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Louisiana Tech University s1

Louisiana Tech University School of Performing Arts Department of Music Choral Syllabus

Professor: Dr. Sean Teets, Director Phone: Office 257-5272 Office: Howard, 327 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: posted on door

The Louisiana Tech University School of the Performing Arts provides comprehensive training in the fields of music, theater, dance, and arts management which connects the broad spectrum of historical and contemporary issues related to art and craft; and in promoting the relationship between theory and practice, prepares professionals and teachers for leadership in national and international culture and art for the twenty-first century.

Course Description: Concert Choir/Chamber Singers is an auditioned choral ensemble, open to voice majors and non-majors. Repertoire consists of music from all stylistic periods, including contemporary music, and consists of small-form choral music performed a cappella and/or with chamber instruments. Frequent performances on and off campus and tours are expected of this ensemble.


Course expectations and grading procedures are designed to grant maximum benefits to all participants, to create a community of expression, and to elevate the Concert Choir/Chamber Singers to the highest artistic level possible.

Audition Information: All students interested in admission to the Louisiana Tech University Concert Choir/Chamber Singers must audition. No student will be allowed entry into the chorus without auditioning. The Director of Choral Activities will utilize one standard for audition requirements in order to ensure that each student receives a fair evaluation of their efforts as a deciding factor towards receiving the Choral Service Award. No student’s award will be based on his or her financial need or other factors other than vocal ability.

Academic Honesty: A student’s personal, legal signature constitutes their presence at all rehearsals and performances. Students must sign the forms individually. No one is allowed to sign in for someone else. Failure to sign in constitutes an absence; each singer is completely responsible to sign in for each and every rehearsal. No late signing will be permitted. Participation Grade: The participation grade consists of attendance, attitude, and quality participation in rehearsals and performances. A positive attitude must be demonstrated in every rehearsal (including sectionals) and performance, and one’s final grade will absolutely reflect this. Section leaders will report problems to the director for action and grade deductions.

Grading Policy: Students will be graded on the following factors throughout the quarter as a member of the Louisiana Tech University Concert Choir/Chamber Singers:

Attendance (during all rehearsals and performances) Participation (during all rehearsals and performances) Music Learning Demonstration (singing exam) Professional Demeanor (during all rehearsals and performances)

Each student’s grade will depend on attendance, participation, attitude, responsibility, and musical aptitude. Each student is responsible for bringing a pencil and a black folder to class. Concert dress will be specified; students will be responsible for purchasing concert attire. Concerts and performances are considered as exams in this course. Students may be required to take a singing or diction exam during the quarter. Students will sing material that is being prepared for performance. Members are expected to attend all rehearsals and extra rehearsals. Students must attend the dress rehearsal in order to maintain their grades and/or perform on the concert. Two tardies will constitute one absence. Not coming to a rehearsal with music or pencil counts as one tardie. No make up work will be allowed. Attendance will be used to determine borderline grades. Two absences are allowed. Upon the third absence, the grade will be lowered one letter, with each subsequent absence resulting in a lower grade.

Attendance: As stated in the university catalog, “All students are expected to attend regularly and punctually all classes in which they are enrolled. Failure to do so may jeopardize a student’s scholastic standing and may lead to suspension from Louisiana Tech.”

A student shall submit excuses for all class absences to the Director of Choral Activities within three class days after the student returns to the class. The Director of Choral Activities may excuse the student for being absent and will also accept an official university excuse. Excused absences are as follows: official University-excused absence, documented family emergency or urgent/emergency medical care, personal matters, deaths, and sickness at home as approved by the Director of Choral Activities. A doctor’s note is required to verify. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain verification of participation from the faculty sponsor for the activity. The final decision to excuse any absence will be at the discretion of the Director of Choral Activities. Please note that the Director of Choral Activities is the only person that has the authority to excuse a chorus member from a scheduled or announced rehearsal or performance.

There will be no schedule conflicts permitted by any student except for the following exception. Students that require a high level course (Juniors and Seniors) in which the only class offering conflicts directly with the scheduled choral rehearsal. This includes required labs for upper level majors.

All choral rehearsals will start on time. Students will understand that they are to be seated and ready to begin rehearsal before 12:00 pm. No student will be excused from any portion of rehearsal time unless deemed in advance by the Director of Choral Activities. Students that leave the rehearsal without the expressed permission of the Director of Choral Activities will face attendance penalties. Students are advised to ensure that all personal issues are taken care of before rehearsals begin. All choral students will be responsible for reporting to every call time before the announced time.

Sectionals: In conjunction with the regularly scheduled rehearsals from 12:00pm to 1:50 pm, there will be an additional evening rehearsal for each section at various times determined by the section leader. The weekly sectionals are a required component as a member of the Concert Choir/Chamber Singers. The appointed section leader will run the sectionals. Students are to understand that sectionals are to be treated as a lab. During sectionals, students should be devoted to the rehearsal at all times. At no time should students use sectional time to make phone calls or handle other personal affairs. All attendance rules printed apply to sectionals as well.

Each section of the chorus will have section leaders chosen by the Director of Choral Activities. Desired qualification include: leadership skills, exceptional musicianship, and a motivator within the section and overall chorus. Section leaders are responsible for the following:

 Communicate quietly with their sections during rehearsals if they have a helpful suggestion.  Maintain a discreet and professional attitude in their section during the rehearsal in the unlikely event that excessive talking has occurred.  Be prepared to rehearse the section on days devoted to sectionals.  If needed, arrange outside sectionals and will meet with the Director of Choral Activities as needed.

Called Rehearsal Guidelines: In an effort to enhance the Concert Choir/Chamber Singers’ overall performance, the Director of Choral Activities reserves the right to schedule additional (or call) rehearsals throughout the academic year. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are present and ready for any called rehearsals in an effort to assist with the overall enhancement of the chorus. All attendance requirements apply for any called rehearsal. Students will be given advanced noticed of any called rehearsals.

Choral Performance Guidelines: All choral students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible and professional manner at all times when appearing with the Louisiana Tech University Concert Choir/Chamber Singers whether on campus or on travel. Students found engaging in any forms of social misconduct will be subject to the following consequences: immediate loss of the Choral Service Award for that quarter, immediate expulsion from the chorus, grade of F for that quarter; and judicial repercussions from the Louisiana Tech University Office of Student Affairs.

All choral students will understand that they are ambassadors of Louisiana Tech University at all times when performing (on campus or traveling) with the chorus. In keeping with that mind-set students will be required to dress in a manner that is above reproach at all times. At no time while on travel will students be allowed to wear any garments that depict a negative image as determined by the Director of Choral Activities.

 No showing of garments with questionable pictures, logos, or sayings.  No showing of items like undergarments, sleepwear, or head scarves.  No showing of items such as earphones attached to electronic devices.  No showing of flip-flops, house shoes, or athletic sandals.  No showing of baseball caps, or skull caps.

Travel Guidelines: All choral students are expected to travel with the Louisiana Tech University Concert Choir/Chamber Singers in modes of transportation as deemed by the Director of Choral Activities. Students in violation will be subject to an award reduction and/or penalties as determined by the Director of Choral Activities.

All choral students are expected to lodge with the Louisiana Tech University Concert Choir/Chamber Singers in modes of lodging as deemed by the Director of Choral Activities. At no time should a member of the ensemble allow outside persons admittance into the living space of the chorus without informing the Director of Choral Activities first. This includes family members and friends. Students in violation will be subject to an award reduction and/or penalties as determined by the Director of Choral Activities.

All choral students will be expected to report to their assigned areas of housing when on travel by the times indicated by the Director of Choral Activities. Students in violation will be subject to an award reduction and/or penalties as determined by the Director of Choral Activities.

All choral students will be responsible for adhering to all written and verbal mandates as deemed by the Director of Choral Activities. Students in violation will be subject to an award reduction and/or penalties as determined by the Director of Choral Activities.

Choral Responsibilities Guidelines: All choral students are expected to perform tasks that benefit the choral program that may be beyond the normal duties outlined in this syllabus.

All choral students are expected to cooperate with the Director of Choral Activities and comply with all verbal and written directions by the Director of Choral Activities (and his designee) without fail or complaint. All choral students are expected to remain committed to the choral program and abide by the statements set forth in this syllabus.

All choral students are expected to maintain superior personal hygiene and appearance at all times. This includes, but is not limited to scheduled rehearsals and performances.

All choral students are expected to schedule all employment around their scheduled chorus class time as well as any additional scheduled rehearsals and performances.

Choral Technology Guidelines: As a member of the Louisiana Tech University Concert Choir/Chamber Singers, students must realize that they are at all times ambassadors of the university in all aspects of their communications. This includes all social media such as facebook, twitter, and other. Any student found guilty of posting negative comments about aspects of the Louisiana Tech University Concert Choir/Chamber Singers such as feelings towards fellow members, the music, the director or others will be subject to penalties determined by the Director of Choral Activities.

Costume Requirements: Men: complete black tuxedo (not tails); white tux shirts (winged collar), studs, black bow tie and vest, black shoes and black socks. Women: Black concert dress; black hose and shoes, and custom jewelry only.

Students are not allowed at any time to wear additional outer garments under their formal attire. This includes jeans, sweatpants, and other articles not deemed appropriate. Furthermore, at no time while in the concert attire will students be allowed to remove clothing items such as shoes. These types of acts are unprofessional and will be considered a direct form of insubordination. The offending student will be immediately dismissed from the performance site and receive an absence for that performance which will affect the student’s final grade.

Choral Suspension and Expulsion Guidelines: Any choral student that participates in any of the following prohibited acts will be subject to sanctions ranging from loss of Choral Service Award to expulsion from the choral program and total loss of the Choral Service Award. If a situation occurs that is not listed in these guidelines, the final decision of the consequences of the student in violation will rest solely with the Director of Choral Activities.

 All choral students will understand that participation in the Louisiana Tech University Concert Choir/Chamber Singers is by permission of the Director of Choral Activities only. Students may be dismissed without written notification due to any level of insubordination.

 All choral students will refrain from acts of insubordination, abusive language, or profanity when addressing the Director of Choral Activities, choral accompanist, or any appointed choral staff member.  All choral students will refrain from multiple tardies or absences from scheduled rehearsals or performances. The repeated offense of these actions is detailed in the attendance policy.

 All choral students will refrain from the use of cellular phones during rehearsal. All cellular and other electronic devices must be powered off and placed away during rehearsal. Any student seen with a cellular or other electronic device for any reason will be excused from rehearsal for the day and receive an absence. In addition, please turn off pagers, digital watches, etc. during rehearsals and performances. Calls and text-messaging are strictly forbidden during rehearsal times.

 All choral students will refrain from acts of physical resistance, acts of violence or physical abuse directed towards the Director of Choral Activities, choral accompanist, or fellow chorus members. This will also include any forms of hazing.

 All choral students will refrain from misuse of equipment or theft. This includes but is not limited to all school materials, and personal belongings of others.

 All choral students will refrain from any gang related organizations or events that involve chorus members, or prevent chorus members from fulfilling the outlined duties.

 All choral students will refrain from failing to appear for all announced and scheduled performances, which include, but are not limited to commencements and concerts.

 All choral students will refrain from seeking employment that interferes with the student’s responsibilities.

Music: Louisiana Tech University will provide music (on loan). Students will purchase their own black folders. Music and Pencils are required at all rehearsals. All music must be turned in at the conclusion of the quarter or the student will be assessed a fine for the replacement of the materials.

Fees: A charge will be levied for any lost music belonging to the university, and a student will be charged for lost music that is borrowed. If the music is not turned in, the student’s grade will be lowered one letter grade. A hold will be placed on the student’s registration and financial aid if the fees are not paid.

Scholarship Students/Out of State Fee Waivers: All students receiving a Choral Service Award for participation in chorus must meet the above requirements in order to retain the award. These students are required to enroll in MUEN 231/431. The Director of Choral Activities reserves the right to make final decisions concerning scholarships. The state requires a G.P.A of 2.5 cumulative to receive the out of state fee waiver and it requires the recipients to retain full-time status and a grade point average of 2.0 cumulative.

All scholarship and out of state fee waiver recipients will be required to assist in set up of the stage for concerts if asked. If Louisiana Tech University hosts a music festival, these recipients will be required to assist. Anyone receiving scholarships must be involved in strike of set after concert and a crew will be assigned.

OTHER GRADING FACTORS: ← Rehearsals the week of a concert will count double ← Dress rehearsal absence will deduct two full grade points ← Tardiness to dress rehearsals or performance warm-ups deducts one full letter grade ← Missing a main performance: Automatic failure of the course. ← Missing a secondary performance will deduct Two Letter Grades

Other Course Expectations:

Food, drinks (other than water), and talking are not allowed in rehearsal. Be respectful to your neighbors, the rehearsal experience, the director, and the choral art! ← A positive mental attitude is critical to successful ensemble participation and to the Concert Choir/Chamber Singers as a whole. One’s attitude will absolutely be reflected in one’s final grade, under the participation portion. This may result in a reduction of up to three grades, if the behavior is deemed disruptive to other members of one’s section, to the ensemble, or to the director. In severe cases, individuals unable to comply with this will be dismissed from the ensemble and fail the course.

If there is any reason that you should have difficulty with any of the class requirements please discuss this with the professor as soon as possible.

Academic Honor: In accordance with the Academic Honor Code, I pledge the following: Being a student of higher standards, I pledge to embody the principles of academic integrity.

Students needing testing or classroom accommodation based on disability are encouraged to discus those needs ASAP with the Professor.

All Louisiana Tech students are strongly encouraged to enroll and update their contact information in the Emergency Notification System. It takes just a few seconds to ensure you’re able to receive important text and voice alerts in the event of a campus emergency. For more information on the Emergency Notification System, please visit: http://www.latech.edu/administration/ens.shtml. Choral Contract

Piece Music #

By signing this document, I agree to the following conditions: 1) I am responsible for all music initialed in this document. 2) I will commit to memory my number regarding my pieces. 3) I will return all music given to me at the beginning of each quarter at the end of each quarter. 4) If I do not return music at the end of a quarter, my registration will be held until I return it or pay a fee to replace the music. 5) My signature below indicates that I have read, understand, and will comply with all requirement listed in the Louisiana Tech Choral Program syllabus.

Printed Name: ______

Quarter: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

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