Performance Specification s1
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4.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: (STS Structural Annual Inspections)
4.1 Scope of work:
A. Work includes, but is not limited to, providing Professional Engineering Inspection Services required to perform STRUCTURAL inspection services for ship to shore cranes Savannah 10-37 at a rate of 4-6 cranes per year.
As a minimum the scope of work shall include:
Structural inspection of welded, pinned, and bolted joints per the Crane Manufacturers published inspection recommendations Inspection for Fatigue cracks via Visual, Magnetic particle, and Ultrasonic tests Inspection of bolted joint via visual, pinging, and/or bolt torque Inspection for corrosion Provide an inspection report
B. All work shall be performed in accordance with all federal, state, county, or municipal codes, laws, or ordinances as applicable.
C. Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all work to be performed under this project with the Manager Mechanical Maintenance.
D. Contractor shall notify the Manager Mechanical Maintenance prior to completion of each job to allow for adequate time for inspection of contractors work.
E. All work performed shall be subject to inspection by Georgia Ports authority, the Contractor at no cost to Georgia Ports Authority shall correct any deficiencies.
F. All work shall be scheduled around Georgia Ports Authority crane operations. GPA will make every effort to ensure multiple cranes are done in succession.
G. Contractor shall have a minimum of five (5) years experience with design, installation, inspection, commissioning or repair of container cranes. The Contractor shall be familiar with Kone cranes Ship to Shore Container Cranes inspection and repair procedures. The contractor shall employ a Professional Engineer, registered in the State of Georgia, proficient in Mechanical and Structural Engineering. The licensed Engineer shall be the primary inspector during this contracted inspection.
H. Contractor’s bid shall be predicated upon the work being completed during daylight hours at a straight time rate. All work to be billed at an Overtime rate shall be pre-approved by the Manager Mechanical Maintenance.
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I. Georgia Ports Authority reserves the right to have the Contractor perform additional work as required to complete the project. Any additional work will be performed on a Time & Material basis per the Contractor’s T & M rate sheet included with their bid. All additional work shall be pre-approved by and shall have daily time sheets for aforementioned additional work submitted to the Manager Mechanical Maintenance.
J. Georgia Ports Authority will provide a crane, operator, man basket, technicians, NDT inspection, and painters for this project. The contractor is required to utilize the mobile crane to the fullest extent while the container crane being inspected is available. Scheduling of the crane and man basket will be done through the Manager Mechanical Maintenance. GPA supplied technicians shall be utilized for tools for hatch removal, testing bolt torques, and any other routine tasks. GPA supplied painters shall be utilized to clean and prepare areas for inspection, and recoating when inspection is complete. GPA will employ an independent, accredited inspection company for the NDT testing under this project. The contractor shall utilize the NDT tester in conjunction with the inspections and mobile crane usage to maximize the tester’s time. This company will be accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 for Non-destructive testing.
4.2 Technical Requirements:
The structural inspection will be performed in accordance with Kone Cranes Operation & Maintenance Manuals for a 5 year inspection with the following exceptions/additions listed below.
A. Bolt torque (GPA supplied technicians shall perform the bolt torque under general direction of the contractor) 100% of all structural bolts including pin adjustment and pin retention bolts must be torqued with a calibrated torque wrench with the exception of the bolted flange connections. See 2.4 below for details. Bolts that have been replaced shall require the Inspection Engineer to inspect the torque tools, methods, and measurements to ensure compliance with Kone’s specifications. Lock tabs if utilized must be re-staked to the bolt when torquing is complete. All torqued bolts must be marked with a red paint pen when complete. Stripped or frozen bolts will be marked on the appropriate drawings, and the Manager of Mechanical Maintenance notified when found.
B. Pin tolerance Inspect Pinned connections, and notate excessive pin tolerances.
C. Welded joints After NDT and visual testing, joints must be returned to the original paint specifications If rust was present in the joint prior to inspection, The GPA supplied painters shall use a needle gun to clean the area prior to painting.
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D. Bolted flange connections 5% of the bolts on each bolted flange to be torqued to specifications, the remaining bolts to be pinged. Any suspect bolts must be replaced by GPA supplied technicians with equivalent pre- approved bolts, nuts, and washers. (GPA stocks these fasteners in the GPA storeroom)
E. Internal structural inspection: All accessible internal structures shall be visually inspected Internal areas noted in Kone Cranes’ inspection procedure to be NDT tested shall be done at the time of the visual inspection. The inspector shall provide recommendations for additional inspection procedures.
F. Boom Hinge The boom hinge shall be inspected for wear, structural integrity, and proper lubrication.
G. Trolley Rails Prior to inspection, the trolley rail to boom welded joint will be cleaned by GPA supplied personnel to ensure a proper inspection Any suspect areas, at a minimum should be inspected by using dye penetrant Excessive wear on the rail shall be noted by the distance from the boom joint and length x width x depth of the worn/damaged area compared to Kone drawings for the rail. Note wear pattern on the trolley rail.
H. Trolley/Cab Prior to inspection, the trolley inspection areas will be cleaned by GPA supplied personnel to ensure a proper inspection Visually Inspect the trolley wheel and idler condition and alignment The cab safety chains and mounting hardware shall thoroughly inspected.
I. Bogies Check that bogie pivot slide pads are in place and in good condition. Visually inspect the gantry wheel condition, and notate any abnormalities.
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