O. Torsunov Ayurveda - the Science of Life 1. the Connection Between Character and Diseases
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O. Torsunov [ Ayurveda] - the science of life] 1. The connection between character and diseases.
It means that this person, in fact, has lost touch with his "gross body"- Sthula Sharira. He lives now in the "subtle body". The "subtle body" has a following structure. There is a "subtle body" of the mind, "subtle body" of the reason and the ego, or sense of being as an individual. These three types of "subtle bodies" do not die with the death of "gross body." Our actions that we all did in past lives, they accumulate in the mind, the "subtle body" of the mind. And it is the mind, consisting of a character, or otherwise called - "the body of desires." It then forms attachment to these or other parents, it takes place during their intercourse. The soul with subtle body enters the sperm, then into the ovum and then generates a new body. The "subtle body" of the mind creates a new body.
Therefore, the mind, our character, what we feel like our character - this is our mind. We feel it as our own character. My mood, I feel the mood, feel some kind of emotional state. This is the feeling of your mind. That feeling will never die. The "Subtle body" of the mind never dies, only the "gross body" dies.
So there is mind, it is the mind that forms all organs and systems. Therefore, each organ has its own character, it has a connection with the mind. Each organ has its own character, its relationship with the mind. If we lower spirits in some aspect of their activities, spoil his life, then exactly our own organ connected to the activity we’ve done ,will suffer. You know what I mean? Well, you haven’t understood so far, ok, let’s, say, a kind character. Kindness, the worthiness of goodness is related to the heart. Well, that I’ve said for example. Good character, if a person is kind, he has a very strong heart muscle. If a person is wicked, his heart’s muscular tissue starts to emaciate. We are going to discuss this during the whole lecture today.
I'll give you a little perspective , get you into the state of affairs. The mind contacts with the right and the left hemispheres of the body in different ways. The right hemisphere stands for logical thinking, i.e. we have mental process associated with thinking and feeling, like, with thinking and our emotional state. All the organs on our right side in front are connected with the way we think. Do you understand? What we think about – this is how our heart, pancreas, bowels, the front part of the bowel, hormonal organs and genitals will work.
It is connected with the left hemisphere, with the way we think. The posterior left side of the body is already connected to the unconscious functions of the mind. It is connected more with the way we’ve thought before. The outer corner of the left eye (lateral canthus )indicates person's thoughts. If you look there and you see some trouble coming from there. You can see whether a man has high or low spirits just from looking into his eyes. Just focus and see that in different eyes, there are different moods. And then you can see that the mood in the corners of my eyes also differs. If you see an unpleasant mood coming from the left corner of the left eye, then a person is thinkingmeanly. If an unpleasant mood comes from the inside of the left eye(medial canthus), from the inside corner of the left eye, that means the person has just the fate of a bad mood. The planets influence him badly. And in this case, if this inner corner of one's left eye is suffering, like as being tense, then all organs will be sick from the inside. That is, the posterior organs: kidneys, lungs, and so on. And if the outer corner is tense, then due to this the anterior organs will be affected, see - right here, clear?
Similarly, the right hemisphere works. It is connected with the will power of man. With our conation, strong-willed efforts. The outer edge of the right eye indicates what efforts and how we make them in our life. Whether we make them righteously or not . I mean, now, at this point in time. And the inner edge of the right eye indicates the tone of one’s willpower, the tonus. Also the outer edge of the right eye indicates the diseases of thefront side of the body, of the anterior organs. And the inner edge of the right eye indicates the diseases of posterior organs.
Now you ask me: "Why do I need to know this?" Say, you have something that hurts, and you have doubts: "Do I really have a bad nature? Am I indeed misbehaving? Do I really have this organ suffering from my bad character? " Because people have always considered themselves good. It is very difficult to see yourself as mean. It doesn’t seem like I have this or that bad trait connected with the illness of my organ. But you can look at your eyes in the mirror and see there's some tension. Just connected with disease of your organ, in the eyes. This means , after all, there is a connection between our mind and our diseases.
So let’s go on slowly . Today’s lecture will be a little tedious, a lot of information. But I'll joke with you a little, so I think we'll be distracted and everything will be fine. Thus, muscle tissue of the heart, the left side associated with thoughts. Kind character, kind thoughts, a man kindly thinking of the surrounding people, the muscle tissue of the heart will be good. If he has evil thoughts – he has the exhaustion of his own heart. How does it happen? A person thinks badly about the people around, then due to his mind inside, it then operates this way as well outside. He affects badly on people around him, simply because of bad thoughts. We know that if a person has a bad mood, it is impossible to live with him. Often, people get divorced, they say, "I cannot stand him." He talks normally, everything is ok, but he just thinks badly and that’s all. And this is enough to cause a divorce, unbearable to live. After all: "One speaks well, does everything well, but I can not stand him. Why can’t I tolerate him? "Because thoughts influence.
You can’t deny this fact, right? Pavlov could deny, because he based everything on the conditioned reflex. So there are no thoughts, no thoughts, there is a conditioned reflex only. But if a man speaks well, what will be the conditioned reflex in this situation? No conditioned reflex. It turns out that thoughts influence, you can’t live side by side. He speaks well, but does not think so. [grins] You can’t live together. So if someone thinks badly, thinks with the cruelty, then the tissue of his heart muscle dries up. And at the same time he influences people around him badly.
If a person is eager to raise kind attitude to himself, he is not naturally kind. “A person is kind” - means he wishes good to other people, he wants to help everyone, he is kind. But if he wants just to receive good attitude from others, then his heart muscle tissue grows bigger, it begins to hypertrophy - becomes very large. This increase is unnecessary, and it is a disease - muscle hypertrophy, of the heart muscle.
Further, it is connected closely with how the muscle tissue grows or decreases. There is also muscle tonus. There is a strong tonus and a weak tonus. Appeasing tonus of traits of one’s character, it is connected with the tonus of all muscles of the body. If a person is at peace all his muscles are relaxed. We know this, even just from physiology. If you say to a person: "Calm down, everything is fine with you." This person’s muscles relax right away, yes? Appeasement is connected with the tonus of the muscles. If a person has relaxed mind, he thinks, "Everything is fine in Dnepropetrovsk. Despite the bad environment, we have a really good life. " He has a consciousness of a bee – he seeks good in everything.
You see, so many people attend our lectures, there is no other city where so many people would attend. There is almost no advertising. But everyone came runing. It means that people in this city are good. Everything is alright, see, relaxation is coming. The muscle tonus is relaxing.“Thanks God, it’s alright”. It means that there won’t be muscle spasms in the heart. Because heart attack often occurs from muscle spams, when a person isn’t well at ease. Thus if a person is having a heart muscle spasm, a twinge in the heart. What should be done? You should stroke his left temple, stroke his left temple with your right hand. And say to him:”It’s alright, admit it, everything’s alright”. You should give this power to him, if you have it. But if your hands are shaking and you’re saying:”Everythings’s fine, everything’s fine”, his heart will start to feel more pain.
It is called “kindness”. What is kindness? When you have something and you can give it. If you don’t have anything- there’s nothing to give. Thus a person, who can’t cultivate good traits of character, is a miser, he’s got nothing to give. He comes to a relative, who’s dying and says:” Are you feeling bad?” And the relative answers:” Listen, go away, please, I’m feeling so bad.” Here, nothing to give. It turns out that a person should give something to others. He should cultivate good character traits, so that his mind is strong and positive.
Lack of conciliation. If a person feels strong anxiety, his heart is very tense, constricting pains in heart. Strained heart, the heart is strained, constricting pains, means a very tense condition. Then, if conciliation comes to laziness. What is conciliation? When a person works with love, everything’s good. But there’s another condition, he lies on the sofa, he’s got nothing to do. It’s a totally different thing. Laziness leads to dystrophy, descrease of heart tone. As a result, muscle dystrophy occurs, dystrophic changes in heart.
Heart vessels, like with other organs is mostly connected with two other character traits. Softness of character, softness of thought, in this case thoughts are connected with heart. How a person thinks, this condition of heart he’ll have, at least the front part of the heart. If a person is mild, his thoughts are soft, not hard. He doesn’t cause any worries in the environment. It means that heart, his heart vessels will be elastic, good, elasticity of vessels will be good throughout his life.
A tough character, tough style, adamant. It means:”This way or that way, nothing in between. That’s it. You go right or left. That’s it.” It means that his vessels will be fragile, dense, the brittleness of heart. There will be such problems as heart attack, haemorrhage, rupture of a blood vessel. Managers, who push their staff around, suffer from heart attack, haemorrhage, vessels in the heart break. That’s it.
Next- spinelessness. It’s not softness of character. Spinelesness means that everyone can sculp anything from a person. As a result his vessels widen, aneurisms appear. Often a person leads such a “tough” life-style, that he gets really overstrained and becomes spineless. So his vessels are fragile at first and then they start to widen. He’s got aneurisms, aortas, etc.
The second character trait connected with the heart – is optimism. If a person is optimistic, it gives the right tone. Vegetative-vascular dystonia means a wrong attitude to life. No optimism. If a person is a pessimist, then the vessel tone is decreased, very slack. Often young girls, until a girl got married she has no action field in life. Because woman’s body is predestined for the upbringing of children and for relationships with her husband. That’s why young girls are often very pessimistic. Their tone is decreased; they frequently feel giddy, nausea, etc. Then they get married and giddiness disappears.
Thus, there is one more condition apart from optimism, when a person is too optimistic in the mode of passion, a bit over exited and it causes hypertone of vessels. Sometimes my patient feels better straight away and he’s so excited. I say:”Calm down, it’s alright”. And then he falls. Sometimes a person faints from pessimism, grief came to him, the vessel tone is relaxed. As a result all the blood went into peripheral vessels. And sometimes people faint from strong gladness, strong vasospasm. Often women have it because women’s emotions are 6 times stronger than men’s. Women’s emotional power is 6 times stronger. So, these things like fainting are more often with women.
Heart valves- tenderness of character. If a person is very tender, then his valves function very well. They will stay elastic for all his life. Susceptibility is another thing. Valves will become very weak, prolapses can occur, even from birth. It’s not neceserally that he’s been spoiled; it can come from previous lifes. That’s why diseases come from previous lives, because we receive our character, our mind from previous life. The Vedas say that just like a person falls asleep and wakes up, we are born and die the same way again. The same psychic condition, nothing else. And this child is compared to a folded flower. He’s so tiny and he lies there and they say he’s like a blank sheet of paper. Actually his charater has already been formed. He was a decrepit old man a year ago. Your sweet little baby, who you think doesn’t understand anything. He doesn’t, because his flower has not opened yet, but when it does, he’ll make it hot for you.
This means that he has a character. And those parents, who don’t understand it, they are doomed to failure in upbringing children. They try to bring up the child in their own way. And this child is unsatisfied; he thinks that he’s being humiliated, because he has been tending to one thing for several lives. Thus, one should understand in what direction a child should be developed. And this susceptibility doesn’t mean that he’s been spoiled. Maybe he has been pampered from the beginning of life.
As a result valves suffer. And it also happens when people are very cruel. It means defects in the valve structure. Cruelty can stay from past lives. Especially with girls, for instance, a girl is born, defect of valve. Girls will not be cruel in behavior. Girls’ cruelty will be displayed as cruelty of behaviour; a girl will be very vulnerable, because female’s body displays character traits differently.
Cruelty and rigidity is the same in male’s body. But in female’s body she will act very vulnerably. Strong grudges equels cruelty. When a woman bears a strong grudge, it’s considered a cruel act. It’s impossible to bear, isn’t it? A woman doesn’t consider herself cruel in this case. But she is. You see, female’s nature is very secretive. And it also leads to the damage of valves.
Complaisance is not spinelessness. What is complaisance? Let’s assume, there is a man, who wants to do something his way, but he is said:” You should do like this, otherwise it’ll be worse.” And he does the way he was told – it’s a good character trait. Complaisance gives a person very resistant heart valves. It means complaisance in thoughts. He can change his train of thought. If his thoughts are very dry, categorical, unmanageable, then valves will be weak, they can have some disturbances.
The nervous tissue of the heart is connected to person’s activity. If a person if very tense, he has this “tense” style of thinking. Then his heart rhyme will suffer. When a person is very tense, it mostly means that he is much attached to result. They want to achieve their aim at any cost, then their heart rhyme will suffer, there will be intermissions in heartbeat. Cold calculation, strained thought, very rigid, categorical thought, and then the heart rhyme will suffer. Most people, who have arrhythmia, have it from their past life. And the tone of the left eye is very tense.And it’s enough to press this spot and arrhythmia will end. You can heal arrhythmia this way. Just press these two spots and the inner strained tone will go away and heart rhyme will calm down.
#00:20:43# Ischemic heart disease is correspondingly related to the following features: touchiness, cruelty, loathing, despair, and sorrow. From the audience: "Once again, please". Touchiness, cruelty, loathing, if a person hates someone, if the person despaired in life, and sorrow. All the listed features are caused by Tamas. If the person is in despair, that means he/she doesn't understand that life and destiny are fair toward him/her. If the person feels sorrow, it means, he/she doesn't have a worthy goal. Because if the person has a worthy goal he/she has no time for sorrow, he/she needs to act, to fulfil the duty. If a man is cruel it means he/she is totally under Tamas; such people find their happiness in violence. Touchiness and anger are the same thing. Touchiness hurts heart, anger hurts liver. Touchiness has a feminine nature, touchiness, bitterness.
#00:21:56# Women’s thoughs are labile, men’s will is labile, though. If a woman is angry, she feels aggrieved. When a man is angy, he doesn't feel aggrieved - he stamps, his eyes redden - in such moments the right hemisphere is affected. Anger in males is on the right side, in the right eye. Right male eye is associated with the Sun. Left female eye is associated with the Moon. So, when a woman is angry, it means female anger, cause sometimes she may feel male anger. In such moments her left eye is reddening, and the offence appears there. When the man is angry his right eye is reddening. While talking to a husband, look at his right eye, if it becomes redden tell him: "It's ok, I need to go to the toilet. Ok, see you, wait a second, just a moment." As it happens, when anger comes you shouldn't continue talking to a man, because anger obscures the reason. In such moments it's better to escape, to go somewhere immediately, just for a moment. After that anger abates and no serious conflict would appear. All you need to do is get cracking and scuddle.
#00:23:08# Or just stroke, stroke his head saying: "You are so good, my boy, I love you so much". So, he will growl a little, like dogs sometimes growl: [Errrr]. Like he is not angry anymore, but even that must pass. [laughing] Anger is uncontrollable, but a person needs to dispose of it.
#00:23:32# Pancreas, tissue of pancreas suffers from inability to forgive. When the person is mentally aggrieved it means heart offence, strong closeness to others. Heart offence means grievance against friends. Also, there is a grievance against destiny, life, situation, constant one. If the person tend to keep grievance, it affects the pancreas. Touchiness causes inflammatory process in pancreas. Inflamantory itself is caused by aggrieved condition against life and so on. Anger and grievance can appear. Anger can appear in the left hemisphere, angry thoughts are sometimes called hysterical. Anger in thoughts is hysterics. The person shouts about his/her blazing, irrelevant thoughts.
#00:24:31# Here is the second feature of character, that wouldn't lead to inflammatory process of pancreas that far if the person forgives, is able to forgive. If pancreas has inflamed, the person should begin to forgive everyone. Asking for forgiveness aids pancreas faster . As it happens, often organs can not be cured by conventional means of medicine, so serious medical intervention is required. This is because the mind impedes the treatment. It seems that drugs should have effect on liver, pancreas, but these effects are just short-term. It means the mind has interfered, and needs to be cured.
#00:25:12# Mind disease means long-term, chronic course. You can take drugs, medicine, herbs, but it is worthless if you do not cure your mind. It's worthless, it’s like banging your head against a brick wall and after that go to a physician claiming the headache and asking for help. The physician will give you pills, and you will check if it works or not. One...three, more times. Nope, it doesn't work, you still have a headache. Once a patient came to me with a pain in the neck, right here. I treated him, but didn't get any results. So I told him: "Does your neck hurt right now?" He answered: "No." So I concluded: "Well, then it means, it's cured." He answered: "Let's check," - and started bending the head down with all his might, like this, nearly five minutes [laughing together with the audience] - "Oh, it hurts again." It's a true story. I tried to repeat after him and my neck started to hurt as well. So, I told him, finally: "I am not able to cure you, sorry. It's a severe disease." #00:26:21# So, diseases of the mind exist, i.e. the person instilled himself that he has pain in the neck so he tried to call corresponding symptoms. Some people start running, testing joints right after treatment he just had. And while running he feels pain in the joint. It's caused by the certain state of consciousness which itself is the disease of the mind.
#00:26:45# The ability to forgive is necessary to cure pancreas. "How can I forgive this man if he/she is such a bad lot?" - this is what must be changed in the state of consciousness. The idea that he/she is a bad lot should be excluded. "But how can I exclude it if he/she is a bad lot?". Here we go, try to take it off; there is no any bad lot, but bad association between people.He was nice before, wasn’t he? Right? Otherwise how could you marry him if he was a bad lot? It means a bad association. You can just start to wish happiness to this man and see how the opinion about this person is changing.
#00:27:24# Bad association means how you check if the person is a bad or a nice one. When I recall this person I do not see anything good in him/her - it means a bad association. When I am starting to wish happiness to this man good contacts appear, and I see good points. Like a raylet, raylet of correct understanding breaks through the mire of misunderstood (misunderstanding). Do you understand? Using this wonderful thought "I wish everybody to be happy", or "... (certain person) to be happy". Although you do not want to wish happiness, you have to.
#00:28:04# Facile nature leads to normal operation of organs, including pancreas. But the last is related to the insulin activity. As it turns out, aversion towards people about us, life, circumstances, or just polarity to everything including to destiny changes this activity. It causes decrease in insulin production and diabetes correspondingly. Or ambitiousness, too ambitious ideas, too categorical individuality. So, diabetes is caused by touchiness, antipathy, antagonism, and/or defatigation. Defatigation - inability to relax, which means devotion to a result, can also be a reason. This itself is a kind of greed.
#00:28:59# When the person is constantly thinking, thinking about something, he/she cannot prescind from thoughts. It means he/she desires the result. He/she wanted happy life, which has ended so badly, so the person starts thinking: "How can I turn it back?" This can induce defatigation of pancreas. All you have to do is just take your life as it comes.
#00:29:22# Spleen is located a little behind. It is associated with unconscious. So, appeasement, the state of appeasement, internal state of appeasement. But what if you do not have it? If you do not have internal appeasement, something trembles inside, some kind of power. It means that you have to take your psyche under control , self-control. There is also external, regulation of external intellection: "I wish happiness to everybody to be happy" this is regulation of internal body activity. For instanсe, Hatha Yoga - the person is sitting in padmasana or doing some static exercise. So while sitting he starts breathing, very deeply: "Well, ok, I must finish it as soon as I can". So, thoughts like "I have to go to work", "I have to eat", "children...", "I must finish" and so on. All he/she has to do is being tolerant to such thoughts and continue the practice. Thus, the tense tone in his/her mind consequently decreases and does not disturb anymore. Being tolerate and keeping a static pose is all you need. It is a very effective treatment.
#00:30:33# This tone, a low tone, internal tense affects almost the whole body. Everybody must do hatha-yoga at least half an hour per day, i.e. freeze in a certain pose, working hard, breathing easily and being tolerate. Even deep fatigue of the brain can be cured like that; this is the way to treat deep fatigue of the brain. It can't be cured by dynamic exercises.
#00:30:59# Sometimes people suffer from neurasthenia because of dynamic exercises. "One, two, three, four, what time do I have to go to work?" - this just stresses passion, tense. If the person always concerns about something, inflammatory processes in spleen may begin. Erythrocytes production can be perturbed in that way. "I don't care at all" - indifference leads to decrease in pancreas function. - It seems that you have anemia? - Yes. - Then you should stop being indifferent. - I don't care if I should or not. - Well, then you will continue to suffer from it.
#00:31:48# Joy and cheerfulness increase the production of blood cells in the spleen as well as in all the hematopoietic organs. It appears that sadness inhibits the making of blood. What is blood? It is a force that distributes vital energy throughout the organism. If a person does not want joy in life, then he has no reason to live. Life is for happiness. Therefore, if a person is sad, he is slowly killing himself. His blood ceases to distribute vital energy around the organism which then violates the functions of the organism. Therefore, «No need to be sad. Whole life is ahead. Hope and wait». Therefore, depression completely inhibits hematopoiesis. No chance of hematopoiesis remains. You can eat plenty of iron; can completely become iron, like battleship Potemkin. If a person didn’t get out of depression, the red blood cells will not increase in the blood, because depression does not give them a chance to develop.
#00:32:58# Anemia is connected with pessimism, lack of self-confidence, laziness and slovenliness. Slovenliness also affects hematopoiesis, because joy is destroyed by dirt. Cheerfulness is destroyed by dirty mood or dirty skin. There is one more kind of anemia that is connected with cruelty. Cruelty increases the fragility of vessels therefore hematopoiesis increases. If a person is cruel in his behavior, then the tendency to have accidents also increases. Imagine, he loses blood just the same way. When a woman has metrorrhagia, it is connected with cruelty. There is one kind of anemia, that is connected with excessive loss of blood. Women's cruelty is not expressed in the fact that they are ready to kill. Cruelty is expressed in a slightly different way in the woman’s character. This is coldness, psychic coldness in relation towards other people. Coldness is unwillingness to answer with kindness and love. It means cruelty in a feminine way.
#00:34:11Speaking about the kidneys, it is known that they are paired organs. The left kidney is connected with thoughts, the right kidney is connected with man's will. Some people consider that simplicity in thoughts is a bad personal quality. It turns out that simplicity means living life simply without over complicating things . He accepts live as it is. Simplicity empowers the person. It turns out that this quality predisposes people. If a person treats everything in life simply and doesn’t want to show off, then people are immediately are predisposed to him.
#00:35:01Let us suppose I am looking (going) in an expensive shop, there is a very fanciful layout, everything is so cool. My first wish is to turn around and go back. Do you know why? Because people there are not simple. I don't want to buy anything there. The lack of simplicity makes a person helpless. He can not cooperate, he can't make contact with people, it becomes very difficult for him to live in such an atmosphere. On the other hand, if a person is very simple, he immediately predisposes people to himself. «Comrades!» - revolution. One quality of a holy person and one good personal trait of character can make a revolution.
#00:36:02 It is enough just to have such a quality as simplicity, and all people will follow you. It is an amazing quality of character. It turns out that if a person does not have simplicity, then he is very ambitious, as if he shut into himself. This leads to chronic diseases in the kidneys. And excessive gullibility is not simplicity, it is foolishness. A foolish man has a very foolish appearance. Simplicity is not foolishness, it is openness. A foolish person experiences inflammation of the kidney tissue, but ambition creates chronic diseases.
#00:36:47 There is openness of character. Openness is a little bit different quality than simplicity. Openness affects the kidney vessels. If a person is very constrained, tight and unsociable despite of being simple in his behaviour, he might have a spasm of the kidneys’ vessels. As a result adrenal glands become overexcited. Adrenal glands maintain blood circulation in kidneys; otherwise blood pressure is raised around all over the organism. Thereby, one of the reasons of the blood pressure’s rise is distrustfulness in attention to other people and constraint. If a person does not trust the people around him, if he does not trust his life and his destiny, then this distrustfulness raises blood pressure, because energy does not cooperate with people around him. This energy accumulates inside a person, therefore blood pressure is raised.
#00:38:02 Such a person is much disinhibited. He is absolutely with no hang-up. He dashes around. In this case tone of the kidneys is normally reduced; therefore the person is keen on weeing often. Sometimes too much disinhibited children have enuresis. Theirs kidneys do not filter everything very well; they give it away very quickly.
#00:38:46 There is also connection between pelvises of the kidneys and the character. Kind attention for people gives a good immunity. The spite provokes chronic active condition in the pelvises of the kidneys. Fear provokes acute active condition in the pelvises of the kidneys. If a person is afraid of other people it means that he is afraid of everything subconsciously. Spite is more a man’s character trait, therefore such men often have pyelonephritis. As fear is female character trait women’s character, therefore it provokes women’s pyelonephritis. If a woman is frightened then her pelvises of the kidneys contract very fast, therefore she needs to go to the toilet. Man does not react on fear in the same way. If a man is frightened he also needs to go to the toilet, but more «seriously».
#00:39:59 Mental composure gives good tone of the kidney pelvises. Constraint provokes hypertension of the pelvises. Sluggishness leads to reduction of their tone. Patience and endurance lead to good working of kidney pelvises. On the other hand impatience provokes their disorder. Nephritis arises as a result of the constraint, the stress, the forcefulness and the ambition in the character. It might be in will or thoughts. If there is stress in will it means that there are problems in the right kidney. The stress in thoughts means « This foureyes might not be right. I need to check it». If thoughts are strained, it means that the left kidney will suffer.
#00:41:05 Reticence becomes apparent in that fact if a person seats in the corner of the hall in order not to be noticed. Sometimes reticence can be connected with will, when the person decides to stand behind the door and cannot come in before the start or during the lectures. In this case nephritis might appear.
#00:41:55 The bowels are connected with human’s activity. Thin bowel is connected with our work. Thin bowels work accordingly to the way we work. If a person is lively in his activity then it leads to the good activity of his bowels, and as a result food is pushed very easy. If there is fussiness in work, it leads chaos in the bowels. The sluggishness in the activity reduces the activity of the bowels fibers; as a result food is stopped in the bowels. If a person works without spirit, the food is digested very sluggishly. If a person works very vividly it means that food digests very vividly. If a person is precise in his activity, he has a very good tone of bowels. On the other hand dispersion leads to reduction of the bowels activity.
#00:43:04 If a person is not determined in his activity, then intestine muscles reduce its work. And vice versa, scrupulousness leads to increased tone of intestine muscles. Furthermore, a very interesting fact exists: when a person promises one thing but in fact does another thing. Then the left side of the intestine works with one tone but the right side of the intestine works with another tone. Volvulus might happen as a result of this mismatch. As a result of different muscles’ tension. Waves of the intestine are overlapping each other. As a result, we have twisted bowels.
#00:43:59 Often it can happen due to a destiny. Because parents maltreat their children so much that children think one way but act another way. They are simply pressed to do this. And they think one way because they are stubborn and the want to think this way. Volvulus might happen. Children suffer from volvulus more often. Why? The reason is that kid’s activity is much more that adult’s. They are nimble, they are constantly running here and there. That corresponds to their psychic, temperament. Children’s organism develops rapidly, that’s why their intestine is very sensitive. It suffers much more often than adults’ intestine. That’s why intestinal infections occur with children more often. Appendicitis has the same roots. #00:44:47 What is appendicitis? “You cannot, impossible, forbidden, prohibited”. Appendix is located on the right side. It is connected with volitional person’s activity. If his volitional activity is constantly blocked, he is always told: “You cannot, impossible, forbidden, prohibited”, the child cannot do anything. His intestine’s activity slows down, tone of intestine gets lower. Volitional tone of intestine on the right gets lower; he has inflammation as a result. The child can be killed if he is just told: “You cannot, impossible, forbidden, prohibited”. About 5% of children die from inflamed appendix.. They die even after surgery, so no interventions help. I.e., one can kill the child, can you imagine, just by always blocking his will.
#00:45:47 Large intestine is also connected with our character. There are good-will and ill-will. If a person is very negatively disposed to other people either in mind or in will, then his large intestine will be inflamed. Toxins spread throughout the body and intoxication will occur due to his negative dispose. In the beginning toxins are accumulated in the large intestine and then they are absorbed into the blood. So, this is the way ill-will – negativism works.
#00:46:18 Excessive trustfulness, naivety leads to infectious illnesses. Immunity of these people is weak. Large intestine also suffers because there is no immunity, no protection there. Everything is absorbed, without distinction. Unselfishness makes it possible to struggle with intoxication of intestine. If a person is disinterested, he is not greedy, and then he gives away something. But he doesn’t give away everything he has, he does it sensibly. Unselfishness produces such an interesting power in a person. If a person acts disinterestedly then he has nothing extra in his life. Organism of such a person acts the same way: it removes everything unnecessary.
#00:47:15 All toxins, intoxication is unnecessary toxins, extra weight will reduce. A greedy person accumulates extra weight because his senses are not satisfied, he needs to eat something. He wants something that he has not received today. For example, he wants to get a salary, but he has not got it today. So, he comes back home and eats plenty of food. Because his feelings are not satisfied, then this food transforms into fat. If a person is unselfish, then he won’t think about salary, anyway there is no salary today, he will get it tomorrow. As a result he does not want to eat at home. He comes back home, he does not eat late, the fat is not accumulated. Unselfishness leads to resolution of fatty tumors. If you want to get rid of extra weight then you should bring up unselfishness in yourself. As a result extra weigh will be lost.
#00:48:03 The next reason of inflammation of the large intestine is irresponsibility. If a person is very irresponsible in his life, then he even can get cancer of rectum. Or cancer of large intestine. Very often degradated people, people who do not care about anybody have this disease. Or, vice versa, another type of victim is a head director who does not care much about his subordinates and causes lots of sufferings to them. It is also a reason of large intestine disease. #00:48:54The muscle tissue of large intestine is associated with courage. If a person is courageous then his intestine always copes with load. He keeps his stools fine, no problems. But cowardice leads to a situation when the muscle tissue of rectum cannot be controlled by a person. That’s why women are recommended not to delay bowel movement. They have less power. Men have more power, they are braver and that’s why they can delay their stools for a longer time. Fine enough is that if a man is frightened then his result will be greater than woman’s. This connection also exists.
#00:49:56 Stability of character doesn’t allow the volume of intestine to be changed. If a person is over tolerant in ignorance, e.g. he constantly suffers in a hard situation, he does not want to resolve the problem, he just endures it, and then the volume of large intestine gets lower. And, on the other hand, if a person is very compliant, then it leads to stretching the volume. Have I tortured you yet? From the audience: "No".
#00:50:26 Hemorrhoid is connected with selfishness, tension, rudeness, slovenliness. All these qualities might lead to bleeding in blood vessels, increased vascular fragility or going out of extra vessels. For example, mental tension or greediness leads to fragility of vessels. Laziness makes the same. Roughness leads to fragile vessels. Untidiness leads to toxic lesions and chronic inflammation of vessels. And selfishness also leads to inflammation processes in vessels.
#00:51:05 What quality is constipation connected to? It comes from laziness and callousness of character. Laziness lows down tone of the large intestine. Callousness of character thickens the food. Mental tension causes tone disturbance, i.e. tone of intestine becomes very dense. And the waves in the intestine do not move. Mental tension and bustling cause spasms in the intestine. This also can lead to constipations. So, you can easily see how our character is connected with diseases.
#00:52:39 Let’s consider lungs. For example, bronchial asthma is not a lungs disease, it is illness of the respiratory center, so you know. The respiratory center is located in the depth of the brain. Such positive qualities as restraint, farsight, courtesy, kindness and diligence provide normal tone to the respiratory center. If a person is very unrestraint, then sensitivity of his respiratory center increases. We know that if a person wants something urgently then his breathing becomes more frequent and sensibility of respiratory center increases. On the other hand, dormancy decreases sensibility of respiratory center and a person’s breath slows down. The quality of farsight gives strength to respiratory center. And very often the lack of farsight leads to bronchial asthma. This person is very straightforward and uncompromising. So, this weakens the man, this weakens his respiratory center making it more sensitive. This person is ready to go through the wall, he says: “No, I am going to do this way, that’s not discussed”, as in Stakhanovite movement. There is great straightforwardness. This person cannot be moved away from his idea, he wants to do in his own way, that’s all. That means a high sensibility of respiratory center, this person will suffocate, and he will have asthma. #00:53:11 Excessive pedantry leads to the same results. An excessive function of the respiratory center occurs. I see you are a little overloaded, huh? Ready, not yet? How to avoid excessiveness? For example, one needs something to be done his way with no deviations. When a situation differs from what he expects, then he astonishes: “Why don’t you want to do what I say?!” There is an overload, rush in character. Vice versa, courtesy provides normal work of respiratory center. Rush leads to increase of tone. Indecision decreases tone of respiratory center and so on.
#00:53:55# This way asthma is connected to these features of character. So, asthma is a disease. It is connected with respiratory center. It is not sickness of lungs, it is sickness of mind. If you want to cure bronchial asthma you should work on your character. It is impossible to cure it just with some medical methods. You should develop these features of character in yourself . I can list them again: restraint, farsight, courtesy, kindness, diligence. For example, diligence means love of work, but not love of money. If a person cannot relax, he is always tense, this will lead to asthma, too. Diligence leads not to an excessive tension, but to a normal tension.
#00:54:40 Now, we'll talk about lung tissue. It turns out that happiness and joy of life provides power and protection to lungs. Why there is more tuberculosis during war? Or when reorganization in 1991 began then immediately tuberculosis’ rate went higher? That’s because people were unhappy and lost joy of life. They lost, as though, taste for life. They didn’t understand what was going on. As a result of this joyless there was weakness of lungs. And tuberculosis in the end. What does tuberculosis need? Just the lungs to be weak, it does not need anything more. It begins to develop itself. We all have tubercle bacillus inside. And it is enough when a person doesn’t have a joy of life, he has a miserable life, not interesting – that’s all, tuberculosis can start. If you don’t enjoy your life, then you will die.
#00:55:37# The Vedas say that people live for happiness, but not in order to be sad. There are two basic qualities of character which are associated with our lives.How are these qualities of character called? Who remembers from the last lectures? Desire to live and desire to die are connected with our lives. It turns out that wish to die tunes the body to self destruction. What does desire to live mean? This means, there is a purpose in life. If a person lives aimlessly, he comes home and thinks: "Well, what should I do now? Well, the movie will not start soon; maybe I should watch cable television? " That is, he does not know what to do. This means a desire to die. Some processes begin to develop; big problems will be in his organism. Do you understand? He destroys the body.
#00:56:37 That’s why a man should understand. If he has no sense in life, no goal, if the life is not focused, is not strained every second of his life, then he does not have activities. This means that his body will be destroyed. And this destruction often starts from the lungs’ activity. Power of lunges decreases, the person breathes harder. That means that a depression is coming, a miserable life.
#00:57:05 Inspiration increases metabolic processes in the lungs. Why is it easier to work when a person is inspired? That’s because metabolic processes in his body increase many times over. Toxins are going out, muscle tissue works better, and everything works better. Inspiration provides the possibility to work well and desire to live increases. One should work always with inspiration. Inspiration means activity of reason. The person can see happiness, he feels happiness. If the person sees happiness then we will work tirelessly. Let’s say you go to summer cottage and inspiration comes to you. You start to dig potatoes till the very evening. Very good, no problems. But it’s very hard work to dig potatoes. Then you come back to your work and see your PC or machine. And that’s all, you don’t have any energy. But paradoxically, person shouldn’t dig potatoes at work. When he goes to his summer cottage, he works hard as a horse and he cures there, his health becomes better. Then he comes to work, there is nothing interesting to do, he gets sick at work.
#00:58:08Then there is an industrial hazard. So, one should work with love, then there will be no industrial hazard. Or, let’s say that industrial hazard is a bad director. Yes? Then a person should learn to forgive him and there will be no industrial hazard.
#00:58:36 Boredom causes decrease of metabolic processes in lungs. But excessive passion causes excessive decrease of processes. Pneumonia is a result of boredom. For example, people go to have a rest in Crimea. They go here and there with no work to do, yes? When they come back from vacations they have pneumonia as a result. Why? Lungs get very weak. And in the end – pneumonia – and they have a rest again for about two weeks, but now in a hospital.
#00:59:14 Depression also causes suppression of immune and reduces activity of the lung tissue. Pneumonia can be caused from this also. If a person is not courteous and pushes a lot then this can cause decrease of bronchial tone. This central part is connected to activity of the person. Activity of the mind is located here, in the centre of the forehead. If ideas do not come into your head then you should massage here. Let’s make massage here now. I feel that some of you are thinking slowly. Let’s make massage and the lecture will be understood better. The center of thoughts is located here. You should massage here strong enough with your right hand. You should massage with your middle finger because it is connected with Saturn. If you feel pain, it is good. Go on till the pain goes by. That means that bad energy will disperse. Ok, are you done? Do you feel that it is easier to think now? It’s very simple.
#01:00:24 Our emotional center is in the zone of the throat, where thyroid gland is located. If you want your emotional center to be strong you should massage this zone. For example, singers before concert should massage this zone. So their emotions would be intense and colourful. So the whole arena would stay on heads from the very single sound. Emotions should transfer into voice. Deep voice is male. And very thin voice is female.
#01:01:16 The next zone is bronchi. Tone of any activity is connected to bronchi. If a person is tense in his activity and he pushes then he will get spasms in bronchi and he will get chronic bronchitis. Very often this tension appears from the fact that it is very hard to work. As if he was not provided good work conditions, as a result he has constant inner tension. So, the man starts to cough. This situation is very often.
#01:01:59 Incontinence and excessive stubbornness leads to spasms and spasmodic phenomena in bronchi. Stomach is connected to man’s activity and to the ability of feeling comfort and pleasure of life. For example, one can work comfortably in any conditions, even if there is dirt all over. So, his stomach will always be healthy. Another man, even working in clean conditions, will anyway lack for something, he feels uncomfortable. That means that it will be gastritis. The central zone is connected to activity. This way every organ has its meaning, it has its own connection with our activity, will, thoughts, subconscious and so on. Pneumonia occurs as a result of hopelessness, despair, depression and fatigue. Hopelessness causes decrease of immunity. Despair causes over tension of the lung tissue. Depression causes decrease of work of the lung tissue. Fatigue also causes exhaustion of the lung tissue.
#01:03:12 Bronchitis often occurs as a result of vigor, rudeness, cruelty, callousness, and irritability in character. Is it clear? Bronchial asthma is a result of incontinence, increased sensitivity, excessive straightforwardness, vigor, rigidity and inability to relax. It is very common with bronchitis, the tissue is the same. It turns out that children can also suffer from bronchial asthma. It often occurs as a result of fear, stubbornness and inner tension.
#01:03:49 And now you ask me:” How to fight with it?” We have a whole seminar that won’t be read this time. Rather, it will be read as a facultative. One of my assistants will read it. This seminar is called “The cultivation of good character traits”. There are 26 lectures on this topic. 26 character traits, 26 lectures. We will have lectures on hatha-yoga, meditation, mantras, medical treatment, cultivation of positive character traits, dieting, cooking. We will organize it in a week. So you can forget your family life for 2 months. Have you already forgotten? (laughs)
#01:04:56 You know what I fear most? If some man comes to the centre of the audience and shouts: ”Give me my wife back!”. Because he hasn’t seen his wife for 2 months. She goes to lectures after work, then home. “Give me my wife back”- it’s the scariest thing for me. So I have nothing against it.
#01:05:22 Thyroid gland is associated with the emotional state. And worries lead to the increase of thyroid gland functions, emotional worries. It happens more often with women. “Samara town, I’m so anxious, calm me down”. Samara is a very endemic city in this relation. I studied in the Medical Institute in Samara and if you stamp a woman’s foot in the bus, you’ll have to jump off the bus immediately. Very anxious. Well, it doesn’t mean that people are bad, but this anxiety exists.
#01:06:09 Mental and emotional slowliness leads to decrease of thyroid glans functioning. Mostly men have it. He was struck with a noar on his neck, he went to sauna, and it’s alright again, as if nothing happened. This is typical men’s temperament. Sensitivy and senses are slowed down a bit:”Well, how can you not understand that it’s just rudeness from your side?” „But I do understand”. So there is male and female temperament. So you shouldn’t blame men too much for their roughish temper. He doesn’t understand some things. You shouldn’t blame women for their sensivite temper. This ir their nature. There is no point in blaming for natural draw-backs. It’s the same as blaming the dog when it barks and blaming the cat when it meows. So women are excessive sensitivity and men are a bit rude. So if you hear something rude during the lecture, don’t blame me, because I’m still a man. But I don’t know who I’ll be in the next life.
#01:07:26 Thus, benevolence increases the immunity of thyroid gland. It turns out, that the main reason of thyroid gland tumors is the inimical disposition; emotionally inimical disposition is the cause of thyroid gland tumour. The increase of thyroid gland tissue is caused by distrustfulness. There is no agression, but there is strong distrustfulness, bordering with fastidiousness. The thyroid gland tissue will increase in its size, but functions can be normal. A person’s neck inflates, becomes very large.
#01:08:12 Excessive trustfulness decreases the growth of thyroid gland tissue. So the increased activity of thyroid gland is connected with emotionality, conflictness, fussiness and rudeness. Emotional vulnerability. What is vulnerability? Very high ambitiousness and sensitivity. For example, a person is practicing long-term cleansing fast, he wants to heal his organism. But what he doesn’t know is that long-continued starvation doesn’t lead to healing of the organism. Starvation loosens senses and mind. If a person starves for a week or more what does he get as a result? He becomes very sensitive, because his senses are not satisfied, they want to eat. Sensual memory about the fasting accumulates and causes increased sensitivity. As a result, his body will clean out from toxins, but his senses and his mind are shaken and no one can tolerate this person.
#01:09:18 As the result of long-term fasting a person begins to glut himself. Why? Because senses remember, they have memory, they forget nothing. So a person will not feel well at ease until he eats the amount of food he’s supposed to eat. ”How to reduce weight?- you ask me. You should eat in proper time, if a person doesn’t eat his fill at night, but eats his food for dinner, then he won’t gain extra weight if he isn’t greedy.
#01:10:04 Vulnerability means high sensitivity and high ambitiousness. A person wants to have a lot, but doesn’t get as much as he wants. Vulnerability accures as the result. Proness to conflict, negative disposition, consiousness of a fly, he sees only the negative traits, fusiness, strong attachment to different things. He runs here and there. Fusiness, he wants to conquer time. Rudeness means the mode of ignorance, lack of understanding what happiness is. A rude person can’t be happy. He can’t be happy himself and can’t make other people happy. Coldness, pesimism in senses decreases the function of thyroid gland. I think I have tortured you.
#01:11:05 And now we are going to talk about liver. Liver is located on the right side, respectively liver tissue is connected with volitional functions. Amazingly, that honesty is connected with the function of liver. If a person is mendacious it leads to the decrease of immunity in the liver. As a result virus hepatitis may develop. And truthfulness in the mode of ignorance means that a person is using home-truth. He got to know something about the other person and he has a bad mood. There is no power besides truth one can resist:” I’m telling you the truth, I’m telling you, you can’t resist it.” There is nothing to be answered, because you can’t kick against the pricks and against the truth . #01:12:10 So if a person uses truth to spoil somebody’s mood, it’s called truthfulness in Tamas. What happens with this person as a result? The autoimmune processes in the liver begin developing. If he constantly terrorizes everyone by truth he knows about them. Instead of giving a good advice, he begins terrorizing them with this truth. „You got an E?” That’s it!”. You can tell it with strictness but with kindness. Kindness and strictness are compatible. Strictness means the fulfilling of one’s duty, kindness means relationships. If a person hates another person, it’s not education. If a person uses truth to say something mean, his liver will suffer, no doubt.
#01:12:59 Liver is the organ of longevity. It gives conation to a person. If a person has no strenght after 6 p.m. it means that he terrorized everyone too much, limited their will, didn’t let them live. So what is the result? You crawl to your sofa in the evening, sit down, watch „ The dead don’t sweat”. „Wife, bring me something to eat. I’m so tired after work”. A person can’t even get up from the sofa, move his arm, it means terrorism of his colleagues at work. You can make conclusions. The decrease of conations means weakened liver.
#01:13:55 Truthfulness in the mode of ignorance is mendacity in reality. A person can’t be truthful, if he uses truth not the way supposed to. Disinterestedness leads to normal functioninng of the bile passage of liver. Greediness leads to increase of bile production. Yellow skin tone means a greedy person. Bile is produced a lot, is thrown into blood, strikes the organism. I’m not speaking about the Chinese, it’s their constitution. I’m talking about us. Yellow skin tone speaks about problems with greed. When greed is not satisfied, rage appears. And rage leads to destruction of liver tissue.
#01:15:04 If a person is constantly raging, his liver becomes very weak and if he continues to rage, he starts to feel pain in the right subcostal area. It means that he is overraged. It is the same as a person, who is angry in mind. If he’s angry in mind, his heart begins to hurt. It means that it’s time to stop being angry, your destiny is saying: “Stop getting angry or you’ll die”. So much anger accumulates in the organism that it’s incompatible with life any more. If he continues to be angry, he’ll have a heart attack. If he continues to rage, his liver will simply break down.
#01:16:00 Benevolence favours the normalization of metabolic processes in liver. Criticism leads to malfunction of metabolic processes. So you ought to make some conclusions from all this. Causticity in character leads to inflammatory process in bile passages. We say:”An acrimonious man”, what does acrimonious mean? Very caustic, he’s always unsatisfied with everything: ”Why the light is dim in the audience? Why there is not enough air? The lecture is going too long.” And so on, bile passages will suffer, there will be inflammatory processes.
#01:16:46# Then, mental forcefulness. How to test whether a person is forceful or not? You should put him into the queue for sausage, you can immediately see how he pushes everyone to the front, so you should turn to him and say:” You know, you have the disease of increased tonus of bile passages. Does it hurt here, on the right side?” He’ll say: ”Yes”- “It is the increase of bile passage tonus, dystonia of bile passages.” He’ll ask: ”What should I do. It’s correct, but what should I do?”. And you tell him:” Learn to stand in the queue calmly, Sir”. You don’t need to tell him:” Stand still!”. You should explain to him what the result of his actions is and then he’ll stand in the queue calmly. Everyone should be taught with the help of knowledge. The cultivation of good character traits means to give knowledge.
#01:17:52# What is truthfulness needed for? You don’t have truthfulness; your liver will be diseased. Cheat on people, if you like, but your liver will be diseased. You want to check it, no problem, go and check. Your liver began to hurt – you should stop cheating, or it’ll break down. The experiment ended with a discovery.
#01:18:14# Diligence gives good work to bile passages. Action in the mode of passion leads to dysfunction. Laziness also leads to stagnant processes. If a person in mentally stable, then his cholecyst will function properly. Impulsiveness in one’s actions leads to dysfunction; impulsiveness, impetuosity leads to the dysfunction of bile passages. Peevishness also leads to the increase of tone, constant intractability, peevishness, no possibility to give in. Hepatitis appears as the result of rage, negativism, falsity, fear, overstrain of will, will functions, not in thoughts. Cholecystitis is caused by captiousness, greediness, callousness and rudeness.
#01:19:14 Mucous lining of the nose. The nose is connected with planet Mars in general. What are the husband and wife most similar in? Nose. If you want to understand husband’s character, you should look at his wife’s nose. At this zone. And vice versa. And you can tell who she loves, from her nose. If she loves her husband then this zone will be similar to her husband’s. But if she doesn’t love her husband, then it will look similar to the one she loves.
#01:20:14 It is not outer resemblance; it’s something more common, on the level of intuition, emotions. And it turns out that the correct traits of Mars, the correct relations with Mars, give an ability to have a healthy nose. If a person is humble, his mucous membrane of the nose will be normal, there will be no inflammatory processes. And intimidated condition means chronic inflammatory processes in mucous membrane of the nose.
#01:20:58 Now about nose receptors. What does flair depend on? Concentration in character. If a person is correctly concentrated, then his nose receptors function properly. If he’s not self- disciplined and inattentive, it decreases the ability to distinguish scents. But excessive, strained attention leads to the overload of smell receptors and it leads to the decrease of the ability to distinguish smells. If a person is very considerate and heedful, then he catches the smell very subtly. But if he’s not heedful, then this ability decreases. Highmoritis comes from stubbornness, it’s the first and the most important trait, highmoritis mostly comes from stubbornness. It also is caused by distraction, absent-minded, forcefulness. If the left side is inflamed, it means stubbornness in mind, absent-mind, forcefulness. If the right side is inflamed, then a person is very stubborn as a mule. #01:22:14 Gullet, this zone, it’s the gullet. Fastidiousness causes quinsy. Fastidious people have a very strained gullet. It is the centre of emotions; emotions are connected with the upper lip. If a person’s upper lip is tightened and corners of the lips are turned down, it means that fastidiousness is expressed and that he has chronic inflammatory processes in the gullet. He has frequent quinsy. The corners of the lips are pressed means quinsy, chronic inflammatory processes.
#01:23:15 If a person is simple in his speech, his nasopharynx functions normally. If he’s ambitious in speech, then spasms in nasopharynx appear. So, quinsy is caused by psychological vulnerability, fastidiousness and irritability. Mental openness gives good immunity, good functioning of the gullet. Mental complexes don’t give the ability to sing. If a person has complexes, he can’t sing. Therefore, those, who teach singing, say:” Relax, it’s ok”.
#01:24:20 There is no openness. Complexes mean distrustfulness, no openness. Excessive dissoluteness leads to the reduction of vocal fold. As a result the voice becomes like all these singers have. Excessive sexual dissoluteness leads to a raucous voice. We know these singers, who sing about Odessa, restaurants, women, those, who are unfaithful.
#01:25:11 If a person is very impetuous, his voice weakens straight away. For example he wants to sing so much, so that everyone would shake, go crazy, his voice will anguish. He can’t sing anymore. Impulsiveness in voice leads to the same thing. Stammering means increased sensitivity, mental tension, constraint, distrustfulness, dissatisfaction, self-doubt. To heal from stammering, one needs to learn how to communicate with a big audience. And we know, there is an ancient orator, he started to communicate with a big audience, and his increased sensitivity, tension, distrustfulness, self-doubt and stammering went away. It’s a good cure. At first stammering goes away in the mind, then everywhere else.
#01:26:11 When does inflammation in stomach happen? Rude speech means gastritis. Sickly- sweet voice means excessive absorbability of the stomach. Sickly-sweet voice means that a person will be fat, excessive sweetness of voice, bootlicking etc., the absorbability in stomach will increase, it means excess weight. Kindness normalizes albumen acidity in the organism. Rancour causes increased secretion of pepsin that leads to gastritis. Negativism causes the decrease of production of pepsin, as a result atrophic gastritis. Coldness in speech leads to decrease of the secretion of hydrochloric acid, but very hot speech leads to increase of the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Gastritis is caused by this.
#01:27:22# Diligence gives strengh to stomach muscles and then the stomach becomes firm and excessive belly doesn’t grow. If a person is lazy, an idler, his stomach muscles strech and and his stomach grows bigger. And passionate labour, the enlargement of the muscle wall leads to muscle spasms in the stomach. Calmness gives normal function to esophagus. Mildness of character gives the same, but fear gives the contraction of esophagus.
#01:28:08# Thus, gastritis comes from rage, laziness, irritability, apathy, cruelty, despair in action. Duodenal ulcer- agressivness, mostly agressivness, rigidity in character. Volitional function, very agressive in his will, then duodenal ulcer appears. It is a disease of volitinal functions. I think I’ve already tortured you. From the audience:”No”
#01:28:42# What is the question? ”What is love?” This is a good question:”How to understand is it a feeling from the senses or from the understanding?” Animals have these feelings, love. People, who live like animals also do. A higher level of consiousness – this love, it means feelings:” I loved you: and, it may be, from my soul.The former love has never gone away,But let it not recall to you my dole;I wish not sadden you in any way.” Here are feelings and the understanding. But, it turns out, that there is a higher level of love, that means – harmony and one objective, a correct and common understanding of life, the same aspiration in life. If love is on the level of reason it means- companions, who go together throughout the life and look in one direction. This love never ends even in next lives and these people even go to spiritual world together. This love is eternal, the love of those, who go together. Anyone who walks through life together never ever gets lost.
#01:30:03 So they go together- it’s the highest display of love. And love in mind means harmony, i.e. harmony is impossible without good character traits. „If you love me, I’ll love you too”- then there won’t be love, because it means bad character traits, egoism, avarice. Love means harmony always. Love in feelings means compatibility in Venus, Mars. There is love, that is displayed as tactile sensitivity – it’s a brute type of love. It means sex. Some people think that love means only tactile sensitivity, they’re not interested in the personality, his aims, his doings. They are interested in tactile sensitivity. In the next life people are born apes.
#01:30:57 Because the kind of taste a person chose, he needs a more perfect body to realize this taste for happiness. It turns out that our desires form the subtle body of mind, according to which a person receives the next body. It is quite difficult to make sex in a human body. Human body is predestined to self-realization, therefore sexual problems mostly happen with those, who tend to sex too much. Those, who don’t tend to sex, don’t have any sexual problems. If a person is oversexed , then he’ll be born a monkey in the next life. Why? Because monkey’s body is made for satisfaction of sexual needs. If you don’t believe me, go to India. If you’ll see monkeys, then they are having sex at this time for sure. They don’t have other activities. They can do it 20 times per day. They haven’t got any sexual problems. I guarantee you, because I have lived in India for 3 years uninterruptedly.
#01:32:09 So monkey love is not the type of love a human being should have. A person should think about more lofty things and then he’ll have happy family relationships. Otherwise happiness ends in 2 months, if their love has this type of character.
#01:32:41 Haematoma. All brain diseases are connected to overload in a certain direction. E.i. haemorrhage of the brain means that a person has overcome himself in his actions. Do you understand? The brain starts to suffer, when his bad character trait has developed very much. E.i. different parts of the brain are connected to different character traits. And even the ear, the ear is connected with our whole life.
#01:33:45 Ok, ask me your questions. I haven’t analyzed the whole organism- it’s impossible, but you have gained some knowledge. Venous distensibility on legs is connected either with increased lability of character, aimless life, laziness, or with increased tension. It mostly happens to girls of a young age, they don’t have aims in life, they are very relaxed, the veins have a weak muscle wall. If a girl has a rude disposition and doesn’t have aims in life, she’ll have varicose disease after childbirth. Why? Because it’s alright, nothing to do in life. If a girl has no children, she won’t strain herself much in life. It means that her father doesn’t treat her right, doesn’t educate her correctly. He should, just a little, a mother should strain her daughter a little. She shouldn’t relax, be lazy, should keep her in tension a little.
#01:35:10 If a girl is pampered, relaxed, when time to give birth comes, all her veins come out. Why? Because their elasticity is weak, muscles are weak, all veins are out, hello. It means you shouldn’t pamper girls from infancy, for her veins are alright.
#01:35:34 Next question. From the audience:” Eye diseases”. Eye diseases are always connected to the wish of not to see. „My eyes wouldn’t see you”.- means inflammatory processes in eyes, very high sensitivity to people around, negative perception of people. Shortsightedness means: lack of optimism in previous life. When a baby is strongly swaddled he gets shortsightedness. When he is swaddled too much, when legs are stiffed, a child can’t move, his cervical centres. As a result motor activity, the eye tone is located in the same place. As a result the weakness of motor processes causes shortsightedness.
#01:36:32 Longsightedness means strong attachment to result, very tense life. As a result spasm, spasmatic tension of eye tone, longsightedness occurs. Glaucoma means meat eating, he ate a large amount of meat. „What is the reason for catarct?”- the same- meat eating.
#01:37:13 Otitis- ear disease. Ears are always connected with unwillingness to listen. I had lectures in Yekaterinburg two or three years ago in the house for deaf- mute. There were also peculiar problems with the audience hall. The organizator came to the janitor with a paper of course, because they’re all deaf-mute. And he writes on a piece of paper:”We have occupied the hall from six o’clock”. She writes back:”No, from half past 6”. He writes again:”No, from 6 o’clock”.-„No, from half past 6.” Let’s go to the director of the audience hall. Undesire to listen. Then the director comes himself and says:”I’m sorry, it’s our specifics, our contingent is very untrustful people, deaf-mute are untrustful”. So we are sorry, etc.” Then the director himself wrote „from 6 o’clock” and the janitor looked at him sceptically and let us in.
#01:38:36# So they are like this, that means mistrustful audition or a very high auditory sensitivity, or for example if a person is always disturbing everyone with his voice, and as a result in the next life he works at a very noisy enterprise and afterwards he goes deaf. Such things can happen. I’m completely bombed with your messages. As for Otitis Media, I’ve already said, that means inflammatory processes; actually it’s the same thing as egoistic audition, reluctance. When someone gets otitis, that means this person hears only what he wants to hear, the rest he doesn’t care.
#01:39:14# The next question from the audience is connected with tearing eyes. Lectuer: a woman has a very watery left eye, and the eye has grown narrow. The left eye is connected with the Moon, if the eye’s got narrow, that means a very tense mind. And as for men , that means tense will. But that has nothing to do with the Ukrainians, especially in Kiev. When I started to give my lecture there, they were all squinting, like this, all sitting and looking at me with distrust ( laughs). Oh no,no you don’t have it, you’re alright, alright, your perception is quite friendly.
#01:40:12# The next question from the audience is about different types of allergies. Lecturer: allergy means that a person is too ambitious and has high psychical sensitivity, that’s it. A person can be allergic as a result of a conflict with something, he can even disagree with a lodgment, if he stays there that can cause itching. Or he can disagree with the climate or animals, with anything else. If a person does not cultivate humbleness, a psychical state of humbleness, an allergy will develop. Of course bad karma will also predispose to it. For example, city air pollution is bad karma. But why does a person breathe in bad air? Because he was very spendthrift in the previous life, slighting to the people surrounding him. And this is how bad karma appears, very high air pollution means wrong treatment of property and belongings. So we drive cars, and we work out this gas, this air pollution. As a result we’ll breathe polluted air in the next life .That what we should understand now: we create this karma by ourselves with the help of such an activity.
#01:41:22 The following question from the audience deals with skin diseases. Lecturer: what are skin diseases always connected with, what do you think? They are connected with the fact that a person was too much keen on making sex in the previous life. Tactile sensitivity, sex means tactile sensitivity. If a person lead a depraved life, well, that means he’ll have skin diseases. The skin will be very irritated in the next life.
#01:41:53 The following question from the audience deals with different spine segments. Lecturer: the spine suffers because of an excessive inner psychical tension or vice versa because of an excessive slackness. Different spine segments have different meanings. For example the cervical spine, this segment means an excessive tension in feelings, emotional tension. The thoracic spine means an excessive tension in the character; a person tries to prove himself, to show off too tensely. As a result the thoracic spine suffers. As for the lumbar spine, it denotes very tense ambitions, the person is a bit too tense, his temper’s tense. The Sacrum denotes very strong egoism. Generally speaking spine is the root of life. If a person does not fulfill his social duties, then his spine will suffer, it’s a very bad connection with Saturn.
#01:43:01 Lecturer: Oh! So many messages! Look here, I’ll explain something to you: there are five levels of consciousness as the Vedas put it. The first level: a person is interested only in his body and his health. This level is the lowest level of human consciousness. This type of consciousness is called Anomaya. Then goes Pranomaya, a person is more interested in motion, in sport and so on. The next level of consciousness is Manomaya and people are interested in psychology. And then there’s Vegianomaya, it means that people are interested in the aim of life. And the highest level of consciousness is Anandomaya and here people are interested in faith in God, what they should believe. And judging from your messages you are all quite interested in health and body, but our lecture is dedicated to heath. Oh, it’s just a joke!
#01:44:10 Bad veins on legs mean over-tension. (Vein diseases mean over-tension) Someone from the audience: “What about bronchial asthma as a result of an allergy?” Lecturer: You should understand that bronchial asthma is not a result of an allergy, but a result of bad character qualities. The thing is that it seems to us that one disease triggers the other, but indeed the mind generates all the diseases at once. That’s why a person asks:” Do I have an allergy because of the liver or intestines?” And the answer is:” Because of the mind either liver or intestines can suffer.” And these connections between the diseases are false. Maybe one disease leads to another due to chemical processes, but if a person improves his character, then he won’t have any problems. This information is important to know. You should not think that such connections exist and that they are basic.
#01:44:59 Listener: Is there any connection between intestinal worms and viscera? Lecturer: If the intestinal worms eat the viscera, then the connection is direct. But there is also an indirect connection. Intestinal worms appear as the result of a parasitic life of a person, when he parasitizes. For example a group of people is working and someone penetrates into this process and gets money but does nothing. Due to the laws of Karma this person will suffer because of the intestinal worms. They will live inside him, suck food and do nothing; they will suck his life energy.
#01:45:56 Lecturer: A child’s body is for working Karma off . Till thirteen a person works off his previous lives Karma connected with illnesses. That’s why all the childhood diseases are connected with the previous life, not with the present one.
#01:46:19 Listener: How can we get rid of viral hepatitis? Lecturer: Well, this is a question about treatment, but I can tell you how to get rid of it. Find a mango stone and dry it out, wrap it into a tissue and wear it as a bracelet on the right hand. So the viral hepatitis won’t develop and there will never be any exacerbation. The mango stone will destroy any possibility for the viral hepatitis to develop. Also red ash can help but it’s less efficient. We have different stones, which kill any form of virus of hepatitis. This disease is not that difficult to cure.
#01:47:02 Listener: And podagra? Lecturer: Podagra means alcoholism. Listener: But the person is a teetotaller! He doesn’t drink any alcohol! Lecturer: A teetotaler, well then it means that in his previous life he had enough. He drank all he could in the previous life.
#01:47:27 Listener: And can pancreatic diabetes be cured? Lecturer: I can’t cure insulin- dependent pancreatic diabetes and I don’t know anyone, who can do it. Though if a person does not take insulin, then it can often be cured. Listener: And what about AIDS? Lecturer: Well, it can be cured, but the person must take one more medicine. So I mean AIDS can be cured with the help of stones, but the person must take a very efficient medicine which is called “Sleepalone”. If he doesn’t sleep alone then it’s impossible to cure AIDS. Because AIDS means lowering immunity, when a person leads a depraved life, when a man and a woman have sex, it’s not simply a process of satisfaction and feelings, it turned out that they exchange Karma and when too much strange Karma enters the organism, the psychic, then the immunity suffers a lot. And as a result the virus of AIDS will develop in spite of the treatment. So the person should take in “Sleepalone” otherwise he won’t be cured.
#01:48:42 It’s obvious that it’s transmitted through blood, but I’m speaking about how the disease progresses and why. Let’s assume that a person is already ill, but he doesn’t want to take the medicine “Sleepalone”, as a result he is constantly defiled with strange Karma and he’ll go on being ill.
#01:48:00 Listener: An eleven-year-old girl has a varix dilatation. Lecturer: It’s most likely because of inner over-tension. Punctiliousness is too high; tension in the character is too high either. Do you agree that she has it? Listener: Yes, but what should we do? Lecturer: You should stroke her on the head, so that she relaxes, make a calm atmosphere at home, not tense atmosphere.
#01:49:34 Listener: An adult child has enuresis. Lecturer: It’s very difficult to treat enuresis, it’s a disease of the mind. It’s connected with overly stubbornness or with inability to rest. How to treat? If the problem is overly stubbornness, then parents should cultivate humbleness in them, and only after it in the child. Inability to rest, means that he must do Hatha-Yoga, you must calm the child down, his tonus. It’s not that easy to cure.
#01:50:04 Listener: Why did women have menopause at 45-47 formerly and now at 35-40? Lecturer: Because formerly women had sex only with their husbands and now with anyone.
#01:50:26 Listener: A child has a neurosis of the auditory nerve, what should his mother do? Lecturer: There’s a very easy treatment, it’s called double cow mixture: melted butter and manure. You know, the treatment with cow products is highly efficient, and if you have neuroses and you don’t have an opportunity to use stones for the treatment, you can come up to Nikolai, my assistant and he’ll tell you how to cure neurosis with the help of this mixture, how to make the mixture; and little by little the neural tissue will be restored. Listener: And what about an adult man? Lecturer: That will be much more difficult to treat. Here I can’t give a simple recipe, I must exam the person.
#01:51:15 Listener: Could you tell about the intracranial pressure? Lecturer: I’ve already told that pressure means stiffness, reticence, inner tension and inability to rest. It often appears because of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease of violence. And the violence in this case is closely connected with eating meat. The disposition to eating meat means being violent. If a person doesn’t like to eat meat, then he’s not violent. But if you want to eat meat that means that you have this character feature, violence.
#01:51:47 Listener: Tell me, please, I had a brain trauma, haemorrhage. Will it somehow influence the future? Lecturer: Yes, for sure, any trauma influences life. You should do Hatha- yoga to destroy the trauma consequences. All the traumas are connected with violent deeds in the previous life, especially traumas in the childhood.
#01:52:19 Listener: Does artificial emerald have medical force? Lecturer: No, artificial stones act only on the Prana-level; they can give vivacity or cause languor. But they don’t influence the mind; they can’t influence something more than Prana. The same thing with schungite, it is just a rock, there’s no life in it. It can also influence Prana, the vitality, as artificial stones.
#01:52:50 Listener: Could you tell us if gems, semiprecious stones mounted into silver treat diseases? Lecturer: Of course they do, but it’s important to use them in the right way. Listener: And can silver jewelry with stones be used in your treatment? Lecturer: I treat without silver jewelry, I don’t understand the question. I didn’t catch you. In my treatment there is no silver jewelry.
#01:53:28 Listener: Polyarthritis and joint diseases, what are they connected with? Lecturer: Basically joints suffer because of overly despair in activity, when a person doesn’t like his labour, he’s too tense and takes offence at his fate. It’s an offence at the fate, life, labour. Inability to rest and overly tension cause joint diseases. These features of the character do it, especially, despair.
#01:53:54# Listener: Chaps and erosion in the lip corners? Lecturer: That means that the person has a very sensitive temper. Especially ladies.
#01:54:07 Listener: Can neuritis of the auditory nerve be cured? Lecturer: If the treatment is good, then the result will only appear only in two years, that’s why people usually lack of patience to treat it and quit. But it can be cured.
#01:54:23 Listener: Answer, please, there’s no love and mutual understanding between the father and the son. Can the wife ( mother) be the reason to it? Lecturer: No, the reason to it is always their relationship experience from the previous life. If there’s no love and they cannot establish good relations, that means that they had relations in the previous life and they were not good. And it’s treated by cultivating good traits of character in the family in general. All the family must work on this situation and with the time the situation will change, but it’s impossible to change such things at once. Mostly that means bad Karma.
#01:55:01# Listener: And as for atherosclerosis? And sclerosis? Lecturer: Sclerosis? The memory is bad? It’s closely connected with the atherosclerosis, with meat-eating. If a person eats meat after he’s forty five years old all his organism is slowed down by psychic activity and all the organism start to ruin. That’s a disease and we’ll discuss it later.
#01:55:30 Listener: I often have an inflammation of the bronchi with the high content of white blood cells. Lecturer: I’ve already spoken about the bronchi diseases and enumerated the character features. Listener: Psoriasis is highly wide-spread, why? Lecturer: I’ve already told what skin diseases are connected with. It’s an overly propensity towards sex in the previous life. So it means that skin diseases we usually have because of the previous life, not this one.
#01:55:57 Listener: What causes uterine fibroma? Lecturer: Usually abortions cause it. If the abortion is very cruel, then it often transforms into uterus cancer. And mastopathy is the result of a premature termination of breast feeding, because it’s very cruel to the baby. When the mother feeds the baby with her milk, the baby gets a psychic defense with the miilk. But when she terminates prematurely the breast feeding, the psychic defense is also terminated. And as the result the mother gets mastopathy. As for chlamidia, it can be also cured. Stones, some herbs and herb fastening can cure it. External herb fastening is the most effective treatment. Simply by fastening herbs you can kill any infection in the organism.
#01:57:10 Lecturer: Well, I’ve answered mostly all the messages. I’m very sorry for a very boring lecture, I told you nothing good, just diseases, problems, now I’ll try to save the situation. I’m sorry. Let’s sit up straight and wish happiness to everyone. It’s a very important process, please, don’t economize your time, don’t go away, as it’s a very strong and effective treatment, it changes life greatly.
#01:57:53 It turns out, that when a person simply starts saying it: “Let’s all be happy”, his first reaction is that he doesn’t want to do it, it seems to him that it’s not that comfortable to do it, to wish happiness among other people around him. But to swear, to use foul language everyone feels quiet at home or in a bus everyone feels okay to make a vulgar joke and everybody laughs. But if in a bus you start saying: “Let’s all be happy!”, people will think you’re mad. But if you make a vulgar joke, everyone will approve of it and will think: “Oh, he’s a cool guy, well done!” Here you are, that means degradation of our conscience, our society and we degrade, but we should not go with the stream, we should change our inner style. To change it you should make yourself repeat it: “Let’s all be happy!” When at first a person does it mechanically, with the time he’ll get the taste of repeating it and sometime later he’ll really want to wish happiness to everybody. He’ll have this force in him as soon as he really wants to wish happiness to everybody. We’ll have a lecture on this topic, we’ll study it.
#01:59:01 Lecturer: All the life starts changing, the fate, relations with people, health, everything will change, for the mind has a thin nature. When the mind is radiating happiness around it, when the mind enjoys wishing happiness to everyone, when a person enters such psychic condition, then as the result all people around him automatically treat him differently. And as the result his health recovers. But if you don’t believe me now, look here, two years ago I gave lectures here, and we’ll verify now. Who used this method and family relations were reestablished, please, lift your hand! Well, about ten people lifted their hands, just imagine, they succeeded to reestablish family relations, family Karma is the most difficult. The easiest Karma is with passers-by, a hello-good-bye-karma. As for job relations that can take several months, but family relations take years to be reestablished.
#02:00:01 Lecturer: And now who wished happiness and it took you only a month to reestablish relations with your spouse, lift your hand, only one month! Two people, it’s an extremely good result! And two months? And three months? One person. And four months, is there anyone whose relations improved within four months? No one lifts a hand. Listener: Everyone has lifted the hand for the first time! Lecturer: Generally it takes for about half a year to wish happiness every day for at least twenty minutes, you do not do anything else and the relations improve. Can you imagine the force of it? Family Karma is cured very slowly.
#02:00:53 So let’s study how to do it, it’s very difficult to learn to wish happiness to everyone, it’s easier to learn to use swear words. “Let’s all be Happy!”