Climate Change – Spring 2009 – Dr. Sharon Anthony & Dr. E.J. Zita

Level: Lower level (1st and 2nd year students) Prerequisites: Good reading skills; decent writing skills; willingness to work in teams, engage in self-directed learning, use computers, learn algebra and quantitative reasoning

Learning goals: order of magnitude estimations, simple growth rates, balancing chemical equations?, understanding energy, analyzing and interpreting data

Class Standing: Sophomores, juniors and seniors; transfer students welcome.

Prerequisites: General biology, solid algebra skills; good reading, writing, and thinking ability; willingness to work in teams

Program description: Over geologic time the Earth has experienced wide fluctuations in climate, such as ice ages. A major factor determining global climate is the intensity of the Sun's energy reaching the Earth. However, climate changes cannot be explained by variations in solar radiation alone. The Sun’s energy and its interactions with the land, oceans, and especially the atmosphere, affect the Earth’s climate. Scientists agree that Earth is currently experiencing a rapid warming trend caused by anthropogenic (human- caused) changes in atmospheric composition, such as greenhouse gases.

What are greenhouse gases? What are sources and sinks of greenhouses gases, both natural and anthropogenic? What are historical trends and causes of climate change? How much do our daily activities contribute to greenhouse gases? How can we make a difference to global warming? This program will explore such questions through activities such as lectures, discussions, workshops, student research, and seminars. We will draw on primary literature whenever possible for a rigorous scientific treatment. Students will do significant teamwork and student-directed learning. We will have weekly online assignments, so students should be comfortable using computers and the Internet.

Credit awarded in introductory chemistry, physics/astronomy, earth science, environmental studies and/or algebra. Total: 16 credits Program is preparatory for careers and future studies in natural science, environmental studies, science writing, public policy, and/or education.

Evaluation: Student work will be evaluated through assignments such as homework, workshops, exams, general participation, written and oral reports, and seminar essays.