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Hutton Church of England

Hutton Church of England Primary School

Governor Welcome Pack

1 “Believe Achieve, Succeed. In our hands we hold the future”Contents

Letter from Chair of Governors

The School

 Information you should know

The Governing Body

 Introduction to governance

 List of governors and their contact details

 Full Governing Body Terms of Reference

 Code of Conduct for Governors

General Information

 Useful web sites

 Policies and documents

 Term dates

2 Letter from the Chair of Governors

Dear Governor,

Welcome to the governing body of Hutton Church of England Primary School and thank you for committing your time to be one of our governors.

The purpose of this Welcome Pack is to provide you with easily accessible reference information which should help you to understand your role as a governor, be more effective in meetings, during visits to the school and when talking to parents or LA representatives. It also contains advice about sources of further information.

In addition to the pack, you will also have a buddy allocated to you who will be an existing governor to help guide you and act as a sounding board.

Please note that our governing body subscribes to the package of training and information provided by North Somerset Governor Services, including ‘Help! I’m a New Governor’ and ‘Being an Effective Governor’ training sessions. Governor Services will send you full details of how to use the on-line booking system. Attendance on all training sessions is free of charge.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Good luck and I look forward to working with you!

KAY ALLEN Chair of Governors

3 The School

Information You Should Know

It would be helpful if you were aware of the following:  The history;  The nature of the pupil intake;  The number of pupils on roll and projected future numbers.  How the school is staffed, organised and managed;  The status of the school budget;  The contents of the School Development Plan;  When the last Ofsted inspection took place and what happened  The curriculum provided;  Any current issues/problems affecting the school;  The range of extra curricular activities and the nature of any extended services;  Where copies of school policies are held;  How the school communicates with parents, other schools and the community;  The layout of the buildings and grounds, their suitability and the state of their repair.

All of this information is available in the prospectus on the school website and other documentation which will be given to you by the Clerk to the Governors or filed in the school office. Your buddy can also help you with this.

4 Introduction to governance

What School Governors Do

A school governing body has a strategic role in the development of the school but does not become involved in day-to-day management issues – that is the role of the Headteacher.

The functions of the governing body include the following core functions:

 ensuring that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined;  ensuring that the head teacher performs his or her responsibilities for the educational performance of the school; and  ensuring the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources.

The Headteacher is responsible for:

 The internal organisation, management and control of the school;  Formulating aims, objectives and policies for the governing body to consider adopting;  Advising on and implementing the framework;  Giving governors the information they need to help the school raise its standards;  Reporting on progress at least once every school year.

What Makes an Effective School Governor?

 You care about improving children’s educational attainment;  You want to work as part of a team and can value and respect the contribution made by different people;  You are willing to listen, learn and ask questions;  You are open to ideas and have a feel for what is important to people;  You are enthusiastic;  You can commit time and energy;  You will attend relevant training. How much time do Governors give?

A governors’ term of office is usually for four years, but as a volunteer you can resign at any time. Previous governors can normally apply to be reappointed or re-elected if they wish and are still eligible.

Your main task is to attend meetings of the school governing body. Meetings of the full governing body and committee meetings take place once a term (six per year).

Governors also visit school as part of their role in monitoring and evaluating to observe practice, meet with staff and to familiarise themselves with the school. Governors are very welcome to spend as much time as they can in school.

The Productive Governing Body:

 Works together as a group and makes decisions collectively as a team;  Delegates;  Takes reasoned decisions and follows them through;  Holds meetings that are focused a manageable length and achieves their aims;  Supports the pupils, parents and Headteacher;  Works closely with the Headteacher.

Be Prepared for a Meeting:

 Read the papers before the meeting;  Make sure you have all the necessary papers;  Prepare your thoughts and questions before the meeting;  Bring with you a pen, your diary and your annotated papers.


If you need to offer your apologies for a meeting this should be done through the Chair or the Clerk in advance of the meeting, with the reason for your absence noted.


Governing body meetings are not open to the public. Visitors may attend by invitation but may be asked to leave if a confidential item is discussed.

Governors observe confidentiality regarding proceedings of the governing body in meetings and from their visits to school as governors. How an individual governor votes should always be regarded as confidential.

6 The minutes of any part of the meeting that are confidential should be kept separate. In the main confidential items are those where the privacy of an individual needs to be respected.

Governors should exercise the greatest prudence if a discussion of an issue affecting the school arises outside the governing body.

The intention of the law is that the governors should be accountable and business should be transparent with any confidential items being kept to a minimum.

Top Tips for Governors in the First 12 Months

 Don’t bring up issues about your own children at governing body level;  Consider the best interests of the school;  Remember that you are equal to all governors;  Remember decision-making is corporate, bring your own view but abide by the corporate decision;  You have no power, responsibility or liability as an individual;  Get to know your school, speak to the Headteacher, the Chair and the Clerk;  Your volunteer status means getting summaries – don’t allow governance to become a full time job;  Remember, the governing body steers, the Headteacher manages the rowing and the vessel;  If you are a committee member be familiar with its terms of reference;  Find out about confidentiality;  Don’t be part of decision-making where a personal interest or occupation allows you to become biased – declare the interest and withdraw;  If you don’t feel you have enough information to make a decision then say so – remember you can always abstain;  Prepare well for all meetings;  Attend training where possible. Ask about options including distance learning or online training from your Local Authority.

Dealing with Parental Complaints

Handling complaints is not easy quite often it is a governor who parents turn to in the first instance when they have a particular concern about their child or a complaint about a member of staff in the school.

It is important to remember the following:

 Be familiar with the school’s complaints policy;  Don’t agree to solve the problem;  If parents approach you with clearly personal worries, then direct them through the proper channel – which is usually the Headteacher;  If you receive a lot of complaints or comments on one particular issue, discuss this with the Chair and Headteacher first;  Never bypass the Headteacher in any action you feel should be taken in response to a complaint;  Remain impartial – do not offer an opinion;  Remember to pass on the nice things people say too!

Financial Responsibilities of Governors

All new governors at the school should familiarise themselves with the financial responsibilities of governing bodies and there is an expectation that all members of the Finance Committee will attend training.

For guidance relating to school finance go to:-

Why are the Roles of Governors Important?

 Governors have collective responsibility for financial decisions that are made in the context of how the school is run and are answerable to parents and the wider community  The governing body, supported by information and advice provided by the head teacher, decides the strategic direction of the school

Responsibility for the implementation of financial decisions remains with the head teacher. In order, therefore, that governors fulfil their role in giving the school strategic direction, it is important that they (and school staff involved in financial management) understand their responsibilities.

The Statutory Position

The Governing body are given their powers and duties as an incorporated body. The Statutory responsibilities of the Governing Body detailed in section 21 of the Education Act 2002. Governors are required to:

 Manage the school budget, consider the annual budget plan, approve the budget, consider and approve any proposed revisions to the budget plan;  Decide on how to spend delegated budget depending on any conditions set out in the LA scheme within the financial year;

8  Decide whether to delegate their powers to spend the delegated budget to the head teacher if so, they should establish the financial limits of delegated authority;  Be consulted by the Local Authority (LA) on significant changes to the LA’s fair funding;  Make sure accurate accounts are kept;  Determine the staff complement and a pay policy for the school (in accordance with School Teachers Pay and Conditions);  Act as a ‘critical friend’ to the head teacher by providing advice, challenge and support;  Establish a written performance management policy to govern staff appraisal, after making sure that all staff have been consulted;

The roles and responsibilities of the governing body are important in the context of financial management. The governing body alongside the head teacher have direct control over substantial amounts of delegated funds. They make key decisions about the allocation of financial resources and often have to weigh competing priorities.

If governors have a good understanding of high standards of financial management and control and aim to achieve these, they are better able to safeguard the public money for which they are responsible.

A Summary of the Governing Body’s Financial Management Roles

The governing body has a strategic role in the financial management in schools and therefore its key responsibilities include:

 Setting financial priorities through the: -School Development Plan (SDP), also known as the School improvement Plan (SIP); -3 year financial plan; -the annual budget.  Deciding on how the school’s delegated budget should be spent, in accordance with their SDP and the statutory curriculum requirements laid down by government;  Approving and monitoring the annual budget;  Ensuring the budget is managed effectively;  Ensuring the school meets all its statutory obligations, and through the head teacher complies with its LA’s financial regulations or standing orders;  Determining virement and expenditure thresholds;  Evaluating the effectiveness of spending decisions.

he Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) has been available for schools to use from September 2011. The SFVS has been designed in conjunction with schools to assist them in managing their finances and to give assurance that they have secure financial management in place. Governing bodies have formal responsibility for the financial management of their schools, and so the standard is primarily aimed at governors.

Local authority (LA) maintained schools are required to complete the SFVS once a year. Those schools which never attained Financial Management Standard in Schools (FMSiS) are expected to complete and submit the SFVS to their local authority. An annual review is required by all maintained schools.

Support notes for the SFVS can be downloaded from the following web page: %20Financial%20Value%20Standard/a00192114/sfvs-and-assurance

10 List of Governors and their contact details

Name Contact No. Email Address

Kay Allen 01934 822612 [email protected] 07905370351 Luci Amos 01934 812852 [email protected] (Headteacher Lizzie Carrington- 01934 824911 [email protected] Porter 07788184245 John Chatburn 01934 812794 Jennifer Green 01934 851344 [email protected] 07500222409 Sue Kelly 01934 820188 [email protected] 07968060749 Rev Anne Lee 01934 823556 [email protected] 07964 764324 Laura Lovely 07791 111120 [email protected]

Ian Pickett 01934 812229 [email protected] Norman Poole 01934 815199 [email protected] 07814 935274 Mary Potter 01934 812788 [email protected]

Jayne Smart 01934 822481 [email protected] 07734 166358 Jon Topham 01934 811072 [email protected] 07946584263 Jacqui Cashmore 01934 414351 [email protected] 0774 8835726 Full Governing Body Terms of Reference

 To constitute the Governing Body, elect Chair and vice-Chair, and appoint the Clerk.

 To determine and review annually in the autumn the number of committees, their membership and terms of reference with delegated functions.

 To approve annually the budget as recommended by the Finance, Staffing and Pay Committee

 To determine and review annually in the autumn functions delegated to individual governors charged with specific responsibilities.

 To meet at least three times each year to receive reports and oversee the work of the committees and individual governors.

 To support, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the school.

 To hold the school to account for the quality of education and standards achieved.

 To approve the procedures for appointing the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher.

 To monitor pupil attendance against set targets.

 To agree targets for pupil achievement at Key Stage 2.

 To decide whether or not to hold an annual meeting for parents.

 To draw up, with advice from the Head, a Strategic Development Plan containing the aims and objectives of the school and the targets for the pupils to achieve. To approve the plan and submit it to the full Governing Body.

 To review and approve the Strategic Development Plan annually, ensuring that each school year starts with an up to date Plan containing relevant, appropriate targets and strategies for securing the targets.

 To monitor progress and performance against the Plan, agreeing any amendments as necessary to reflect progress and performance.

 To review annually and approve, with advice from the Head and in accordance with legal requirements, the School Prospectus, ensuring that copies are supplied to parents where necessary.

12  To review annually and approve the following policies/procedures:

 Safeguarding & Child Protection  Prospectus  SDP  Monitoring Evaluation & review

Not less than 50% of the full Governing Body must be present for a meeting of the full Governing Body to be quorate. Hutton CE Primary School Code of Conduct for Governors

This Code of Conduct provides you with clear boundaries in terms of what is and is not acceptable conduct. It aims to provide consistent guidelines, enabling all governors to work within an environment of trust and mutual respect. The role of the governor is a responsible one, with access to highly confidential information. Stakeholders are entitled to expect the highest standards of integrity from governors and to know that all decisions and actions taken are fair and impartial, respecting equality of opportunity for all and focussed on the educational needs of the pupils and the strategic direction of the school. Breaches of the Code of Conduct will be considered very seriously and may result in your removal from the governing body. All governors at Hutton CE Primary School will be asked to sign up to this code of conduct when taking up post, and when renewing their term of appointment. General I have responsibility for determining, monitoring and keeping under review the broad policies, plans and procedures within which the school operates.

I recognise that the head teacher is responsible for the implementation of policy, day- to-day management of the school and the implementation of the curriculum.

I recognise that the main aim of the school is to raise the educational achievement of all its pupils and acknowledge that the governing body will contribute most effectively to this by focusing on its three main roles:

 ensuring that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined;  ensuring that the head teacher performs his or her responsibilities for the educational performance of the school; and  ensuring the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources.

I accept that all governors have equal status, and although appointed by different groups (i.e. parents, staff, LEA, church) our overriding concern will be the welfare of the school as a whole.

I have no legal authority to act individually, except when the governing body has given me delegated authority to do so.

I have a duty to act fairly and without prejudice, and in so far as I have responsibility for staff, I will fulfil all that is expected of a reasonable employer, in accordance with relevant employment legislation and LEA policies and procedures.

14 I will consider carefully how the governing body’s decisions may affect other schools.

I will declare my business interests regularly as required and promptly declare any personal conflict of interest, which may arise during meetings, accepting the need to withdraw if deemed necessary.

I will not pass any information, or make comment, to the press or other media unless expressly authorised to do so by the governing body in accordance with the media policy.

Commitment I acknowledge that accepting office as a governor involves the commitment of dedicated time and energy.

I will ensure the Christian ethos of the school is furthered within the governors meetings, and within the discussions and decisions that I make.

I will actively involve myself in the work of the governing body and accept my fair share of responsibilities, including service on sub-committees or working groups.

I will prepare for meetings by reading all papers beforehand and attend meetings promptly, regularly and for the full time.

I acknowledge that failure to attend meetings for a period of six months without the consent of the governing body could lead to disqualification.

I will get to know the school well and respond to opportunities to involve myself in school activities.

I will take responsibility for my own learning, training and development as a governor and will seek out and attend appropriate training opportunities.

Relationships I will strive to work as a team member.

I will seek to develop effective working relationships with the head, staff and parents, the LA, the church and other relevant agencies and the community.

I will consider the welfare and work/life balance of the head teacher and school staff both within the strategic decisions that I make and within the practical application of my governance.

I will treat all stakeholders with courtesy and respect, using neither aggressive nor offensive behaviour.

I will not use my position to gain advantage in other relationships with the school or community (e.g. as a teacher, employee, parent or councillor). I will ensure that my other relationships with the school (i.e. parent, employee) are conducted in a proper and ethical manner, and that my standing as a governor is not compromised or open to misinterpretation.

Confidentiality I will observe complete confidentiality regarding all matters.

I will exercise the highest degree of caution when involved in sensitive issues arising outside the Governing Body, which may have an impact on the work of the Governing Body or the operation of the school. I understand that although decisions made by the Governing Body are generally made public, the discussions on which the decisions are based and opinions expressed by other governors must remain confidential.

Conduct I will encourage the open expression of views at meetings, but accept collective responsibility for all decisions made by the governing body or its delegated agents.

I will actively engage and participate in the statutory duties of governors, including the governors self evaluation process and equalities plan. I will be cognisant of safeguarding issues in my decision and actions.

I will only speak or act on behalf of the Governing Body when I have been specifically authorised to do so.

In making or responding to criticism or complaints affecting the school I will follow the procedures established by the Governing Body.

I understand that my role as a governor includes the need to undertake regular, pre- arranged visits to the school during normal school hours. My visits to school will be undertaken within the framework established by the Governing Body and agreed with the head teacher. I understand that governors do not have an automatic right to enter the school. I will not attend the school premises in my role as a governor without prior agreement of the head teacher.

When attending school premises, I will sign in and out promptly to ensure safeguarding and health and safety procedures are not compromised.

In discharging my duty I will always be mindful of my responsibility to maintain and develop the ethos and reputation of the school.

I will notify the clerk to the governors in advance if unable to attend a meeting.

I undertake to act responsibly, in good faith and within my delegated authority at all times.

16 I will not speak out against decisions, in public or in private, outside of the governing body.



Useful Web Sites

 Governors and clerks is North Somerset Council’s home page, with links to information for schools, including the Governor Services pages containing resources for governors and clerks, briefing sheets and details of the current training programme.

 North Somerset CPD Online - governorsGovernor Services gives details of all courses available for North Somerset governors and provides on-line booking. Any queries, contact [email protected]

 is the website for the Governors’ Association of North Somerset (formerly known as the North Somerset Governor Forum) providing information and advice. There are links to information on forthcoming seminars, newsletters and other useful information.

 is the home page for the Department for Education. This website has extensive information for governors including the latest edition of the Governors’ Guide to the Law.

 Governor Line is the professional helpline offering email and telephone support to school governors, clerks and individuals involved directly in school governance. GovernorLine is available Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m and 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. on weekends. Call 08000 722 181 or email your query from this site.

 is the National Governors’ Association website. It is the independent membership organisation for governors whose purpose is to enable governors to play their part in promoting the best possible education for all pupils in schools, by representing the governors' view and campaigning on behalf of governors.

 will take you to the Office for Standards in Education home page and carries inspection reports on schools in England.   provides up-to-the-minute coverage of education news.

 is the Times Educational Supplement’s website providing a daily educational news service and a weekly selection of articles.

18 Policies & Documents Mandatory + (Statutory) KEY Accessibility Plan (inc. disabilities) – (C&SC) Responsible Committee: Attendance policy incl targets – (FSP) FGB – Full Governing Body Charging policy – (FSP) C&SC - Curriculum and Standards Child protection policy – (FGB FSP - Finance, Staffing and Pay Collective worship policy – (C&SC) Complaints procedure – (FSP) Confidentiality – (FSP) Curriculum policy – (C&SC) Freedom of Info Publication Scheme – (C&SC) Health & Safety policy inc Medication & Risk Assessment – (Working Party to FGB) Home-School links incl Homework, consultation and communication – (C&SC) Instrument of Government – (Full Govning Body) Minutes & Papers of Governing body/Committee meetings – (Responsible Committee) Nutritional Standards – (Local Authority) Pay policy – (FSP) Performance Management Policy – (FSP) Prospectus – (C&SC & FGB) Pupil discipline policy (inc. behaviour, anti- bullying, exclusions and playground) – (FSP) Register of pupils – (Head) Register of Business Interests (Head & Governors) – (Clerk) Safeguarding – (FGB) Sex Education policy – (C&SC) Special Educational Needs policy – (C&SC) Staff Discipline, Capability & Grievance procedures – (FSP) Target-setting for school – (C&SC) Whistleblowing Policy – (FSP)

19 Desirable Medication – (C&SC) Monitoring, Evaluation and Review policy –(FGB) Assessment, Recording and Reporting incl Parents Helping in School – (FSP) Marking policy – (C&SC) Pupils' Presentation – (C&SC) Asset Management Plan – (FSP) Financial Procedures Manual (including Believe, Achieve, Succeed System (BASS) - Purchasing – (FSP) (C&SC) School Development Plan – (FGB) Communication and Consultation - (C&SC) Security – (FSP) Curriculum Subject policies School Travel Plan – (C&SC) - English (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Spirituality – (C&SC) Handwriting, Speaking & Listening) – (C&SC) Staff Induction – (FSP) - Maths – (C&SC) Staff Leave policy – (FSP) - Science – (C&SC) Staff Dress Code – (FSP) - ICT (inc. E-Safety) – (C&SC) Teaching and Learning policy – (C&SC) - Design Technology – (C&SC) Transition policy – (C&SC) - RE – (C&SC) - MFL - (C&SC) - Drama – (C&SC) - History (C&SC) - Geography incl Fair Trade and International- (C&CS) - Arts incl Music – (C&SC) - PSHME including sex education, drugs & anti smoking, travel plan, sport, PE – (C&SC) - Educational Visits – (C&SC) - Initial Teach Training - ( FSP) Community Cohesion and EqualityScheme – (FSP) Extended School (C&SC) Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) – (C&SC) Gifted and Talented policy – (C&SC) Inclusion – (FSP) Lettings policy – (FSP) Media policy – (C&SC)

20 School Term & Holiday Dates

Following consultation, the official start and finish dates for the 2013/14 school year in North Somerset are as follows:

Term 1 Monday 2 September 2013 to Friday 25 October 2013

Term 2 Monday 4 November 2013 to Friday 20 December 2013

Term 3 Monday 6 January 2014 to Friday 14 February 2014

Term 4 Monday 24 February 2014 to Friday 4 April 2014

Term 5 Tuesday 22 April 2014 to Friday 23 May 2014

Term 6 Monday 2 June 2014 to Tuesday 22 July 2014

5 days are available for professional training day closures during term time. These days are set by the Headteacher and Governors of each school.


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