News in Liberal Studies worksheet 08 Nov, 2017


True, False, or Not Given State whether the sentences below are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG).

1. Hong Kong has enacted the National Anthem Law. ___ 2. Violation of the local national flag carries penalty of 3 years jail. ___ 3. Dennis Kwok called for public consultation before enacting a local National Anthem Law. ___ 4. Football fans booed the Chinese national anthem recently. ___

All Rights Reserved © Junior Standard, The Standard Newspapers Publishing Limited, 2015 1

News in Liberal Studies worksheet 08 Nov, 2017


A. Fill in the blanks Please complete the table below:

Issue Enacting the 1. ______in Hong Kong.

Background The mainland is amending its 2.______to provide for heavier penalties for conducts of insulting the national anthem.

Hong Kong fans 3.______the Chinese national anthem in a football match in October.

Comments Zhang Rongshun said there is 4.______in enforcing the law in the SAR due to recent incidents of 5. ______the national anthem.

Hong Kong lawmaker said there should be 6.______before the law is enacted.

All Rights Reserved © Junior Standard, The Standard Newspapers Publishing Limited, 2015 1

News in Liberal Studies worksheet 08 Nov, 2017


1. How do you feel about Hong Kong enacting the National Anthem Law? 2. Would that be a violation of the freedom of local residents? Why or why not? 3. Is the punishment of three years jail and $50,000 fine for insulting the national anthem too harsh, too lenient or just right? 4. Do you think it is right to show disrespect to the Chinese national anthem? Why or why not? 5. Do you think it right to insult the anthem or flag of any country?

All Rights Reserved © Junior Standard, The Standard Newspapers Publishing Limited, 2015 1

News in Liberal Studies worksheet 08 Nov, 2017


Junior level

1.F; 2.T; 3.T; 4.T

Advanced level

A. Fill in the blanks

1.National Anthem Law; 2.criminal law; 3.booed; 4.urgency; 5.disrespecting; 6.public consultation

All Rights Reserved © Junior Standard, The Standard Newspapers Publishing Limited, 2015