April 15, 2010 * 2:30PM Conference Room 5403 Members: Toni Sommer, Terry Reece (Chair), Ron Schram, Scott DeMello, Nanette Piña, Joe Vasta, Hank Agostini, George Stone, Ron McDonald, Regina Vriend, Mary Sylvester, Jessica Bryce, Vanessa Manual (ASCC Rep) & Garth Maijala (SIPE Rep)

Make recommendations regarding campus safety, emergency procedures, care, security of equipment, and hazardous waste management. Consider and make recommendations in matters related to facilities, parking, traffic, transportation, lighting, water, energy and campus aesthetics Minutes 1. Call to Order: Meeting came to order at 2:33pm 2. Approval of Minutes: No minutes because the last meeting was the County Wide Workshop through SIPE 3. Caught in the Act Drawing! 1 entry this month! Winners: Kirk Carmichael and Lynn Hinson were the ONLY people to turn in a CITA. Kirk caught Lynn using a step ladder to reach things on a high shelf. 4. Safety Training Modules Drawing! 28 entries this month! Winner: #13 Armondo Teran at Computer Services. 5. Safety Coordinator Report: Please see attached 6. Funding Requests: Granted (Discretionary-Budgetary) A. $327.00 on 3 Humanscale CH3000 Document Holders

7. Funding Requests: Granted (SIPE): A. $1455.00 Evacuation Wheelchair –yes B. $393.15 Sawstop mobile base -Yes C. $300.40 +shipping Stress Cones -Yes D. $431.65 +shipping Safety Committee hand sanitizers -Yes E. $634.23 Tensacone Toppers -Yes F. $1000 Radio Repeater –Yes

8. Funding Requests: Hold/Denied A. Prior request for carbon monoxide detectors for the children’s center (building 4000) is being denied because they are a program requirement for certification for a specific program.

9. Accident/Workers Compensation Reporting/Claims: A. Employee tripped on exposed electrical cord and hurt her let B. Student/Employee hurt arm while moving a patient from a bed to a wheel chair.

10. Updates/Round Table:

Terry: Shared Governance meeting recap: They were upset the safety committee was asking them to do their training, not because they didn’t want to have it, but because they didn’t want to provide their own. They were unhappy that the Safety Committee wasn’t doing everything including instructional Chair level training. Shared Governance wants to possibly modify the structure of the Safety Committee to include more members (2/3 faculty) so it’s all encompassing and oversees EVERYTHING safety on campus, academic instructional safety training. He will report more at the next meeting if there has been any progression. Cal Poly has a loss prevention office that audits departments and hands down training matrix and makes sure the departments are doing it. The Dean and the Chair are evaluated on the item.

EMHE Grant application is in progress. There is a very short deadline.

Ron Schram: His guys responded to a pretty bad situation yesterday and they did very well. The public safety department performed basic first aid, called the paramedics and ambulance for a student injury yesterday. A student needed to use the Emergency Shower (which Jessica had inspected the week before). The teacher and public safety did everything very well.

Regina Vriend: The no smoking signs seem to be working well.

Hank Agostini: Hank sees a need for training on campus on how to dispose of, clean up, or report hazardous material spills. There was a spill reported this morning. It was oil going into a storm drain.

Safety Coordinators Report 4/15/10 Section II: Income and Balance Income Expenses Balance 8,531.12 Carry-Over $ $10,954.89 $ 3,491.23 5,915.00 Credit Funds (CF) $ Discretionary 2,000.00 $1,694.42 $305.58 Funds (DF) $ District Match 2,010.40 $0.00 $2,010.40 (DM) $ Premium Rebate 5,904.60 $4,663.06 $1,241.54 (PR) $ Total Income $24,361.12 $17,312.37 $7,048.75 You must submit this section before moving on to the next section.

Discretionary Funds: 3 Humanscale CH3000 -$327.00

Purchased approved items: $120.57 Trade master work gloves for MOG

Requests: -$1455.00-Evac Wheel Chair –hold we have one in the 3200 bld -$634.23-Tensacone Toppers -$2000 -$1000 Radio Repeater (Check last mo minutes to make sure it wasn’t mentioned already) -$393.15-Sawstop Mobile Base -$431.65 plus shipping -125 personalized refillable instant sanitizer (safety committee) \ -$ 300.40 + shipping-150 personalized orange construction cone stress balls (safety committee)

The Carbon Monoxide Detectors were denied because after looking into it they were found to be required for certification and are a responsibility of the department.

Recent Employee Activity:  2nd round of Safety Inspections is under way.  Writing work orders and e-mails for safety inspections  We submitted our Grant Item Receipts on April 1st, right on time.

Accidents:  Employee tripped on an exposed, plugged in, electrical cord and hurt her leg.  Nursing student, in a clinical lab setting, hurt her arm while moving a patient from a bed to a wheel chair.

Safety Committee Activities:  7 attendees from Cuesta College on Friday, March 19th to the Countywide Workshop: Terry Reece, Mary Sylvester, Megan Barnes, Nanette Pina, Joe Vasta, Scott DeMello, Jessica Bryce

Recent Training Activities:  Hearing Loss Prevention for MOG  April 19th we will have Boom Lift Certification with Mike Bruffey.  May 12th Mike Bruffey will be coming to do first aid training for General Services monthly safety meeting.

Other (Including Emergency Preparedness): Garth had come out and completed 3 Workstation Evaluations in March and we are in the process of scheduling 1 more for the near future.