! Papers without a name will not be graded. Unless otherwise notified, all assignments must have the following MLA heading in the upper left-hand corner of the page:

First Name Last Name Ex. Cal Ripken Jr. Teacher Mr. Markham Class/Period English 12 Date August 31, 2015 Key Terms:  Hard Copy Only: All assignments must be turned in on paper. Students are however encouraged to use the library or come in after school to print out their assignment the day before it is due, not the day it needs to be turned in. All assignments must be completed in English unless otherwise noted. Homework is due at the beginning of the class and must be in the basket before the bell rings.

 Research Paper: A research paper will be written as part of the course requirements; students who choose not to complete the components of this assignment may receive a failing grade for the quarter/semester. This paper is required to be typed. If the student is absent on the due date, the paper is considered late. The paper must be turned in by the end of the period he/she has.

 Outside Projects: There will be mini projects and quarterly projects related to the lessons and course materials being taught throughout the year. Students will be given ample notice and time to complete their projects.

Make-up Work, Late Work, and Attendance Attendance and Make-up: Daily attendance is essential in this course. If a student obtains 7 or more unexcused absences per semester, a failing grade will be issued. Many activities in class cannot be repeated or made up. These activities may include lectures, demonstrations, or group work. Much of the work in this class builds skills needed for the next assignment. Missing class puts the student in jeopardy of learning skills needed to succeed. Lack of participation as a result of a student's nonattendance in class may negatively impact the student's grade.

Legacy High School Page: 4  Make up work follows the Legacy Policy. It is up to the student to obtain and complete make-up work. The teacher only discusses make up work before school or after school. Students have three days per day absent starting from the first day they return to complete and return missed assignments.  Make-up Work (Classroom policy): Students will be responsible to obtain their missed work from the daily work board inside the classroom immediately before or after class. Students who need additional assistance from the teacher including making up tests and quizzes are to arrange to meet with the teacher before or after school.  Demonstrations, group work and lectures are one-time events. While students may complete an alternative assignment to make up the grade, there is no way to make up the learning experiences these activities offer.

Hours of Availability- The teacher is available daily to assist students. A student will need to notify the teacher when he/she needs assistance in the event that there is a scheduled parent conference, faculty meeting, an activity meeting, or the teacher is not available on a particular day the student is in need. Tests and quizzes may be made up before or after school only during the available times. Classroom Behavior Expectations A. Classroom Rules: Come Prepared Each Day to Learn Accountability – own your actions and choose to be positive Timeliness – Be on Time Show Respect for Your School, Yourself, and Others. School Rules Must Be Followed – No Food, Drink or Gum in class No Electronics in the classroom No Personal grooming in class No Plagiarism No Dress Code violations B. Entering/Exiting: 1. When the tardy bell rings . . . a) Be in your seat and ready to work quietly b) Begin your warm-up c) Wait quietly for the teacher’s instruction 2. When the dismissal bell rings . . . a) All students must be seated prior to the bell b) At the sound of the bell, close your book and/or stop working c) Stay at your seat until you hear the teacher dismiss you d) Leave quietly and in an orderly manner

C. Citizenship grades: Each quarter students will earn a citizenship grade for behavior. Their grade will be based on a student’s ability to follow the classroom procedures. Infractions of these rules will result in the lowering of a student’s citizenship grade which is based on classroom behavior expectations, tardies, gum, and participation. The following is the grading criteria:

O = Outstanding: This student exhibits mature behavior and self-control. The student contributes to the class and causes few, if any, disruptions to the learning of others. This student rarely needs reminding of the policies and procedures and is an example to others. S = Satisfactory: This student exhibits mature behavior and self-control most of the time. The student rarely disrupts the class, and participates on a regular basis. The student occasionally needs

Legacy High School Page: 5 to be reminded of classroom policies and procedures, but overall the student behaves in an appropriate manner. N = Needs Improvement: This student does not exhibit mature behavior or self-control on a regular basis. This student interrupts the learning of others and often needs to be reminded of the policies and procedures. U = Unsatisfactory: This student regularly disrupts the class and distracts others. The student has been reminded of the policies and procedures and chooses not to adhere to them. The student may have been referred to the dean for disciplinary measures and the parents may have been contacted for habitual disciplinary problems. D. Classroom Consequences-If any of these basic procedures are broken, the following progressive discipline plan will take place: 1. First Infraction: Verbal Warning- Conference w/student 2. Second Infraction: Parent Notification 3. Third Infraction: Detention and Parent Notification 4. Fourth Infraction: Detention, Parent Notification, and Counselor’s referral 5. Fifth and beyond: Dean’s referral Note: If repeated offenses, insubordination, or a serious classroom disruption occurs, then the student will immediately be sent to the dean.

Corridor/Restroom Passes: Corridor and restroom passes will only be given in case of an emergency. Students must have their agenda to use as a bathroom pass. Students are expected to use the restroom during lunch and prior to arriving for class. Plagiarism Definition and Consequences: Plagiarism is the copying of any material from another person without giving that person credit for the material. It is also using the idea of another person without giving that person credit for the idea. Should any student copy the work of another student or printed source, the student will receive zero points on the assignment and a dean’s or counselor’s referral. Electronic Devices: Due to academic security and student safety, the use of cell phones during class time is prohibited. Cell phones will be confiscated if they ring, students are found talking or text messaging, or if they are visible in the classroom. Students are discouraged from bringing other electronic devices to school. Items such as iPods or any other electronic devices are often stolen and distract students from educational opportunities in class and are subject to confiscation.

NOTE: Confiscated Electronic Devices will be delivered to the Dean’s office. Parents may retrieve these confiscated items from the Dean’s office between 1:30 and 3:00 p.m. weekdays. Items will not be returned to the students.

Other Pertinent Information: Assignments: A majority of assignments will need to be typed. Therefore, if a student has access to a computer, he or she may type most homework assignments and submit them through their Edmodo account. Library computers are available most days after school until 3:30pm and a late bus is provided. 1. Any typed assignments must follow MLA formatting guidelines given for that assignment (this will be discussed in class in further detail). 2. All hand written assignments must be: a. In blue or black ink. b. Written on only one side of a sheet of paper (if the assignment fills up more than one side you need to use additional sheets of paper). c. All assignments must be legible.

Legacy High School Page: 6 3. If an assignment does not meet the above requirements the student may be asked to re-do the assignment. 4. Students must be prepared to work each day. If students are given a work day in class, they must have their assignment with them to work. For example, if they are given a day to work on a paper in class but have started it at home on their computer, they must print it out and bring it in order to continue to work on it in class.

Please print this page, complete, and return to school by September 11, 2016. If a student enters the class after this date, it is expected that this will be done within a week after enrollment. Acknowledgement of Course Expectations English 12- Markham We have read and discussed the course description and expectations.

______Student’s name [last, first] Student’s Signature

______Parent Name Parent Signature

______Home phone Work/Cell phone

Email Address: ______

Legacy High School Page: 7

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