3.17 Redeployment Policy 0410 (Agreed Final Version)

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3.17 Redeployment Policy 0410 (Agreed Final Version)

Knowsley Council Human Resources Service At Risk Policy - Redundancy and


Version: 1.0 with flow process diagrams Release No. and Date: 2.0 – August 2012 Approved by: Employment and Appointments Committee Date formally approved: 20 July 2011 Document Author: Graham Ennis Name of responsible directorate: Corporate Resources: Human Resources Service Review date: Policy will be reviewed periodically Target audience: Council wide


KMBC DOCUMENT CONTROL PAGE (2) Continued Title: At Risk Policy - Redundancy and Redeployment T N

E In order to carry out an EIA you should first complete a screening matrix which can be M accessed through the Corporate Equality and Diversity Officer. S Publication Date: S E

S ScreeningDocument Matrix Type: Complete: Human Resources Yes NoService Policy Date Complete: S E A L

T T I Manager/GroupVersion Number: responsible: 1.0 with flow process diagrams C T A

P Category: High Medium Low No relevance M

I Brief Summary: Provides a framework for how the council manages it’s at risk processes

Y including the management of the vacancies under priority access and the redeployment

T Based on the category indicate the date that a further assessment must take place: I arrangements. L A

U Initial Assessment is complete: Yes No N/A

Q Date Complete: E

R Document Author and Job Title: Graham Ennis O Full EIA Process is complete: Yes No N/A T

A Date Complete:

N Responsible Directorate: DCR:- Human Resources Service I

Y G I T I R ToPolicy evaluate Operational the economic, Level: social Level and 2: Corporate environmental Policies impacts and Strategies of a policy you should L I O

B complete the Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Toolkit on the Policy Hub A N L I L A

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A Yes No N/A S I A W

R Review Date:

E Date Complete: I P V P E

A Responsibility of: R K S I A risk assessment template is available on the Corporate Risk Management intranet site. R T S Supersedes: N E E D PolicyDescription has been of risk Amendments: assessed: Yesincluded No information around which Directorate would fund E M

S a trial period & pay protection. Included link to redundancy calculator. Added info S S R around ERVS and re-employment by Knowsley. Updated contents page. E E Date complete: S P S U A S S

S Training / awareness raising required to fully implement document: Yes No E

N S E E Link to other Council documents:

I If no please state why: R C Y A N C I W E If yes indicate the date of training / awareness raising: L A D

Link to Council Primary Objective: / O Training provided by: N P G E N P I Link to Local Strategic Partnership Priority: E N I D A R T G N I S I A R

2 POLICY LIBRARY Postedby: Date Posted: council intranet. Onceformally Policy beontothe Library document the approvedposted the should on 3 Contents Page 1. Policy Statement 5-6 2. Scope 6 2.1 Management Obligations 6-7 2.2 Employee Obligation 7 3. Procedure 7-8 4. The Redeployment Process 8-16 5. Pay Protection Following Redeployment 16 6. Early Retirement / Voluntary Redundancies 16-17 7. Compulsory Redundancies 17 8. Grievance Procedure 17 9. Related Guidance Notes and Appendices 17 Appendix 1 – Personal Profile 18-21 Appendix 2 - Expression of Interest form 22 Appendix 3 – Interim Review of Trial Period Form 23-25 Appendix 4 – Establishing Support Requirements for Employees’ Form 26-27 Appendix 5 - Not short-listed Proforma 28 Appendix 6 – Priority Access Interviews Record form 29-31 Appendix 7 –Teacher’s Pay and Conditions Guidance Note 32-34

For further guidance in relation to this scheme, please contact Human Resources Business Unit on 0151 443 2960 or the Organisational Development Service on 0151 443 3640

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SECTION: 3 Employment Practices REFERENCE: 3.17

SUBJECT: At Risk Policy – Redundancy and DATE: 04.10 Redeployment

APPLICABLE All Council Employees [except School based employees employed

TO: Managed by a Governing Body under LMS regulations]

STATUS: Procedure

SOURCE: Cabinet Meeting – 30.10.02 [Min. 84] Cabinet Member with Portfolio for Human Resources Service – 23.8.06 Employment and Appointments Committee – 18.07.07 Employment and Appointments Committee – 21.12.09

POLICY LINKS Sickness Absence Management Procedure School Staffing Review procedure


1.1 The Council is committed to seeking to avoid compulsory redundancies. However, it has to be recognised that organisation change is inevitable and management will need to take decisions for operational, financial, organisational, technological or legislative reasons. Any of the above could lead to employees being placed at risk.

1.2 The Council’s primary concern is, where possible, to retain the skills and knowledge of its workforce and to avoid compulsory redundancies. As such, efforts will be made to redeploy employees ‘at risk’ of having their employment terminated for the reasons given below in paragraph 1.4.

1.3 This procedure will apply to all Council employees [other than School based employees employed or those managed by a Governing Body under LMS regulations – such employees are subject to the provisions of the Schools Organisational Change Staffing Management Policy] in circumstances where they become ‘at risk’ of having their employment terminated.

1.4 The term ‘at risk’ is used to denote:

i. Those employees whose substantive post is disestablished during Directorate restructuring and service reviews;

5 ii. The fixed term/temporary post is due to cease; or iii. If an employee is unable to continue in their current role due to ill health as confirmed by the Council’s Occupational Health Service permanently but could be considered fit for alternative roles.

1.5 Managers must ensure that a positive approach is taken when considering applications for vacancies within their Directorates from ‘at risk’ employees. Similarly, employees are expected to show that they are actively seeking suitable employment within the Council. To do this it is important that they are flexible in their approach to considering vacancies which may well be in different locations, involve working with different colleagues and service users, possibly with different working times.

1.6 The purpose of this procedure is:-

 To outline the procedural framework to be followed in dealing with potential reductions in the workforce.

 To seek to secure the redeployment of employees displaced and considered ‘at risk’.

 To ensure lawful redundancy procedures are applied in circumstances where employees who are displaced do not secure alternative employment during their ‘at risk’ period.

1.7 This procedure describes a framework for the management of the ‘at risk’ process. It is not intended to be prescriptive in specific detail as it recognises the necessity for flexibility in the approach taken in each individual circumstance.


2.1 Management Obligations

2.1.1 An employee who is identified as being ‘at risk’ has been designated as such because of the needs of the organisation. This is not the fault of the employee and they will, therefore, be offered support in seeking to find them alternative employment with the Council.

2.1.2 The responsibility for implementing this procedure lies with all managers across Directorates with advice from Human Resource Service Officers.

2.1.3 These responsibilities include:

i. Ensuring that the provisions contained in the procedure are triggered at the earliest opportunity; ii. Ensuring timely communication and consultation with employees potentially ‘at risk’ and their trade union representatives;

6 iii. Sharing information to identify all potential vacancies to place employees who are ‘at risk’; iv. Facilitating trial periods and objectively assessing and deciding upon the ‘at risk’ employee’s suitability for redeployment and thereafter providing support in the form of training, coaching, and personal support.

2.1.4 The Human Resources Service will provide a named HR Link Officer who will directly support each 'at risk’ employee, in terms of advice on vacancies, recommendations of posts, and support in ensuring this procedure is correctly applied in terms of interview and feedback. The Human Resources Service will also maintain a secure ‘at risk’ register and ensure that all vacancies notified are gathered, assessed and then circulated in an organised manner and that employees have access to the appropriate documentation for any position they are interested in.

2.2 Employee Obligations

Whilst there is an obligation upon the Council to seek to find suitable alternative employment for employees who are deemed to be ‘at risk’, the employee must co-operate fully with all attempts to identify and secure suitable redeployment. Amongst the obligations upon employees will be;

 A willingness to consider short term training to overcome skills gaps. The cost and duration of training will be taken into account to ensure that it is viable. Any costs will be met equally from the home and employing Directorates.

 A willingness to consider suitable vacancies which are situated in different locations to that of their ‘at risk’ position. Ordinarily the location of a workplace would not be an acceptable reason for refusing to be considered for particular jobs. Employees will be eligible for Disturbance Allowance, where applicable.

 ‘At risk’ employees in temporary jobs cannot refuse to be considered for permanent positions [e.g., in the hope that the temporary position will become permanent].

 Employees who have been informed they may become displaced as a result of restructuring of their own teams / Directorates will no longer be eligible for inclusion on the “at risk” list if they refuse to be considered for suitable vacancies. Such employees will be informed that their employment will be terminated with loss of redundancy payment. The Council reserves the right to move to termination of employment when it is satisfied that all reasonable steps have been taken to secure redeployment and a redundancy situation no longer exists.


3.1 When an organisational restructuring is proposed or an individual post is to be

7 deleted from the establishment (whether a permanent, temporary or fixed term post) management will undertake at the earliest possible opportunity to consult with the employee(s) and the appropriate trade union(s) regarding the proposal.

3.2 The Council has a statutory duty to consult in cases of redundancy and therefore it is vital that any restructuring proposals which involve the deletion of posts are fully discussed with the employees affected and the trade unions that represent them. Any meetings held should be formally recorded and confirmation of the issues discussed sent to employee afterwards.

3.3 It is expected that employees will be placed ‘at risk’ for a maximum period of three months during which time they will be given priority access to all Council vacancies (including those released for formal advertisement) and support from the Council in finding suitable alternative employment.

3.4 However, in respect of short-term contracts it may not be possible to give a full ‘at risk’ period although as much notice as possible should be given. This can never be less than the required statutory notice.


4.1 The redeployment process governs the general principles concerned with supporting employees who become ‘at risk’ and applies to the following groups:-

i. Those employees whose substantive post is disestablished during Directorate restructuring and service reviews; ii. The fixed term/temporary post is due to cease; or iii. If an individual is permanently unable to continue in their current role due to ill health as confirmed by the Council’s Occupational Health Service but could be considered fit for alternative roles.

4.2 Upon being declared ‘at risk’ the employee will receive formal confirmation of their status and the reason for it. They will also be invited to a meeting with an appropriate manager. Employees can be represented by their trade union representative or supported by a colleague during this process. The purpose of this meeting is to explain the background and reason for the decision being taken.

4.3 The employee will be given support by a HR Link Officer for the duration of the employees ‘at risk’ period.

4.4 The employee will be expected to complete a “Personal Profile” form without delay, with support and guidance by their HR Link Officer. This document, detailing the employee’s work history and experience will be used during the redeployment process. (See appendix 1)

4.5 During the ‘at risk’ period employees will receive a vacancy bulletin detailing posts which are due to be advertised across the Council. Employees will have

8 priority access to these vacancies. To apply for any vacancies the employee will have to complete an “Expression of Interest” form in which they will be expected to provide information which demonstrates how their skills, knowledge and experience are suitable for the job. (See appendix 2)

4.6 Employees will also have priority access to any posts advertised on the Council’s Jobwatch during the period they are ‘at risk’.

4.7 In applying for posts under priority access the following criteria will apply:

i. For posts which are the same grade or graded below the ‘at risk’ / deleted post, the employee will receive an interview and they do not need to meet the full requirements of the person specification. In assessing suitability, the recruiting officer must also consider whether the employee would be able to do the job with reasonable training. If the employee is unsuccessful, the recruiting officer must set out the reasons for that decision in writing for the employee.

ii For posts which are of a higher grade, the employee would be expected to meet the requirements of the person specification in order to be interviewed for the post. In assessing suitability, the recruiting officer must also consider whether the employee would be able to do the job with reasonable training. If the employee is unsuccessful, the recruiting officer must set out the reasons for that decision in writing for the employee.

4.8 The Human Resources Service will maintain a register of all employees who are potentially ‘at risk’ of redundancy, the posts they apply for and the decisions made in each case.

4.9 If an employee is successful in being redeployed into suitable alternative employment after being declared ‘at risk’, but the new role is temporary or fixed term for a period longer than five months, they will be removed from the Council’s ‘at risk’ register. In such circumstances the employee will again be formally designated as ‘at risk’ during the last three months of the contract.

4.10 Offers of Redeployment and Trial Period

4.10.1 When an offer is accepted it will be formally confirmed in writing, with a full explanation of the arrangements to apply including training and support. In the case of medical and disability redeployments the offer will be subject to medical clearance. At this point the employee will be regarded as no longer available for redeployment.

4.10.2 This formal offer must be made and accepted before the effective date of termination.

4.10.3 In all cases of redeployment a trial period of eight weeks will apply.

9 4.10.4 A longer trial period may be agreed with the employee in exceptional circumstances but in redundancy cases this can only be at the time the formal offer is made and only to enable an extended period for training and support purposes. The considerations relating to trial periods in ill-health and disability cases are more relaxed but, in all cases, a trial should be no more than three months in duration.

4.10.5 The purpose of the trial period is to enable both management and the employee to assess if the alternative work is, in reality, suitable. See appendix 3 for the “Trial Period – Interim Report for At Risk Employees”, that is to be completed during a meeting between both the ‘at risk’ employee and the Line Manager following weeks 3 and 7 of the trial period.

4.10.6 The trial period will be funded by the Directorate in which the trial is taking place.

4.10.7 Where both parties conclude that it is suitable this will be confirmed at the end of the trial and the employee’s appointment to the post secured.

4.10.8 Where either party concludes during or at the end of the trial that it is not suitable, the employee will return to their substantive Directorate for the remainder of their notice period, and funding will defer back to the substantive Directorate for this time.


 In redundancy cases – if the notice period has been extended to accommodate the trial period then the effective date of the termination will coincide with the end of the trial period.

 In ill-health and disability cases – the effect of the trial period will be to extend the notice and a dismissal will take place at the end of the trial period.

4.11 During the ‘at risk’ period it is suggested that monthly meetings take place between the employee, an appropriate manager and the Human Resources Service link officer. At those meetings a review should take place regarding the vacancies which have been sent, those applied for and the decisions, if any, made.

The flow process diagram below is the overview of the At Risk Policy – Redundancy and Redeployment.

The flow process diagram below and others in this document are a representation of the e-version of the flow process diagrams that can be seen on BERTHA

10 At Risk – Redundancy and Redeployment policy Main Process

At Risk

Employees are designated 'at risk' for the following reasons:

i. Those employees whose substantive post is disestablished during Directorate restructuring and service reviews; ii. The fixed term/temporary post is due to cease; or iii. If an employee is unable to continue in their current role due to ill health as confirmed by the Council’s Occupational Health Service permanently but could be considered fit for alternative roles.

11 Human Resources Link Officer

Each employee on the 'at risk' list will be allocated a HR Link Officer whose role it is to support the employee during this period.

The HR Link Officer will contact the employee by telephone, e-mail or letter in the first instance to offer their services.

If contact proves difficult, discussions should take place with the employee’s line manager to ensure that a meeting can be arranged.

All attempts to contact the ‘at risk’ employee must be recorded.


Once the HR Link Officer has made contact and the support accepted by the employee they should meet.

Within the meeting the HR Link Officer should describe the priority access process and obtain the employee’s e-mail address, which they pass on to the priority access officer.

The HR Link Officer will also discuss with the employee the completion of the Personal Profile form (see appendix 1) and using the ‘Establishing Support Requirements for Employees form’, (see appendix 4) discuss the initial views of the employee.

The HR Link Officer will refer the employee to the Knowsley Works Plus Team, for additional support with completing external application forms, CV completion, interview coaching and for links to external posts within the Borough.

Maintain Contact

The HR Link Officer will maintain contact with the 'at risk' employee is clarified, or they are either confirmed in a new post or formerly terminated.

12 Redeployment

1 The redeployment process governs the general principles concerned with supporting employees who become 'at risk' and applies to the following groups:-

 Employees declared 'at risk' following a restructure or service review.  Employees declared 'at risk' as part of any school review.  Employees seeking medical or disability redeployment, following determination of such by the Occupational Health Unit.  Employees on temporary / fixed term contracts who are facing dismissal at the end of their contracts.

2. Support will be provided to any employees from the point in time [the 'earliest opportunity'] at which they have been identified as 'at risk' of future redundancy and will continue through until they are redeployed, their contract extended or their employment is terminated.

3. Following the formal disestablishment of a post, the post holder will be formally designated as being 'at risk' and will be placed on the redeployment register for a period of three months. During this period the employee will receive priority access to all Council and school vacancies in an effort to secure redeployment and avoid the need for redundancy.

4. The redeployment process is based on the understanding that ahead of any intention to advertise to wider circulation, all Council and school vacancies [in line with the School Staffing Review Procedure] which may arise, will be circulated for consideration to those employees who are 'at risk'.

5. The Human Resources Service will maintain a register of all employees who are potentially 'at risk' of redundancy, through until they are redeployed or their employment is terminated.

6. If an employee is successful in being redeployed into suitable alternative employment after being declared ‘at risk’, but the new role is temporary or fixed term, for a period longer than 5 months, they will be removed from the Council’s ‘at risk’ register. In such circumstances the employee will again be formally designated as ‘at risk’ during the last three months of the contract.

7. If employees are designated as 'at risk' the process that will be followed in support of the individual is highlighted.

8. Offers of Redeployment and Trial Period:

8.1. When an offer is accepted it will be formally confirmed in writing, with a full explanation of the arrangements to apply including training and support. In the case of medical and disability redeployments the offer will be subject to medical clearance. At this point the employee will be regarded as no longer available for redeployment.

8.2. This formal offer must be made and accepted before the expiry of the notice period i.e. before the effective date of termination.

8.3. In all cases of redeployment a trial period of 8 weeks will apply.

8.4. A longer trial period may be agreed with the employee but in redundancy cases this can only be at the time the formal offer is made and only to enable an extended period for training and support purposes. The considerations relating to13 trial periods in ill-health and disability cases are more relaxed but, in all cases, a trial should be no more than three months in duration.

8.5. The purpose of the trial period is to enable both management and the Vacancy

For all vacant posts the Manager completes the Vacancy Request form, Job Description and Person Specification to the Human Resource Business Units with other documentation.

On receipt of these details, the Human Resources Business Unit Officer sends the post for clearance through the Priority Access process, to the Vacancy Panel.

Following Vacancy Panel approval to advertise, the vacant post will be made available in the first instance to employees who are designated 'at risk' via a vacancy bulletin and the Priority Access SharePoint site.

Vacancy Bulletin

Upon clearance, the Human Resource Business Units will arrange for employees to receive details of each vacancy via a vacancy bulletin sheet, for consideration. Vacancy details will also be sent to the Future Schooling team.

Job Application

On receipt of the vacancy bulletin the employee will assess whether they have some of the necessary skills to apply using the Job Description and Person Specification to be found on the Priority Access SharePoint site.

Employees will have one week to consider applying for a post.

If they wish to apply for the post the employee will complete an Expression of Interest form (see appendix 2), perhaps discussing this with their HR Link Officer and send it to the "Human Resources Service Priority Access" outlook account.


The Human Resources Business Units will upload the employee’s Personal Profile form and their Expression of Interest form onto the recruitment SharePoint site for the recruiting manager to view and if appropriate agree interview arrangements.

If the manager considers that the employee does not have sufficient skill and or cannot be trained in a reasonable amount of time they should feedback to the applicant in support of their 'at risk' position and completes a ‘Not Shortlisted Pro- forma’. (see appendix 5)

The recruiting manager will discuss with the employee, the outcome of their interview and complete a ‘Priority Access Interview Record form’ (see appendix 6). This is then uploaded onto the recruitment SharePoint site.



All ‘at risk’ employees will be interviewed if they have the same grade as the post advertised.

If the employee is interested in more than one post they will be asked to prioritise them.

Interview Outcome

Successful Unsuccessful

Competitive recruitment

The post will go back to the Vacancy Panel for a decision to be made as to whether it is released for general recruitment.

Trial Period

The employee is successful in being appointed to the post. The Human Resources Business Units will process the details of the successful employee and their documentation in order for the appointment to be made.

‘At Risk’ employees are initially employed on an 8 week trial period (three months by agreement) in order for the employee to feel confident that they have made the right decision.

The trial period will be funded by the Directorate in which the trial is taking place.

During the trial period the employee will meet the manager regularly using the ‘Trial Period – interim report for ‘at risk’ employees’ (see appendix 3).

It is the responsibility of the ‘at risk’ employees HR Link Officer to obtain these completed reports from the manager.

On completion of the trial period the employee will either be confirmed in the post or return to their originating Directorate and the 'at risk' register, for any remainder of their redeployment period, and funding will defer back to the substantive Directorate for this time.

5. PAY PROTECTION FOLLOWING REDEPLOYMENT (Subject to the outcome of Single Status Negotiations) (See appendix 7) Council Employees other than Centrally Employed Teachers

15 5.1 Where, through successful redeployment, an employee accepts a post at a lower grade they shall have the spinal column point of the salary grade (but not the hours and weeks where these also reduce) which they were in receipt of immediately before commencing in the new post protected for a maximum period of three years. During this three year period any pay awards/other pay variations attributed to that protected salary grade will be reflected in the salary payable to the employee. The home Directorate will be responsible for paying any costs associated with payment protection.

5.2 However, the costs of any projected pay over a 3 year period, must be below those which would be payable to an otherwise redundant employee.

5.3 Each case shall be dealt with on its merits and the decision to appoint and protect would be subject to Executive Director Approval.

5.4 Pay protection will be for a maximum period of three years from the date an employee has been formally declared ‘at risk’. At the end of the three year period the employee’s pay will be frozen until such time as the salary in the new post overtakes the protected salary. In other words the employee will not now receive “cost of living” pay increases (subject to the outcome of the Single Status negotiations).

Centrally Employed Teachers (Unattached Teachers)

Pay Protection for centrally employed teachers (Unattached Teachers) will be in accordance with the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document. Pay protection is generally referred to as ‘Safeguarding’ in the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document.

For guidance note on Safeguarding principles contained within the School Teachers Pay and Conditions document please see appendix 7.


In circumstances of organisational change and, despite redeployment measures being applied, the prospect of job losses remain, the Council will consult the trade union(s) at the earliest opportunity on which groups of employees are liable to be considered ‘at risk’ and potentially become redundant. Whilst it is not possible to cover every possible situation consideration will be given to:-

 Early retirement for employees within the identified group, subject to the provisions of the employee’s pension scheme and an appropriate business case being developed and approved.

 Ensuring that redeployment opportunities are maximised for employees designated ‘at risk’. This will include the provision that any individual employee not affected by the change who would like to be considered for voluntary redundancy in order to create a vacancy, could make such a request to their Executive Director for consideration. The redundancy

16 payment can be calculated using the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reforms - ready reckoner (on BERTHA).

No employee whose services are terminated under the arrangements referred to above will be re-employed by this Council, unless specifically approved in an individual case by the Executive Director with support from their Cabinet Member, Corporate Management Team and the Leader of the Council.


7.1 If the above options do not resolve the situation regarding all ‘at risk’, employees, compulsory redundancies will be inevitable.

7.2 In order to qualify for a redundancy payment, affected employees must have at least two years’ continuous service with any organisation covered by The Redundancy Payments (Continuity of Employment in Local Government, etc.) (Modification) Order 1999.

7.3 It is important to note that in accordance with the local authority redundancy regulations, under the ‘Modification Order’ should an individual start employment within four weeks of their termination date with any organisation covered by the Order, and for which the offer of employment was made before the end of their current employment, then they will be required to repay the redundancy payment they receive. The redundancy payment can be calculated using the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reforms - ready reckoner (on BERTHA).


Employees can invoke the Council’s Grievance Procedure located on BERTHA if they are unhappy about any aspect of the application of this procedure.







REASON FOR REDEPLOYMENT Post disestablishment / At risk of Redundancy REQUEST Fixed Term/Temporary Contract due to end Medical Incapability (Tick as appropriate)

Please state the date your employment contract is due to end

1. Personal details





2. Current post details





ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCES (e.g. shift, sleep in, etc)


3. Current work experience

18 Please provide full details of your current duties /responsibilities (please attach a copy of your job description)

4. Previous work experience (starting with most recent)



19 5. Any other experience

Please provide any details of experience you might have outside the workplace which may be of benefit to your application

20 6. Education and Training


Please give details of any training you have received or courses you have attended other than those stated above


I confirm that the information given on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct.





Please use this form to express an interest in any post advertised under Priority Access

This form will be read alongside your Personal Profile


Post for which you wish to be considered (including grade)

Brief summary of experience and qualifications* you may have which are relevant to the above post

* You will be asked to provide evidence of relevant qualifications




Name: Date Commenced: Job Title (of Grade (of trial trial post): post): Place of Work: Directorate(of Week: 3, 7 (Please circle) trial post):

This form should be completed by the appropriate Manager in consultation with the employee concerned.

The purpose of the form is to enable the Manager and employee to discuss his/her performance during the trial period and decide what action to be taken.

Please discuss the following categories and tick the relevant box for each:


Accuracy, timely completion Exceptional and presentation of work. technical/professional knowledge and skill. Little or no guidance necessary.


'Output' in line with level Shows good expected at this stage in technical/professional training/employment. knowledge and skill. Needs some guidance.


Degree to which this person Shows ability to apply technical/ can be counted upon to carry professional knowledge and out assigned tasks. skills. Normal level of guidance necessary.


Degree to which individual Requires constant guidance in suggests improvements, order to apply organises own work and technical/professional initiates action. knowledge and skills to tasks.

5. CONDUCT / CO- E POOR OPERATION Lacks willingness/ability to apply Observance of rules technical/professional skills. procedures, etc. (incl. health Abnormal amount of supervision and safety and dress). required.


Attendance and punctuality.

Please comment on the following (continue on a separate sheet if necessary):

Customers/Other Supervisors Colleagues Directorates Attitude to/ relationship with

Is there any relevant training which would help employee concerned to improve his/her performance/development?

Additional remarks, notes, questions or suggestions.

Employee Comments:


(Please indicate only at the final interim review before the end of the trial period)

Signed ______(Manager) Date ______

This progress report has been discussed with me.

Signed ______(Employee) Date ______



Transfer to post ( on completion of agreed trial period of ___ weeks )

Signed ______(HR Priority Access ______Officer) Date ______

This form should be sent through to the Human Resources Service following weeks 3 and 7 of the trial period has been completed (or e-mailed to “DCR HR Priority Access”)



Support Requirements


Home Address

Contact Telephone Number (s) Contact E-mail Address Directorate Pay Number

Job Title Grade

WHAT ADVICE DO YOU REQUIRE? (you can tick more than one box)


Redundancy 

Pension information 

Benefits Advice 

Investments / Tax / Credit / Loans 

Finding another job

Help with compiling a covering letter  Help with compiling a C.V 

Help with application forms  Interview tips and techniques 

External job search  Mock Interviews 

26 Career Change

Training for alternative job / career (please provide details)

…. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Self Employment

Business Start Up 

Personal Development

Self Development 

Communications Skills 

Skills for Life – numeracy,  literacy and IT

Others – please specify…………………………………………………………………


Knowsley voluntary services 


Emotional support 

Awareness of initiatives to maintain your health 

Your preferred method of learning (please tick as appropriate)

Classroom learning 

E-learning (computer based learning) 

One-to-one coaching 

Any other requirements please state……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………….

27 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… APPENDIX 5



NAME OF APPLICANT DETAILS OF HOW APPLICANT FAILED TO MEET CRITERIA – outline gaps that cannot be overcome by training over a reasonable period of time.

NAME OF APPLICANT DETAILS OF HOW APPLICANT FAILED TO MEET CRITERIA – outline gaps that cannot be overcome by training over a reasonable period of time.

NAME OF APPLICANT DETAILS OF HOW APPLICANT FAILED TO MEET CRITERIA – outline gaps that cannot be overcome by training over a reasonable period of time.


A – Almost identical characteristic to Person Specification DIRECTORATE: B – Meets many of the requirements SECTION/LOCATION: C – Meets some of the requirements JOB TITLE: D – Little similarity [ must specify reason] PERMANENT / FIXED TERM / TEMPORARY E – Candidate may meet the requirements of the Person Specification following DATE OF INTERVIEW: appropriate Training/ Coaching [ Must specify details]

CANDIDATE: F- Candidate is unable to meet the requirements of the Person Specification [must specify reason]

EVIDENCE FROM INTERVIEW - A B C D E F In relation to person specification requirements. s l l i k S

30 EVIDENCE FROM INTERVIEW - In relation to person specification requirements. A B C D E F e g d e l w o n K

E C N E I R E P X E e c n e i r e p x E s n o i t a c i f i l a u Q

31 Interviewers(and

Job Titles) Job Other Recommendation Development Organisational Director, BernieGreen, Service Rejected Approved Decision: 32 Signed: Date 33 APPENDIX 7


Any reference to ‘relevant body’ denotes the body (in this circumstance the Local Authority) which is responsible for pay decisions.

(A) Those employees who accept a post at a lower grade than their disestablished post shall have the salary which they were in receipt of immediately before commencing in the new post protected for a maximum period of three years i.e. the employees pay will be frozen at this rate, whilst applicable, until the third anniversary of the pay protection period and no cost of living increases, if applicable, shall apply. Incremental pay increases shall apply where a teacher has yet to reach the maximum of the Main Pay Scale (MPS) and thus is entitled to be awarded mandatory points in accordance with the national scheme of conditions of service for teachers. This shall also be the case in circumstance of post threshold teachers progressing through the Upper Pay Scale (UPS) in accordance with the national scheme of conditions of service for teachers. However, any increase in salary as a consequence of either of these provisions applying will serve the purpose of reducing the amount of pay protection required for any remaining period of pay protection.

At the end of the three year period, unless it hasn’t already done so as a consequence of provisions at Paragraph (B), pay protection will cease and the employee’s pay will drop to the rate of salary applicable at that time to the ‘new post’.

(B) Salary protection will cease prior to the three year anniversary in circumstance where:

(1) the salary applicable to the new post overtakes the frozen protected pay;

(2) the employee obtains an alternative paid position to the protected post and which carries with it an equivalent or higher salary than the originally disestablished post. In this case, salary protection shall cease immediately prior to the date of commencement in the alternative paid position;

(3) the salary increase under the provisions for mandatory or post threshold payments takes the new salary above the protected salary figure;

(4) the employee leaves the employment of the ‘relevant body’.

(C) The provisions at Paragraph (A) and (B) reflect the national pay and conditions of service for those employees employed under Teacher Pay and Conditions.

34 (D) In all circumstances of pay protection the ‘relevant body’ may review the assigned duties of the employee and allocate such additional duties as they reasonably consider appropriate and commensurate with the protected element, for as long as the employee continues to be paid for that element. There is explicit provision within national conditions of service for teachers for the assigning of additional duties in these circumstances. These are explained further in the Guidance Note on Pay Protection accompanying this Policy.


This guidance supports activities connected with the application of paragraphs A to D of the …………………………………… where an employees salary is reduced as a consequence of the occurrence of the reorganisation of the ‘relevant bodies’ staffing structure, the employee may be entitled to a period of pay protection of up to 3 years.

The following are common reasons for applying for pay protection:

 the removal or reduction in value of a TLR payment  the removal of an SEN allowance  the lowering of a pay range on the advanced skills teacher pay scale or leadership group  the lowering of a salary as an excellent teacher  the removal or reduction of an unqualified teacher’s allowance.


The start of an individual’s pay protection period under Paragraph (A) is as follows;

If a teacher is informed between:

 1 September and 31 December, the pay protection period starts from 1 January following  1 January and 31 March, the pay protection period starts from 1 April following  1 April and 31 August, the pay protection period starts from 1 September following.

This accords with pay protection provisions under Paragraph 5.3 of Section 2 of the 2010 School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document.


The salary figure an employee is in receipt of immediately prior to the effective date of the commencement of pay protection (i.e. the start date in the ‘new’ post on the date of transfer) shall be considered as the ‘protected pay’. In effect, this figure shall remain constant, or ‘frozen’ throughout the period under which pay protection is provided. Each time a pay decision on the salary of the ‘new’ post impacts upon that salary, this will be taken into account when determining the amount of pay protection that shall be provided.

35 Pay protection for teachers should be provided regardless of the cost as this accords with provisions contained in the School Teachers Pay & Conditions Document.

Incremental pay increases shall apply where a teacher has yet to reach the maximum of the Main Pay Scale (MPS) and thus are entitled to be awarded mandatory points in accordance with the national scheme of conditions of service for teachers. This shall also be the case in circumstance of post threshold teachers progressing through the Upper Pay Scale (UPS) in accordance with the national scheme of conditions of service for teachers. However, any increase in salary as a consequence of either of these provisions applying will serve the purpose of reducing the amount of pay protection required for any remaining period of pay protection.

In all circumstances of pay protection the ‘relevant body’ may review the assigned duties of the employee and allocate such additional duties as they reasonably consider appropriate and commensurate with the protected element, for as long as the employee continues to be paid for that element. There is explicit provision within national conditions of service for teachers for the assigning of additional duties in these circumstances which identifies where protection exceeds £500 or more, the ‘relevant body’ must review the teacher’s assigned duties and allocate such additional duties as it reasonably considers to be appropriate and commensurate with the protected salary.


Pay protection will cease on the earliest of:

o the third anniversary of the commencement of pay protection in accordance with the provisions referenced above occurring. For teachers the salary payable to the employee immediately after this date shall accord with the current rate of pay applicable to the ‘new’ post; o for teachers a change in the pay scale applicable to the ‘new’ post the employee holds occurring during the 3 year period of protection, which takes the salary above the protected (frozen) salary; o the employee obtaining an alternative position with the ‘relevant body’ on a pay scale that places them on a higher salary than the salary in the protected post’; o the employee leaves the employment of the ‘relevant body’.

In respect specifically to teachers, these arrangements should be read in conjunction with the prevailing provisions concerning pay protection* specified from time to time in the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document**

* Pay protection is generally referred to as ‘Safeguarding’ in the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document.

**The School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document is produced annually and due to variations in its content, it is not possible to assign a reference path (i.e. specific paragraph/page number) to specific pay protection (safeguarding) provisions, as such path will not remain constant.


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