Operation Procedures for FIB620 FIB/SEM

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Operation Procedures for FIB620 FIB/SEM

Rev. 1.3


General Comments Normally the system will be left in the power ON (“ready”) condition; i.e., all circuits will be continuously energized, chamber and both FIB and SEM columns will be under vacuum, and both VACUUM and HIGH TENSION lamps on the left side of control panel are lit. If system is not in such condition then do not attempt to operate the FIB or SEM, but seek help from NISP personnel. If the microscope is in “ready” condition then proceed with the following procedure.

I. Starting session 1. Check logbook; make sure that there are no problems reported by previous user. Write down your name and exact time to the nearest minutes for starting and ending your session in the logbook. You must have reservation for the tool to start your session. 2. If you are the first user for the day then update pressure and beam parameter values in the spreadsheet on the fibserver computer and save the file. Inform NISP staff if you notice that one of the parameters has significant deviation from the historic values.

II. Mounting sample 1. Securely mount sample on standard SEM stub, ensuring grounding path for removal of electrostatic charge from the specimen. Ask for assistance if you are unsure on mounting the sample or if you experiencing charging problems.

III. Inserting specimen 1. If you are the first user for the day, then initialize stage by clicking “Stage” and “Home” 2. On the system computer, in “Settings” mode under VACUUM control area (upper right screen), click on VENT. 3. Click “Yes “to confirm, and wait about 10 minutes for the chamber to reach atmosphere pressure. Once pressure in the chamber reaches atmosphere, door of the chamber will open with very little force. 4. Put on gloves, use tweezers, and under any circumstances do NOT touch specimen or anything inside of the system with bare hands. 5. Insert SEM stab with specimen into holder on the stage, and secure it with the setscrew. Finger-tight screw with the Allen wrench. 6. Close the chamber door slowly and carefully, while observing specimen height on the video monitor to make sure that the specimen will not touch anything within the chamber as the door is closed. Do not slam the door - you may cause severe damage to liquid-metal ion source and electron source. 7. Push the door firmly and click “Pump” in “Vacuum” window of “Settings” menu. 8. Wait for the message “Vac OK” the vacuum window and wait for vacuum level to be in 5x10-5 mBar or lower range.

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III. Obtaining image and setting sample stage to eucentirc height 1. Verify that “High Tension” button, located on left hand side of the operator console, is lit. 2. Change active beam to E-Beam either by clicking on “E” button on GUI, or by opening “Beam” menu and choosing “E-Beam” 3. Change DETECTORS to SE (secondary electron), and click on TV mode.

4. Default acceleration voltage for SEM is 10KV, however it can be changed to any value available in the “Beam” menu. 5. Select spot size from BEAM menu. Spot size 3 is default for general usage. 6. In “Settings” menu within E-Beam window lick on the accelerating voltage button (10 kV) to start SEM accelerating potential. 7. Select the lowest magnification under MAG pull-down menu or by turning “MAGNIFICATION” knob on the keyboard fully counterclockwise. 8. Adjust contract and/or brightness to obtain un-saturated image. 9. Use “COARSE” and “FINE” focus knobs to obtain reasonably sharp image. 10. Increase magnification to x200 ~ x300 and focus again. 11. Take a look on the chamber view monitor and verify that sample is on the safe distance from the polepiece of the column (rule of thumb applies). 12. Release locking handle of the tilt axis and slightly tilt the stage, while watching SEM image for the displacement and verifying on chamber view monitor that sample remains on the safe distance from internal components of the chamber. 13. As you observe SEM image shift up or down while sample is tilted, slowly correct the shift by rotating Z displacement knob. 14. Continue tilting the sample and correcting its height, until position of the SEM image remains stable while stage is rotated between “0 Degrees” and “52 Degrees” positions under magnification x200 ~ x300.

IV. Moving specimen around 1. There are no means to move sample manually in X/Y directions, only motorized motion is possible. 2. The TRACK (double circles with a stick) mode is a free movement device, allowing variable speed and continuous directional change. 3. The GET (plus sign “+”) icon on the shortcut bar is used to bring an object to the center of the screen by placing the cross over the object and double clicking on the mouse left-hand button. 4. The SHIFT (palm sign as like a hand) icon on the shortcut bar is the image shift which is recommend to be used at high magnification (>5,000x). 5. Image can be rotated by “Scan Rotation” slider in “Stage” window of “Settings” or “Milling” menu, but it does not physically rotate the sample. 6. Sample can be rotated by “Rotation” slider in “Stage” window. 7. Sample can be rotated quickly by entering rotation angle value into the R field of “Stage” window under “Settings” or “Milling” menu

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V. SEM observation

1. Click on TV icon, and refocus, either by rotating FOCUS knobs on the operator panel, or by holding down right button of the mouse while dragging the mouse in the left/right direction over the SEM image. 2. Do not change the aperture, only the #3 aperture is used at this time. Note that aperture 1 may only be used at low voltages, <5kV, only. The beam will damage this aperture at high voltages. The current aperture setting: #1=30m Au #2 = 30m Pt; #3 = 30 m Pt; #4 = 2000 m. 3. If you observe sample movement during manual focus, it indicates the aperture is not aligned properly. Click on LENS MODULATOR in E-Beam window of “Settings” menu and adjust x and y controls on aperture housing to minimizing image movement (image comes and goes out of focus without moving around). Disable modulator if you need to re-focus image during adjustment. 4. Correct the astigmatism manually by adjusting STIGMATOR X and Y knobs on operator panel, or by holding down SHIFT button on the computer keyboard and holding down the right button of the mouse, while dragging the mouse in the right/left and up/down directions over the SEM image and releasing the mouse button when the best image observed. 5. Astigmatism needs to be corrected usually on different specimens, when having changed kV, spot size, working distance or aperture. The astigmatism in the image is usually only visible at higher magnification (as a guide-line, 2000x or more). Note that you will prefer to make the astigmatism correction at the magnification two or three times that you want to photograph.

VI. Image photographing and storage

1. Make sure image is focused. Adjust contrast and brightness manually; VIDEO SCOPE icon on the shortcut bar can be utilized to check the contrast range of the image. 2. Click SLOW SCAN 3 or 2 from SCAN menu for sharp image. 3. Either click FREEZE icon when the image is ready, or use F2 key. 4. Click DATABAR from IN/OUT menu for labeling sample 5. From IN/OUT menu click IMAGE to save the image in STUDENT directory (choose either the bmp or tiff format). Do not save anything in any other directory! 6. Click on TV icon to continue working on the next feature. 7. Retrieve your images into your directory on fibserver computer at the end of the session. All images will be deleted from FIB computer on a weekly basys.

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VIII. Retrieving saved images

1. On the desktop of fibserver computer open FileZilla Client 2. Unless you already done so, create your own folder on Local Site panel under C:\LocalData\FIB620 3. Double-click on your own directory to open it 4. Click on the arrow next to Quickconnect button and choose [email protected] 5. On Remote Site panel double-click on SUPERVISER folder 6. Select your images and drag them from Remote Site panel into your folder in Local Site panel 7. When transfer of files completes disconnect from Remote Site by clicking on red X on the toolbar 8. Close FileZilla client 9. Open FIB620 Images folder by double-clicking its shortcut on the desktop of fibserver computer and navigate to your folder. 10. Insert your USB drive into the extender and transfer your images.

Note: Do not forget to FTP images to fibserver – the images you saved on FIB computer will be deleted on bi-weekly basis. Images on fibserver could be kept up to a year, or until the drive is full.


Failure to safely remove USB volume may corrupt file system on your USB drive!

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IX. FIB Operation – ion beam startup for the first user of the day

1. Verify that “High Tension” button on the operator console is lit 1. Open Ion Beam window in the Settings menu 2. Verify that IGP reading is between 1.0e-8 and 5.0e-7 3. Warning: do not attempt to operate FIB, if IGP reading in “Ion Beam” screen of “Settings” menu is outside of specified range, or you will cause severe damage to the ion source and/or column. 4. Verify that “Suppressor” slider is set to 600V +/-10V 5. Click on grey “Operate” button. The “Operate,” “2.5uA,” and “VI Slope” buttons will change color from grey to yellow. Wait two to three seconds to see message “Source Off” changing to “0.0 uA”. Immediately after see the change, click on yellow “2.5uA” button to interrupt automatic startup of the source. The “2.5uA” and “VI Slope” buttons should change color from yellow to grey, but “Operate” button should remain yellow. 8. Slowly increase “Extractor” voltage by clicking on the grey background to the right side of the slider, until you obtain stable emission current. The response is slow; therefore you need to wait about 5 seconds after each click for software to update reading of the extraction current. Do not exceed 13KV on the extractor! 9. Once you see reading of the emission current, quickly reduce “Extractor” voltage by clicking on the grey background to the left side of the slider. Wait about 1 second after each click for software to react. Keep in mind that current reading saturates at 13uA, therefore you can’t ever know actual extraction current, if it is larger then the 13uA saturation threshold… 10. Carefully adjust “Extractor” slider to obtain emission current to 10uA+/-1uA and let it stabilize for about a minute, or until current is stable. 11. Slowly reduce “Extractor” voltage by clicking on the arrows of the slider to reduce emission current down to 5uA +/- 0.5uA, wait about 10 seconds after each click to allow software to update. Let current stabilize at 5uA level for at least 2 minutes, or until emission current is stable. 12. Slowly reduce “Extractor” voltage by clicking on the arrows of the slider, to reduce emission current down to 2.5uA +/- 0.2uA. Let current stabilize for ~ 5 minutes and correct extractor voltage, if needed. 13. Click on “Setup” button and update value of the “Extractor” voltage in the popup window to the voltage that is required to maintain extraction current of 2.5uA +/- 0.2uA. 14. Click on “VI Slope” button and wait about a minute for the system to measure source response. 15. Enter “Suppressor,” “Extractor,” “VI Slope,” and “LMIS Life” values into the spreadsheet on fibserver computer. Save the file! 16. Press on grey “30.0 KV” button to apply acceleration voltage to the FIB. Color of the button should change to yellow, and you should hear sound of column isolation valve opening. 17. Press on the “I” button on GUI to switch tool into ion beam imaging mode 18. Press “TV” icon to start acquiring the image

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X. FIB Operation – ion source shut down

If you need to exchange the sample or if there are other FIB users scheduled to use tool after you, press on yellow “30.0 kV” button to shut down acceleration voltage of the FIB and to close isolation valve in the FIB column. Wait for “Ramping Down” pop-up message to disappear before venting the tool. Do not fully shut down ion source for exchanging the specimen.

If you are the last user of the day, or if there are no FIB users scheduled after you, press on yellow “Operate” button to shut down the ion source and FIB acceleration voltage. Wait for “Source Off” message to appear before venting the tool

XI. FIB Operation – ion beam milling

1. Make sure that sample is on eucentric height 2. Tilt the stage to 52 degrees angle, to make sample orthogonal to the ion column 3. Choose beam current appropriate for the dimension of the structure that you will be milling 4. Start FIB imaging and adjust brightness, contrast, focus, and correct astigmatism of the ion beam on the area of the sample where ion beam damage is acceptable 5. Move to the area of the sample where milling will be performed and freeze the image – remember that FIB imaging unavoidably sputters material. 5. Switch to “Milling” menu 6. Make sure that patterning beam is set to “I” - ions 6. Draw a pattern for the desired repair by using “Line,” “Box,” or “Cross Section” tools 7. Press on “Start Milling or Deposit” icon to start the process 8. Observe milling process in real time on the LEADER monitor 9. Stop milling when appropriate by pressing “Stop” icon

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XII. Shut down procedure

1. In the E-Beam window of Settings menu verify that “10 KV” acceleration voltage button is inactive (grey). If the button is active (yellow) then click on it to switch off SEM the acceleration voltage; make sure that color of the button will change from yellow to grey. 2. In the Ion Beam window of Settings menu verify that “30.0 kV” acceleration voltage button is inactive (grey). If the button is active (yellow) then click on it to switch off FIB acceleration voltage. 3. If you are the last user of the day or if there are no FIB users scheduled after you for the same day then verify that “Operate” button is also grey and ion source current feedback reads “Source Off” – disable the “Operate” button if it is active. 4. Slowly open the nitrogen bottle just until the pressure indicators are starting to move. Do not open the valve fully. 5. In Vacuum window of Settings menu click on grey “Vent” button. Color of the button should change from grey to yellow. Wait about 5 to 10 minutes to hear sound of nitrogen entering the chamber, and another 3 to 5 minutes until chamber is at atmosphere pressure and door of the chamber opens. 6. Close main valve on the nitrogen bottle. 7. Put on gloves. 8. Gently open the chamber door and remove your sample(s). Do not touch anything in the main chamber by bare hands. 9. Look on the O-ring around chamber door to make sure that there are no particles on the sealing surface. 10. Close chamber door gently. 11. Pump down the chamber by clicking on PUMP in VACUUM sub-menu. 12. DO NOT press STDBY or OFF buttons. 13. Clean up the working area and return chairs to original position. 14. If you are all done, write down your log out time in the log book and log-out the computer. 15. Keep the lab door shut at all times.

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