8Th Grade Course Information Packet

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8Th Grade Course Information Packet

Miss Berry- 6th Grade ELA Portable-11 Binder Due Date______Work Phone: 841-4537 KEEP THIS IN YOUR REFERENCE SECTION* Email: [email protected] Web page: http://missberrysclass.pbworks.com

6th Grade Course Information Packet

Course Philosophy: This course builds on the prior knowledge and skills of students in order to strengthen their ability to read, write, speak, and listen. Throughout the year, students will interact with a variety of literary and informational texts in a meaningful way, make personal connections between the stories and individual experiences, and work collaboratively to establish a positive learning community. Students will be expected to think critically about the selected readings and improve their creative and academic writing skills by analyzing published writing. Most importantly, students will engage their minds and have fun!

Classroom Expectations and Procedures 1. No talking while the teacher is talking. 2. Be seated and prepared before the bell rings. 3. Use appropriate language at all times. 4. Follow all oral and written directions the first time. 5. Listen attentively. 6. Keep your body and belongings to yourself. 7. Stay seated until you are dismissed. 8. Be actively involved in class. 9. NO GUM!! 10. NO CELL PHONES!!! 11. Always sit in your assigned seat!!

Entering the Classroom 1. Enter QUIETLY and be seated. 2. Sharpen your pencils before the bell rings. 3. Begin the DO-NOW before the bell rings. 4. DO NOT TALK during the DO-NOW activity.

Getting Out of Your Seat 1. Raise your hand to ask permission to leave your seat. 2. Get up only after you have been given permission. 3. Go straight to and from your requested area without stopping. 4. Return to your seat and continue working.

End of Class 1. Make sure the homework assignment is copied in your agenda. 2. Put any materials in their proper place. 3. Sit quietly until you are dismissed. (The bell does not dismiss you, Miss Berry does)

1 Miss Berry- 6th Grade ELA Portable-11 Binder Due Date______Work Phone: 841-4537 KEEP THIS IN YOUR REFERENCE SECTION* Email: [email protected] Web page: http://missberrysclass.pbworks.com

Heading Your Paper 1. Use proper O. Henry heading. 2. Place on the upper right hand corner of the paper. Heading Example Name Jane Doe Subject, period Math 3 Teacher Miss Berry Date August 19, 2003

Leaving the Classroom Students are allowed to leave the classroom with permission from the teacher. Students may not leave the room the first 5-7 minutes of class or the last 5-7 minutes of class. Students must have an agenda in order to leave the class. All O. Henry students are expected to have their own personal agenda. Students are not allowed to share agendas. If you expect to leave class remember to have your agenda or you will not be allowed to leave.

Seating Arrangements Students will have assigned seats. Seats will be changed every six weeks. If you have a problem with your seating assignment you may come and talk with Miss Berry. Please be in your assigned seat at all times.

Notebook Organization Every student is required to have a separate Language Arts binder. These sections are: Section 1 - Classwork Section 2 – Vocabulary/Root Word Study Section 3 – Notes/Reference Section 4 – Graded Work Section 5 – Extra Paper

Grading Policy Your grades will be weighed as follows: 10% - Homework

40% - Major/Assessments

50% - Classwork Students will receive one grade for Reading and English/Language Arts classes. Approximately 10-15 grades will count toward the average for each six-week grading period.

Homework Students will average approximately 30 minutes per evening (Monday-Thursday). Other assignments may include independent reading, vocabulary practice, class novel or self- selected reading, projects, and drafting/revising of written assignments or grammar practice.

2 Miss Berry- 6th Grade ELA Portable-11 Binder Due Date______Work Phone: 841-4537 KEEP THIS IN YOUR REFERENCE SECTION* Email: [email protected] Web page: http://missberrysclass.pbworks.com

Reading Bookmark You will use the Reading Bookmark to record and keep track of your daily reading. You will have the opportunity to read every day during ELA class, but you are also expected to keep track of reading outside of class. You should always have a self-selected book for daily independent reading. During the two-week reading period, students should record 10 entries for in-class reading and at least 6 entries for out of class reading. You will set a personal goal (pages) for daily reading and discuss your goals and progress with your teacher during reading conferences. In addition, you will set long- term goals for the number of books you read during the semester. Reading Bookmarks are due every two weeks and will count as a classwork grade.

Late Work 1. No late work will be accepted for student work graded or edited in class. 2. Homework assignments are due at the beginning of the period. 3. Late work grading policy. 10% off for 1 day late; 20% off for 2 days late; 30% off for 3 days late; 0 credit 4 days late.

Make-Up Work 1. Students who are absent due to illness are not expected to complete schoolwork during their illness. 2. If one day of school is missed, the student has two days to make-up the work. If more than one day is missed students MUST see teacher for a deadline of missing assignments. 3. Students are responsible for checking the Assignment board for the assignments they missed during their absence and turning them in.

Cheating I have zero tolerance for cheating. Cheating is totally unacceptable. If you are caught cheating you will receive a zero on the assignment and parents will be contacted. During a test or quiz there is absolutely no talking. Any talking will be considered cheating and a grade of zero will be given. There will not be Quiz corrections offered if get a zero for cheating/talking during a test/quiz.

Tutorials Tutorials are offered every week for an hour. Students are encouraged to attend when they need help on any concept or skill being taught. Late bus passes will be given to those students who need to ride the bus. Students must be present at least 30 minutes to receive a late bus pass. If you attend another teachers tutorials before coming to mine that teacher needs to issue you a late bus pass.



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