Councillor Bunney (Chair) Councillor Kenning

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Councillor Bunney (Chair) Councillor Kenning


MINUTES of the Finance and Facilities Committee meeting held on Wednesday 19 July 2017 at 7pm in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, and Market Rasen. Present: Councillor Matthews Councillor Lakin-Whitworth Councillor Bunney (Chair) Councillor Kenning Councillor Bone Councillor Harvey Councillor Smith

In attendance: Finance and Facilities Officer, Yvonne Clark

1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks.

2. To approve and accept apologies for absence. Received and accepted from Cllr Johnson and Cllr Bridger

3. Public Participation Cllr Bone advised council of the imminent closure of Something Special, a card shop in the town, due to problems occurring down the alleyway opposite. Cllr Bone also advised she had an issue which she had to report to the police and was concerned about the lack of police presence in the town and the lack of communication and follow up when incidents are reported. Item to be placed on agenda for Full Council in September. Action: Town Clerk to check whether the local police had responded to the council request to attend a council meeting. If not available in September, it was agreed a letter needed to be sent highlighting issues in the town.

Cllr Turner entered the meeting at 7.08p.m

It was reported that the footpath is very overgrown on Walesby Road from the bridle path up to the Walesby turnoff on the left-hand side going out of town, and residents have to walk on the main road. Action: Finance Officer to report to Highways siting matter as a Health and Safety Issue

4. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosure Pecuniary interests. None.

5. Notes of the last meeting held on 21 June 2017 to be approved as minutes. Item 3- amended to read “an Xmas lunch”. “Army” added to Salvation. Item 7 amended to read “John Street’s toilets are” It was RESOLVED to accept as a true record after these amendments.

6. Matters Arising from the Minutes. 10

Finance Officer advised that she had checked with Info-tech and the storage disks are not encrypted. Cllr Kenning offered to look for suitable products. PHS – Could not match Initial Services price, therefore email sent giving 3 months notice to cancel. Contract with PHS ends on 19 November The boot camp sessions had not yet started due to the trainer moving house,

7. Councillors reports

8. Finance Officers Report Expenditure in postages - wrongly coded items Postages now stands at £56 up to end of June 5.6% of budget, £258 allocated to stationery accrued from last year and £514 to ink, 64% of budget Co-op accounts are now closed, statements received to confirm. Biffa-Final collection of general waste Wed 9 August. New WLDC bin arriving Thurs 10 August. First WLDC collection Tues 15 August. Biffa bin being collected on Thursday 17 Aug.

Review of accounts Accounts reviewed. It was suggested, due to the amount of ink being used, for the office to record bulk items of printing.

Financial position as at 30 June 2017. Current account £182,176.98 Savings account £80,848.68 Internal control of petty cash .Cash and receipts total £250.00

Accounts for Payment It was RESOLVED to pay the accounts. All agreed. Account total agreed at £2334.95

Grant Applications None.

9. Festival Hall Update Finance Officer quarterly report on weekly checks: Recycling- new blue bins installed in main hall with labels to try to increase amount of recycling, seems to be working well New spreadsheet drafted to ensure fire extinguishers are inspected by Peter monthly, and to ensure all are tested annually and replaced as required. All first aid boxes have been stocked to the required standard for each box, and cards inserted to record regular monthly and weekly checks. Outside area behind hall has been strimmed. 11

Sliding door between stage and committee room- notice has been placed on door as on several occasions the door has come off its runners and jammed. Finance Clerk has had meeting with Donna from Green Dolphin in April. No issues with the cleaning and they feel that a better job is now being made with the additional hours agreed in November last year. Cllr Bunney advised that a local company, Rase Steel, had been asked to undertake a survey of the Festival Hall roof and to provide a quote and specification for a new roof, so the council have some idea of the cost so this could be built into future budgets. Qtly update Market Place checks Auctioneers shed roof is now being cleaned to a higher standard.

Continuing problem of weeds growing between the cobbles. Cllr Bunney to check with local contractor as to when the last spraying was undertaken. 10. Skatepark Project  Project update Cllr Bunney advised a meeting had been held with Grant White from WLDC and funding options are currently being explored. 6 Invitations to tender had been submitted with a deadline of 27 July and a decision would be made as to the contractor to use at the Full Council l Meeting in September.  Fundraising event 9 Sept Cllr Bunney advised this is a Community Event being organised by the Skatepark Group with the town council organising the Bric a Brac market of up to 15 stalls. The Skatepark Group have a meeting the following evening.  To approve opening of new bank account It was agreed to open a new bank account-Market Rasen Town Council, Skatepark Fund. Action: Finance Officer to deal with.

11. Risk Management- None

12. The committee RESOLVED to move into closed session. No press or public present.


Confidential Items

a) Festival Hall Debtors list- reviewed. b) Update on legal issues- it was noted this does not now need to be on agenda.

The Chairman of the Committee declared the meeting closed at 7.53pm.

Signed ……………………………………………

Date …………………………………………… Chair of Finance and Facilities

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