Viii. Action on Old Business s1
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Onaga-Havensville-Wheaton BOARD OF EDUCATION UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 322 Pottawatomie County, Kansas
I. CALL TO ORDER David Marten, Board President, called the August 14th regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Rick Glessner Bruce Kocher Rex Green David Marten Mike Handley Kenneth Melvin Merrie Pinick
Others Present: Superintendent Greg Markowitz; Clerk Janell Schmidt, Principal Sandra Zahn
II. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Pinick moved to approve the agenda with an addition to OB1 (2nd HS FB asst.) and additional agenda items; NB6 Personnel Executive Session, NB7 Bus Driver Employment, NB8 Resignation- Custodial/Transportation Supervisor. Glessner seconded. Carried 7-0.
III. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes A. July 17, 2006 Regular Meeting B. July 27, 2006 Special Meeting 2. Special BOE Meeting, FY07 Budget Hearing, 8/21/06, 7:00PM 3. Superintendent’s Report A. New Teacher (and mentors) workday, Thursday, August 17th, Library B. Staff Breakfast & Welcome, August 18th @ 7:30AM, 322 Multi-Purpose Room Melvin moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Glessner seconded. Carried 7-0.
IV. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF BILLS & TREASURER’S REPORT Melvin moved to approve the July 2006 bills and Treasurer’s report as presented. Green seconded. Carried 7-0.
VI. STAFF INPUT Onaga Grade School Principal Sandra Zahn discussed with the Board the new teacher induction book that she has been working on, selected mentor teachers, and the scheduled elementary back to school night.
August 14, 2006 USD 322 Board Meeting Page 1 Official Minutes VII. BOARD REPORTS
1. Board Meeting Schedule, September 2006 The superintendent reminded the Board that two meetings will be held in September; Wednesday, September 6th, Facility Tour/Board Goal-Setting meeting and Monday, September 11th, Regular Meeting.
1. Personnel; Additional Supplemental Contracts, SY 2006-07 Melvin moved to approve supplemental contracts for 2006-2007 to: Dave Labbe OHS Head Girls BB Class 10 $2,859 Judy Glessner OHS 1st Asst. VB Class 6 $1,615 Shari Marten OHS 2nd Asst. VB Class 6 $1,415 Brian King OHS Asst. FB Class 7 $1,502* *In replacement of a 3rd HS asst. football coach Brian will be paid one-way mileage from Manhattan.) Handley seconded. Carried 5-2 (Kocher, Green)
1. Personnel; Grade 1 Para-Educator Green moved to approve a contract for Janie Cottrell as Para-Educator (Gr. 1) for the 2006- 2007 school year at the entry level salary of 90% of the current hourly rate for this position ($9.39/hr) or $8.45/hr during the 6-mo. probationary period with advancement to 100% of the hourly rate following successful completion of the probationary period. Melvin seconded. Carried 7-0.
2. Personnel: 2nd Title Program Para-Educator Green moved to approve a contract for Peggy Roe as Title Program Para-Educator for the 2006-2007 school year at the entry level salary of 90% of the current hourly rate for this position ($9.39/hr) or $8.45/hr during the 6-mo. probationary period with advancement to 100% of the hourly rate following successful completion of the probationary period. Board President Marten stated that he would like to see this position paid at a higher hourly rate since the Federal Title program mandates that Title Para-Educators have at least 60 college credit hours. Melvin seconded. Carried 7-0.
3. Personnel: Resignation, Grade-6 Teacher Glessner moved to accept Chris Field’s letter of resignation as OGS 6th grade teacher effective immediately imposing the USD322 Master Agreement Article II, Section 7 (Release from Contract) penalty of $500. Green seconded. Carried 7-0.
August 14, 2006 USD 322 Board Meeting Page 2 Official Minutes 4. Personnel: Grade 6 Teacher, 2006-2007 Melvin moved to approve a contract for Alvin Enlow as OGS grade 6 teacher for the 2006- 2007 school year at the beginning salary of $36,072 with the stipulation that he successfully complete Kansas teaching licensure. Handley seconded. Carried 7-0.
5. Personnel: Bus Driver Resignation Melvin moved accept the letter of resignation from Rich Lowry as bus driver effective immediately. Green seconded. Carried 6-1 (Kocher).
6. Personnel: Executive Session Handley moved to enter executive session for 25 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel to protect the privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed. Green seconded. Carried 7-0. The Board left regular session at 7:35pm with Superintendent Markowitz. The Board returned to regular session at 8:00pm. No action was taken.
7. Personnel: Bus Driver Employment Green moved to approve a contract for Gary Carman as Bus Driver for the 2006-2007 school year at the entry level salary of 90% of the current hourly rate for this position ($14.33/hr) or $12.90/hr during the 6-mo. probationary period with advancement to 100% of the hourly rate following successful completion of the probationary period. Melvin seconded. Carried 5-2 (Handley & Kocher abstained).
8. Personnel: Custodial/Transportation Supervisor Resignation Marten moved to accept the letter of resignation from Leon Cline as Custodial/Transportation Supervisor effective immediately. Green seconded. Carried 7-0.
X. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, President Marten adjourned the meeting at 9:41PM.
Board President
______Date Approved Clerk of the Board
August 14, 2006 USD 322 Board Meeting Page 3 Official Minutes