World Geography Curriculum Framework

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World Geography Curriculum Framework

World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016


Introduction  Syllabus MONDAY  Classroom goals, August 24 objectives, and expectations Procedures Lesson 1: The Geographer’s Ch.1, L1 9A,9B16C, Tools; Students will know- 20A, •the characteristics and uses TUESDAY 21A of globes and various types August 25 of maps. •how map projections are created and best used.

Lesson 1: The Geographer’s Ch.1, L1 12A, 16C, Tools; Students will know- 20A, • how to determine absolute WEDNESDAY 21A, and relative location. 23B August 26 • how geospatial technologies are used and how geographers gather information. Lesson 2: The Geographer’s Ch.1, L2 13B, 9A, Craft; Students will know- 9B, • how the spatial perspective THURSDAY 20B, is unique to geography. August 27 21A • the six elements of geography and geography’s relationship to other disciplines. Assessment: *Hands-On Chapter Project FRIDAY *Chapter Test August 28

1 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 (9)(A) identify physical and/or human factors such as climate, vegetation, language, trade networks, political units, river systems, and religion that constitute a region (B) describe different types of regions, including formal, functional, and perceptual regions (12) (A) analyze how the creation, distribution, and management of key natural resources affects the location and patterns of movement of products, money, and people (13) (B) compare maps of voting patterns or political boundaries to make inferences about the distribution of political power TEKS (16)(C) explain ways various groups of people perceive the characteristics of their own and Descriptor other cultures, places, and regions differently (20) (A) describe the impact of new information technologies such as the Internet, Global Positioning System (GPS), or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (21) A) analyze and evaluate the validity and utility of multiple sources of geographic information such as primary and secondary sources, aerial photographs, and maps (23)(B) use case studies and GIS to identify contemporary challenges and to answer real- world questions


1A,2C,2D, ELPS CCRS IA 3B,3F,4D,4G,4E,21, WEEK 2- TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES 1st Six Weeks 1A, Introduction Ch 2, Intr. 3B  Why Geography Matters: The Physical World MONDAY  Economics and Resources: Water Scarcity August 31

Lesson 1: Planet Earth Ch 2, L1 TUESDAY 4B,  Our Solar System: spheres, terrestrial planets, gas planets September 1  Getting to know the earth: hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, biosphere Lesson 2: Forces of Change Ch 2, L2 1A,  Earth’s Structure: core, mantle, crust, continental drift WEDNESDAY 3B,3C,  Internal Forces of Change: plates, folds, faults, earthquakes, volcanoes September 2 4B,  External Forces of Change: weathering, erosion, soil building 22C

Lesson 3: Earth’s Water Ch 2, L3 3C,  The Water Cycle: evaporation, condensation, precipitation THURSDAY 19C,  Bodies of Salt Water: desalination September 3  Bodies of Freshwater: groundwater, aquifer

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test September 4

2 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 (1)(A) analyze the effects of physical and human geographic patterns and processes on the past and describe their impact on the present, including significant physical features and environmental conditions that influenced migration patterns and shaped the distribution of culture groups today (3)(B) describe the physical processes that affect the environment of regions, including weather, tectonic forces, erosion, and soil-building processes © examine the physical processes that affect the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere TEKS (4)(B) describe different landforms and the physical processes that caused their development Descriptor (22)© use geographic terminology correctly



WEEK 3- TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES 1st Six Weeks Introduction Ch 3, Intr  Why Geography Matters: Climates of the Earth MONDAY  September 7 Climate Change: the impacts on humans

Lesson 1: Earth-Sun Relationships Ch 3, L1 TUESDAY 3A,  Climate and Weather: tilt, rotation, revolution, equinox, solstice September 8 3B,  The Greenhouse Effect: atmospheric gases; water vapor, methane, 3C carbon dioxide Lesson 2: Factors Affecting Climate Ch 3, L2 3B,  Latitude, Climate, and Elevation: altitude zones WEDNESDAY 4A,  Winds and Ocean Currents: prevailing winds, Coriolis effect September 9 5A,  Landforms and Climates: windward, leeward, rain shadow 8B Lesson 3: World Climate Patterns Ch 3, L3  Climate Regions and Biomes: natural vegetation, terrain THURSDAY 4A,  Tropical-, Dry-, Midlaltitude-, Highlatitude-Climates September 10 4C,  Climate Change: global temperature

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test September 11

3 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 (3)(A) explain weather conditions and climate in relation to annual changes in Earth-Sun relationships (B) describe the physical processes that affect the environment of regions, including weather, tectonic forces, erosion, and soil-building processes © examine the physical processes that affect the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. (4)(A) explain how elevation, latitude, wind systems, ocean currents, position on a continent, and TEKS mountain barriers influence temperature, precipitation, and distribution of climate regions Descriptor © explain the influence of climate on the distribution of biomes in different regions. (11)© assess how changes in climate, resources, and infrastructure (technology, transportation, and communication) affect the location and patterns of economic activities


ELPS 1C,1F,2E,2I,3B, 3D,3E,3H,4E,4G CCRS IA

WEEK 4- TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES 1st Six Weeks 5B, Introduction Ch 4, Intr 8A,  Why Geography Matters: The Human World MONDAY 16B,  Human Development Index 20B September 14 Lesson 1: Global Cultures  Elements of Culture: language families, ethnic groups, culture region  Cultural Change: cultural diffusion, culture hearths, globalization Lesson 2: Population Geography Ch 4, L2,L3 7D,8A,  Population Growth: demographic transition model 10D, TUESDAY  Population Distribution: distribution vs. density 15A, September 15 16B, Lesson 3: Political Geography 17A,  Features of Government: unitary system, federal system 17B,  Geography and Government: natural-, cultural-, biometric boundary  Conflict and Cooperation: terrorism Ch 4, L3, L4 5B,6A, Lesson 4: Economic Geography 7A,7B, WEDNESDAY  Economic Systems: traditional vs. market economy, free enterprise 7C,9A, September 16  Economic Development: more vs. less developed countries 9B, 14B,  Economies and World Trade: GDP, emerging markets 15B, Lesson 5: Urban Geography Ch 4, L5 5A,  The Nature of Cities: urban sprawl, connectivity, metropolitan THURSDAY 5B,  Patterns of Urbanization: central place theory, world city September 17 10A,  Challenges of Urban Growth: environmental/social change 10B, 11A,

4 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test September 18

5 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 ***Celebrate Freedom Week (5)(A) analyze how the character of a place is related to its political, economic, social, and cultural elements; (B) interpret political, economic, social, and demographic indicators (gross domestic product per capita, life expectancy, literacy, and infant mortality) to determine level of development and standard of living in nations using the terms Human Development Index, less developed, newly industrialized, and more developed. (6)(A) locate and describe human and physical features that influence the size and distribution of settlements; (B) explain the processes that have caused changes in settlement patterns, including urbanization, transportation, access to and availability of resources, and economic activities.

(7) (A) construct and analyze population pyramids and use other data, graphics, and maps to describe the population characteristics of different societies and to predict future population trends; (C) describe trends in world population growth and distribution; (D) examine benefits and challenges of globalization, including connectivity, standard of living, pandemics, and loss of local culture.

(8)(A) compare ways that humans depend on, adapt to, and modify the physical environment, including the influences of culture and technology;

(9)(A) identify physical and/or human factors such as climate, vegetation, language, trade networks, political units, river systems, and religion that constitute a region; (B) describe different types of regions, including formal, functional, and perceptual regions.

(10)(A) describe the forces that determine the distribution of goods and services in free-enterprise, socialist, and communist economic systems; (B) classify where specific countries fall along the economic spectrum between free- enterprise and communism; (C) compare the ways people satisfy their basic needs through the production of goods and services such as subsistence agriculture versus commercial agriculture or cottage industries versus commercial industries; (D) compare global trade patterns over time and examine the implications of globalization, including outsourcing and free trade zones. (11) (A) understand the connections between levels of development and economic activities (primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary); TEKS (12)(A) analyze how the creation, distribution, and management of key natural resources affects the location and Descriptor patterns of movement of products, money, and people; (13) (A) interpret maps to explain the division of land, including man-made and natural borders, into separate political units such as cities, states, or countries; (14)(B) compare how democracy, dictatorship, monarchy, republic, theocracy, and totalitarian systems operate in specific countries; (C) analyze the human and physical factors that influence the power to control territory and resources, create conflict/war, and impact international political relations of sovereign nations such as China, the United States, Japan, and Russia and organized nation groups such as the United Nations (UN), and the European Union (EU). (15)(A) identify and give examples of different points of view that influence the development of public policies and decision-making processes on local, state, national, and international levels; (B) explain how citizenship practices, public policies, and decision making may be influenced by cultural beliefs, including nationalism and patriotism. (16) (A) describe distinctive cultural patterns and landscapes associated with different places in Texas, the United States, and other regions of the world and how these patterns influenced the processes of innovation and diffusion (B) describe elements of culture, including language, religion, beliefs and customs, institutions, and technologies; © explain ways various groups of people perceive the characteristics of their own and other cultures, places, and regions differently; (D) compare life in a variety of urban and rural areas in the world to evaluate political, economic, social, and environmental changes. (17)(A) describe and compare patterns of culture such as language, religion, land use, education, and customs that make specific regions of the world distinctive; (18)(B) assess causes, effects, and perceptions of conflicts between groups of people including modern genocides and terrorism; (20)(B) examine the economic, environmental, and social effects of technology such as medical advancements or changing trade patterns on societies at different levels of development (22)© use geographic terminology correctly;


ELPS 1A,2C,2D,2I,2E,3E,3D,3G,3H,4D,4F,4G, CCRS IA,IC,ID,IIIA

6 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 WEEK 5- TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES 1st Six Weeks 1A, Introduction Ch 5, Intr 4A,  Why Geography Matters: The United States MONDAY 7B,  Patterns of Migration Ch 5, L1 September 21 16A, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of the United States 23A  Landforms / Water Systems: shifted, altered, tributaries  Climate/Biomes/and Resources: hurricanes, fossil fuels 1B, Lesson 2: Human Geography of the United States Ch 5, L2, L3 7B,  History and Geography / Population Patterns: conflicts TUESDAY 8A,  Society and Culture Today / Economic Activities September 22 14C,15A Lesson 3: People and their Environment 20B,  Managing Resources: clear-cutting 22A  Human Impact: acid rain, smog, eutrophication 8C,  Addressing the Issues: aqueducts Ch 5, L4 13A, Lesson 4: Physical Geography of Texas WEDNESDAY 16A  Plains: Coastal, North Central, Great Plains September 23  Mountains and Basins: maquiladoras

6B, Lesson 5: Human Geography of Texas Ch 5, L5 THURSDAY 16A  Population and Culture: metropolitan areas, September 24  Past and Present: First Texans, empresarios

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test September 25

7 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 (1)(A) analyze the effects of physical and human geographic patterns and processes on the past and describe their impact on the present, including significant physical features and environmental conditions that influenced migration patterns and shaped the distribution of culture groups today; ( B) trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture and describe the effects on regions of contact (4)(A) explain how elevation, latitude, wind systems, ocean currents, position on a continent, and mountain barriers influence temperature, precipitation, and distribution of climate regions (7)(B) explain how political, economic, social, and environmental push and pull factors and physical geography affect the routes and flows of human migration (14)(C) analyze the human and physical factors that influence the power to control territory and resources, create conflict/war, and impact international political relations of sovereign nations such as China, the United States, Japan, and Russia and organized nation groups such as the United Nations (UN), and the European Union (EU) (15)(A) identify and give examples of different points of view that influence the development of public policies and decision-making processes on local, state, national, and international levels (16)(A) describe distinctive cultural patterns and landscapes associated with different places in Texas, the United States, and other regions of the world, and how these patterns influenced the processes of innovation and diffusion (18)(B) assess causes, effects, and perceptions of conflicts between groups of people including modern genocides and terrorism (20) (B) examine the economic, environmental, and social effects of technology such as medical advancements or changing trade patterns on societies at different levels of development (21)(C) create and interpret different types of maps to answer geographic questions, infer relationships, and analyze change (22)(A) design and draw appropriate graphics such as maps, diagrams, tables, and graphs to communicate geographic TEKS features, distributions, and relationships Descriptor (23) (A) plan, organize, and complete a research project that involves asking geographic questions; acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information; answering questions; and communicating results



8 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 3B, Introduction Ch 6, Intr MONDAY 15B  Why Geography Matters: Canada September 28  Energy Resources and Indigenous Rights

3B, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of Canada Ch 6, L1 TUESDAY 22E,  Landforms: Laurentian Highlands, Canadian Shield, Appalachian Mts. September 29  Water Systems: Mackenzie, Fraser, St. Lawrence Rivers  Climates, Biomes, and Resources: timberline, Chinook, aquaculture 5B, Lesson 2: Human Geography of Canada Ch 6, L2 6B,  History and Government: Inuit, Quebecois WEDNESDAY 11C,  Population Patterns: Nunavut, Loyalists, province September 30 15B,  Society and Culture Today: emigrate, education and healthcare 17D  Economic Activities: transportation and communication 2B, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 6, L3 8C,  Managing Resources: boreal forest, hydroelectricity THURSDAY 15A,  Human Impact: overfishing, logging, mining October 1 17C  Addressing the Issues: greenhouse gas emissions

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test October 2

(6)(B) explain that processes that have caused changes in settlement patterns, including urbanization, transportation, access to and availability of resources, and economic activities. (8)(C) evaluate the economic and political relationships between settlements and the environment, including sustainable development and renewable/nonrenewable resources. (11(C) assess how changes in climate, resources, and infrastructure (technology, transportation, and communication) affect the location and patterns of economic activities. (15)(A) identify and give examples of different points of view that influence the development of public policies and TEKS decision-making processes on local, state, national, and international levels; Descriptor (B) explain how citizenship practices, public policies, and decision making may be influenced by cultural beliefs, including nationalism and patriotism. (17) (C) compare economic, political, or social opportunities in different cultures for women, ethnic and religious minorities, and other underrepresented populations; (D) evaluate the experiences and contributions of diverse groups to multicultural societies. (22)(E) create original work using proper citations and understanding and avoiding plagiarism.




9 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 2A Introduction Ch 7, Intr  Why Geography Matters: Mexico MONDAY  Challenges of Urbanization October 5

1A, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of Mexico Ch 7, L1 4C  Landforms: Sierra Madre Occidental, Sierra Madre Oriental TUESDAY  Water Systems: vertical climate zones October 6  Climates, Biomes, and Resources: Central Plateau

5A, Lesson 2: Human Geography of Mexico Ch 7, L2 10D,  History and Government: Aztecs, mestizos, conquistador WEDNESDAY 17D,  Population Patterns: indigenous people, syncretism October 7 22B,  Society and Culture Today: extended family, indigenous cultures  Economic Activities: cross-border shopping, maquiladoras

12B, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 7, L3 16D,  Managing Resources: environmental degradation, deforestation THURSDAY 22D,  Human Impact: urban growth, poverty, pollution October 8  Addressing the Issues: Border 2020, REDD+ program

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test October 9

(2)(A) describe human and physical characteristics of the same regions at different periods of time to evaluate relationships between past events and current conditions (4)(C) explain the influence of climate on the distribution of biomes in different regions (5)(A) analyze how the character of a place is related to its political, economic, social, and cultural elements (10)(D) compare global trade patterns over time and examine the implications of globalization, including outsourcing and free trade zones. (16)(D) compare life in a variety of urban and rural areas in the world to evaluate political, economic, social, and TEKS environmental changes Descriptor (17)(D) evaluate the experiences and contributions of diverse groups to multicultural societies (22(B) generate summaries, generalizations, and thesis statements supported by evidence




10 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 1B, Introduction Ch 8, Intr 18A  Why Geography Matters: Central America and the MONDAY Caribbean October 12  Spatial Diffusion: The Columbian Exchange

1A, Lesson 1: Physical Ch 8, L1 4A, Geography of Central America/Caribbean  Landforms: Pacific Lowlands, Caribbean Lowlands, Cent. HIghlands TUESDAY  Water Systems: Lake October 13 Nicaragua, Lake Managua, Isthmus of Panama  Climates, Biomes, and Resources: biodiversity, elevation 1B, Lesson 2: Human Geography Ch 8, L2 11C, of Central 16A, America/Caribbean 19A  History and Government: colonization, United Provinces of CA WEDNESDAY  Population Patterns: October 14 outmigration, population pressure  Society and Culture Today: dialects, patois, matriarchal  Economic Activities: latifundia, ecotourism

11 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 8A, Lesson 3: People and Their Ch 8, L3 8C, Environment 23B  Managing Resources: border disputes, power supply  Human Impact: THURSDAY rapid urbanization, October 15 expanding agriculture  Addressing the Issues: sustainable development, reforestation

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test October 16

(1)(B) trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture and describe the effects on regions of contact. (4)(A) explain how elevation, latitude, wind systems, ocean currents, position on a continent, and mountain barriers influence temperature, precipitation, and distribution of climate regions (8)© evaluate the economic and political relationships between settlements and the environment, including sustainable development and renewable/nonrenewable resources. (11)© assess how changes in climate, resources, and infrastructure (technology, transportation, and communication) affect the location and patterns of economic activities. TEKS (16)(A) describe distinctive cultural patterns and landscapes associated with different places in Descriptor Texas, the United States, and other regions of the world, and how these patterns influenced the processes of innovation and diffusion (18)(A) analyze cultural changes in specific regions caused by migration, war, trade, innovations, and diffusion (19)(A) evaluate the significance of major technological innovations in the areas of transportation and energy that have been used to modify the physical environment (23) (B) use case studies and GIS to identify contemporary challenges and to answer real-world questions


1A,1C , ELPS 2C,2E,2I,3B,3D,3E,3F,3G,4D, CCRS IA,IB,IC,ID,IIA,IIB 4F,4G


12 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 2A, Introduction Ch 9, Intr 5A,  Why Geography 16A Matters: South MONDAY America October 19  Economic Geography: Uneven Development

4A, Lesson 1: Physical Ch 9, L1 22D, Geography of South 21C, America 23A  Landforms: cordilleras, aliplano, escarpment, llanos, pampas TUESDAY  Water Systems: October 20 Amazon River, Lake Maracaibo, Lake Titicaca  Climates, Biomes, and Resources: tierra templada, tierra fria 1B,2A, Lesson 2: Human Geography Ch 9, L2 6A,7C, of South America 16D,  History and 17C,17D, Government: Inca 22B, Empire, Simon Bolivar  Population Patterns: WEDNESDAY low population October 21 densities, brain drain  Society and Culture Today: European influence, Asian immigrants  Economic Activities: farming, ranching, fishing

13 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 5B, Lesson 3: People and Their Ch 9, L3 8B, Environment 12B,  Managing 16D, Resources: oxicols, 23A monoculture, desertification  Human Impact: THURSDAY favelas, human October 22 waste/sewage, illegal mining  Addressing the Issues: soil conservation and restoration

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test October 23

(2)(A) describe human and physical characteristics of the same regions at different periods of time to evaluate relationships between past events and current conditions / (4)(A) explain how elevation, latitude, wind systems, ocean currents, position on a continent, and mountain barriers influence temperature, precipitation, and distribution of climate regions / (5)(A) analyze how the character of a place is related to its political, economic, social, and cultural elements / (6)(A) locate and describe human and physical features that influence the size and distribution of settlements / (8)(B) describe the interaction between humans and the physical environment and analyze the consequences of extreme weather and other natural disasters such as El Niño, floods, tsunamis, and volcanoes / (12) (B) evaluate the geographic and economic impact of policies related to the development, use, and scarcity of natural resources such as regulations of water / (16)(A) describe distinctive cultural patterns and landscapes associated with different places in Texas, the United States, and other regions of the world, and how these patterns influenced the processes of innovation and diffusion; (D) compare life in a variety of urban and rural areas in the world to evaluate political, economic, social, and environmental changes (17)© compare economic, political, or social opportunities in different cultures for women, ethnic and religious minorities, and other underrepresented populations / (21)© create and interpret different types of maps to answer geographic questions, infer relationships, and analyze change / (22)(B) generate summaries, generalizations, and thesis statements supported by evidence / (23) (A) plan, organize, and complete a research project that involves asking geographic questions; acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information; answering questions; and communicating result




1A Introduction Ch 10, Intr  Why Geography Matters: Northern MONDAY Europe October 26  Volcanic Eruption in Iceland

14 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 3B, Lesson 1: Physical Ch 10, L1 4A, Geography of Northern 8C, Europe TUESDAY 22D  Landforms October 27  Water Systems  Climates, Biomes, and Resources 7A, Lesson 2: Human Geography Ch 10, L2 8A, of Northern Europe 10D,  History and WEDNESDAY 17A Government October 28  Population Patterns  Society and Culture Today  Economic Activities 12B, Lesson 3: People and Their Ch 10, L3 17A Environment  Managing Resources THURSDAY  Human Impact October 29  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test October 30

(1)(A) analyze the effects of physical and human geographic patterns and processes on the past and describe their impact on the present, including significant physical features and environmental conditions that influenced migration patterns and shaped the distribution of culture groups today (7)(A) construct and analyze population pyramids and use other data, graphics, and maps to describe the population characteristics of different societies and to predict future population trends (8)(A) compare ways that humans depend on, adapt to, and modify the physical environment, including the influences of culture and technology TEKS (12)(B) evaluate the geographic and economic impact of policies related to the development, use, Descriptor and scarcity of natural resources such as regulations of water. (17) (A) describe and compare patterns of culture such as language, religion, land use, education, and customs that make specific regions of the world distinctive



15 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 WEEK 1- 3rd Six TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES Weeks 6B, Introduction Ch 11, Intr MONDAY 11C  Why Geography Matters: Northwestern Europe November 2  Suburban Growth and Transportation

2B, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of Northwestern Europe Ch 11, L1 4B,  Landforms TUESDAY 12A,  Water Systems November 3 22D  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

7A, Lesson 2: Human Geography of Northwestern Europe Ch 11, L2 16A,  History and Government WEDNESDAY 18A,  Population Patterns November 4 21C  Society and Culture Today  Economic Activities 14C, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 11, L3 15A,  Managing Resources THURSDAY 19C,  Human Impact November 5  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test November 6

(6)(B) explain the processes that have caused changes in settlement patterns, including urbanization, transportation, access to and availability of resources, and economic activities (7)(A) construct and analyze population pyramids and use other data, graphics, and maps to describe the population characteristics of different societies and to predict future population trends (14)(C) analyze the human and physical factors that influence the power to control territory and resources, create conflict/war, and impact international political relations of sovereign nations such as China, the United States, Japan, and Russia and organized nation groups such as the United Nations (UN), and the European Union (EU) TEKS (16)(A) describe distinctive cultural patterns and landscapes associated with different places in Texas, the United States, Descriptor and other regions of the world, and how these patterns influenced the processes of innovation and diffusion (18)(A) analyze cultural changes in specific regions caused by migration, war, trade, innovations, and diffusion (21)(C) create and interpret different types of maps to answer geographic questions, infer relationships, and analyze change



16 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 WEEK 2- 3rd Six TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES Weeks 6B, Introduction Ch 12, Intr MONDAY 7B  Why Geography Matters: Southern Europe November 9  Labor Migration from North Africa

4A, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of Southern Europe Ch 12, L1 22C,  Landforms TUESDAY  Water Systems November 10  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

11B, Lesson 2: Human Geography of Southern Europe Ch 12, L2 15B,  History and Government WEDNESDAY 22A  Population Patterns November 11  Society and Culture Today  Economic Activities 2B, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 12, L3 14C  Managing Resources THURSDAY  Human Impact November 12  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test November 13

(4)(A) explain how elevation, latitude, wind systems, ocean currents, position on a continent, and mountain barriers influence temperature, precipitation, and distribution of climate regions (7)(B) explain how political, economic, social, and environmental push and pull factors and physical geography affect the routes and flows of human migration; (14)(A) analyze current events to infer the physical and human processes that lead to the formation of boundaries and other political divisions; (14)© analyze the human and physical factors that influence the power to control territory and resources, create TEKS conflict/war, and impact international political relations of sovereign nations such as China, the United States, Japan, Descriptor and Russia and organized nation groups such as the United Nations (UN), and the European Union (EU) (15)(B) explain how citizenship practices, public policies, and decision making may be influenced by cultural beliefs, including nationalism and patriotism. (22)(A) design and draw appropriate graphics such as maps, diagrams, tables, and graphs to communicate geographic

features, distributions, and relationships



17 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 WEEK 3- 3rd Six TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES Weeks District Benchmark Window MONDAY November 16

District Benchmark Window TUESDAY November 17

District Benchmark Window

WEDNESDAY November 18

District Benchmark Window

THURSDAY November 19

District Benchmark Window

FRIDAY November 20

TEKS Descriptor




18 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 7B, Introduction Ch 13, Intr MONDAY 14A,  Why Geography Matters: Eastern Europe November 30 18B  The Breakup of Yugoslavia

2B, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of Eastern Europe Ch 13, L1 4B,  Landforms TUESDAY December 1 22A,  Water Systems 23A  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

6A, Lesson 2: Human Geography of Eastern Europe Ch 13, L2 14A,  History and Government WEDNESDAY 14C,  Population Patterns December 2 18B,  Society and Culture Today 22D  Economic Activities 5B, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 13, L3 14C,  Managing Resources THURSDAY 15A,  Human Impact December 3 15B  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test December 4

(2)(B) explain how changes in societies have led to diverse uses of physical features (5)(B) interpret political, economic, social, and demographic indicators (gross domestic product per capita, life expectancy, literacy, and infant mortality) to determine level of development and standard of living in nations using the terms Human Development Index, less developed, newly industrialized, and more developed (14)(C) analyze the human and physical factors that influence the power to control territory and resources, create conflict/war, and impact international political relations of sovereign nations such as China, the United TEKS States, Japan, and Russia and organized nation groups such as the United Nations (UN), and the European Descriptor Union (EU) (18)(B) assess causes, effects, and perceptions of conflicts between groups of people including modern genocides and terrorism (22)(D) use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation (23)(A) plan, organize, and complete a research project that involves asking geographic questions; acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information; answering questions; and communicating results




19 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 5A, Introduction Ch 14, Intr 7A,  Why Geography 7C Matters: The Russian MONDAY Core December 7  Russia’s Shrinking Population

4A, Lesson 1: Physical Ch 14, L1 4B, Geography of the Russian 21C, Core TUESDAY  Landforms December 8  Water Systems  Climates, Biomes, and Resources 7A, Lesson 2: Human Geography Ch 14, L2 11C, of Russian Core 14C,  History and WEDNESDAY 16B, Government December 9 23A  Population Patterns  Society and Culture Today  Economic Activities 12B, Lesson 3: People and Their Ch 14, L3 19C, Environment THURSDAY 20B,  Managing Resources December 10 22E  Human Impact  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test December 11

(11)(C) assess how changes in climate, resources, and infrastructure (technology, transportation, and communication) affect the location and patterns of economic activities. (14)(C) analyze the human and physical factors that influence the power to control territory and resources, create conflict/war, and impact international political relations of sovereign nations such as China, the United States, Japan, and Russia and organized nation groups such as the United Nations (UN), and the European Union (EU). (16)(B) describe elements of culture, including language, religion, beliefs and customs, institutions, and technologies; TEKS (19(C) examine the environmental, economic, and social impacts of advances in technology on Descriptor agriculture and natural resources. (20)(B) examine the economic, environmental, and social effects of technology such as medical advancements or changing trade patterns on societies at different levels of development. (21)(C) create and interpret different types of maps to answer geographic questions, infer relationships, and analyze change. (22)(E) create original work using proper citations and understanding and avoiding plagiarism. (23)(A) plan, organize, and complete a research project that involves asking geographic questions; acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information; answering questions; and communicating results;

20 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016



WEEK 6- 3rd Six TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES Weeks 2A, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of North Africa Ch 15, L1 4B,  Landforms MONDAY 23B  Water Systems December 14  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

2A, Lesson 2: Human Geography of North Africa Ch 15, L2 13A,  History and Government TUESDAY 15B,  Population Patterns December 15 19C,  Society and Culture Today 23A  Economic Activities

2B, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 15, L3 8C,  Managing Resources WEDNESDAY 12B,  Human Impact December 16 19C  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity THURSDAY Chapter Test December 17

Teacher FRIDAY Preparat December 18 -ion Day

(2)(A) describe human and physical characteristics of the same regions at different periods of time to evaluate relationships between past events and current conditions (8)(C) evaluate the economic and political relationships between settlements and the environment, including sustainable development and renewable/nonrenewable resources (12)(B) evaluate the geographic and economic impact of policies related to the development, use, and scarcity of natural resources such as regulations of water (14)(A) analyze current events to infer the physical and human processes that lead to the formation of boundaries and TEKS other political divisions Descriptor (15)(B) explain how citizenship practices, public policies, and decision making may be influenced by cultural beliefs, including nationalism and patriotism (19)(C) examine the environmental, economic, and social impacts of advances in technology on agriculture and natural resources (23)(A) plan, organize, and complete a research project that involves asking geographic questions; acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information; answering questions; and communicating

21 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016



WEEK 1- TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES 4th Six Weeks 14A, Introduction Ch 16, Intr MONDAY 15A,  Why Geography Matters: The Eastern Mediterranean January 4 18B,  Israeli – Palestinian Conflict 21B

12A, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of the Eastern Mediterranean Ch 16, L1 19C,  Landforms TUESDAY January 5  Water Systems  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

1A,5A, Lesson 2: Human Geography of the Eastern Mediterranean Ch 16, L2 7B,11B,  History and Government WEDNESDAY 16B,17A1  Population Patterns January 6 7B,  Society and Culture Today 21A,21C,  Economic Activities 2B, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 16, L3 8A,8B,  Managing Resources THURSDAY 19B,  Human Impact January 7  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test January 8

22 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 (1)(A) analyze the effects of physical and human geographic patterns and processes on the past and describe their impact on the present, including significant physical features and environmental conditions that influenced migration patterns and shaped the distribution of culture groups today

(5)(A) analyze how the character of a place is related to its political, economic, social, and cultural elements

(7)(B) explain how political, economic, social, and environmental push and pull factors and physical geography affect the routes and flows of human migration

(8)(B) describe the interaction between humans and the physical environment and analyze the consequences of extreme weather and other natural disasters such as El Niño, floods, tsunamis, and volcanoes

(11)(B) identify the factors affecting the location of different types of economic activities, including subsistence and commercial agriculture, manufacturing, and service industries

(12)(A) analyze how the creation, distribution, and management of key natural resources affects the location and patterns of movement of products, money, and people

(14)(A) analyze current events to infer the physical and human processes that lead to the formation of boundaries and other political divisions

(15)(A) identify and give examples of different points of view that influence the development of public policies and decision-making processes on local, state, national, and international levels TEKS Descripto (16)(B) describe elements of culture, including language, religion, beliefs and customs, institutions, and technologies

(17)(A) describe and compare patterns of culture such as language, religion, land use, education, and customs that make specific regions of the world distinctive

(B) describe major world religions, including animism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism, and their spatial distribution

(19)(B) analyze ways technological innovations such as air conditioning and desalinization have allowed humans to adapt to places

(21)(A) analyze and evaluate the validity and utility of multiple sources of geographic information such as primary and secondary sources, aerial photographs, and maps

(C) create and interpret different types of maps to answer geographic questions, infer relationships, and analyze change




23 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 17B, Introduction Ch 17, Intr 17C,  Why Geography 17D Matters: The MONDAY Northeast January 11  A Stateless Nation: the Kurds

12A, Lesson 1: Physical Geography Ch 17, L1 21B, of the Northeast TUESDAY 23A,  Landforms January 12  Water Systems  Climates, Biomes, and Resources 1A,5B, Lesson 2: Human Geography Ch 17, L2 11C, of the Northeast 12A,  History and WEDNESDAY 14C, Government January 13 18A  Population Patterns  Society and Culture Today  Economic Activities 1A, Lesson 3: People and Their Ch 17, L3 19A, Environment THURSDAY 22D  Managing Resources January 14  Human Impact  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test January 15

(1)(A) analyze the effects of physical and human geographic patterns and processes on the past and describe their impact on the present, including significant physical features and environmental conditions that influenced migration patterns and shaped the distribution of culture groups today / (11)(C) assess how changes in climate, resources, and infrastructure (technology, transportation, and communication) affect the location and patterns of economic activities / (12)(A) analyze how the creation, distribution, and management of key natural resources affects the location and patterns of movement of products, money, and people (14)(C) analyze the human and physical factors that influence the power to control territory and resources, create conflict/war, and impact international political relations of sovereign nations such as China, the United States, Japan, and Russia and organized nation groups such as the United Nations (UN), and the European Union (EU) / (17)(B) describe major world religions, including animism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism, and their spatial distribution; (C) compare economic, political, or social opportunities in different cultures for women, ethnic and religious minorities, and other underrepresented populations; (D) evaluate the experiences and contributions of diverse groups to multicultural societies (18)(A) analyze cultural changes in specific regions caused by migration, war, trade, innovations, and diffusion (B) assess causes, effects, and perceptions of conflicts between groups of people including modern genocides and terrorism (21)(B) locate places of contemporary geopolitical significance on a map / (22)(D) use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation / (23)(A) plan, organize, and complete a research project that involves asking geographic questions; acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information; answering questions; and communicating results

24 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016




5A, Introduction Ch 18, Intr 7B,  Why Geography 7C Matters: The Arabian MONDAY 12A, Peninsula January 18 17C  Migrant Workers in the Arabian Peninsula

4B, Lesson 1: Physical Geography Ch 18, L1 19B, of the Arabian Peninsula TUESDAY 22D  Landforms January 19  Water Systems  Climates, Biomes, and Resources 6A, Lesson 2: Human Geography Ch 18, L2 7A,11C, of the Arabian Peninsula 12A,  History and WEDNESDAY 16B, Government January 20 17C,  Population Patterns  Society and Culture Today  Economic Activities 14C, Lesson 3: People and Their Ch 18, L3 21C, Environment THURSDAY  Managing Resources January 21  Human Impact  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test January 22

25 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016

(6)(A) locate and describe human and physical features that influence the size and distribution of settlements (7)(A) construct and analyze population pyramids and use other data, graphics, and maps to describe the population characteristics of different societies and to predict future population trends (11)(C) assess how changes in climate, resources, and infrastructure (technology, transportation, and communication) affect the location and patterns of economic activities. (12)(A) analyze how the creation, distribution, and management of key natural resources affects the TEKS location and patterns of movement of products, money, and people Descriptor (16)(B) describe elements of culture, including language, religion, beliefs and customs, institutions, and technologies (17)(C) compare economic, political, or social opportunities in different cultures for women, ethnic and religious minorities, and other underrepresented populations (19) (B) analyze ways technological innovations such as air conditioning and desalinization have allowed humans to adapt to places (21)(C) create and interpret different types of maps to answer geographic questions, infer relationships, and analyze change. (22)(D) use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation




14C, Introduction Ch 19, Intr 18B  Why Geography MONDAY Matters: Central Asia January 25  Afghanistan’s Troubled History

4A, Lesson 1: Physical Geography Ch 19, L1 4B, of Central Asia TUESDAY 9A,  Landforms January 26 17C,  Water Systems 18A,  Climates, Biomes, and Resources 5A, Lesson 2: Human Geography Ch 19, L2 12A, of Central Asia  History and WEDNESDAY Government January 27  Population Patterns  Society and Culture Today  Economic Activities 5B, Lesson 3: People and Their Ch 19, L3 12B, Environment THURSDAY 15A,  Managing Resources January 28  Human Impact  Addressing the Issues

26 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test January 29

(12) Economics. The student understands the economic importance of, and issues related to, the location and management of resources. The student is expected to: (A) analyze how the creation, distribution, and management of key natural resources affects the location and patterns of movement of products, money, and people (B) evaluate the geographic and economic impact of policies related to the development, use, and scarcity of natural resources such as regulations of water TEKS Descriptor (18) Culture. The student understands the ways in which cultures change and maintain continuity. The student is expected to: (A) analyze cultural changes in specific regions caused by migration, war, trade, innovations, and diffusion




8A, Introduction Ch 21, Intr 11B,  Why Geography MONDAY 15A, Matters: East Africa February 1 22A  Export Crops and East Africa

3B, Lesson 1: Physical Geography Ch 21, L1 4B, of East Africa TUESDAY 4C,  Landforms February 2 19A  Water Systems  Climates, Biomes, and Resources 14C,17D Lesson 2: Human Geography Ch 21, L2 18A, of East Africa 18B,  History and WEDNESDAY 23A, Government February 3  Population Patterns  Society and Culture Today  Economic Activities

27 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 5B, Lesson 3: People and Their Ch 21, L3 8B, Environment THURSDAY 11B,  Managing Resources February 4 18B,  Human Impact 20B  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY February 5 Chapter Test

(8)(A) compare ways that humans depend on, adapt to, and modify the physical environment, including the influences of culture and technology; (B) describe the interaction between humans and the physical environment and analyze the consequences of extreme weather and other natural disasters such as El Niño, floods, tsunamis, and volcanoes / (14)(C) analyze the human and physical factors that influence the power to control territory and resources, create conflict/war, and impact international political relations of sovereign nations such as China, the United States, Japan, and Russia and organized nation groups such as the United Nations (UN), and the European Union (EU) / (15) (A) identify and give examples of different points of view that influence the development of public policies and decision-making processes on local, state, national, and international levels / (17)(D) evaluate the experiences and contributions of diverse groups to multicultural societies / (18)(A) analyze cultural changes in specific regions caused by migration, war, trade, innovations, and diffusion / (B) assess causes, effects, and perceptions of conflicts between groups of people including modern genocides and terrorism / (19)(A) evaluate the significance of major technological innovations in the areas of transportation and energy that have been used to modify the physical environment; (C) examine the environmental, economic, and social impacts of advances in technology on agriculture and natural resources / (20) (B) examine the economic, environmental, and social effects of technology such as medical advancements or changing trade patterns on societies at different levels of development / (22)(A) design and draw appropriate graphics such as maps, diagrams, tables, and graphs to communicate geographic features, distributions, and relationships (23)(A) plan, organize, and complete a research project that involves asking geographic questions; acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information; answering questions; and communicating results; (B) use case studies and GIS to identify contemporary challenges and to answer real-world questions




District Benchmark Window MONDAY February 8

TUESDAY February 9

WEDNESDAY February 10

28 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016

THURSDAY February 11

FRIDAY February 12

TEKS Descriptor



WEEK 7- 4th Six TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES Weeks 7A, Introduction Ch 22, Intr 17C  Why Geography MONDAY Matters: West Africa February 15  Empowering Women in West Africa

4B, Lesson 1: Physical Geography Ch 22, L1 4C of West Africa TUESDAY  Landforms February 16  Water Systems  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

29 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 2A, Lesson 2: Human Geography Ch 22, L2 5B, of West Africa 7B,  History and WEDNESDAY 14C Government February 17  Population Patterns  Society and Culture Today  Economic Activities 2B, Lesson 3: People and Their Ch 22, L3 8A, Environment THURSDAY 19C,  Managing Resources February 18  Human Impact  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test February 19

(2)(A) describe human and physical characteristics of the same regions at different periods of time to evaluate relationships between past events and current conditions (7)(A) construct and analyze population pyramids and use other data, graphics, and maps to describe the population characteristics of different societies and to predict future population trends; TEKS (B) explain how political, economic, social, and environmental push and pull factors and Descriptor physical geography affect the routes and flows of human migration; (8)(A) compare ways that humans depend on, adapt to, and modify the physical environment, including the influences of culture and technology; (19)(C) examine the environmental, economic, and social impacts of advances in technology on agriculture and natural resources.



WEEK 1- TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES 5th Six Weeks 4B, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of Equatorial Africa Ch 23, L1 21C  Landforms MONDAY February 22  Water Systems  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

30 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 2A, Lesson 2: Human Geography of Equatorial Africa Ch 23, L2 5A,  History and Government TUESDAY 11B,  Population Patterns February 23 16D,  Society and Culture Today 20B  Economic Activities 2B, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 23, L3 20B,  Managing Resources WEDNESDAY  Human Impact February 24  Addressing the Issues

½ Day Charro Days THURSDAY February 25

Charro Days

FRIDAY February 26

(16)(D) compare life in a variety of urban and rural areas in the world to evaluate political, economic, social, and environmental changes (20)(B) examine the economic, environmental, and social effects of technology such as medical advancements or changing trade patterns on societies at different levels of development (21)(C) create and interpret different types of maps to answer geographic questions, infer relationships, TEKS and analyze change Descriptor


ELPS 1C,2I,3B,3D,3G,3H,4F,4G, CCRS IA,IB,IC,ID,IIA,IIB, WEEK 2- 5th Six TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES Weeks 7D, Introduction Ch 24, Intr 16D  Why Geography Matters: Southern Africa MONDAY  February 29 Southern Africa and HIV/AIDS

31 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 4A, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of Southern Africa Ch 24, L1 4B,  Landforms TUESDAY March 1  Water Systems  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

2A, Lesson 2: Human Geography of Southern Africa Ch 24, L2 5B,  History and Government WEDNESDAY 6A,  Population Patterns March 2 12A,  Society and Culture Today 22D  Economic Activities

8C, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 24, L3 14A,  Managing Resources THURSDAY 14C,  Human Impact March 3 15A  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test March 4

(2)(A) describe human and physical characteristics of the same regions at different periods of time to evaluate relationships between past events and current conditions (8)(C) evaluate the economic and political relationships between settlements and the environment, including sustainable development and renewable/nonrenewable resources (16)(D) compare life in a variety of urban and rural areas in the world to evaluate political, economic, social, and environmental changes TEKS (20)(B) examine the economic, environmental, and social effects of technology such as medical Descriptor advancements or changing trade patterns on societies at different levels of development

(21)(C) create and interpret different types of maps to answer geographic questions, infer relationships, and analyze change



WEEK 3- 5th Six TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES Weeks 7A Introduction Ch 25, Intr  Why Geography Matters: India MONDAY  March 7 India’s Population Structure

32 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 7A, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of India Ch 25, L1 4B,  Landforms TUESDAY 8A,  Water Systems March 8 8B  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

2A, Lesson 2: Human Geography of India Ch 25, L2 7B,  History and Government WEDNESDAY 16D,  Population Patterns March 9 17C,  Society and Culture Today 18D,19C,  Economic Activities

2B, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 25, L3 8A,  Managing Resources THURSDAY 22B  Human Impact March 10  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test March 11

(7)(A) construct and analyze population pyramids and use other data, graphics, and maps to describe the population characteristics of different societies and to predict future population trends (B) explain how political, economic, social, and environmental push and pull factors and physical geography affect the routes and flows of human migration (8)(A) compare ways that humans depend on, adapt to, and modify the physical environment, including the influences of culture and technology (16)(D) compare life in a variety of urban and rural areas in the world to evaluate political, economic, social, and TEKS environmental changes Descriptor (17)(C) compare economic, political, or social opportunities in different cultures for women, ethnic and religious minorities, and other underrepresented populations (18)(D) evaluate the spread of cultural traits to find examples of cultural convergence and divergence such as the spread of democratic ideas, U.S.-based fast-food franchises, the English language, technology, or global sports (19)(C) examine the environmental, economic, and social impacts of advances in technology on agriculture and natural resources (22)(B) generate summaries, generalizations, and thesis statements supported by evidence



WEEK 4- TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES 5th Six Weeks 3A, Introduction Ch 26, Intr 8B  Why Geography Matters: Pakistan and Bangladesh MONDAY March 21  Flood Prone Pakistan and Bangladesh

33 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 9A, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of Pakistan and Bangladesh Ch 26, L1 19A,  Landforms TUESDAY March 22  Water Systems  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

5B, Lesson 2: Human Geography of Pakistan and Bangladesh Ch 26, L2 17B,  History and Government WEDNESDAY 22D,  Population Patterns March 23 23A  Society and Culture Today  Economic Activities

8C, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 26, L3 16D,  Managing Resources THURSDAY 20B,  Human Impact March 24  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test March 25

(8)(C) evaluate the economic and political relationships between settlements and the environment, including sustainable development and renewable/non-renewable resources

(17)(B) describe major world religions, including animism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism, and their spatial distribution TEKS Descriptor (19)(A) evaluate the significance of major technological innovations in the areas of transportation and energy that have been used to modify the physical environment

(22)(D) use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation

(23)(A) plan, organize, and complete a research project that involves asking geographic questions; acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information; answering questions; and communicating results



WEEK 5- TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES 5th Six Weeks 5A, Introduction Ch 27, Intr 14C  Why Geography Matters: Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, & Sri Lanka MONDAY March 28  Nepal’s Role as a Buffer State

34 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 4A, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, & Sri Lanka Ch 27, L1 4B,  Landforms TUESDAY March 29  Water Systems  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

1A, Lesson 2: Human Geography of Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, & Sri Lanka Ch 27, L2 2A,  History and Government WEDNESDAY 17B,  Population Patterns March 30 23A  Society and Culture Today  Economic Activities

5A, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 27, L3 8C,  Managing Resources THURSDAY  Human Impact March 31  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test April 1

(2)(A) describe human and physical characteristics of the same regions at different periods of time to evaluate relationships between past events and current conditions (5)(A) analyze how the character of a place is related to its political, economic, social, and cultural elements (8)(C) evaluate the economic and political relationships between settlements and the environment, including sustainable development and renewable/nonrenewable resources (17)(B) describe major world religions, including animism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, TEKS and Sikhism, and their spatial distribution Descriptor (23)(A) plan, organize, and complete a research project that involves asking geographic questions; acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information; answering questions; and communicating result



WEEK 6- TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES 5th Six Weeks 8A, Introduction Ch 28, Intr 8C,  Why Geography Matters: China and Mongolia MONDAY 10C April 4  China’s Growing Energy Demands

35 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 4A, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of China and Mongolia Ch 28, L1 8B,  Landforms TUESDAY April 5  Water Systems  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

1B, Lesson 2: Human Geography of China and Mongolia Ch 28, L2 7A,  History and Government WEDNESDAY 10D,  Population Patterns April 6 14C,  Society and Culture Today 18A,  Economic Activities

7D, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 28, L3 12B,  Managing Resources THURSDAY 18D,  Human Impact April 7 19C,  Addressing the Issues 23C Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test April 8

(1)(B) trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture and describe the effects on regions of contact / (4)(A) explain how elevation, latitude, wind systems, ocean currents, position on a continent, and mountain barriers influence temperature, precipitation, and distribution of climate regions / (7)(A) construct and analyze population pyramids and use other data, graphics, and maps to describe the population characteristics of different societies and to predict future population trends / (D) examine benefits and challenges of globalization, including connectivity, standard of living, pandemics, and loss of local culture. / (8)(B) describe the interaction between humans and the physical environment and analyze the consequences of extreme weather and other natural disasters such as El Niño, floods, tsunamis, and volcanoes / (10)(D) compare global trade patterns over time and examine the implications of globalization, including outsourcing and free trade zones. / (12)(B) evaluate the geographic and economic impact of policies related to the development, use, and scarcity of natural resources such as regulations of water. / (14) (C) analyze the human and physical factors that influence the power to control territory and resources, create conflict/war, and impact international political relations of sovereign nations such as China, the United States, Japan, and Russia and organized nation groups such as the United Nations (UN), and the European Union (EU). / (18)(A) analyze cultural changes in specific regions caused by migration, war, trade, innovations, and diffusion / (D) evaluate the spread of cultural traits to find examples of cultural convergence and divergence such as the spread of democratic ideas, U.S.-based fast-food franchises, the English language, technology, or global sports. / (19)(C) examine the environmental, economic, and social impacts of advances in technology on agriculture and natural resources. / (23)(C) use problem- solving and decision-making processes to identify a problem, gather information, list and consider options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a solution, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution.




36 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 5A, Introduction Ch 29, Intr 7A  Why Geography MONDAY Matters: Japan April 11  Japan’s Aging Population

1A, Lesson 1: Physical Ch 29, L1 8B, Geography of Japan TUESDAY 23A  Landforms April 12  Water Systems  Climates, Biomes, and Resources 5A, Lesson 2: Human Geography Ch 29, L2 10D, of Japan 11B,  History and WEDNESDAY 14C, Government April 13  Population Patterns  Society and Culture Today  Economic Activities 8B, Lesson 3: People and Their Ch 29, L3 19C, Environment THURSDAY 23C  Managing Resources April 14  Human Impact  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test April 15

(5)(A) analyze how the character of a place is related to its political, economic, social, and cultural elements (7)(A) construct and analyze population pyramids and use other data, graphics, and maps to describe the population characteristics of different societies and to predict future population trends (8)(B) describe the interaction between humans and the physical environment and analyze the consequences of extreme weather and other natural disasters such as El Niño, floods, tsunamis, and volcanoes (10)(D) compare global trade patterns over time and examine the implications of globalization, TEKS including outsourcing and free trade zones Descriptor (11)(B) identify the factors affecting the location of different types of economic activities, including subsistence and commercial agriculture, manufacturing, and service industries (23)(A) plan, organize, and complete a research project that involves asking geographic questions; acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information; answering questions; and communicating results; © use problem-solving and decision-making processes to identify a problem, gather information, list and consider options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a solution, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution


37 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 1A,2C,2I,3C,3D,3E,3F,3G,3H, ELPS CCRS IA,IB,IC,IIA,IIB,IIIA 4C,4F,4G

WEEK 1- TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES 6th Six Weeks 10C, Introduction Ch 30, Intr 11B,  Why Geography Matters: North Korea and South Korea MONDAY 11C April 18  Complementarity: Two Koreas

3B, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of North Korea and South Korea Ch 30, L1 4A,  Landforms TUESDAY 4C  Water Systems April 19  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

2A, Lesson 2: Human Geography of North Korea and South Korea Ch 30, L2 6A,  History and Government WEDNESDAY 18A,  Population Patterns April 20 18D,  Society and Culture Today 23A  Economic Activities

10B, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 30, L3 16D,  Managing Resources THURSDAY  Human Impact April 21  Addressing the Issues

Assessment FRIDAY Vocabulary Activity April 22 Chapter Test

6)(A) locate and describe human and physical features that influence the size and distribution of settlements

(10)(B) classify where specific countries fall along the economic spectrum between free-enterprise and communism

(18)(A) analyze cultural changes in specific regions caused by migration, war, trade, innovations, and diffusion (D) evaluate the spread of cultural traits to find examples of cultural convergence and divergence such as the spread of democratic ideas, U.S.-based fast-food franchises, the English language, technology, or global sports. TEKS Descriptor (23) (A) plan, organize, and complete a research project that involves asking geographic questions; acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information; answering questions; and communicating results


38 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 ELPS 1A,1F,2C,2E,2I,3B,3C,3H,4F,4G, CCRS IA,IB,IC,ID,IIA,IIB,IIIA

WEEK 2- TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES 6th Six Weeks 5A, Introduction Ch 31, Intr MONDAY 5B,  Why Geography Matters: Southeast Asia April 25 7D  Emerging Markets in Southeast Asia

8B, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of Southeast Asia Ch 31, L1 10D,  Landforms TUESDAY  Water Systems April 26  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

13A, Lesson 2: Human Geography of Southeast Asia Ch 31, L2 17B,  History and Government WEDNESDAY 18A,  Population Patterns April 27 23A  Society and Culture Today  Economic Activities

2B, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 31, L3  Managing Resources THURSDAY  Human Impact April 28  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test April 29

(2)(B) explain how changes in societies have led to diverse uses of physical features (8)(B) describe the interaction between humans and the physical environment and analyze the consequences of extreme weather and other natural disasters such as El Niño, floods, tsunamis, and volcanoes (10)(D) compare global trade patterns over time and examine the implications of globalization, including outsourcing and free trade zones (13)(A) interpret maps to explain the division of land, including man-made and natural borders, into separate political units such as cities, states, or countries TEKS (17)(B) describe major world religions, including animism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Descriptor Sikhism, and their spatial distribution (18)(A) analyze cultural changes in specific regions caused by migration, war, trade, innovations, and diffusion (23)(A) plan, organize, and complete a research project that involves asking geographic questions; acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information; answering questions; and communicating results


39 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 ELPS 1A,1C,2C,2I,3B,3C,3D,3E,4F,4G, CCRS IA,IB,ID,IIA,IIB,IIIA







TEKS Descriptor



40 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016

WEEK 4- TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES 6th Six Weeks 15A, Introduction Ch 32, Intr 17C  Why Geography Matters: Australia and New Zealand MONDAY May 9  Australia and New Zealand: Indigenous People

22B, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of Australia and New Zealand Ch 32, L1  Landforms TUESDAY  Water Systems May 10  Climates, Biomes, and Resources

1A, Lesson 2: Human Geography of Australia and New Zealand Ch 32, L2 7B,  History and Government WEDNESDAY 10C,  Population Patterns May 11  Society and Culture Today  Economic Activities

8A, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 32, L3 12B,  Managing Resources THURSDAY 22D,  Human Impact May 12 23C  Addressing the Issues

Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test May 13

(1)(A) analyze the effects of physical and human geographic patterns and processes on the past and describe their impact on the present, including significant physical features and environmental conditions that influenced migration patterns and shaped the distribution of culture groups today (7)(B) explain how political, economic, social, and environmental push and pull factors and physical geography affect the routes and flows of human migration (10)© compare the ways people satisfy their basic needs through the production of goods and services such as subsistence agriculture versus commercial agriculture or cottage industries versus commercial industries (15)(A) identify and give examples of different points of view that influence the development of public policies and TEKS decision-making processes on local, state, national, and international levels Descriptor (17)© compare economic, political, or social opportunities in different cultures for women, ethnic and religious minorities, and other underrepresented populations (18)(A) analyze cultural changes in specific regions caused by migration, war, trade, innovations, and diffusion (22)(B) generate summaries, generalizations, and thesis statements supported by evidence (D) use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation (23)© use problem-solving and decision-making processes to identify a problem, gather information, list and consider options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a solution, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution.


41 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 ELPS 1A,2C,2I,3B,3C,3D,3F,3G,3H,4F,4G, CCRS IA,IB,IC,ID,IIA

WEEK 5- TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES 6th Six Weeks 12B, Introduction Ch 33, Intr 14C  Why Geography Matters: Oceania MONDAY May 16  Samoa hops the International Date Line

4B, Lesson 1: Physical Geography of Oceania Ch 33, L1 21A,  Landforms TUESDAY 22B, May 17  Water Systems 22D,  Climates, Biomes, and Resources 22E, 2A, Lesson 2: Human Geography of Oceania Ch 33, L2 5A,  History and Government WEDNESDAY 7B,  Population Patterns May 18 18A,  Society and Culture Today 18C,  Economic Activities

1A, Lesson 3: People and Their Environment Ch 33, L3 2B,  Managing Resources THURSDAY 10C,  Human Impact May 19 14C,  Addressing the Issues 16A, 19C Assessment Vocabulary Activity FRIDAY Chapter Test May 20

42 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 (7)(B) explain how political, economic, social, and environmental push and pull factors and physical geography affect the routes and flows of human migration

(10)(C) compare the ways people satisfy their basic needs through the production of goods and services such as subsistence agriculture versus commercial agriculture or cottage industries versus commercial industries

(12)(B) evaluate the geographic and economic impact of policies related to the development, use, and scarcity of natural resources such as regulations of water

(14)(C) analyze the human and physical factors that influence the power to control territory and resources, create conflict/war, and impact international political relations of sovereign nations such as China, the United States, Japan, and Russia and organized nation groups such as the United Nations (UN), and the European Union (EU)

(16)(A) describe distinctive cultural patterns and landscapes associated with different places in Texas, the United States, and other regions of the world, and how these patterns influenced the processes of innovation and diffusion

(18)(A) analyze cultural changes in specific regions caused by migration, war, trade, innovations, and diffusion (C) identify examples of cultures that maintain traditional ways, including traditional economies

(19)(C) examine the environmental, economic, and social impacts of advances in technology on agriculture and natural resources

(21)(A) analyze and evaluate the validity and utility of multiple sources of geographic information such as primary and secondary sources, aerial photographs, and maps

TEKS (22)(B) generate summaries, generalizations, and thesis statements supported by evidence Descriptor (D) use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation (E) create original work using proper citations and understanding and avoiding plagiarism



43 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 WEEK 6- TEKS CONCEPTS RESOURCES 6th Six Weeks Semester Review MONDAY May 23



Semester Exams



TEKS Descriptor




44 World Geography Curriculum Framework 2015-2016 Holiday




Last Class Day


Teacher Preparation Day


TEKS Descriptor




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